Is a wanderer incarnating to play a game against the self?
The real enemy is the belief/faith in the fictional system, that has been installed to obtain an unintended slavery. (In the documentation of the SYSTEM they call it religion, because everything is basing on a belief/faith to keep the Maat.)
This is playing in their hands and can be simply stopped with recognizing and stopping to serve it.
How this positive thinking will evolve and work within the time of an great reset?
Yes - this should be part of the process of awakening, but i am in doubt that this will come first for most of the people.
My friend, there are no wrong ways of waking up. Your way is as valuable as any other. And in any case, once we have forgiven the system, the Elites and ourselves we find a renewed hope and a bright outlook.
Forgiveness will not offer new ways of life - alternatives have to come from us.
Part of the way of the Elite is to let implode the financial system and economy, to transform everything in an social credit system with world socialism. This will be the final state of unintended enslavement.
So hope remains only on the side of the passive people and an planned bright outlook on the other side that has control. This has already been the way for thousands of years.
I beg to differ. Alternatives are already coming from us. Collectively adopting the stance I have talked about would definitely offer us a new way of life, including a new system. Because we would make alternative choices in our lives and when different type of people present themselves for election, these would get people’s vote.
There are many beautiful things to glance at within the military for example. The camaraderie, the learning of how to successfully accomplish goals, sacrifice for others. The fact that the military’s purpose serves a negative system does not remove the innate beauty that it has.
On the one hand, trying to overthrow/fix the system without changing ourselves first will get us nowhere. This is what has always been tried in the past. It never works. It changes things superficially, but in time the Elites will get control again of whatever new ways we put in place. Because our hearts still has the biases they used to seduce us in the first place.
On the other hand, if we change ourselves first, then the Elites will naturally lose hold of the system and when the Elites try to control again in the future, our children will have been raised differently by then and we will not be interested in the ideas that STS is peddling.
So collective forgiveness naturally results in the Elites losing hold. It gives the desired result without fighting and without effort.
We have already so much “non profit organisations” like the WHO or the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which are provided with a much larger financial budget and they are all proud to be philanthropic.
Please forgive me that i am not able to see loving aspects of a military structure, that is drilling beings to effectively kill other beings on order.
What could have been done really positive with all of this expenditures for example?
Yes - please start with analyzing the fundamental faith and beliefs. This has never been tried. The system of unintended slavery has only been adjusted, the multiple religious systems behind has been refined.
Yes - because the basic principles of the Maat have not been recognized and understand.
I would say the bias of the heart has nothing to do with understanding the financial debt system or political and religious systems.
There is love in the moment. In every moment. In every situation. In any concepts. In everyone and in everything. So of course there is love in the military, in the concept of money and in the reasons why the Elites are doing what they’re doing.
It is only a matter of choosing to see this love in the moment and feel at peace within oneself. The alternative is feeling fearful of a shadow that is only cast by ourselves.
I do not wish to change your mind and I believe we have each given much food for thought to our readers.
I can see and feel the love in the moment and the One Creator in everything.
But I have choosen not to love war, bellicosity and enslavement.
It is possible for me to send love to every deluded and suffering being and to help gaia to overcome this difficult transformation process.
For me it is difficult to feel peace in oneself in a world of nations in (hot and cold) war under beings with the believe/faith in the necessity of dividing and military conflicts, that is the opposite of Oneness.
We have really changed enough food for thoughts and my hope is that our readers will take the time and opportunity to break the loop of the implemented/programmed belief/faith and rules, that keeps them under control of the Maat of the system.
I think this is a beautiful desire of yours, to want to send love to negative entities, but wanting to aid them in their polarity is one I’m not so sure about lol.
From my perspective, it is enough to send love to the whole creation, this is a more unified view than what you have described, I believe.
If you send love to the whole creation and it happens to reach a negative entity who wants to receive your love, then great.
I say this playfully, but it’s like you had a pure desire that was at 90% purity, and the other 10% was like you was playing with fire a little to see what would happen if you did send them energy lol.
You say you felt moved to do this, and that’s good enough in my opinion. But, if you’re unsure and have any doubt when it comes to actions or desires that potentially reach out to negative entities, I wouldn’t do it
You chose to have a bias, and only love a certain part of the overall creation.
A noble hero.
I wonder what manifestation in the real world this would bring if you keep asking for it.
I wonder if I will see you on the news tadeus, saving people from a mass shooter, giving away all your saving for the hungry. Or even better, in the front line as a volunteer medic in Ukraine.
But for now, I think your heroic deed that is done in the safety of your home is very good and should be recognized.
Great work my friend !
Like Patrick has pointed out, it starts with oneself.
Why is it “difficult” when you are at peace with oneself?
Do you see yourself as important? when a thousand years from now, your body is only substance for the soil?
The brain that you are using to formulate your thoughts and typing these words will be non-existent.
Per haps your understanding of peace must FIT in your own perspective and bias for it to be “well.”
Our friends from the sts path see the exact same bias as you do, they see separation,
Perhaps even “cherry picks” what they “prefer” or “not” just like you do.
Perhaps they also find it “difficult” to feel at peace with themselves in a world that is full of scattered energy, and everyone doing their own things, not focusing under one effort.
Perhaps, they are just like you, trying to unite everyone under one cause, with the intention to “win” over our adversaries.
Who are the adversaries by the way?
The elites? the people and constructs that you listed?
Are all not from the oneness of the infinite creator?
The opposite of oneness is the bias, and “difference” that you see in all of creation, the paradoxes.
When you exercise your freewill to choose what you like, you don’t like, what you want, you don’t want.
That’s when the “great journey” begins.
You have learned well from our heroic friend tadeus, I am glad you were able to be touched by such a magnificent and noble being. His zoom session is even better, I love his “galaxy” background that he put up. Send him my love and light for me.
All are opinions, and all are “half-truths,” some are even only a “fraction-of-truths.”
I thank you and Patrick for the extensive dialogs of opinions and personal perspective, but I would dispel it as any impression of profound knowledge that you may have hold that others do not.
Is that a conspiracy? or something you tell others so they need to look for a savior for answers?
I have choosen not to send love to things which serve to fight each other and thus to see us as separate.
This is not in contradiction to be able to see love in the necessity of the use of extreme catalyst to force the choice of beings.
My choice as incarnated being has been done because i recognized, that the human beings are not able to be aware of the stage play, in which they play only a role for serving STS.
It’s not a question of a hero, it is a question of what remains that can be done.
The most important and perverse thug is the system, which simultaneously creates/stages the threats and then appears as a noble savior from them.
If another war is actually staged here, then of course one’s own life will be defended, but not by blindly obeying the orders of those who instigated it.
If it is the destiny to die in this stage play, then this must be accepted without to support it and having become part of this sick madness.
When it is maybe the need of somebodys development to serve in STS as body slave in an military system, then this is only his individual way.
Why I have to follow this agenda?
What is happening in the ucraine now is the result of ignored fascism and the extreme result of acceptance of this mad stage play. It will encounter on many more places of this planet, when the people will not recognize what the stage play of the system is - germany is again the favourite next place.
My brother - the risk of meet with your hostility has been foreseen and is accepted now, because no one can be part of an military structure without a dualistic thinking of hero and coward, soldier and civilist.
Touching it will result into an aggressive response due to the cognitive dissonance.
Please forgive if your feelings have been hurt.
Besides - is the (needed) difference of the (kind of) person (soldier and civilist) and kind of legal basis for it clear and aware?
Yes - everything is an result of the choice / free will and point of view.
It is difficult, because i am aware of the silly and mad stage play, that most of the people are still deluded. It is an expression of despair that they do not want to perceive it.
It is existing and it is a wonderful tool for analyzing the physical illusion it is part of.
Peace includes the acceptance of different point of views and the principle, that everything is allowed, if no one is harmed.
So you prefer war and bellicosity both as a fact and as the basis of life?
What is the one effort and why the energy is scattered?
Up to now nobody has defined here what is an enemy and “our adversaries” - please do it.
All beings are from the Oneness, but not the ideas, concepts and principles of life we encounter since a long time.
The opposite of Oneness is Separation - not more or less - of course you can try to make complicate interpretations around it.
Who is the heroic friend?
Knowledge is always only a point of view, as result of indications and facts, linked to the respective point in time.
This is what the quoted video documentation is pointing at, as an new alternative point of view for the underlying system of power. You will find an ongoing summary at the link/thread, that maybe will give an idea about the meaning of the Maat.
My heart and admiration goes out to you Kevin. And really anyone in the battle, any side.
My brother, who is french, did his military time in Algeria way back in the late fifties. For two years. His best friend was killed. He joined at some time for one year the foreign legion, and he was already then a pacifist, lol. His love was for his buddies and to also the enemy soldier in a very strange way, mixed up in that situation…
War is just an insanity in itself . But the feelings created on the front are often of an extraordinary beauty.
On édit : Kevin you might find that post by Mirror, quite wonderful , it’s the first post on the thread : The Right Use. of Power : the masculine and feminine.
Quie beautiful…
I would like to thank everyone for sharing your thoughts, insights and wisdom with me. It has been very enlightening and has provided much for contemplation. I’m grateful to you all and apologize for not being more engaged in this thread lately, things are a bit busy but in a good way.
Hello Flofrog! I was wondering if you were active on the new forum and I’m glad to see you here. I’ve always had an affinity for you and your posts. Your post rings poetic to me for some reason, perhaps because you convey a lot of the emotion in a few brief paragraphs with piercing truth. Yes I agree war is insanity, and it’s easy to become somewhat desensitized with war on the news and in the movies where the public seldom reflects on the long term suffering of those who lost people.
When hostilities end coverage often revolves around rebuilding “stuff”. Such suffering and destruction yet as you pointed out I also perceive a stark beauty to it. Not in the pain but in the forging of bonds, and the loyalty between comrades.
It seems odd and counter-intuitive doesn’t it? Makes zero logical sense, and yet I understand that oddness, and also feel it’s pull.
I did read that thread you mentioned, and yes it is a wonderful thread. I often view my preferred use of polarity in the masculine and feminine context. Masculine will of force applied to feminine compassion and love is a very powerful force for good in my opinion.
I would say war is the best way to traumatize and polarize human beings.
Hopefully there was not a wrong understanding about my persuasion of heroes.
They really exist and it is the biggest STO when someone subordinates his life to save others.
What I question is the reason why such situations occur in a war and how this can be prevented.
In this sense I can understand this bonds you are writing about, but I see them nevertheless in a dualistic way.
Here are different military cemeteries, both of the “own” and the “enemy” soldiers - practically separated in eternity.
The reasons for the deaths of all these people are not forgotten, yet they seem meaningless today - even worse is when the same situations are evoked again and no one notices these “monuments” of the past - mostly only a few people who have experienced the war.
Nobody dares to define how an “enemy” is defined.
So here is the definition of the “West” preparing for the time after the second world war:
There will be an opposite definition in the “East”, but without video so far.
Now the same situation is rising up again, but only other keywords are used.
Yes I agree and think you stated that well. To me it seems meaningless and cruel from the human perspective, especially when I was a disgruntled Atheist and thought this was our only shot. I guess the redeeming qualities, or positive aspects require that it be considered from other perspectives. I hope and pray that wars largely become a thing of the past, and I’m optimistic about the future of Earth.
Although Ra’s planet Venus quickly ascended due to harmony within the group, violence and manipulation seem to be an area of experience many 3D planets come to know. Part of the wide ranging aspects of what is possible. Extreme Love and Extreme pain on a massive scale. Stretching an aspect of polarity, for experiences and lessons over a broader range.
Perhaps from our higher self perspective it is more like we are playing roles in an impromptu movie, and opportunities to be the victim and perpetrator carry less sting. Myself playing a soldier killed me playing another soldier.
To the discriminating incarnator with a sense of adventure this planet seems to offer a lot. I’ve heard it referred to as a “pressure cooker” environment, and it certainly does feel that way sometimes. Vibrant, passionate, and extreme biodiversity seem to be abundant.
I think for most of the worlds population their perceived adversaries are formed by community consensus, which is usually being covertly influenced by those with the desire and means. It was the Russians while I was growing up. They could drop a bomb on us any day… and in grade school I remember the duck and cover drills, where we learned to avoid death in nuclear war by laying under our desk and covering our ears. News covering the threat, and friends and relatives talking about these threats, it reinforces the boogey man and tends to get most people on the same page.
Our beloved friends Ra seem to have avoided much of this disharmonious stage on Venus, which seem to have led to well meaning mistakes by providing too much information/tech to people at a given time. Perhaps not anticipating the potential darkness of the human heart. I think that’s where we have an advantage here. We are in this intense arena, and we are learning and growing at a faster rate, with a more diverse self. The drama seems to be ratcheting up, but it goes along with what Ra says, so I’m not worried about it. Bumps in the road on the way to a better tomorrow.
This hope and praying has unfortunately not helped for so long.
In reality you can watch here how the next world war is staged.
The USA is involved again in it and among other things one reason is, to have a sufficient reason to be able to print new Fiat money.
So please - what really helps to exit this loop?
Ra’s planet was not under the control of STS entities for whatever reason - so this can not be compared with each other.
Yes - this potential could be used for really wonderful things.
How can something like a “Communist Directive” be a community consensus?
This is the crucial point i wanted to emphasize.
Thus no one here has demanded from the so-called people’s representatives to interfere in the war in Ukraine in the manner undertaken.
The people have more than enough of staged wars and to be divided.
Can you imagine that at school it is not teached any more that gemany has been divided?
It is still an occupied country because an peace treaty has been prevented.
The simply reason is that an ongoing world war is needed to be able to invade a country at any time without declaring a war. This is the international law side of the dirty game.
When you think about such inadequate nonsense you should laugh, but now it is possible to recognize, that this drill only served to create a knot of fear.
Please don’t dream what has encountered to other civilizations, please think what we can do to reach a similar state and what are the reasons, why it could not be reached for such a long time.
Please forgive that I only see another loop and that I have adverted that there are no different world wars - only one with periods of ceasefire.
My hope is that the people will finally realize this.
A nice sentence with a double meaning in my eyes, because you must heat it until it glows and hit it with a hammer to form something in a forge. That fits, but I can imagine gentler methods of shaping.
I believe after the community is influenced by leaders and the media, the populace tends to homogenize the level of fear at the perceived threat. Concerned neighbors talking about it with other concerned neighbors… yet few are running down the street screaming. I wasn’t talking about what starts this bias, but how it is moderated and sustained by society.
I believe you can achieve your goal when you shift the bias of society. How you do that is only limited by your imagination.
I guess I don’t really have more to say about it at this point, or know any more about the topic. It sounds like some books on sociology and psychology/group psychology might bring you the knowledge you are seeking. It’s a humanist view, but another good perspective that can help us understand what makes this hybrid monkey brain tick.
Brevity is best applied by the ignorant, yet I type.
This does not mean that Ra’s planet, while in 3d, was not being targeted by Orion. It just means that the heart of those of Ra were much less seduced by the concepts that Orion is peddling. Their bias were more loving and accepting than we here on Earth.