Transcience, one of my biggest learnings from LoO

Between ‘Strictly Law of One’ and this subforum. I chose this one since I am going to focus a lot of my experience of this teaching than strictly discussing the precise sessions and whatnot. I also am just making a post. I used to ask a lot of questions in the post to give people easy hooks into it but I figured that didn’t really work and people are either going to comment or not regardless of if I ask questions.

The issue in the Law of One teachings on ‘transcience’, is one of the weirdest ones for me to cognitively consider because, when I went back to the quotes. Either I missed something, or I have “simply” remembered something that was not actually in the book.

I remembered that the Law of One talked constantly on not talking about conspiracy subjects as an issue, and that there was even a bit of confrontation with Don. When I read through the books again, which I do every so often, I did not come across a lot of discussion on this. Only vague hints.

Anyway, the teachings as I understand them. The only two passages I have on hand are: 26.36 and 84.7. Are that it is very unwise to look at conspiracy stuff. At least for the trio of the Law of One, in any capacity. That this kind of tunes you to a more negative polarity.

I think this has been one of my biggest teachings from the Law of One. Secondary from it ending my atheism but powerful all the same. Taking these parts out of myself has taken years. I went through various insights about it. Such as that there’s a kind of stress bonding of some sorts to people in general when I was into this material.

It’s only now that that single insight has started to change part of me that is quite deep, and even to make some of the Law of One’s own teachings less interesting to me. An insight I have recently had.

So, now that I have come away from that teaching I am way more invested and interested in my own life and… personally, I realise that a lot of what was uncomfortable to me about those teachings has now become uncomfortable in other areas.

Let me explain. Part of what is uncomfortable to me about conspiracy and political information is how little impact I have on it. But also, because I don’t engage with like… insiders or anything like that, everything about that area is stuff that exists in the abstract non real world.

More and more as I have grown I have become less interested in what I can’t logically prove. Less interested in otherwordly things in general. The history of alien races types of stuff. I feel it’s good to have a basic idea of some of this stuff (for instance, to oppose incorrect biblical teachings for one) but things don’t interest me unless I can work with them myself a lot.

This process has, I think, lead me into more of a philosophical direction. Where everything that is discussed is kind of proven. Where concepts expressed simply, such as service to others, can be explained more in depth. Such as the philosopher Epicurus. Who believed people could only be happy with virtue, since the mental difficulty and practical consequences of bad actions make non virtuous people unhappy.

This also feeds into my life in all sorts of unpredictable and positive ways. One of philosophies benefits I believe, is that it does tackle a lot of the more difficult areas that often share space with service to self manifestations. (Status etc.)

I dunno. I just wanted to offer a thought and see if anyone connects with this!


I also feel the same about this, not having interest in conspiracy anymore or not taking it too deeply and seriously. I just also think that this curiosity and digging that I initially had eventually lead me to TLOO.

Regarding politics, which I am not very knowledgeable on… I think that in it’s core it separates between peoples. “You are either this or that/Trump or Biden/Blue or Red/Left or Right”.

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To me, politics is a lot more than that. If it were not potentially productive it would not be a temptation. There are cases where there is a side that is pretty much all good and another side that is just being malevolent. The vax and lockdown issue is one example.

The fact that there is conflict surrounding an area doesn’t make that area illegitimate. When Jesus said this, what he was saying is that when you pursue virtue evildoers will hit the roof. People will do anything, including refusing to help their own family members, to avoid scrutiny:. Luke 12:51-53

"Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”

For various reasons it is preferable for me to not engage in though. It is similar in a way to what I heard a philosopher say once. When talking about all these strange theories like “maybe we’re living in a simulation”.

“Oh, maybe we are brains in vats experiencing a simulation. GREAT… How does that help anybody? Do you have any ideas on preventing child abuse?”

What it comes down to I think, is that we simply have no impact on grand politics. I have had a lot of really vicious falling outs with people, where messages were sent to get me to be less political and it was used in passive aggression and gossip. Even amongst family members.

Then I got better. I realised the politics had partially been I was simply so ill, had anxiety artificially created in me due to the illness, and I came out of anything political. Got a lot better and apologised to some people for having been overly political.

Do you think these people made their apologies also? Since they were creating an unpleasant environment where they would blow up if I didn’t walk on eggshells? No, of course not. There were some, not many, that did respond a bit positively but I’m still not convinced particularly like me or are going to put effort into the relationship. But most were just unpleasant in general.

I don’t believe it was ever about politics. The fuel for the disagreement came from something else. Something not easy to say, that often comes down to me doing some virtuous thing that others are jealous of. I.e. Stoners do not want you around their girlfriends if you are generally positive and not into drugs, hook ups and have ambition.

For me politics is unbelievably toxic but, that does not mean it’s not true or helpful. Like conspiracy. It is a light that deceives rather than uncovers hidden mystery (80.10).

When something big and political happens and I deliberately don’t engage in it and redirect my energy elsewhere. Like music or something. I feel a palpable improvement in myself. Occasionally an event might happen that is so important I do have to pay attention. But most of it is just noise in my opinion.

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Well done my friend! In my opinion, this is a skillful way to engage with our world.

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