Earth transition to 4th density and its labor pains

First, um …

:sweat_smile: :rofl: :crazy_face:

Mister Who, with all due respect – I have to ask, are you sure you’re addressing me, here, and not tadeus? … I respect tadeus; I see what he sees, albeit, I think, in a less dramatic form due to our geographic location (I am assuming, tadeus, that your location is still in Europe – if I am wrong, please forgive my assumption). No, the US of A is sure as heck not an idealist paradise, but there are islands. They islands are the ones that we make ourselves, with those around us of like mind. My perception is that this is much more difficult to do in Europe at this time.

tadeus asks,

I am going to share something now that I have not wished to previously share, for a number of reasons that may be obvious: The latter (“demanding the best possible from life”) is exactly what I am doing. I cannot elucidate many more specifics than that for reasons that would in and of themselves require elucidation of specifics (yep that’s confusing, sorry) – however, I will state in very, very general terms that what you seek and wish for is available to you if you alter your perceptions and choose to obtain it. Once you have decided to do that – and I mean really decided, on a soul level – you will be startled to find that the vast majority of Humanity, 99.999% thereabouts, does not know that this is even possible – not even in fiddly little casual ways. They believe that XYZ is unobtainable, they make the assumption that it is – and thus, it is, for them.

That’s really just restating LOO philosophy and a whole lot more versions of the same “new age” message in one more restringing of the same words; however, these are my words and I assure you based on my own personal individuated experience that they are true.

As far as usernamewho (which could be abbreviated as UNWHO – um, interesting) – I think I see what you’re saying, perhaps; however, I believe that you have misread my demographics so dramatically based on your post that I don’t really know how to respond to the majority of your post because I perceive it to be predicated upon conclusions that are, in fact, utterly false in too many ways. Everything I wrote appears to have been taken in the context of these inaccuracies and thus, to respond would be to build upon false assumptions that are built upon other false assumptions and thus, a direct response to the majority of your post would most likely be deleterious more than beneficial.

I will, however, respond to this comment, because I’m confused about it:

I am curious as to where in any of my posts – not tadeus’s – did I suggest that we should “do” anything? My suggestion in my last post was that we get popcorn. This was a bad joke (hence, my additional tongue-in-cheek comment that it might “ding my polarity” by saying it). My implication here is that there’s nothing we can do, so we may as well sit back and watch it with interest, attempting to temper our horror.

BTW – while this will, in point of fact, most likely only serve to cement your inaccurate assumptions regarding my demographics rather than dispel them, if you wish to address me formally, I would request that you use my proper (paper) title, which is “Doctor.” :wink:

If we try to interpret this Ra quote and apply it to how we deal with how the world is.

I get the feeling that there must be a way to accept things the way they are and yet not agree with the decisions that made things the way they are.

Now if we look at the full quote.

We can see that remaining angry about the system (and the Elites) and wishing to control/change the system, while still angry at it, will probably not do as much good in the end as we might think.

So how do you guys deal with this? How do we disagree with the Elites without remaining angry at them? How do we positively affect the system without wishing to control it so that it becomes the way we wish it would be ?

Oh my gosh! You’re a doctor? That’s crazy, I can’t believe I’m actually having this conversation with someone who has their medical doctorate. Do you know what an honor that is?? You must be super smart, no doubt about it, so in advance I want to thank you for having this discussion with me, so much, I mean it…

“I respect Tadeaus, I see what he sees.”
This will be perceived as an unintended, yet, indirect admission that both Dr.Ouro and Tadeus are operating under the same framework and-or school-of-thought. Under this premise will UsernameWho adopt the comments, thoughts, and perceptions of Tadeus in cross-application to Dr.Ouro.

“Albeit, not to such an dramatic degree”
UsernameWho posits that Dr.Ouro perhaps reveals his first contradiction in connection with the immediately above quote. Username who presents the following quote from Tadeus in support of this claim, as follows:
“Why do people always think in terms of fighting, not fighting? Which is why I said rebellion v.s revolution”

UsernameWho adopts the definition of rebellion as supplanted by Merriam-Websters’ dictionary.
Username submits the noticing that within this definition we can also find the word “revolution” directly added to further describe the word rebellion. Therefore it will be positioned that the two words are, without more, the same. These two words, now seen as one, are well-settled to have the illustrative description of an individual and-or individuals seeking to enact change with the essence being on an sometimes lowly, however often mostly radical scale. Within the radical, we see manifests of the usage of these words in the form of physical altercation, blood-shed, bodily scuffling, as well as the more lowly form being by way of riot and petition. We infer that Dr.Ouro, by way of self aligning with Tadeus’s framework, means the former supplied forms for, conceivably even if one were to indulge in these as we term softer forms of rebellion/revolutions in the context of these words as applied to the government it can be expected that it will be met with resistance, more foreseeably of an military persuasion, thereby foreseably exacerbating the rebellion to one of the higher more catastrophic and it is therein do we cite the foregoing contradiction: For if Dr.Ouro is to not abrogate with Tadeus’s at said point there is little to no thought of standard and-or limit by which an point of abrogation is to be had in the conventional use of the sequence of words “…not to an such an dramatic extent”

Which, now moving down the flow, brings us to the next chosen enumerations of error to Dr.Ouros’ response.
“I believe that you have misread my demographics so dramatically”

The refutations of the immediately above quote will, herefore, be twofold.
Sub-Point 1: We infer that, in bulk, Dr.Ouros’ point(s) of contention is subjected towards populace within the continent of Europe. UsernameWho submits that his paradigm by which his thesis was presented is “within the same vein”, if not even more an impactful venue than Dr.Ouros for the similarities of State characteristics and political formations between Europe as an whole and the U.S are enough by which no substantial difference between the two Continents are enough to submit UsernameWhos previous position as summarily void, but will leave his self open for further rebuttal in this regard all the same.
Untowards the gentle postion of “…if not an even more impactful venue…” UsernameWho affirms for the U.S has long since been and-or is the standard for governmental “soft enslavement” and sleight brainwashing by way of its money and-or work system as well as the chase for “The american dream”, excessive television consumption, and law enforcement involvement in everyday matters of its people.

Sub-Point 2: Dr.Orous’ attack on topicality grounds infers falsified by gleaning Paragraph 1, Sentence 1 of his thesis. the following: “Mister Who, with all due respect – I have to ask, are you sure you’re addressing me, here, and not tadeus?”
Oberservation: “The immediately above quote this being the very first comment from Dr.Ouros response to UsernameWhos position, and this being mainstayed without more, infers that this comment was used as Dr.Ouros’ critique of the general essence that UsernameWhos overall previous statement would be targeted towards, in the present case being Tadeus.”

Rhetorically speaking, if Dr.Ouros were so aligned with Tadeus’ core thesis and the outer specificities surrounding thatof then to make such an comment to his adverses overall position that it be so untopical that the adverses whole thesis may be summated as such would not only, in a double negative manifest shall we say, indicate Dr.Ouros illustrated degree, if we will, of claimed untopicality. But also, in the double edge, if you will, also excacerbates his inferred view of UsernameWhos direct subject matter alignment with Tadeus. To put it in the aloof, to say “You must not be talking about me at all, what you said, all of it was so off and crazy but that’s the type of speech I know would answer him to a tee, that would answer him directly very very well” and in the same breath go on to, in essence say, “I’m aligned with him, he and I are one on this” is considerably fallacious.
Concievably an forwarded claim of fallacy, on UsernameWhos part, due to not only the high level of claimed untopicality whilst, in the same comment, bolstering indirectly the viewed topicality of his self aligned other- Tadeus, could only be reconciled in the proferred possibility that Dr.Orous’ claim of untopicality was untowards the arena of Tadeus’ “dramatic form” which we will simply cross-apply into our first contention and state also gives said contention notably higher impact.

Conclusion: In conclusion, Dr.Orous’s thesis is summarily void and without operative merit. The doctor uses “broad stroke” speech to only state confusion and claims of contradiction without providing more.

We have shown the holes of such an thesis in an mere two contentions by which the second is supplied with two sub-contentions. For the foregoing to does UsernameWho negate Dr.Ouro.

Uhh … Okay, you win? Not sure what I’m supposed to say here.

Clearly, talking like aliens isn’t working, so let’s talk like Earthicans, then.

What exactly do you think that my thesis even is? If I have one, it’s news to me, so let’s start there …

No offense, but I’m seriously trying to figure out how it is that I offended you so deeply. All I said was that some people came to pick up sheep from my house and they had really nice kids that seemed preternaturally to know stuff. I have no idea how that got translated into … Whatever it is that you’re trying to say, which I really cannot really suss out from your posts.

Maybe I totally misread you, here, but it seems like you’re trying to pick a fight, or win one, that doesn’t need to exist or happen. Regardless, that’s not what I’m here for. Thus, I may or may not respond to your next post, which is not a sleight against you, but just means that I don’t feel like arguing with people on the Internet. If I wanted to do that, I’d make a Reddit account, and go for blood.

Maybe this approach is weird, but … Honestly?

I laugh at them.

I make fun of their shenanigans. It’s getting easier and easier, now, the more extreme they get. Maybe that’s dark humor on my behalf, but … They’re pretty funny, at this point, if you pull back enough. And yes, I realize that is insensitive because so many do not have the wherewithal to see that they are being made into semi-voluntary slaves, but … It works for me. It keeps me from getting angry, from getting enraged; it diffuses their power in my eyes, and allows me to just observe, chuckle wryly, and move on.

That’s the big ol’ question, and I think that the point I’ve been trying to make (albeit obliquely, and, evidently, very, very badly at least in some cases): I don’t think we can affect the system while remaining functionally within it.

I wasn’t home-schooled, but I was fortunate in that my local elementary school growing up was pretty idyllic at the time. (I have since heard that it’s become a nightmare parody of woke-dom, and that’s so freaking sad, but seems to be the case too often these days). My transition from this tiny idyllic small-town elementary school to the larger public middle school and then, later, high school was eye-opening, to put it mildly. Middle school was sufficiently traumatic that I’ve actually blocked most of it out. High school was a bit better, in part because I actually made real friends then, but in large part because, at that point, I had adopted the philosophy that I then termed “No Exit” (no, I hadn’t read Sartre or even heard of him then). Basically, the idea was that, yup, the system sucks, and yup, it’s pretty much inescapable, but once you realize that, you also realize that it has no power over you. It exists, sure, but it does not define you. No matter what, you do not submit to their ideology, and so it does not break you down into it. You can pretty much just do whatever you need to do in, over and around it, and try to be a shining example of disobedience for your fellow prisoners.

Or something.

This requires a certain level of finesse, and it proves difficult for a lot of folks like us, but there are ways. For example, a good friend of mine has been a mineral dealer for 35 years, I think he said, or maybe it was 36 years now. He does use fiat money, sure, and he’s got a driver’s license and pays rent to live in his house, but still – he’s pretty far from the system compared to some people. Moreover, even when he has to interact with the system, and to use the system, he sees the system for what it is.

My takes is that we opt out by degrees, until gradually they’re just left with the cattle herd that they’ve been training all along. The suck part is going to be watching the transition of those who haven’t figured out how to opt-out yet – or who don’t want to.

… That is, unless the SHTF and something weird happens, but that seems less and less likely to occur now. Could be a wild-card, though.

It is no secret that i am staying near the heart of west germany.

Yes - they are not seeking for a better life, they are satisfied to dream from it or to define that the moments that are selled as holiday and free time accomplish a good life.

I would say another component is to adjourn everything in the future.
Really many people convince themselves that the “good life” will be in the future, like “when the time for pension will come I will have a good life”.

But acceptance is often misunderstand, because acceptance is adressed to a situation and not to suppress any dreaming and action to alter a situation.
That’s why Ra stated the use of catalyst and not to absorb catalyst.

Or in other words - take the catalyst to work with it - it must be processed and handled and not simply accepted.
The word accepted is to be seen as opposite of struggling with catalyst, because this will lead to more catalyst and not to a change.

I would say handling the anger about the lies and deception has to do with forgiveness and has nothing to do with handling the situation itself.
This is another fundamental misconception, because most people believe that something will change by replacing the puppets. But it is the installed system itself that is responsible for the situation and guarding the circumstances.

This interpretation is wanted in the same way it is wanted that people will react with violence.
When people get violent the system has a reason to answer with violence and they are prepared best for it. Against a real rebellion the system has no chance and can only turn into open dictatorship.

With the knowledge of the system I see any demonstration only as obeying the system.
The “right for demonstration” is a conceded right for staff / slaves of the system and not for sovereign people acting on their own responsibility.
Especially when they walk through the streets waving flags and begging for further conceded rights.
They only demonstrate that they want to have exactly this state system (military flag) and are not able to understand what they are actually doing - they only show that they want to be mastered.

Everything is designed to create confusion and reinforce cognitive dissonance, so i don’t want to judge the resulting behavior and only encourage to reflect on this behavior.

Some day I do hope to visit this area. My paternal line is from south Germany, I believe (Pirmasense – spelled that totally wrong, I know). I had always wanted to visit with my grandmother, but circumstances did not allow that. My parents spoke very, very fondly of Switzerland.

I guess, then, maybe, we just have to let them be satisfied with that?

… I’m reminded of a Floyd line: “Beating your heart against some mad buggar’s wall” …

I’m actually not trying to create confusion. AT ALL. I was trying to be polite, but my attempts were mistaken for something else entirely. I’m going to tone down the ultra-formal syntax from now on in an attempt to avoid this in the future.

I can be even blunter than this, but not without violating forum rules. :wink:

That’s correct. It’s near the border to france.

Switzerland is about 230 km away.

I expect that it will be less satisfying in the future, because this program of working and holiday will be less fundable and travel for pleasure will be driven out of the people for environmental reasons.

I know - this is a fruitful discussion from my pov.

Good mooooorrniiiing family.
Dude! I am, like, so so so so sorry
Alright so Tribeo lol. Not even gonna lie, if you hate me because of this I swear I’m not laughing at you, but what you said was so funny lol lol.

Anyway man I definitely get what you saw when I sent you that lol lmao, like “Does this guy think hes in the Senate or something?” lol BRO that shiz was so funny.

Anyway all is well all is good, actually just had some breakfast and about to check out the rest of the forum for the day.
I hope YOU can forgive ME, whatever misreading you might have had towards any of that I really think is my fault lol.
But anyway…speaking to you was really cool, I’ll stand by that, cool and hilarious lol.

Like, but no…believe it or not its really not like that. What I can say is just that growing up I debated in school a lot so…eh…
I’ll know to be mindful of the “tone” next time we speak lol it usually just takes one time so…-shrug-

Actually tho the last time I debated someone through the internet was when I was…14…yep. This was when I first joined the team and so I looked for, like, a “online debate website”? And I found one and there was a topic about religion. This was back when I was trying to cross-reference the The Ra Material with Christianity, so shoot there was an atheist I linked up with and…to be honest I’m not gonna lie it was a lot of fun, he gave me my props I gave him his…you know how it is…then we went about our business.
After that debate though, because he was very intelligent for his age and stubborn as hell, I really didn’t wanna go through that again so I quit the whole site and the practice of “Debating online” lol after him I don’t do that anymore.
But -shrug- it is what it is…

Anyway…again, take care of yourself, have fun, and I’ll speak with you later maybe/hopefully alright?

Your brother UsernameWho

No need to apologize man but thank you and accepted :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I’m happy to talk and to discuss, but naah, I don’t really do the whole debate thing. It seems like we got WAY confused really fast and that didn’t go anywhere useful, ha! … I also had a kind of a kick in the butt on a forum once when I was about 14 so I get it totally. :wink: (In my case, I just thought I was adding to the discussion, but what I said on this forum as a teenager – it was for artists – was perceived as so immature that I was called out as “obviously a kid,” which sucked, so I left off forums for years except for some animal related ones.)

Dig the avatar, BTW. … I’ve known a couple of guys who identified pretty strongly with the Joker … It’s a tricky archetype to uphold and keep a positive attitude, though. :wink: But yeah, like I said to Patrick – really all I feel I can do is laugh at the Clown World …!

Thank you again and yeah, I think we utterly misread each other there. But that’s the thing about the Internet … Can’t see who is behind the keyboard, which is a double-edged sword.

Thank you! I remember being shown on a map when I was a kid, but I’m exceptionally bad at geography. Trying to improve.

It is definitely going to get less satisfying … Whether it will wake anyone up, though – I sorta doubt it. :frowning: I feel as if the West has had its opportunities to wake up, and those still asleep are asleep of their own volition.

That’s in the West, that is. Reading about China now … Sending love to those brave souls over there. The Western media might be utterly ignoring them, but maybe if the spiritual community takes notice and pays attention, we can actually affect the outcome even if just in small ways (eg, on an individual level).

The rollout of the Agenda will hit everyone earlier or later.
I would say that different tests are made in different countries, to see where the individual limits of acceptance are, in order to adjust the strategy in the other countries accordingly.

Yes, this appears to be so.

I could post more and worse, but what’s the point? … It does no good to dwell. What I do think is worth it is to be aware … Keep their strategies in mind at all times. View their B.S. through the lens of your knowledge so that, like that old classic, you’re seeing 1s and 0s instead of what they want you to see. (And/or put the glasses on, like in that other movie, but I haven’t actually seen that yet somehow – need to put aside my moratorium on watching stuff alone and just do so.) Their end goal is obvious. Their mechanations are equally so once you’re aware of them.

Anyway, what I was actually hoping this thread would be about is the transition from 3rd density to 4th density from a rather more technical perspective – eg, what does that “look like?”

One thing I am looking for are signs of law enforcement changing the way they do things. I am seeing many positive things on that front. Keeping in mind that the mainstream point of view will not readily show these things and neither the alternative news (or conspirations) point of view. So one must look into such things by themselves.

For example, the youtubers I follow that are living in Russia were really scared of what to say in the beginning of the conflict, but now they realised that no one seems to be monitoring them and they can say whatever they want. This suggests to me that there are not enough law enforcement people willing to apply the draconian rules coming from the Elites over there.

This trend will only accelerate and eventually, tyrants all over the world won’t have enough henchmen left to enforce their ways.

Another thing is that, at some point, since this planet is transiting to a positive 4d planet, the negative biases of people incarnating here will go down. This will start showing in many ways. It is something I am also monitoring.

For example, this will eventually show in the instances of bullying in school going down. This one is easy to track via statistics.

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I would say it is hard to see any technical perspective, because any technic is related to the fiction.
The 4th density of the planet can only be felt.

What Patrick can see and what I can confirm is a slow increase of awakening people that actively resist to repression, violence and war.

Here i would say that there are still enough beings that want to serve STS in the key positions.
But in the existing government structure many employees are more and more unsettled in the lower range.

At least I expect the struggle on earth will take some more years, if no miracle happens.
The plan of the elite is too sophisticated and is prepared for many different variations.
However i would say that we will soon see, if an attempt is made to establish an absolute tyranny with violence.

What I have been calling our biases is here termed: “bouquet of thoughts and feelings”. That is a much more beautiful and poetic way of calling it. :smiley:

In all likelihood, some of those exceptions are related to wanderers. Which, for example, may return to their home vibration.

Interesting take! Very … Practical, if you will.

Thank you for posting that Q’uo excerpt. There is a lot there.

I think what I was getting at is more the, um … Really hard to find the words for it. I guess what I am curious about is the technicalities of the metaphysical. Then, I suppose that means that I am looking for a paradox.

Specifically, I suppose I’m wondering how this:

is going to be achieved. Obviously, the 3D exclusive bodies will die out. In theory, the bodies that replace them will be 4D exclusive; however, we have also been told by Ra that the 4D exclusive bodies / entities cannot coexist with 3D ones due to the fact that this would violate the Law of Confusion by confirming to those of 3rd density that 4th density does, indeed, exist.

So, we are told that there are those incarnating now, and who have been incarnating since the early 1980s, who have “dual-activated bodies” – that is, they are 3rd density, but have a 4th density body in potentiation. We are also told that the 3rd density bodies of these dual-activated individuals will die off with the rest of 3rd density.

I am wondering about the specifics of this transition.

The dual activated has a much easier time of piercing a part of the veil. They have a knowing without knowing.

They understand instinctively about the ways of Love. They very easily forgive and do not keep grudges.

They will die like everyone else once their incarnation is over in 3d. They are here to help with the transition.

I seem to remember reading that nearly all babies born at the moment are dual activated.

I guess that at some point, these dual activated will be the ones giving birth to the first 4d bodies since Ra mentioned that the 4d bodies are created via the process of evolution. But a very rapid one in one generation. A kind of quantum leap.

So after these parents are dead, 3d is over.