Hello everyone, it’s a pleasure to join you on the new forum. I was on the previous forum but haven’t posted in a while. I thought the above topic might be enjoyable and thought provoking to others, and I also seek the wisdom and opinions of others. I will start by talking about what I did, and my motives for doing so, and I would welcome input as to whether this poses a serious risk to me, or if my actions are inappropriate in the sense of aiding and abetting the enemy. I believe myself as having a strong STO drive and orientation (at this point in my journey).
Last week while randomly thinking about stuff and trying to project love and gratitude to the Creator/all creation I had the thought of this act being of little benefit to the STS entities, and perhaps even harmful should it act to depolarize their chosen path. From what I’ve read projecting Love/Light/Hugs/puppies/rainbows at an STS entity is likely received about as enthusiastically as bringing a skylight to a vampires housewarming party. I believe I felt moved in the spirit of compassion to consciously attempt to be of service to negative entities by attempting to project energy in a form they can utilize for their benefit. I had been pondering my desire to give to “all creation” and then felt I may be leaving the STS folks out, and whether by choice or manipulation this seemingly less fortunate lot has less food or energy without an active heart connection to source. My attitude at the time was that of handing a glass of water to a player on the other team.
I went outside of my house to attempt this. I try to keep a protective sphere of protection around my house, and do not want to invite or engage with negative beings inside, if for nothing else I don’t want that energic residue in my home. It’s nothing fancy, but exudes love and is very very protective of us. More of a spiritual bunker it feels like, which often creaks in agreement, or to get my attention back on task when I’m daydreaming instead of meditating. Perhaps I shouldn’t even have been close to home while attempting this, but I didn’t think about that at the time. Needless info, but I also felt moved to express gratitude for being led to my home, which I consider my biggest material blessing. Thank you Creator/all of you!
To begin with, I composed the intention of broadcasting a message to all STS entities respectfully acknowledging their dedication and thanking them for participating in this beautiful experience, and that I would be attempting to send out energy that they could utilize. After attempting to project that for a few moments I then visualized an intense white light entering my body from source, and then focused on transmuting this into a “lower frequency” which would be attainable to them. I pictured radiating bright yellow and red light energy, and also a strong push of lower frequency emotional energy (like a lower pitched buzz than normal) that I estimated to be similar to the feelings of anger/fear. I did this for a minute or two and then felt resolution so I stopped. I also believe I perceived feelings of thanks and gratitude, not only for the energy, but also an unexpected acknowledgment of respect, which may be atypical of their experience with 3D STO beings. I then consciously severed ALL connections, and then reinstituted a conscious connection to source.
I’m a little surprised and bemused that I would do such a thing. A year ago I would have been as likely to try that as I would be to leave a trail of jelly beans for Grizzly bears to walk into my house. So far I haven’t had any problem with negatives bothering me. I was concerned the outcome might be like putting out food for stray animals and then they keep coming around (no disrespect intended/ bad analogy) or that it might form a connection that would make me more susceptible to attack/having my energy siphoned off. So far I have been feeling really good since then and feel a sense of peace about it. The notion of doing it again also doesn’t seem to bring up any underlying feelings of concern.
Now for the moral aspect, and I would also welcome opinions as to the appropriateness of my views at this level. From a broader view I consider the skirmishes of light vs dark to be “fair ball” as it exists in creation by design. I also tend to view the dastardly deeds and manipulations as painful and unpleasant at this level, yet adding to the richness and complexity and possibly viewed as a precious experience post integration? I picture a beautiful flower with a few extra petals. For whatever reason I’m inclined to think a more advanced “soul” would be grateful for all it’s experience and choices, not just the times they wore or encountered those who wore the white hat. Is there really such a thing as cheating or playing unfair? Does the ability to perpetrate an act signify it’s permissibility within the Law? Is it more up to the other side to determine what actions/responses are appropriate utilizing their free will in this fascinating and beautiful drama/experience?
On one hand I can see my actions as giving food and shelter to enemy soldiers, and I do feel dedicated to supporting light and “fighting” for love and freedom across the Cosmos. This situation always reminds me of Star Wars, and stirs ponderings at so many levels… It now seems we have the Empire (STS) on the ropes, as they move into a more defensive posture with some desperate hail Mary’s, and it appears the STS capability may be greatly diminished for many smaller cycles. Now it appears they are in the position of the Rebels, except they are also weakened internally by entropy. I am truly grateful for both sides. I believe the movie would have been boring without a worthy adversary, and I wonder if our souls evolution would be less without a determined and competent adversary within this polarity to bring out our best, and push the range of experience to sometimes uncomfortable levels? Will an athlete really be at their best if they only compete against children and the elderly?
Thank you for reading all this, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions. I think forums can function somewhat as a clunky, poor mans social memory complex (now with extra distortions!)
I wish you all well with love and gratitude, and congrats on being here at this time. The movie is starting to get REALLY good isn’t it ! While you are in the leading role, don’t forget to also enjoy the moment, and some popcorn.
Incarnation is the business of the soul.