Hello, Not trying to create an entire new topic here. Just want to post a question and thoughts.
I understand Earth will become 4th density positive in good time, length of time unknown due to thee freewill choices of all still alive. In the meantime, I understand there will be increasing disharmony on most levels of our 3rd density illusion, thru to very few remaining alive in the aftermath of the New World Disorder that is now emerging in ever more disconcerting ways.
I understand that the importance for those on the path of seeking is to increase their respective polarity to achieve 4th density graduation and that this is more important than desirable / undesirable 3rd density material outcomes in the time remaining.
Just the same, it breaks my heart to think that for the remainder of my life there is going to be such an increasing struggle to simply survive, that the higher fulfillments of living will be harder to attain. This for me as an artist, sculptor, stone mason and builder, is a difficult reckoning. If I can even drum up the opportunity to build shrine and temple, as I very much desire to, that it may be “lazer-etched” out of existence or the land taken by eminent domain. Even if I manage to find that wonderful intentional community on the land, UN storm troopers and robot dogs will arrive and ruin everything.
I desire to be of service thru my God given talents. I desire to align with those hearts also seeking to serve and polarize positively. I seek loving creative collaborative engagements that shore up our collective heart / health and social standing for tomorrow.
However, it sometimes begins to feel like “so what!?” Go ahead and lay the ground work for the beautiful world of tomorrow.
And then watch it burn. Why try?
Are we supposed to just eat it in material terms, little in the way of physical opportunity to act in honor of building our awesome tomorrow?
Thank you for reading this far. Please chime in, help me lift my spirit on this.
Imagine, if you will, what your day to day experience would be like without global news and without being inundated with one narrative after another.
You might start to notice that most things we worry about do not actually manifest often. And for those issues that do manifest within our sphere of influence, you might notice that you are not powerless to influence the outcome.
It is actually possible to live by 4th density principles right here and now. It is mostly an exercise of adjusting our perspective. If you allow yourself to see the world from that outlook, it will transform your experience as if by magic. You’ll begin to see how our “reality” truly is magical in nature.
Hi, Shawn. Welcome here. I hope you find a way to resolve your despairing.
I would say that despair finds resolution in your heart. If you seek it elsewhere, you won’t find much. Distraction maybe, but not meaningful peace.
There’s a concept that what you seek (your heart) is actually that which motivates you to seek (your heart).
In some sense it sounds like you are running on fumes. Your ideals propel you to do things, but then you become discouraged or for other reasons you run out of fuel.
The fuel you have (your inspiration) is the fuel you seek (your love). What stands between these two? That’s a key question.
Maybe you need to build meaningful connections between your inner knowing heart and you outward looking heart?
When you are struggling to understand, the struggling may seem to go [on] interminably. But then, suddenly the rocky places are made smooth, the mountains are made land. In your outer life it is possible nothing might have happened to cause this breakthrough. It is your inner light that counts.
This [is] why we say that you are free. It is your thought, your choice, your understanding. Trust that understanding. And we ask you again, do not fear the wilderness. Do not fear sorrow, desolation, lack of understanding… All of these things mean nothing. Only one thing matters: that is that you continually seek the original Thought. You can not re-choose what is past. You can choose this moment at all times; to become totally conscious of the moment, to see love, to seek the Creator.
Thank you Patrick and Mirror for your shared insights. I have been alternating between positive and negative emotional standings in regards to my outlooks. I get overwhelmed and fall into a completely five sensed material illusion thinking. Overwhelmed just trying to stay abreast of world events and the news, trying to “game out” probable outcomes. I need a media break. I’ve been hibernating all winter without work. Its been good in certain ways, a kind of midlife review has been going on for me. Now its time to emerge from out of my cave into the new year.
Seth, Quo and Neville Goddard, among many others, all speak to the important realization that our outer manifest reality is but the shadow projection of yesterday’s inner thinking and feeling. I’m sure RA does too in their terms, though I can’t recall a specific passage off hand. That we “create our own reality” and co-create our collective shared experience of the world seems to be one of the main lessons of our Third Density incarnations.
This is the Majick I desire to learn. Though I accept it as True conceptually, I struggle maintaining that as an operative embodied stance. I must continue to build my practice around this insight. Thank You again, Patrick and Mirror, I will take your shared offerings into council.