A post was merged into an existing topic: Q’uotes Discussions
Q’uote of the Day
September 10th, 1995
"Those things which aid in connecting the faith deep within to the conscious mind include first of all the regular meditation, for in the silence of meditation connections from within the deep mind are being made and information is flowing. Also, we suggest the encouragement within the self of praise and thanksgiving for all, large and small, or the ephemeral world that may meet the senses. Prayer, praise and thanksgiving are three resources that add and strengthen the connection to faith. "
Always… ALWAYS yes capital letters, for some reason it feels serious making words bigger like that Always can be thanksful, there is never a reason not too… well there are plently but im talking about the top of pyramid, hmm should I say that given conspiracy talk of that symbolicy reference… well thats not what im refering too more the metaphysical service to other element of course!
This quote comes to mind about quote…
95.24 Questioner: From that statement I interpret the following meaning: That if the Experience of the Mind has sufficiently chosen the right-hand path, as total purity is approached in choosing of the right-hand path, then total imperviousness from the effect of the left-hand catalyst is also approached. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is exquisitely perceptive. The seeker which has purely chosen the service-to-others path shall certainly not have a variant apparent incarnational experience. There is no outward shelter in your illusion from the gusts, flurries, and blizzards of quick and cruel catalyst.
However, to the pure, all that is encountered speaks of the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. The cruelest blow is seen with an ambiance of challenges offered and opportunities to come. Thusly, the great pitch of light is held high above such an one so that all interpretation may be seen to be protected by light."
The next quote also comes to mind too… well I will place the entirety of the quote there for context but really its that last sentence…
" 19.17 Questioner: Can you tell me what bias creates their momentum toward the chosen path of service to self?
Ra: I am Ra. We can speak only in metaphor. Some love the light. Some love the darkness. It is a matter of the unique and infinitely various Creator choosing and playing among its experiences as a child upon a picnic. Some enjoy the picnic and find the sun beautiful, the food delicious, the games refreshing, and glow with the joy of creation. Some find the night delicious, their picnic being pain, difficulty, sufferings of others, and the examination of the perversities of nature. These enjoy a different picnic.
All these experiences are available. It is free will of each entity which chooses the form of play, the form of pleasure."
Do not be overly concerned tho… thanksgiving and appreciation will naturally comes as one polarises further and seeks more… For those drawn to a love but wisdom element thrown in its good to know and thereby encourage willfully when moment feels rights.
Q’uote of the Day
“Each of you has many assets and resources in place. Among these resources are meditation, and each of you has personal practices: the reading, the contemplation, the solitary walking, the discussion with companions, the work in healing, the work with various structures of thought which provide ways of thinking about the issues that matter to you. All of these are valuable. Meditation especially, as each who has heard us before is aware, is that which we most encourage and recommend as a daily practice.”
I cannot help but laugh at this question the mountain part… for it used to be something after reading so much spiritual texts I thought was necessary for quite some time. Oh how freeing it is when the truth is realised deeper and deeper… not by reading however its helpful although I am slightly biased due to ahhh certain connections
“The question this week has to do with whether or not it is possible in this day and age and in the place in which we live for us to use meditation and personal works to become the seeker we hope to be, to achieve that state of being that will allow us to radiate the love and the light of the Creator and to continue to expand as learning and growing beings. Or is it still necessary to retire to a cave in the Himalayan Mountains and meditate for twenty years with some small chance for success, of some hope of achieving a realization of who we really are?”
The transcripts talk on this in many contexts and layers of meaning… is that stating the obvious, yes… but… well it felt nice saying it
Q’uote of the Day
December 20th, 1986
"…We can offer to those who wish to be free of idolatry is a consciousness of other’s needs, for if stewardship of any gift and talent is expressed, then the gates of abundance open and one is flooded with plenty. We do not ask that you see money as a means to an end, we do not ask that you stop thinking about money. We do not ask any system of intellectual training whatsoever—we ask only that it be recognized that worship of that which is known is idolatry and is not a satisfactory way in which to polarize one’s path or to accelerate the pace of one’s journey upon it. "
Now obviously the great preincarnative lesson with money lies with lack or plenty with money being a resource can be expressed to a higher form in that way… is there an inner bias to feel a lack of or an abundance…
"I am Q’uo, and if we have perceived your query correctly, we would equate the metaprogram with the preincarnative choices that have been chosen by each seeker, that there may be the opportunities for learning and then the reciprocal opportunities for serving according to that which has been learned in the life pattern. The programming of such opportunities consists, in general, in the imbedding, shall we say, of certain biases with the subconscious mind and in the conscious mind, when helpful, as well, that will allow opportunities of a certain nature to occur when these biases come in contact with a certain set of circumstances.
For example, if an entity has, for a number of its incarnations, concerned itself with the concept of abundance and its opposite, that being the seeming lack of abundance, then the degree of progress, shall we say, that has been achieved in the mental attitude that sees some degree of abundance or lack of abundance within all situations will be triggered when there is the coincidence of a situation where there is the need for enough of one quality or another, substance or another, to be present within the life pattern for the seeker to feel a certain degree of satisfaction or comfort or the feeling that it is cared for, provided for, and is secure.
Thus, as the seeker moves through various circumstances where it finds itself in need of more of a quality or commodity, then will its programming be triggered so that its attitude will be brought to bear upon the situation which is, in itself, relatively neutral, the coloration of an emotional nature coming primarily from the subconscious mind, according to the program of the seeker.
Thus, the metaprogram, or preincarnative choice, will allow the seeker to pursue the degree of balance that it has chosen previous to the incarnation, and to continue to refining, or in many cases, simply approaching, this degree of balance that will allow the seeker to achieve the goal which it has set for itself prior to the incarnation."
Q’uote of the Day
May 4th, 2003
" …When one who is a servant of the light and of the Godhead principle, shall we say, gazes upon an other self, no matter what that self is asking, the basic service is the connection of unity without judgment of any kind but with absolute faith that this entity is a spiritual entity and is to be honored, loved, respected and treated as a spiritual entity. "
All is one… so its about seeing other self as self… However the transcript does focus on the importance of differentiating… pleasing others vs service which certainly is not the same. Pleasing its pretty obvious what that is… if unsure heart can help guide the way. Here is more on the service part… After this I will finish with a Law of One quote that sums it up nicely…
" Serving someone is fundamentally the awareness that you and the person you are serving are one entity, united, singular and absolutely equal. Rejoicing in the apparent differences, a servant of the light relates to other selves as “themselves,” knowing that the self and the other-self are a certain kind of entity, citizens of eternity, dwellers beyond time and space, within a universe that is as wide as infinity and as small as the interior of the human heart. Indeed, may we say that from our perspective, the universe lies within each of your hearts and all the stars and all the galaxies actually reside within. So as you sit upon your blanket and gaze at the outward stars, you are also gazing within at precisely the same view. That which lies within you is infinity, blessing, grace and the infinite Creator Whose consciousness is all that there is."
Now the Law of One quote…
" 15.14 Questioner: Yesterday you stated “the harvest is now. There is not at this time any reason to include efforts upon these distortions toward longevity, but rather to encourage distortions towards the heart of self. For this which resides clearly in the violet-ray energy field will determine the harvest of each mind/body/spirit complex.” Could you tell us how to seek or the best way to seek the heart of self?
Ra: I am Ra. We have given you this information in several wordings. However, we can only say the material for your understanding is the self: the mind/body/spirit complex. You have been given information upon healing, as you call this distortion. This information may be seen in a more general context as ways to understand the self. The understanding, experiencing, accepting, and merging of self with self and with other-self, and finally with the Creator, is the path to the heart of self. In each infinitesimal part of your self resides the One in all of Its power. Therefore, we can only encourage these lines of contemplation, always stating the prerequisite of meditation, contemplation, or prayer as a means of subjectively/objectively using or combining various understandings to enhance the seeking process. Without such a method of reversing the analytical process, one could not integrate into unity the many understandings gained in such seeking."
Its could not be any clearer here…
“. The understanding, experiencing, accepting, and merging of self with self and with other-self, and finally with the Creator, is the path to the heart of self.”
This line basically shows that merging with creator cannot occur until merging with other self is done… Its not about just suddenly feeling merged with all of humanity… its a case by case basis when viewing orange ray…or group by group basis when viewing yellow… Each that you come across in the moment. Or revisiting past experiences in meditation…
Q’uote of the Day
August 30th, 1992
“…The spiritual path of evolution becomes like the planet that you rest upon—creatures of night as well as day—and after the heart is first opened on a reliable basis there yet remains the traversing of the twilight and evening and midnight of the spiritual journey. As you advance in your choices, they become less than obvious. The deepest, most profound darkness lies upon the advancement of the spiritual path. Within this darkness there is one light: the reflecting light as of your moon to this planet of yours. This spiritual reflective essence may be called your higher self… It may be called the Christ within or simply guidance. Whatever it is called, it does not cast a clear and bright light, but casts an often deceiving, very subtle moonlight of the spirit. And in this light, with only your guidance to have faith in, you make the more subtle, more difficult, and very important choices having to do with the energies of communication and inner work.”
Well I could just post an image of catalyst of the spirit tarot card… the Hope or Faith card or maybe more specifically the Experience of the spirit card… Moon card. Meaning endlessly evolves, incomparable to any words but well where is the fun in that, this moment right now is becking for some words and this passage below, well … its offering some nice insights.
" Most of the inner work is done in this spiritual, deep-shadowed twilight.
Why is this so? The gates to learning the truth open only to those who are able to use the keys. The first key is the silence of meditation. And after the resources of meditation, contemplation and prayer have aided the seeker enough to open the heart, then the choices become those focusing into the universal nature of the self and an archetypical understanding that allows the seeker to have more keys minted and placed in the spiritual grasp.
Each period of learning at this level is called initiation by your people, and it is, indeed, the beginning of a new subtle pattern which you shall choose. Yet, this choice is not simple, for it is a choice of an entire pattern, a pattern of thought, of intuition, certainly not a clear-cut process. Rather than working upon opening the heart to all that there is in service, the initiatory lessons have to do with solidifying the nature of the self, of envisioning and seeing the more desirable pattern or way of being the self, and, overarching all, the pattern by which the seeker chooses personally and only for the self to discipline itself.
The personality is a magical thing at this spiritual level. It is not the personality of your culture, the right word, the ready joke or laugh. We speak rather of focusing into the true unique nature of you, this one seeker. For you, the joy that awaits at the end of each choice is an enlarged vision, not only of the self, but of the nature of service. You know in your open hearts that you love very, very deeply, to the core of your being, the one Source of all that there is, the one great Thought that initiated and continues creation. You wish all good things. This is always so.
Yet, the later lessons are often tedious to the impatient spirit who wishes to get on with being of service. Yet, as you gaze backwards and see a completed initiation and testing and feel the enlarged strength and stability of your compassion, you feel that all the subtle inner discussion was, indeed, not pointless and not irritating and certainly not a sign of laziness or personal weakness, and you are encouraged by a feeling of inner strength. You see yourself not only open-hearted, but free, for the open-hearted one has not yet dealt with the murderer, the thief, the traitor, all of the negative possibilities that lie within, except by closing the door upon them.
The last artifact of negativity in the open heart is the unforgiven universal self. You think you are serving all those you meet, and you are; but, in more advanced learning, you discover that you serve and are served with no breath between the two, that service is another way of saying praise or thanksgiving or intercession for forgiveness, and you begin working on the universal self within."
The first paragraph… not much to say there, an coincidentally it talks on silence…
Next paragraph is a fascinating one, given at first glance a new comer may only think the first line is most important…It is needed tho to keep in mind that this is in relation to initiation. “Rather than working upon opening the heart to all that there is in service, the initiatory lessons have to do with solidifying the nature of the self, of envisioning and seeing the more desirable pattern or way of being the self, and, overarching all, the pattern by which the seeker chooses personally and only for the self to discipline itself.”
Ultimately it all is summed up in this
" in more advanced learning, you discover that you serve and are served with no breath between the two, that service is another way of saying praise or thanksgiving or intercession for forgiveness, and you begin working on the universal self within." Its really a paragraph, that words may not suffice its something that needs to be experienced and or contemplation on to feel its inner meaning. In this very moment though… here is a arrow on the ground that can point in the right direction…
“This is subtle work. Do not be discouraged, but move forward, and in forgiveness of self—not the forgiveness of one who may confer from the outside, but forgiveness of the universal self by the universal self. To serve love is truly freedom; yet, to perfect that freedom, you move into and through the large choices involved in opening the heart in non-judgmental compassion to the realization that beyond all these choices there is a universal nature which includes all things, and as all-self there is forgiveness of the forever incomplete all-self being perceived as becoming. The more you become, the more freely and gladly you will take on this subtle and essential task.”
Just to end it here… here is one last encouraging question and answer, for that forgiving aspect mention…
" Carla
I have one more. You’re talking about having already opened the heart and working in communication and inner work, but I don’t feel like my heart’s open all the time at all. I feel like I’m frequently screwing up and blocking energies or over-spiking them so that they’re overly active and so forth, and that my heart isn’t always just great. I don’t really feel that I could really say, “Well, yeah, I’m doing lots of inner work now because I’m all done with that open heart stuff.” I’m not. Could you comment on that, because I don’t feel like I’m “here” and not “there.” Maybe I’m “there,” but I’m also back down in blocked personal relationships and stuff, too.
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. As you learn any skill, whether it be how to open the heart in unconditional love, how to juggle, or how to cook a certain meal, there will be those expressions of the skill which are better done, shall we say, than others. There will be the dropping of the ball for the juggler. Yet, if the juggler can accomplish a certain skill or procedure, the ability is present. And it is to the entity that has moved into the opening of the heart that we speak in relation to the seeking of truth and the serving as an instrument or vocal channel. If an entity has the ability to do this, called “loving without condition,” it is not important that the entity is not always able to express this loving without conditions, but it is important that the entity has the desire to do so and will examine its experience with that desire foremost in the mind."
Q’uote of the Day
February 7th, 1999
" We wish each entity those delights of travel, those mountaintop experiences, those great and profound realizations that come. Those times are precious, and yet each of you will find that when all is said and done it is the vibratory level of the beingness of each entity that sticks in the mind and in the heart like no other sense memory can. Each of us knows blessing when we experience it. "
Q’uote of the Day
May 25th, 1986
"Within each evolutionary journey, within each density of illusion, within each incarnational pattern, each moment and each thought, there is the interaction and interplay of the positive and the negative polarity that is the fabric of all creation. Thus does each seeker recapitulate the essence of the one Creator, and when accomplished in a directed fashion, this process presents to each seeker the ever-expanding opportunity to grasp more and more of its nature as the one Creator. "
Ahh the classic interplay of negative and positive… it would be interesting to see what percentage of books, tv and movies are made based on that, throw in electronic games too. Yes it does seem to be negating somewhat in more modern times but still of prominence. Given the choice between service to self and service to others being the central point of third density, its not a surprise that we can be drawn to it. Although im not so much anymore it still has that pull on occasions when im seeking a relief from spiritual seeking. Then there is catalyst to found even there still so not a complete distraction
Q’uote of the Day
October 16th, 2005
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“…The energies of spirit are light, glad, joyful and free. Attempt insofar as you can not to become mired and bogged down in the importance of your work. Rather, maintain a sense of proportion and the light touch…that allows you to laugh at the whole process and to take it lightly at the same time that, with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and all your strength, you dedicate yourself to becoming who you really are.”
Q’uote of the Day
September 2nd, 2001
“You have to remember that you are the product of the Creator’s thirst for knowing Itself, and your seeking to know yourself is part of the Creator’s seeking for Its own identity. And what fascinates the Creator endlessly is how that identity is the same, and yet it continues to grow because of the fecund and fertile nature of spirit.”
And this from RA
“Ra:* I am Ra. All serve the One Creator. There is nothing else to serve, for the Creator is all that there is. It is impossible not to serve the Creator. There are simply various distortions of this service.”
Q’uote of the Day
October 16th, 2010
“The Law of One suggests not that you follow the Creator or its prophet or representative, but that you become aware that you are the Creator. Therefore, it suggests that you take responsibility for your life, your choices, and the way you live, day by day and hour by hour. It is not a philosophy that places urgency upon this quest for the truth. It is a philosophy that says that you have all the time that you need to make your choices and to follow your evolutionary path to complete the circle that you have begun, from the Creator, moving through densities and densities of experience into the heart of the one Creator once again, so that your source and your ending are the same and so that you never end.”
The key being… "but that you become aware that you are the Creator. "
Now the next series of discussion, is important in relation to making that choice…
“It is expected of you and built into the nature that is called “human nature” that you shall desire things. And you are given not simply permission but encouragement to experience those things which you desire, as long as they do not infringe upon the free will of another. For it is in experiencing those things which you desire that you become aware of what you truly desire; what you desire at a level that is deeper than the level of impulse, fad and fashion.”
More on this here by Law of One
" 18.5 Questioner: Thank you. I have a question here from Jim that I will read verbatim: “Much of the mystic tradition of seeking on Earth holds that belief that the individual self must be erased or obliterated and the material world ignored for an entity to reach ‘nirvana,’ as it’s called, or enlightenment. What is the proper role of the individual self and its worldly activities in aiding an entity to grow more into the Law of One?”
Ra: I am Ra. The proper role of the entity is in this density to experience all things desired, to then analyze, understand, and accept these experiences, distilling from them the love/light within them. Nothing shall be overcome. That which is not needed falls away.
The orientation develops due to analysis of desire. These desires become more and more distorted towards conscious application of love/light as the entity furnishes itself with distilled experience. We have found it to be inappropriate in the extreme to encourage the overcoming of any desires, except to suggest the imagination rather than the carrying out in the physical plane, as you call it, of those desires not consonant with the Law of One; this preserving the primal distortion of free will.
The reason it is unwise to overcome is that overcoming is an unbalanced action creating difficulties in balancing in the time/space continuum. Overcoming thus creates the further environment for holding onto that which apparently has been overcome.
All things are acceptable in the proper time for each entity, and in experiencing, in understanding, in accepting, in then sharing with other-selves, the appropriate description shall be moving away from distortions of one kind to distortions of another which may be more consonant with the Law of One.
It is, shall we say, a shortcut to simply ignore or overcome any desire. It must instead be understood and accepted. This takes patience and experience which can be analyzed with care, with compassion for self and for other-self."
Q’uote of the Day
January 5th, 1997
“Now, when you have more or less begun to identify the tones that your instrument can produce—and this is the work of many lifetimes—you can move forward. These tones are emotions, so-called by your culture. The music that personality plays is a music made of pure emotions when the discipline of the personality is somewhat advanced. However, as in any entity attempting to learn to play an instrument, the sounds produced by one who has not practiced can be discordant and unpleasant to the ear, and, in most cases among your peoples, those who have not yet learned discipline produce many unpleasant tones.”
To continue on with this eloquent metaphor…
"Now, when you have more or less begun to identify the tones that your instrument can produce—and this is the work of many lifetimes—you can move forward. These tones are emotions, so-called by your culture. The music that personality plays is a music made of pure emotions when the discipline of the personality is somewhat advanced. However, as in any entity attempting to learn to play an instrument, the sounds produced by one who has not practiced can be discordant and unpleasant to the ear, and, in most cases among your peoples, those who have not yet learned discipline produce many unpleasant tones.
There is the feeling of one sitting down at, say, a piano but knowing not where the keys are or how to make harmony, and, unless certain keys, certain key information, that is, is made available, the piano continues to be a large physical object which produces nothing that is pretty. When one sets oneself to learning to play the piano, one practices each piece to find the harmonics of that particular key. Then, and only then, can one begin to make music.
So, as you have emotions, as you experience emotions, what you are first attempting to do is find that purity that lies within the distorted feeling that you have concerning this emotion. For the most part, emotions come upon one in a way that is blind, and one spontaneously discovers oneself vibrating on a certain note or a certain kind of emotion. The usual non-practicing person assumes that, however this emotion has hit, however this emotion has felt, [it] is instantaneously the true tone. It is the concern of those who wish to work in consciousness to hear that tone in all of its distortions and to treat it with that reverence which finds the center, shall we say, the good of that emotion, the true heart of that emotion. Once one has begun to grasp the notes, one can begin to allow the discordant distortions to fade from that particular tone or emotion.
This is the work, as we have said, of lifetimes. It is slow work. However, we think that each of you as seekers will find this work enjoyable. It is not an intellectual process but rather a sensing or feeling or intuitive process to find the heart of emotion, and we would simply suggest that each of you, as it feels right to do so, begin to sense into the emotions that spontaneously arise, loving, supporting and respecting them as they come to you and, at the same time, allowing the heart within to search for the heart within that particular emotion, for the purification of emotion is very central to the process of working with your consciousness to achieve the discipline of the personality.
Your personality, your character or nature, your essence—we correct this instrument. Remove “essence”—is a group of manifestations stemming from the vibratory complex that is you. What you are attempting to do, then, is express your true nature, become more yourself. You’re searching for the truth of your being. You’re not attempting to end distortion within yourself, you are attempting to see and play with the beauty of each of your feelings or senses.
So, we have given you two steps. First, beginning to name your own personality, trait-by-trait and nature-by-nature. This done, you are attempting then to practice the self, practice the being of the self, play with the self as it experiences incoming sensory data, begin to play the scales of the instrument. One thing there is that the musician must have, and that third thing is music, and each of you is seeking that music, is certain that there is music written for your instrument. Each of you hungers and thirsts for this music to be laid before you, and this music is the path that you choose to take and the choices that you make in hewing to the chosen path.
The musical pieces that you play with the instrument of self have a significance and a depth that comes from that free will that blows the spirit hither and yon. There is no end to the music of the spheres, and there is no end to the music that you can play once you have learned your instrument."
Q’uote of the Day
February 4th, 2002
"The particular energies of this particular time and space for each of you have an unusually strong and generous energy at this time for the simple reasons that your entire globe is in that area of time/space in which your Earth’s fourth density is coming into birth. We cannot say how long this labor shall last but while it is occurring there are great needs within your people and your planet, great pressures for change that are the product of this particular phase of planetary labor. And these things are affecting not only each of you in subtle ways but also the nature of time and space and the nature of light. In other words, your world is changing around you [and] there is some urgency to expressing the truth of the self and that in order to better express this truth…[it] is and shall be prime time for finding new ways more fully to express the self in its heart and in its soul. "
Q’uote of the Day
January 12th, 2008
“As you transform, the core of your transformation is an awareness that has not been there before about the nature of your central or deepest self as being part of love itself or the creative principle, which is the one great original Thought of unconditional love.As you become full of new information that brings you to a place of transformation, you suddenly discover that you are no longer full. You discover that this very fullness and sense of new life tips you into the corresponding and balancing awareness of oneself as knowing nothing. It is a devastating portion of transformation, this realization that nothing is known and that nothing can be known within the illusions of the Earth world.”
And this too
"Faith is the most powerful force in the universe, it being another name for realized or positively realized love. " Now that is a quote… it comes from this whole passage
"The most effective tool in working towards transformation is the self-conscious living of the life. We are not talking about those who mull endlessly over every detail of their life and thought throughout each day, but rather we are talking about the most effective way to work towards transformation. The most effective resource is one’s own ability to observe oneself without affecting that which is being observed.
The one known as Jim spoke of being aware that in transformation it was important not to judge. And this is the kind of objectivity about which we are speaking. It is indeed important, indeed central, to refrain from judgment as one goes through the collecting of information about the self that is necessary in order for the self to be offered up and thus become empty enough to have the space in which to transform.
It is ironic, is it not, that in the search for truth the answers lie not in discovering that which can be known, but in discovering that the secrets to the mystery of transformation lie in unknowing and faith. Faith is the most powerful force in the universe, it being another name for realized or positively realized love. You live in a universe made of love. The original Thought was a Thought of unconditional love."
Q’uote of the Day
January 10th, 1987
“We may talk about the terrible distortions of love, we may drag the name of love through the dirt of every battle and war that has ever been fought, we may deprive love of every satisfaction it has ever been given by poet or musician, yet there is not one honest spirit that can deny the palpable effect of love within the life experience.”
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Q’uotes Discussions
Q’uote of the Day
May 18th, 1997
“…How [can one] truly be of service? The paradox is that when one is of service to others one is automatically serving the self, for that which is offered is returned a hundredfold. It seems clear that each other person is also the self, is also the Creator, and so serving others is serving self. Further, before one can be free to serve another, one must come into relationship with the self, and the process of arriving at a love and acceptance of the self may seem very selfish and egotistical.The hallmark of spiritual issues is paradox. The answers trail off into mystery without exception.”
Q’uote of the Day
January 1st, 2006
“It is very helpful to see what you are thinking about and then to ask yourself if you could perhaps tune that instrument that you are to clearer and more productive thoughts. … What we encourage is a living, plastic, yeasty kind of process in which you are able to become aware of your thoughts and to sit with them and let them show you what your inner environment is. In sitting with that environment, you may ask for guidance and help in seeing with more clarity and in being able to have a broader point of view that enables you to see a larger picture.”
Q’uote of the Day
December 29th, 2007
[One] benefit of being in the now is that it is from this point of presence that the Creator may radiate through you most efficiently and effectively.
And we can use all the help we can get in this thick illusion…
Why would you wish to place yourself in a position of unknowing? My friends, you wished to learn and you wished to serve and above all you wished to choose. And all of these things needed to be done by faith, faith in things unseen and unprovable.
Your world does not give you this faith. There is nothing in your culture which assures you that all is well and that all will be well. Yet that is the discovery that each makes for himself as he wakes up from the planetary dream and discovers that it is a much larger universe, and a much different one, than your culture may have taught you.
What a blessing it is to wake up! And yet, what does one do with that awareness that there is a metaphysical universe that is so much more real than this illusion which is called planet Earth that it creates of the lifetime a completely different experience? Indeed, in many cases there is no one with whom to talk about these perceptions. And there is certainly no support for the awakened seeker within the day-to-day structures of your society."
Now on that note…I will include nearly all the passage from another transcripts… its really on service an why being in the moment is so important regardless of what may be occurring in the illusion. The story before that is nice too for a deeper read… anyway here is these most inspiring words, all together cant separate so excuse the length but if you are drawn to read you will see why and it all ties to the daily quote as a whole.
"My friends, it is most easy to judge yourself and others upon the basis of those things which you have accumulated within you which pass for knowledge among your people. And it seems, indeed, as if there is a striking variance among the great variety of peoples upon your planet, and so the illusion is intended to work. And yet because that which is metaphysical is by its very nature that which is unseen, there is no way to judge oneself or another upon the basis of opinion, for there is no knowledge from seeing the fruits of one’s labor of what the intentions and the desires of the laborer are.
That which is action on the physical plane is illusory. That which is intended within the heart is of the spirit and is eternal. When you leave this particular incarnation, each of you shall gain a far wider viewpoint. You shall become what is now called your higher self, and shall dwell far more consciously within the Creator, and you shall judge yourself. You shall not look at the effects which you have produced within your environment, but rather at your state of mind and heart during the incarnational experience.
That, my friends, is why there is no judgment possible among peoples, and why there is acceptance of any road whatsoever that the seeker wishes to travel in order to enlarge its experience, for many are the experiences, yet one is the quest. Insofar as the quest is for light, for truth, for the one original Thought, just so shall one’s steps spiral ever upward as service is given. And insofar as the seeker looks for the effect, just so shall he be pulled into the illusion and away from service.
We come not to give you answers as much as to encourage seeking. We have no dogma, although we do suggest meditation. We offer no structure except that structure which is builded by the student as a result of seeking. We do not want you to accept this or any material, and we take steps to remind groups such as yours that the last thing that we wish is to have our advice followed blindly. We want you to fight with this information, to question it, to doubt it, to work with it, and to make it your own.
Spiritual seeking is not a hobby, although many take it up as a hobby and go on to something else when enough time has passed that the hobby becomes tiring and progress slows. We hope instead that you will see the illusion as a hobby that you have taken on for a few of your years. There are many things to play with in this illusion, many variations upon the game of being a human being, as you call yourselves. And if you can look at your experiences as points in a game, each of which offers opportunities for questioning, fighting, tearing apart and working with the experience, this attitude is an helpful one.
We do not wish to denigrate the nature of incarnational experience, we merely wish to point out the nature of the illusion. Learn from your own questions. We attempt to tell you enough of the rules of the game called incarnation that you may have many clues and may form your own tools with which to deal with your experience within this illusion. And yet the instantaneous product that you are, that instantaneous vibration which shall be judged, is a product not of how you have bent and molded the illusion, but of how you have worked within yourself to produce a being that lives a life that is full of light.
The most apparently criminal of entities can choose under the press of experience to turn towards the light and seek and be far more zealous for the good than those who have never experienced living the darker life. Indeed, there is no situation which is not also an opportunity, not just on one level, but several. We do not wish for you to become indifferent to your illusion. That would spoil the effect of the illusion. We wish, rather, that you continue to question that which lies beyond the illusion, to ask and ask and ask again, for as you ask, it shall be given you. And only as you ask shall it be given you; that which is not asked for is seldom used.
We wish for each of you to find the deeper and deeper satisfaction within your internal existence. We wish for you to refine more and more your own ideals of love and beauty and service. But we do not wish to shape for you the life of mind and heart any more than the wise father would tell his son what path to take to be of service.
Picture if you will the stars and planets and comets and all the heavenly bodies racing with what seems to you incredible speed through incredible distances, hurtling through space. All is in motion, and yet all is in balance. This is a concept we would ask you to consider. We have suggested that it is a good thing to become a balanced entity, a clear channel through which love and light may flow, and yet we do not in any way wish to suggest stasis. Balance is not still, for you are never still, for the infinite consciousness of your mind and deep mind [breathes in] an infinite amount of time and space with movement.
It is not a wrong thing to seek the cave and become still and learn silence, and that is one path of service. Yet the son who loved a woman and had affection for his children and kept them as he would himself is of precisely as much service as the so-called holy man, if both hearts are equally full of the desire to serve and the continued questioning and discipline and refining of the way to serve.
We wish that your movements through this incarnation may be graceful, and that your hearts may be increasingly full of peace as that which you find in the illusion reflects to you that which is within each part of any illusion in the creation. And that is love.
Can you suspend your judgment? We believe you can. Do you wish to? What level of seeking do you wish to pursue? What have you pursued this day? What dreams lie within your heart and what attempts have you made to become clear within yourself? We speak to you but not for you. All the choices are your own. We offer you support and our love and encourage you to see that same love and support in all situations.
Any experience which masters the seeking entity to the exclusion of questions and further seeking is not helpful, or shall we say, is of a far more limited kind of helpfulness. We offer you not a structure, not a dogma, but what limited knowledge we have of what consciousness is and how you may seek to evolve that consciousness within yourself within this illusory incarnation. Use what you will and know that that which serves may bear fruit upon the physical plane. Or that same impulse may seem…
…or that same impulse may seem to flounder and be useless.
There is that within you which is imperishable and which carries the traces of those energies of love and service to others. These shall not be judged within this illusion, although many attempt that judgment. Therefore, take courage and find each your own truth and then use the truth that you have found to seek and seek and seek again, and to forge for yourself a life that is its own teaching, that is an expression, inwardly speaking, of all that has been learned."
How lovely again is that