First, congratulations to you, or anyone that feels confused!
Second, I don’t believe the Universe needs suffering to have happiness, freedom, infinite abundance, etc.
Being 17 and having spent a while studying so much but still having so many things you can learn I appreciate your sincerity and talking freely about what you feel super a lot!
For anyone reading, I will be answering this, or trying to, from a more Law of One perspective, since I have tested it through endless ways over the last 2.5 years, together with the Hawkins scale.
It’s super underrated since it uses numbers, which can sometimes get your unconscious disbelief in the Law of One, or you could say, belief in doubt, involved, which I say since there is never actual lack in the world (e.g. your heart, etc. things that are real that we often ignore), just in our beliefs
— It uses these to calibrate consciousness on a scale from 0.(0)1 to 1000 LOC in third density.
Anyways, I take a very giving-oriented approach.
I go to school, I help poor folks, etc. and I have not acted as a hermit and what I realized is that, from my perspective at least, though we all hold common things, hence the possibility of making scales, or maps, or maps about consciousness - actually, the Universe is made for all of us to experience infinite abundance, beauty, infinity, etc.
Life itself is One, and God made life first to have free will, which basically means God sees every being and thing as having infinite beauty and magic, sexiness, awesomeness, everything, by nature, before even getting to anything more about it.
Second, God made life such that we all are owed infinite love!
Consider that everything is connected to everything else.
Either through a chain of things or directly. For example, your hand is linked, if you are touching a table as you write, to other things on that table, through a chain of “1 thing” to a cup, or water bottle, or anything you might have on that table, like paper.
But the vastness of God and the way everything actually is doesn’t end here.
This is what relationship, or love, truly means, as I find it to be true, and as all of us, I believe, can find in our own unique ways! (thank you for helping me phrase that way, by the way, Dima someone, Dima-san, if you will. You focus a lot on everyone's uniqueness and so that was a focus for this answer as well that just had to be done!)
It is not one thing, of course, the table.
If we study Physics, matter is actually made up of smaller things.
The idea of atoms originates with the Ancient Greeks. Peculiarly, one Leucippus, I believve, if I remember the name right, and one Democritus (yup - the democracy guy from History) who was Leucippus’ student.
These two didn’t believe that this dividing tomfoolery could keep on going forever!
This has to stop!
They naturally believed in one idea, called an atomos, or, “unsliceable”.
Atomoi, plural. with that u-like “i”, I believe. (I’ve only studied a tiny tiny bit of Ancient Greek but this is one of the first declension thingies.)
The atom was verified to have a nucleus, though, by J.J. Thomson, I believe, you might want to look this up, in 1911.
Nuclear Physics had not really been developed until the 20th century because of crude or unavailable devices for the detailed studying.
So, the question now became if this nucleus was just one particle or multiple.
It became clear that it was made up of two types of particles, which to this day, I believe, have not been seen clearly, fully, called a proton and a neutron.
The neutron was then verified in 1932, yup, one year before Hitler’s election.
Truly an interesting time, at least in one way (as for the other, I will say it is an interesting repeating trend, interesting as in full of needless suffering, as Hannibal, an example I know well of this, though there are others too, was also in belief that the wealthy of Carthage had caused the loss against Rome in the first Punic War, and so he created a lot of the Second Punic War’s causes. Oh, dear…).
Anyhow, the neutron and proton are now said to be composed of up quarks and down quarks.
Up quarks, charmed quarks, and top quarks have a charge of +2/3 that of a proton.
Down quarks, strange quarks (which should totally have a positive charge!
Speaking of which, out of curiosity, have you ever argued with a scientific name, just, because you didn't like the way it is written, and feel "This can definitely be done better!", in a sense.
I feel like this is a really helpful source of progress often, but it touches again on an interesting way in which all uniqueness is epic, actually, though the truth of uniqueness is that there is only One, and the One is… well, let’s see…)
The previous parenthesis is actually interesting because it touches on a comment made by someone here and what I love about the ability, the power the virtual and face-to-face conversation can have.
It is the power to invite everyone to share, and just be, free, awesome. To both believe in happiness and uniqueness, you could say.
Teal Swan talks a lot about this kind of BOTHing and calls it AND consciousness (which is not the same, as you might see, and as she tells, and I fully believe, with what we call agreeing to disagree.
Which, is agreeing to not mix perspectives fully out of fear of causing harm.)
I have become a big fan of believing in God, and I believe God does not actually have this thing called guilt.
“Thank you” is something I actually like more.
There is a game I played when I was 10 and later again which I love called Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of The New World.
In it, a character called Richter says “Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality.”, and also, some character says to the kind of shy main character that they’d appreciate thanks more than sorries, if I remember well.
A lot of the time it's just games and common wisdom I have found super nice!
Anyways, so!!! (Before I get someone thrusting a (puffy) sword at me for deviating too much. Though it is very true, I believe, God forgives all because God is, really, omnipresent! You may take this through your viewing lens, of course, but still! God really is in all, ultimately, and God loves everyone and God’s world is one where everyone just has fun with each other and everyone can be happy, free, and awesomely epic! A superstar!!! All of it!!!)
So, down quarks, strange quarks, and bottom quarks have a charge of -1/3 that of a proton, such that our *model*, attempt to tie things together and make a useful tool, shows us a proton as made of two up quarks and one down quarks.
This model is based on how the proton’s components interact among themselves and how they interact with the environment, which are the two pieces to look at in making a model in Physics (as far as I am aware).
It just struck me to mention something, you might find it super cool to see how you can make something awesome.
If you have a situation that feels off, our environments are actually related to us lots, and influence our energy lots.
In terms of potential, just as there is potential energy, if you consider probabilities for A and B to be expressed as relationships of two things, they are AA, AB, BA, BB, so a total of 4 probabilities.
I hope you're with me.
Your environment is a big part of the potential energy available to you, since you have access to all potentials already, and in turning on AB and BA in a certain way you might be giving away energy from AB to BA.
Humans are also often not very innerly focused so most of people’s power (which is what meditation can help with, raising that AA, God happiness.) is only in external relationships.
Reading, dance, music, etc. all also help with AA, meditation is just a more classical thing, ultimately.
Also, this is all just a tool, of course, with whatever use.
Speaking of environments, it is actually that magial series of so, so many little things that make up the table.
The world is already made of infinite love for every single human being, thus.
Free will, when applied in relationship, basically means that the second distortion of the Law of One is best phrased as infinite love! (Including infinite love of “division”, based in an interpretation, I believe, of the first distortion as “lack”)
Aaron talks a lot about three beliefs of the ego, and I have really found that a lot of the negativity of the world seems to be just misused distortions of the Law of One.
Besides lack, perceiving lack in others or ourselves rather than the Divine Perfection, God=Perfection and BOTHness, that is really there.
It is only our ideas about the world that make us suffer, indeed, and as Aaron says, there are only, I believe, though I am open to annnyyything, that there are only two thought systems, God’s thought system, and the ego, disempowerment thought system.
There are some negative tricks as to pleasure maybe, but I truly believe happiness is there and can be chosen.
God always wins, since God is always with us, I would say, right now. A lot of teachers tell us it is even possible to merge with God, and always see everything as One, which is how I kind of imagine 4D.
Again, these are perspectives, so feel what you may, but isn’t it exciting?!
And to return to negative ideas, there are two more I have verified that have so many names Aaron discusses (yes, I know I quote him a lot, but I have really studied often with his system since I often needed super-effective things that work NOW to stay afloat with all my helping, rightttt?)
Problem-reaction-solution (Hegel)
Freeze-flight-fight instincts and beliefs.
The second one and the third are fear, believing in a lack of safety, and control, the belief that the way many perspectives should express is that there is guilt, and thus a need for some kind of control, as I have come to see it.
Helping poor folks, you notice that often the biggest holdback for someone can be a feeling of guilt that expresses as a loop between guilt and controlling others.
So, people either out of fear or belief in being bad control others again and again as if it is natural…
The third belief would thus best be said as “The belief that you can create fix something (e.g. safety) by taking power over a piece of reality.”
So, you can permanently isolate a piece of reality into separation.
This is all ultimately perhaps not so useful, and it doesn't tell us a lot about the origin of evil, but the origin of evil, I would note here, has often been truly one of my greatest curiosities.
It appears right now to me that the answer to it can only be said to be Mysterious.
I don’t like to put answers to things before I know an answer (though I have learned to at the same time be for [an inner, Divine flow of] confidence!) so I guess the answer to this all is really mysterious.
You know, I wanted more than anyone to see the world happy somehow.
What I do right now is honestly surrender to God with all my ability.
I guess this is where I have been lead, where I just pray for happiness.
Happiness is infinite, and precious.
Such is the mystery of all this as I see it.
However, I believe all feeling of wrong and evil, and distrust of reality (e.g. if I surrender to God will I stop relating to people and create a narcissistic bubble of either-or where suffering is ignored) are unfounded.
You don't need to be passionate about war to be happy.
You don't need blood to bleed.
Or visions of heaven to believe.
So, if suffering drags you down, remember...
God is love.
God is love for all beings, wherever.
If this message is interesting, I believe we don’t need to suffer to experience suffering, even, I suppose.
The Universe is dynamic.
From me, I love studying, and through that, through giving myself fully to this pain, I suppose, one might say, in a sense, it comes back around.
So, to add a second part to this - if you do want to keep seeking, that is awesome and will lead you down awesome paths as well, for sure.
There was a call in a Community I joined in 2022 for a few months, called AEP (from literally September 1st to November) called "All Ways Are Fine"
I really have lived that.
Sou desu.
God is with us all…
Adonai and GBU! [The hidden final two verses of the wonderful book, that I have found helpful a few times, actually (3 or 4), called the Tao Te Ching.]
Oh yeah, the final core distortion is expression, or, Light, in the LoO. Expressing ideas, perspectives, etc.
Edit: Emergency Spacing!
Edit 2: Spacing done + Some very small one-word or symbol edits.
Edit 3: Note for later viewers, no edit symbol appears for this post because this forum allows edits made within 10 minutes, as it is built, of the original posting, to not appear as edits!
I accidentally tested it once, making an edit 9 minutes after, and 11 minutes after posting.
Edit 4: oh (11m ago) (not accidentally)