What I mean is that it is not Orion’s fault. It is our own fault that we are in the situation that we are in. Ra had a better experience and that was their own doing as well.
I agree fully.
I agree too
to Kevin11111,
'Earth, a sou l forge of intoxicating beauty ’ ?
How incredibly beautiful Kevin, Thanks !!!
I have one ‘wonderful love story’ happened during WWII.
Involving a Japanese soldier and “Jugun Ianfu” (Comfort woman or literally soldier sex slave).
It happened on Java island around 1943.
Although this actually also happened in China and Korea.
You can google “Jugun Ianfu” to find the entirety of the story, which actually still leaves a deep scar for many.
The japanese military recruited a lot of local women promising them a good work and money. Once recruited they’re surprised to find the ‘kind of work’ that they need to do, basically becoming sex slave for japanese soldiers in military camp.
One particular soldier, a private in rank, fell in love and pity to a particular Ianfu.
He felt compassionate to the suffering that she need to endure, but he can’t fought the ‘hierarchical structure of the military’ to make any structural changes. Thus he decided to take a ‘very risky action’ that he can do but can be labeled as ‘treason’ punishable by death.
In the middle of the night, he tried to escape the military camp with the ianfu.
But the ianfu is in a weak condition and she cannot run very fast, long story short both of them are being captured. Such action is of course categorized as ‘treason’ by military law.
Both and especially the private received harsh punishment, death by torture, they beat him up, skin sliced by bayonet before finally receiving final treatment through beheading.
They put forth as an ‘example’ for those who dare to to escape or helped a ‘prisoner’ (the ianfu) escape. Basically the “control by fear” method. Furthermore the private and his family back home received a ‘special label’ as “traitor to the emperor”.
Beyond the illusion of “physical world” the ‘private’ actually received a boost of positive polarity for taking such risky and unselfish action.
Just yet another example of “feelings created on the front are often of an extraordinary beauty” as mentioned by flofrog.
There are also many stories of japanese soldiers switching side to china or korea, basically ‘the enemy of the empire’ after witnessing the atrocities and brutality performed by the japanese military during WWII. And even today we’ve witnessed similar thing happened in Ukraine, Russian soldiers switching side to the Ukrainian. The solution from military structure? Employ harsher punishment for treason. #controlByFear
Perhaps at last the notion of war against one’s own species being insane us getting through… prmerhaps at last the simple notion of war against any species ….
War, Brutality, Atrocities does not exist in 4th density positive realm.
And that what actually makes 3rd density ‘interesting’ for ‘wanderer’.
By ‘wandering’ to 3rd density it gives them ample opportunity to ‘boost’ their positive polarity within an incarnation, of course with risk of ‘losing polarity’ as well as they need to follow the rules of ‘memory veiling’.
The story of japanese private above is among an example how an entity can turned the brutality of war as a catalyst to boost their positive polarity through taking a high risk and unselfish act as an expression of unconditional love. Of course there’s a risk that the private will ‘play along’ with other soldiers and participate in the atrocities towards the ianfus, which makes the entity lose much of it’s positive polarity and getting trapped in the wheel of karma of 3rd density.
Another good example is definitely the infamous incarnation story of Iashua/Jesus.
What does this say to the situation of increasing bellicosity now?
Hi Tadeus,
Wow that was very intense in an unpleasant and piercing way. I think it was very well done and seeing what we are capable of and have done portrayed in such a vivid way through time makes me feel a bit of shame and sad that we can justify committing such behavior. In this extreme polarity I don’t know that any atrocity is really impossible.
With Maldek for example what do you have to do to top a people that very literally blew up their own planet in a lusty rage to incinerate their enemy? Blow up a whole solar system? It’s difficult to reconcile the perceived suffering and devastation we inflict on each other, with the Creator’s desire for a full range of diversity and experience. Was it and is it worth playing the roles of mass murderers and masses of victims?
At this level I think any person with any humanity at all would hit the “STOP” button on all cosmic violence and hate if they could, and yet at our higher levels we find so much value in this data, that we have even allowed a planet to be lost. It’s a hard thing to wrap a monkey brain around. Yet, it is us doing this to us, me doing this to me, and you doing this to you. We have played many roles on the stage, and perhaps we are learning the shadowy side and it’s intricate detail, which will balance with more peaceful races like Ra and others who have a hard time fathoming the depths of such darkness and insanity.
I remember there was a UFO (forgot the details) that even came to Earth to learn specifically about the totally weird concept of violence and war. I think they were descended from trees. Not a very illustrious reputation for the home we have made… “Hey, I heard about this planet where they just go nuts disincarnating each other and blowing stuff up. Seriously. No I’m not lying! it’s called Earth” That may sound silly, but I often try to view concepts from vastly different perspectives. Does it seem to others perhaps the way we felt the first time we watched a nature show on tv where lions were eating and ripping apart an animal that was still alive. It must be painful for highly loving beings to witness.
What gives me hope and lights my fire is the knowledge that we realize that such behavior here needs to stop and is intolerable. That we are committed to manifesting a better world each in our own way. We’re here to help and this place needs a lot of it. Like the tired old saying be part of the solution not part of the problem. I’m glad you are all here to help, and it encourages me when others are also strongly opposed the injustice and needless suffering. Eons from now, when we look back on our times here on Earth I wonder what kind of feelings it will stir…
Thanks for posting that. I needed to see it. I think everyone in a high position of power should watch it occasionally. Our ego and arrogance often benefit from a cold bucket of water.
I can honestly say I think the Earth would be a better place if it was governed by women.
Yes - short and intense catalyst to think.
They are working on it now, specially here on this continent.
It’s time that each of us is thinking about this question.
This war games are only the visible top actions on this planet.
It is necessary that the monkey has to jump over his own shadow and to grow up from such possessive and terretorial behavior.
Yes - it could be a fancy adventure park for aliens and indeed it seems to be, when the stories about the Annunaki / Orion are correct.
The Hunger Games are part of the new concept of the future park within the Agenda 2030 (besides it will be 7 (M1 - M7) instead of 12 districts).
It’s hard to agree, thinking at the last “Bundeskanzlerin” here.
It would be a better place when people begin to reflect what they do and why they are doing it.
As a species, “Big Apes” are not alone on this earth with similar behavior and that’s what “3rd density” is all about. Introduction to the opposite path, service-to-others and service-to-self.
Here’s an observation of our little cousins, the chimps, which started to develop ‘similar behavior’, looks like they’re on the ‘later stage of 2nd density’ and evolving towards ‘3rd density’.
Rise Warriors Apes
Rise of the Warrior Apes tells the epic story of an extraordinary troop of chimpanzees in Ngogo, Uganda – featuring four mighty warriors who rule through moral ambiguity, questionable politics, strategic alliances and destroyed trust. The warrior apes, who are known as the largest troop of chimpanzees ever discovered, control a vast empire and reign with terror through war, politics and alliances.
Note: The documentary contains footage of violence performed by apes towards another apes.
Sounds too familiar isn’t it?
Our own collective behaviour is setting the tone/vibration for all of 2d to follow.
The previous documentaries highlighted the rise of “Aggressive / Militaristic Chimps” conquering “Non - Aggressive Peaceful Chimps”. Thus an opposition of polarity has been formed within Chimpanzees.
Yet just miles apart there’s another species which very much look alike in appearance with the Chimps yet evolved in the opposite direction.
They are called the Bonobos.
They are the species which implemented “Make Love not War” motto to the fullest. Thus also famously dubbed “The Hippies Ape”.
While Chimp societies are “Patriarchal” (Male dominance) the Bonobos are “Matriarchal” (Female dominance). The group leader are female, and when conflict arises in the group, the female leader will be the middle-ape to resolve the conflict. After the conflict has been resolved they celebrate the event with an ‘orgy’, lead and arranged by the female leader.
Note: This documentary contains footage of sex performed by ape with another apes.
“Why Sex?” [Chimps vs. Bonobos]
Making Love Not War: World of Bonobos
I remember I read somewhere in L01 that Ra and Venusians took a path which is similar to the bonobos? #sexualEnergyTransfer
For our own benefits, we allowed ourselves to be put in contact with the Left Hand path temptations and many/most of us did indeed become impressed by those concepts and so the rest of this planet’s life forms began to be affected too by what we started outputting.
The collective choices we are making are deeply affecting this world. Before we in 3d started making those choices, I am not even sure that there was any concept of predator and prey within the whole animal kingdom.
From May 26, 1991. This may offer some useful guidance.
Remember always to respect what this instrument calls loyal opposition, and when one is greeted in some way, we ask each to remember to take time to dwell in love, to take the hand of the one who comes in psychic greeting to create fear, or dislike or despair, take that tortured entity’s hand and sit with it in love, and when it has received all the love that it can—and that is not overmuch—it will have to depart. But meanwhile there is a service in acknowledging the presence of what is called evil, and acknowledging the agents of that path with respect and love and compassion. You cannot get rid of negative entities by loving them so that you can be rid of them. You must love them truly and have compassion upon their pain and their
misunderstanding. Realize that these entities are taking the long and slow road, and that they must pass through much more than you who are on the positive path.
I can’t say this has been my reflex response in the past, but I can see the beauty of it.
Anyone feel like attacking me so I practice by holding your hand in love?
Yes - now the question arises why not to be aware that this concept of war with predator and prey has to be obsolete and a new concept of wholeness and love is needed?
I can notice that the concept of control and force is promoted more and more in series, films and main stream media, so that if possible any alternative development is stifled.
Any concept of peace is connected to a New World Order under a totalitarian world governance with unconditional obeying and suppressing any individuality.
This concept does not include any consciousness of spiritual wholeness.
The underlying religion will be the cult of Baal/Luciferianism/Satanism.
Legal Maximes of Law by S.S. Peloubet 1880
Hostes sunt qui nobis vel quibus nos bellum decernimus, ceteri proditores vel praedones sunt.
Enemies are those to whom we declare war or who declare war on us; all others are impostors or pirates.
Feinde sind die, denen wir den Krieg oder die uns den Krieg erklären; alle anderen sind Betrüger oder Piraten.
It really depends on what we choose to see; where our focus is directed. Personally, I see more and more people around me waking up and desiring a better world.
From there if they ask how they can help make things better, we can talk about the work that is required on the self first and foremost.
When/If they start working on the self, they begin to stop being worried about the news, they start seeing the puppet show and the strings and becomes desensitised to it.
Little by little our world starts fixing all the issues, not directly but indirectly, because of all the different everyday choices that people are now making in their own lives and on the things they are decision makers for.
This whole process results in an upward spiral. If instead one focuses on everything that is wrong, then they enter a downward spiral.
Our perspective is all important.
I agree but cannot see that this stands somehow in relation to what I have written.
Most what people get to see are war, force and government / hierarchical chains of command.
Of course it is possible to look away, but this will not change anything.
They must start to reflect / think about it and then made the choice that this should be altered.
Maybe the concept of self responsibility and subsidiarily will have a chance now.