Some clear words

This is all true - but does not address the theme of this thread or solve the problem of the extreme Asura activity at this time.

One of the main points is that the negative forces / Asuras are active by their own, but the positive forces / Devas / Suras must be asked to help from us and get active.

“Suras and asuras have quite a number of parallels, but in the end the suras always retain the upper hand, for they assure themselves of Visnu’s help. As it is said in the Bhagavad-Gita (18.78): “Wherever Krsna is present, there certainly are wealth, victory, power and morality.””

““Asuras seek refuge in insatiable lust, pride and false prestige, and are therefore in illusion. They are conspiring to unclean work and are attracted to the impermanent. They believe that satisfying the senses until the end of life is the greatest necessity of human civilization. Therefore, their worries have no end. Bound by hundreds of thousands of desires and by lust and anger, they secure money for sense gratification by illegal means.” (Bg 16.10-12)”

Vālmīki - Rāmāyaṇa, Vol. 4: Kiṣkindhā-kāṇḍa, Appendix 1.

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Service takes many form. Walking in a forest and finding it beautiful is a service to the planet, the Creation and the Creator.

You do what you need to do, I do what I need to do, Arjun do what he need to do, Krishna do what he need to do, Asura do what they need to do, X (whomever X is) do what they need to do.
Every entity have their own unique role and path in the game.
And it’s guaranteed as the game was designed as such.

As previously mentioned everything will always be balanced and also was, is always balanced.

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"In the monistic world views, “God as You” is called an illusion, because “everything is one”. God is therefore not a factor in practical life, even if one speaks of God for the sake of form.

The all-is-one philosophies underestimate God and thus also the human beings as counterpart and ultimately do not see them as “You”.

Without the perception of the You, real love and real compassion are not possible, because if one thinks everything is good the way it is, one cannot respond with real compassion in the face of the suffering and injustice of the world."

Source: Einheit im Licht der Ganzheit - Armin Risi

The all-is-one state do not judge.
Thus mis-judging and also it’s opposite; correct judging will not exist.
Thus a ‘distortion’ (using Ra’s lingo) or ‘sense of separation’ (you,me,them) is required in order for mis and correct judging to exist. Thus; the mis and correct judging will always be subjective, depending on each separated point of view, caused by distortion / separation.

Without the distortion, good and it’s opposite bad will not exist either.
Thus within ‘unity’ state or ‘unity’ point of view everything just IS.

That’s the reason why everything will always have it’s opposite pair. good/bad, STO/STS, light/dark, positive/negative, deva/asura, angel/demon, protagonist/antagonist, pandavas/kauravas etc…
Each of those pair are basically two side of the same coin.
When one side is missing the other side will not exist either.
Thanks to “black”, “white” is now exist / recognizable.
Without “black” it will be like this:

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The original word that has been used is “verkennen”. (Just used an translator engine.)
This should be better translated with underestimate or misunderstand or maybe misjudge and not with judge, so I corrected this.

But the core of his assessment is good, because this “All is one” can be an fallacy, specially used in New cAge.

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From our forum principles.

This seems to be along the lines of what you are trying to say. :slight_smile:


It appears that the concept of “All is one” is sensible if we understand that Oneness originally dispersed. Just like potential hidden in a single point dispersing to form a sphere around it.

When observing any other point outside the One, it would be distinct and different both from the One and from other points scattered within the sphere’s space. Thus, we encounter a paradox, where everything we distinguish is simultaneously one and the same, yet entirely different.

In my view, it is erroneous to believe that any arbitrary point can substitute for the Oneness. The religious commandment “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” springs to mind.

Hence, it is accurate to believe that all these points, including us as individual consciousnesses, which could be mirrored as these points on the sphere, should aim to reconnect with the Oneness.

“All is one” will bear fruit if one perceives it somewhat like this: “All originate from the same source and are equally valuable to the Creator. However, for Him to be able to develop Himself, there must be a collective movement towards the source of what Oneness represents.”

Thus, contemplating the idea that we are all one will yield results when there is a will and awareness of development towards Oneness, enabling a reconnection with the One Creator.

A literal understanding that ‘All is One’ can disrupt the process, because such literal thinking might logically conclude that self-serving (STS) is equivalent to serving others (STO).

A more accurate perspective is that the essence of all beings as One involves working towards merging everything into One. In this context, serving others (STO) directly expresses this aspiration, while serving oneself (STS) opposes it, presenting a challenge to those who aim to serve others (STO) and unite into One, within the One Creator.

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Yes - it seems to be a paradox, but only when we try to see the oneness under the veil in the third density.
We can find here the oneness only within us.
In this awareness we can try to act in STO, but during this incarnation we will always be separated.
It seems to be (only) oneness within the heart.

But what we are discussing here is that we can never practice oneness with the negative entities / Asuras, because they are not able to be aware any oneness with the creator or other beings.
They recognize only agreement to their chain of commands / force or not.
Those who will not accept / obey have to be destroyed, because this is needed to fulfill their plans for the human race in their eyes. Everything that is needed is justified and not bad.

I perceive it slightly differently, a perspective I’ve hinted at in a previous post. For anyone cognizant of the Law of One, the objective should be to reintegrate oneself and all other dispersed parts back to the source of Oneness.

This can be achieved by uniting and progressing towards that Oneness.

One might symbolically envision the One as a luminous sphere of light above oneself, residing in the metaphysical world, and ask: ‘What subsequent step can I take to draw nearer to this metaphysical Light/One?’

Surrounding us are individuals who tend to evolve towards either Service to Others (STO) or Service to Self (STS). With those aligned with STO, we can collaborate on a shared journey towards One, mutually supportive.

Concerning those on the STS path, as STO we can evolve by bolstering ourselves on the chosen (STO) path, defending ourselves from their (STS) influences that might divert us from this path to the One, training our spiritual muscles. STS provides a catalyst for STO progression.

Another approach is, while preserving free will of others, to invite those of STS to join us on the journey towards the One, for ultimately, this is the terminal point even for those presently on the STS path.

This is not a new concept in the so-called “New Age” Tadeus, it’s been around since recorded history.

The Upanishads and Advaita Vedanta dating back to 800 BC states the same. Daoism dating back to 600 BC states the same. Every mystic who has reached enlightenment has stated the same…hundreds of them by now (of all mystical traditions).

The One Creator is in all…is all; every sentient being, every mineral, every element, every atom. The most negatively polarised entity has the One Creator within, just like every positively polarised entity, and all shades inbetween.

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The “saga of polarity” isn’t easy for anyone, no-one can witness the immense suffering of others and be untouched.

It’s the One getting to know the One… and by all appearances it looks like insanity… at least on this sphere…

Tend to agree on this, actually it’s been around since before recorded history.

I tend not to agree on this principle, it’s left to the free will of each entity whether they want to ‘polarize’ (towards STO or STS) or to go beyond the polarization between STO or STS.

Using the same image as illustration.
It’s left to each entity’s free will whether they want to identify as: “I am white” (and thus not black) or “I am black” (and thus not white) or “I am both white and black”.

As eliminating black it will become:

And eliminating white it will become:

Transcending duality…well we’re talking adepthood. Joel Goldsmith describes it in his book The Thunder of Silence.

Lao Tzu obviously achieved it. Non-duality (or non-dual) is the end of the path of the adept in 3rd density.

We need to make a distinction between choosing your path, and “mastering” the path.

For the vast majority a “conscious” choice is the reality, and from thereon refining of the choice is the road ahead.

It’s of equal difficulty for both polarities.

That’s why this is not in the forum guidelines per se and only in the forum principles. :wink:

It was written at a time when members were using Oneness as an excuse to use this forum to teach negativity or do whatever they wanted to other members.

So our principles are what our guidelines are based on, but it is certainly not expected that members will believe or accept the same principles for themselves. We only ask that the guidelines per se be accepted.

Here is another excerpt of the principles.

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I think what I’m trying to get at is that “intellectual knowledge” of this being so and “experiential knowledge” of this being so is the difference.

The mystics who have awakened speak from “experiential knowledge”.

I was specifically referring to the knowledge being known to humans of which we have evidence today - Upanishads, Vedas, Zhuangzi, Liezi, etc.

Naturally it was so from the “beginning” of “time” and will be so for all eternity.

Most likely if we could have had access to Atlantean writings, we would have found the knowledge being known to them as well.

And those who does need to be ‘contained’ and ‘controlled’.
Bingo, the wisdom of STS catalyst, the ‘necessity’ to rule over others.
The ‘art’ is how to find the proper ‘balance’ between the white and the black.
Rather than seeing ‘at’ the white or the black, I prefer to see ‘through’ the white and the black.

It is a bit like providing a quiet study area where people are asked to go outside to yell at each others. The behaviour is not in question, all can do as they please. But the quiet study area cannot serve its purpose without any boundaries.

Those boundaries can certainly be seen as measures of control which participants freely accepts before participating.

It is similar to incarnating on this veiled Earth. We agree to be put under certain limitations, mainly the veil of forgetting, before coming to play this game.

This thread was basically started with a statement from Anna who is revolting against those limitations which we all agreed upon before being born. We simply do not remember.

The subject of control and acceptance within online communities has been a very fertile one for a good while now. I’m not sure we could resolve it to everyone’s satisfaction. :slight_smile: