Why do some spiritual types talk about Earth shifting into 5th dimension ??? These are the same people that seem to skip over talk about 4th density/dimension. They say that we are going from 3rd to 5th.
Also, I’m assuming density and dimension are kind of used interchangeably???
I’m satisfied with my 3rd grade/level of understanding right Now. My mind tends to wander outside the Now when I spend my limited space/time in the past or future, especially when I try to define and explain things I can’t possibly understand at this level. My lesson here Now is always to LOVE One another.
Jim Upperpenni
Here’s a Ra quote from season 14.4:
“We have never been gone from your fifth dimension and have been working in this last minor cycle to prepare for harvest.“
From researching the science about the fifth dimension, I’ve concluded that this fifth dimension Ra speaks of is outside of our horizontal space/time and exists Now in the time/space perspective. We cannot grasp this dimension from our third level, but if we trust Ra’s words, the fifth dimension seems to be the office from which Ra works with the callings of human Beings. I imagine Ra resides is sixth density but does their work with Earth from their fifth dimension office.