Hey Jah, let me tell you: Five freaking stars lol lol
But all that said… Stories like Mr.Bentovs really highlights why we do what we do every morning. He, like so many who came in this world and spread the message of balanced truth, left us way too soon but just long enough for his light to pass down to us. I felt his light brother. I think if he were still with us he and Mr.Don (Rest-in-Peace Father) would have been great friends lol. I wish Mr.D were around long enough to have met him lol.
Thank you for that interesting ride, I mean, you told me it was an fluent read but…you didn’t tell me it was like THAT lol.
Its almost like reading an Dr.Seuss novel lmao!
One thing I was pleased to “hear” him talk about was the “White-hole” thesis, which is exactly in correspondence with what you said lol. He had some very wise individuals schooling him because the “white-hole” thesis even to this day is viewed under the lens of the theoretical in quantum-physics so, he definitely was still in tuned with his Jewish background.
Well Jah I wanted to read it and spend at least two weeks in meditation of the book but…dude…you really threw me for a loop with that one, but of course in a endearingly positive way hahahaha lol.
That was a blessing…my heart sung page after page.
Well…I guess one good transfer of energy (gesture) deserves another.
So here in the States one of the things that made our country an power house of occultic knowledge and personnel was World War II. So many powerful practitioners from Europe came here to escape Adolph and his bullsh and that was how we got a lot of our material, because as you know, America only brought what we had carried over from England.
So I know this isn’t “Law of One-y” but Jah, O’ brother, you gave me a gift, like, I really enjoyed that book so…can I give you an equally loving gesture back?
…Alright…so during Adolphs round-up and search for “mystic material” he had some women of an very powerful group of women who were based out the country living with him. Yes, actually in his house. The head of that group at that particular time was called Maria Orsic and she was much like Miss Carla in the way that she was an gifted channeler. However, instead of channeling an poorly mistaken Sun-god she was channeling, wait for it…UFO MATERIAL haha -smile-. Yep, she was writing the blueprint on how to build UFOs in Sanskrit, an language even she, an magickal adept, didn’t know fluently so what she was writing at “first shy” she didn’t understand so they had to get an linguistic specialist which was difficult because Sanskrit at even at that time was not well known. Needless to say she escaped his captivity and came to the States where she…well, died, but the details of her death are not officiated.
lol lol But individuals who knew her and passed her legacy down will tell you she was “taken up” by the ones she was channeling.
https://www.amazon.com/Vol1-Maria-originated-created-earths/dp/1300599243/ref=pd_lpo_3?pd_rd_w=W2Okn&content-id=amzn1.sym.116f529c-aa4d-4763-b2b6-4d614ec7dc00&pf_rd_p=116f529c-aa4d-4763-b2b6-4d614ec7dc00&pf_rd_r=8B7E65VS30GEAWQDGJ5S&pd_rd_wg=TGYkq&pd_rd_r=d94930bf-b287-4e81-a992-95a4c33e951f&pd_rd_i=1300599243&psc=1 -there you are
You don’t have to read it lol its just an reciprocal gesture that’s all.
Well brother its the season of giving and I’m feeling particularly festive so please enjoy your Christmas, even if you don’t celebrate the holiday, may you enjoy ever still what it is suppose to represent…and I’ll see you around, in this life or another, in this density or the other.