Title must be at least 15 characters? That seems like a kind of arbitrary rule.
Hell-o people. Just dropping in with something that piques my curiousity in a way I can’t suppress. Not intending to post a lot, only on this.
Apparently, 15% of NDE’s are not of heaven but of “hell”. There is not a lot of precedent of this in the Law of One but that is not to say there is zero.
I wanted to think through whether this is legitimate and where it could fit in, wondering if anyone else has had insights or thoughts about this. As I continue to write and go back to edit this line I realise I have perhaps summarised things so much that it kind of answers the questions.
Firstly, my understanding is that NDE’s in general are many times legitimate and that there is no brain activity happening when a person has an NDE. That it is a brain fart is what I have heard committed atheists say.
A thought, when perusing this material, I am obviously going to explore skepticism to this idea. The first thing that makes me skeptical is that a lot of the places that explore this theme, like the video I am just about to share, are fundamentalist Christian. The thing with Christians is that they are unbelievably evangelical, and often unbelievably hypocritical from what I have heard. You can see a lot of youtube comment sections of Christian themed videos just being ‘Amen, praise Jesus’ over and over again and it takes a certain sort of odd fanaticism to think that that is a useful contribution to anything.
This is the angle that this guy is coming from. But his video offers a very brief hell testimony (not many brief and succinct hell testimonials) and he seems genuine. I do think when searching for the truth it is obviously good to have researchers that are intent on finding it:
OK, so general thoughts. The general paradigm surrounding the new age, and connected with the Law of One. Prefers I think to believe that everyone has a life review and it is all a generally positive affair. Was it Michael Newton that wrote that book about ‘life between lives’.
But, even though people like Michael Newton belong to the ‘everything is positive’ leaning, like, there is no evil only confusion. We know from the Law of One that is not true. As in there are legions upon legions of negative “angelic” forces.
Three things I can think of that we do know about negativity from the Law of One. One is that there is a layer in our earths crust where negative thought forms exist and are sometimes aided in becoming manifest for cattle mutilation. Two that there is a negative portion of earth time/ space. That the 5th density negative wanderer intended to displace Carla to. Third, that if Carla had of been displaced to the negative, the positive wandered in negative time space would not have been able to perceive anyone around it so would have existed in “complete darkness”.
The complete darkness indicates there is no life review or anything like that in negative time/ space. Also, that if the positive wanderer COULD see their now peers in that space, that what they would likely have been is demons. If they were demons then what we understand as hell might be what they see there.
I think in one of the hell testimonies I saw it was said that in the three days between Jesus’ death and resurrection he went down to hell to administer to the people there.
There is a lot more to say here. Firstly, even though you get all these Jesus’ tubers using the hell testimonies to support their faith. I think the actual evidence is that it is not as clear cut. There are many Christians that experience hell and many atheists or even things like suicides that experience a positive NDE.
There are people who have researched and written books on Hell NDE’s. So I think those would have an incentive to look for the truth of it. But I’m basically too poor to buy a book like that. For £15 or whatever it is.
Second, the idea that some of these people who die go to hell, even though some are teenagers, it is a fact of life I have found that people who do bad things will simply never reveal these things, and there is a lot of child “violation” and such like that in society, but we can’t assume they were all “sinners” either, so that is just some thoughts there.
I wonder if anyone has any thoughts on this and also, if you were looking at this area, how would you seek to determine what is true and what is false on this area?
Another thing I wonder is how do the hell peeps reincarnate? It doesn’t seem like there is any movement or process in this place so how does it get to “Oh, now I am going to reincarnate in this body for this reason”?
I could also understand how these people would flit into this life without much depth and insight into their characters, how, if people did have a negative time/ space between lives experience that such a person wouldn’t function like the rest of us.