Requiem for Kain

Recently a member of this community was thoroughly flushed down the memory hole; this saddens me.

I felt that Kain – now described as “Void” – added a sharpness and a clarity to the conversation here. He was up front about being of a different persuasion and from that vantage he challenged others to pull their pants up. (I’m thinking here about how Yossarian used to call this place a circle-jerk.) How often does some entity appear here claiming to be STO and then exhibits an amazing capacity for solipsism? Why allow that behavior and then squelch someone with more honest instincts?

This irritates me the same way Oswego Jeremy is apparently allowed to say some things but not others. He’s evidently forbidden to refer to channeled material produced by his own group? Is this so? This would strike me as being antithetical and insulting to Carla Rueckert’s life’s work of trying and failing again and again to set up parallel channeling circles. So, you are forbidding that, yet allowing ongoing quotes and references and links to non-Confederation sources such as Bashar and Seth? Is this congruent with intellectual integrity, I must ask?

I would be very interested to know if the controlling operatives of this forum gave thorough consideration to the spiritual principles involved in this, because this would make a rather interesting discussion topic. Surely, the decision to flush Brother Kain was made following some shared thought among those who “control” this enterprise.

Is this action primarily based in Love or in fear (or control)?

Where is the love here?

When is it a good idea to destroy catalyst? This brings up the way LLR destroyed catalyst in forum discussions which discussed their weaknesses, personal and corporate. Is this how we grow spiritually? Or is there an higher order value you are safeguarding by destroying catalyst.

I’m wondering if what this means is that you have no substantial desire to look into the Mirror, which makes my position here rather uncertain, I am further saddened to realize.

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Dear Mirror, our brother/sister Kain/Void was not flushed.

But it appears that they decided to edit all their posts and remove all their content themselves.

Well, that’s a surprise!!!

Maybe I should erase my post as well, just to even things out?

Thanks for the clarification, Patrick.

He seems to have bounced back due to the lack of synchronicity and polar differences of his forum interlocutors. And I guess that’s how it should naturally be…

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To my opinion there’s an issue. Forum’s rules say there should not be service to self promotion. And it’s evident why it’s so. But I think there should be a corner for such discussions, but separate one. I don’t think there can be another solution, and the analogy is why Logos did it (splitted ways in 4th density).

26.23 This would be the loss to the Creator of part of the Creator and thus we were given permission, not to stop the events, but to ensure the survival of the, shall we say, disembodied mind/body/spirit complex. This we did in those events which you mention, losing no spirit or portion or holograph or microcosm of the macrocosmic Infinite One.

Even if at this stage integration of such “opposite” views is impossible it doesn’t mean an attempt should be rejected. How can one say “you’re the creator” without trying to understand the issue Logos has/had.

There is an (another) issue is that administration can be hard. If not moving service-to-self talks to separate place it might create an infinite mess of paradoxical discussions. But it should be clear why conversation moved there and if explaining it logically it requires lot’s of work to untangle (placing it in indigo ray). Alternatively it can be placed into green ray, but in this case it’s not possible to explain.

I regret Kain deleted the posts (along with some users disappeared from the forum) but cannot ask others to do work I’m not ready to do.

25.7 This is the most difficult work of the Confederation. Only four planetary entities at any one time are asked to partake in this conflict.

For whatever it is worth, I’ll add my voice to the confusion over this reasoning.

It does not seem consistent that non-Confederation channeled sources can be added to a conversation anywhere on the forum but non-LLR Confederation sources cannot. Maybe this can be revisited by the decision makers.


I tend to agree, this is introduce a risk of turning LLR into a kind of ‘authority church’, similar to Ancient Egyptian religion and Catholicism.
So far I’ve been trying to be consistent of posting any relevant material from any sources (Yogic, Taoism, Buddhism, Einstein, Quantum Physics, Bashar, Yeshua, Rumi, Quo, Ra, Latwii, LOTR, Star Wars) if it can better explain MY point of view/bias/opinion. With full understanding that each and everyone will have their own unique point of view / bias / opinion which differ and sometimes in opposition of my own.


What is “LLR Confederation”?..

I am committed to protecting this place, and anyone serious about working towards STO should oppose STS, but with love as their weapon.

This fight should neutralize STS in two ways. Either the person, influenced by love, joins our “pack” and declares that they are abandoning STS in favor of STO, having opened themselves to change.

Or the person decides they’ve had enough and, under the influence of our light and love, concludes that they still want to keep their polarity but have had enough of us. The light and love are too much for them, and they choose to leave us.

There is a “conflict of polarities.” This conflict ceases at the level of the 7th and 8th Densities, where there is no separation of polarities. However, the nature of the lower Densities is what it is, and by understanding the existence of polarities and consciously developing, there is upward progress in either direction.

Therefore, I see no concessions to the promotion of STS, in the sense of allowing this philosophy to spread and dominate here. The only thing that could be done on this forum is perhaps to create a section focusing on learning about and exploring STS, but with the intention of understanding both polarities. Since STS is the opposite of STO, getting to know STS well can help us understand STO better, by finding exact opposite things to STS (then go out to STO).

However, STS should never be given the opportunity to promote, persuade, or create a subgroup within our STO group. This goes against the purpose and idea of development towards STO. Especially since those who are STS have many opportunities for development. STS is currently experiencing its peak; however their dominance is beginning to crumble and will continue to do so year by year. Nevertheless, they are now completely dominating the planet like never before, taking desperate measures.

Currently, we have wars, the deprivation of citizens’ freedom, and even institutions that were supposed to promote love and the ideals of Christ are acting in ways that contradict conservative values.

Cain has plenty of room to live and grow right now, simply by plugging into the mainstream. Or he can join other channeling groups that operate in STS, either directly or under the guise of being STO. I can point him to an example of such a group in a private message.

Let this forum remain dedicated primarily to the true, traditional, and unchanging STO principles from the first channeling contacts of LLR. Based on the ideals of the pursuit of unconditional love and full dedication to this path, without making excuses. At least that is my will and intention.

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25.6 Questioner: Could you amplify the meaning of what you said by “failure to accept that which is given?”

Ra: I am Ra. At the level of time/space at which this takes place in the form of what you may call thought-war, the most accepting and loving energy would be to so love those who wished to manipulate that those entities were surrounded, engulfed, and transformed by positive energies.

This, however, being a battle of equals, the Confederation is aware that it cannot, on equal footing, allow itself to be manipulated in order to remain purely positive, for then though pure it would not be of any consequence, having been placed by the so-called powers of darkness under the heel, as you may say.

It is thus that those who deal with this thought-war must be defensive rather than accepting in order to preserve their usefulness in service to others. Thusly, they cannot accept fully what the Orion Confederation wishes to give, that being enslavement. Thusly, some polarity is lost due to this friction and both sides, if you will, must then regroup.

Sorry…my phrasing may have been a bit confusing. I was referring to the distinction between the channeling of Confederation sources that came through LL Research channeling circles vs. other channeling circles not affiliated with LL Research.


Can you please how such self-serving sentiments are actually serving others? To me, this feels like a retreat into darkness rather than a search for truth.

Seeking in the light and seeking in the darkness actually hold much in common and could learn from one another. This space is supposed to be about study and learning, or that’s what Patrick tells me. So, why oppose study of alternative ways of seeking? What is so brittle that you feel you must protect it from ideas? “Are you not all things?”

If you have a problem with policies here, my recommendation would be to register them with the administration of L/L Research directly. Patrick has no ability to change policies and isn’t a position to address these kinds of concerns.

If we need a space to discuss the many current sites of contact with the confederation, we’d be better off just starting our own forum. If anybody is interested in helping establish that, reach out to me privately. I’ve run a forum very similar to this in the past, but I do not have the resources to moderate it personally, and it needs to be moderated to ensure safety.

With respect to Kain, I think those who profess an STS orientation on an STO forum know what they’re doing. I agree that he provided very thoughtful points, but it undermines community to declare yourself an opponent of the philosophy and energetics we seek to cultivate here. It’s not personal.

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As I wrote, there is nothing wrong with understanding what STS is, because even as we learn STO, we are partly learning STS, by virtue of the fact that STS is the opposite of STO. So once you understand and feel what STO is, you are already one step away from understanding STS, because now all you have to do is create opposites to STO and find STS.

But developing and building a community around STO, is something different than developing and building a community around STS. They are simply two completely different schools, in addition to being opposite in the application of many things. Either you get to know yourself and the Creator on the STO path, or you do it on the STS path. There is no path that combines the two. Until you reach the level of 7th Density, it is very important to develop on the chosen path of polarity.

“Are you not all things?” - At the 7th Density level, yes. Not at the 3rd Density level. It’s like at level 7th we are good friends before a soccer game. We are all the same and we are neutral. But then it comes into play at lower levels of Density, we divide into two teams and play a game, one playing in black jerseys (STS) and the other in white jerseys (STO). Eventually this game ends and we go down to the locker room, we are neutral again and are a close-knit pack of friends (7th Density). However, as long as the match lasted, each of us was going to give it our all and chip in as many goals as possible for our team.

And Kain is not on our team. He is on the opposing team. Someday we will be united again and we will be friends, just as we were before this Octave of experience began. Now the ball game is underway and you have to decide whether you join the black shirts or the white shirts.

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Hey guys!

This is super interesting.

I happen to be really passionate about designing freer Internet interfacing.

You know, for example, I am looking for someone to make the vision of designing less tending towards linear mediums, environments.

You know, text, I read in this book about analysis, ‘text is always linear’, i’d say it really tends towards that generally.

Besides that, an idea I had for such a dynamic environment intended more as an interface for community and aid to study (which is very similar to this website, so I feel this may be interesting) -

– Yes, one idea I had based on History is not using moderation and rather creating a parliament.

You can scale this as you will, first let’s talk about this idea’s function and how it works, I believe that you can run things based on inspiration as your focus.

I like to distinguish between inspiration and management, though the words might not mean exactly this in speech, you can run a system based on inspiring values, using minimum intervention, or you can run it on management, and this (editor’s note: talking about inspiration rule, where you just prevent everyone doing things you can’t defend in court - right, Jesus taught “Agree quickly, before they take you to court.” - things you don’t believe you could defend for your community quite yet in court) would probably, by the Law of One, be considered a more 4th density, everyone is welcome model.

I guess this is actually a really interesting model, too, creating an environment centered on one particular kind of study, focusing inwards.

I don't really know the answers, but I felt like sharing this, seeing this beautiful conversation here.

I love Common Law.

“Hey, where is the injured party in this?”

But, again, that’s what I love about spirituality, and systems, all things being systems, they’re really so - artistic.

I’d say.

The Universe can be so vast.

A number of the the points you make are reasonable, but not agreeable with myself. Perhaps we can each learn a little something in the exchange of ideas?

First off, with all due respect, I find this way of thinking leaning more STS than STO, and that observation, I would say, points to how much more overlap there is between the seeking of STO and STS individuals than is commonly recognized.

For reference, this Ra, 68.17.

The positive polarity sees love in all things. The negative polarity is clever.

The way you portray our STS fellows as members of an opposing sports team (a viewed shared by others, I would note), does not feel to me as an assessment coming from the heart, laden with caring. It feels clever. Saying we can reverse their methods to understand our own seems all about cleverness and not about love.

You might ask, So what? Why is this distinction of any importance? I would answer that, the further one progresses upon any spiritual path, the more that integrity and responsibility loom as important elements of one’s being. In other words, the basis upon which your decisions are made (loving or not so loving) is not trivial because, the higher you reach, the more pressure is born by your fundamental architecture, if you will. This is exactly why Confed. sources unceasingly remind us to, uh, keep our bottoms clean by clearing the messes in our lower energy centers. The lower centers support the higher, and to the extent that important decisions are not based in clear love, the less support one’s creative endeavors can expect from that which supports them.

Myself, I honestly don’t see the positive and negative paths as necessarily opposing one another, although that certainly can happen. I see it like this. Let’s say I approach Divinity through Vishnu, emphasizing worship and devotion, while your approach your sense of Divinity is through Shiva with your austerities and mantras and long periods of meditation.

We could see ourselves as being on different, even opposing teams – and wars have been fought over such things – or we could view the other as being odd, but perhaps also having many good qualities. First, both may be motivated by similar underlying desires, or maybe we share certain goals in common in terms of how we approach higher levels of consciousness, and so forth.

Those on the negative path, generally speaking, are seeking the one infinite Creator. We contain every quality, in some measure, which they contain. Learning from them directly is to learn about ourselves, like it or not.

Ra asked this of Don Elkins when Elkins was very much in third density. Are we (positive and negative) not, in some sense, on the same team, rather than different teams, when it comes to our origins and composition.

Of course, there are meaningful differences between the two groups, and these should also be respected. But it seems that these differences are more widely recognized than the similarities…which is often the case among groups of humans.

I got the sense that our ephemeral friends was not declaring himself an opponent, per se, but more one with different preferences and understandings.

That said, he did tend to dodge the more difficult questions I put to him, that is not unusual behavior in any context.

Lastly, if a member of the forum becomes abusive or otherwise unwieldy, they should be escorted out so as to preserve the presumed sanctity of the place. I am not promoting raucous nonsense. I am suggesting that love could be stretched a bit farther to include those who may declare themselves as different from what this group takes itself to be while also maintaining a respectful demeanor.

In an attempt to raise the ante here a bit further, I offer the following.

As I read the Confederation message, they see the first leg of the human journey as being involved with self-interested matters at the level of the first three energy centers. A change occurs when an individual becomes anchored at the level of the fourth center, where the interest shifts from the basic needs of the self to the level of the universal, that is, universal love, love for all, love which opens up to include all. From here, higher energies are drawn down (through the so-called north pole of the entity) and these give shape and substance to further work done by the entity.

On the negative side of things, there is also a shift from small minded, self centered concerns to larger concerns. For the STO entity to understand the STS perspective on this could be useful because if might provoke a wider view of what universal means. Better understanding of this could lead to more depth of being.

I agree that he didn’t really do anything egregious and made many quite thoughtful remarks, but I these things get mirky real quick, and because many here are still learning discernment, I think it’s best to meet these situations head-on. Just my view.

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Yes, without STS, STO cannot exist.
When you’ve made a decision to pursue STO path, take comfort that STS will not agree with any of your view. Or to rephrase this, when STS is in opposition to some or all of your view, you’re surely on the right track of STO.
Or the other way around, when your decision is to pursue STS path, take comfort that STO will not agree with any of your view.

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