Some clear words

And the law of karma also implies, based on intention (plan).

Looking back at history:
The “plan” of Nazi Germany was to conquer much land of Europe (and avenge the losses and humiliation of WW1), yet they failed to do so. But as aftermath the action of Nazi Germany also triggered the end of Europe Colonialism as it also bring down British Empire, French Empire, Dutch Empire and Belgian Empire igniting more freedom to the colonies and also gradually erode many “racism” and “class based society” on the planet.
Although such “positive” consequences was not part of the Nazi Germany’s intention.

I posted this in the “Jesus” thread, but let me just repost it here…

Nice, Hitler helped to make the British see the Hitler within them. Albeit this was unintended by Hitler.

Yes definitely, for me as well.

Given the nature of the Universe, forming an inner conviction about reality or belief in certain things, including the turn of events, and expressing certain desires in a state of meditation or prayer may simply have greater meaning and fuller impact. I think saying and thinking “no” is that first right step. However, some effort at inner work (such as I mentioned or similar) will solidify it.

My comments were specifically directed at this point. Regarding manipulation and pressure exerted on people, it’s clear that it’s an STS approach. I was curious about your opinion: Is the attitude I described sufficient to counteract STS, or might it be considered a form of compliance with STS.

I’ve read the text at the provided link. Considering this and our overall discussion, I believe we generally think alike and are on the same page, though we may differ on some nuances.

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I agree with you. And to my opinion the next step is ignoring. When all is completely clear why spending energy on saying ¨no¨? Like router is blocking IP during DDoS attack. Because replying is more energy-costing action than request is. But there should be some difference between such ignore and sinkhole of indifference in seeming external likeness.


Due to the veil of separation / ego, one will hard to see thing within one self as ego always intrude. Yet ego will be silent when one see others.

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The ego is always threatened, that’s how you know it’s the ego.

Eckhart Tolle goes deeply into the workings of the ego in his books The Power of Now and A New Earth.

I highly recommend those two books.

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The negative forces (Asura) are not believing in Karma.
They only believe in themselves and force to others.

I would say this have been replaced seamless by international corporations.

Do you really need enemies?

Doesn’t matter, law of karma is automatically imposed to all. Light/Dark, Positive/Negative.

Do you need “Not Enemies”? (Friends/Allies)

I would have to agree with you. Since Karma is a tool that the Self uses to help itself evolve via its interactions with others (wishing to be accountable in order to learn from interactions), it is probable that STS entities do not accrue Karma. Simply because it’s not a useful tool to them.

Agatha Christies novel The Big Four should base on the real scenario of the secret powers behind the enactment of the wars.

I would say this is counteract to STS.

That’s normal.


Yes - but this has an impact to the acting of individuals.

As human being they are needed.
But is this a polarity (enemies / friends)?

Nobody has explained this as good as Armin Risi (“Machtwechsel auf der Erde” 1999) so far:

The highest, only real reality is the abstract unity, the ‘universe’, and this is neutral, without inherent purpose, without meaning and without good and evil; it is merciless indifference.
Whoever can recognize and acknowledge this is a true realist and is enlightened (lat. illuminatus).
Only we, the enlightened (lat. illuminati), are entitled to lead the world, and therefore a new world order with the enlightened at its head is the key to world peace.
Everything that serves this goal is necessary and is above good and evil."

When Illuminati are spoken of here, this does not only refer to the members of the Weishaupt Order, but to all those who believe in such an atheistic-monistic world view and think that their end justifies all means, since they are “enlightened”.
This enlightenment, however, is a sham enlightenment that springs from a diabolical delusion.

The term “Illuminati” is not about any membership or about a certain grouping, but about a mentality: the self-important opinion, one is “better than the others”, why “our” purpose “sanctifies” the means.

The “enlightened” atheists are convinced of the correctness of their faith and accordingly want to establish a world order in which all people live according to this “truth”.
They say that man must be “enlightened” and “free-minded” so that he no longer needs the illusion of a God; religion in the theistic sense should be abolished and replaced by a worldly, “humanistic” ethic; only when this realization has prevailed will peace and order return to the world; this is the only sense in a world without sense, and everything that serves the achievement of this goal is not “good” and therefore not “evil”, but simply “necessary”; to do what is necessary is the uncompromising consequence of enlightenment put into practice… …

On the basis of such convictions there are influential people who believe that good and evil are synonymous and indifferent.
Their only criterion is “necessity”: “We do nothing good and nothing evil, but only what is necessary.” Necessary according to their view is everything that promotes the “progress” and “development” of people until they have recognized the “truth of monism” and approve the corresponding world order.

The strongmen, who pursue such plans, do not think in any way that they are evil.
On the contrary, they consider themselves the benefactors of mankind, since they “take the trouble” to direct the external circumstances in such a way that certain “evolutionary steps” become possible - progress towards an atheistic world order.
They are convinced that “certain evolutionary advances can be achieved only in a climate of friction and antagonism which is deliberately created …”

Translated with

There is a quote of the illuminati for this later in the book.

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This is a good analogy.
Specially when we are deprogramming and don’t follow the programmed thoughts, beliefs and rules any more and instead follow our own compass with real ethics.

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As the law of free will dictate, each entity are free to choose their path.
The law of karma acted like a mirror, what goes around shall comes around, what’s being projected shall be reflected back, thus it by itself shall act as a guidance for each entity.
As eventually the finish line of the path is the same for all entities.

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Beautiful video. Law of Attraction at work.

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