Recently a member of this community was thoroughly flushed down the memory hole; this saddens me.
I felt that Kain – now described as “Void” – added a sharpness and a clarity to the conversation here. He was up front about being of a different persuasion and from that vantage he challenged others to pull their pants up. (I’m thinking here about how Yossarian used to call this place a circle-jerk.) How often does some entity appear here claiming to be STO and then exhibits an amazing capacity for solipsism? Why allow that behavior and then squelch someone with more honest instincts?
This irritates me the same way Oswego Jeremy is apparently allowed to say some things but not others. He’s evidently forbidden to refer to channeled material produced by his own group? Is this so? This would strike me as being antithetical and insulting to Carla Rueckert’s life’s work of trying and failing again and again to set up parallel channeling circles. So, you are forbidding that, yet allowing ongoing quotes and references and links to non-Confederation sources such as Bashar and Seth? Is this congruent with intellectual integrity, I must ask?
I would be very interested to know if the controlling operatives of this forum gave thorough consideration to the spiritual principles involved in this, because this would make a rather interesting discussion topic. Surely, the decision to flush Brother Kain was made following some shared thought among those who “control” this enterprise.
Is this action primarily based in Love or in fear (or control)?
Where is the love here?
When is it a good idea to destroy catalyst? This brings up the way LLR destroyed catalyst in forum discussions which discussed their weaknesses, personal and corporate. Is this how we grow spiritually? Or is there an higher order value you are safeguarding by destroying catalyst.
I’m wondering if what this means is that you have no substantial desire to look into the Mirror, which makes my position here rather uncertain, I am further saddened to realize.