Daily Q'uote from L/L Research Channeling

Q’uote of the Day
April 19th, 2009

“…Your evolution is not bound by time; that there is no goal to keep to; there is no deadline on service or on the way to service. It is well to relax into the moment, and as your present moments develop before you, to allow the succeeding present moments in turn to entrance and enchant you. Remain without anything to pull you away from the present and from your awareness of yourself as an instrument which the Creator may choose to play in any way, at any time, in order to sing Planet Earth into a readiness for a graduation that is of the utmost beauty and deepest truth.”

Another perspective or layer from yesterdays quote about being in this moment…
Well the last part certainly beckons this tarot card, Great Way of the Spirit to be included…


Q’uote of the Day
January 2nd, 1994

“…The center of the universe is the center of each entity’s heart. The open heart of the great Self which each self is is that center which is a unity. All of the portions of the Creator, shall we say rather misleadingly, seem to themselves to be in time and space each unique, each separate and each apart. Yet, in truth, the center of the constellations is the open heart. All measurement, all numbering, all ways of detailing and patterning the observed creation fall to dust before the open heart. Love is of a certain nature. The fullness, breadth, depth and height of the nature of love is both revealed and concealed by its visibility and ready accessibility for each self contains this center without distortion within the open heart.”

An that is why the number one exercise Law of One recommends is the following…!!

" 10.14 Questioner: For general development [of the] reader of this book, could you state some of the practices or exercises to perform to produce an acceleration toward the Law of One?

Ra: I am Ra.

Exercise One. This is the most nearly centered and usable within your illusion complex. The moment contains love. That is the lesson/goal of this illusion or density. The exercise is to consciously seek that love in awareness and understanding distortions. The first attempt is the cornerstone. Upon this choosing rests the remainder of the life-experience of an entity. The second seeking of love within the moment begins the addition. The third seeking powers the second, the fourth powering or doubling the third. As with the previous type of empowerment, there will be some loss of power due to flaws within the seeking in the distortion of insincerity. However, the conscious statement of self to self of the desire to seek love is so central an act of will that, as before, the loss of power due to this friction is inconsequential."

As the mind becomes still and the body you subsequently become comfortable with whatever biases… that intention to seek love is like a rock thrown into a still pond… the ripples it creates echo an vibrate but the ripples do not fade away like the pond they the remain the more focused that intention is… The daily quote shows what creates the largest ripples an why…

Heres extra backup from the transcript
"That energy which created all that there is may be seen to be the center of all that there is. This field of love is of a nature which is reproduced and is the stuff of all levels of vibration which stem therefrom.

This nature is an essence or a fullness of field. The energy is saturated, that is, there is fullness of love. You seek in understanding cycles to better understand healing. However it is an understanding, shall we say, of fields and of the amount of saturation or fullness of love in the fields, in field strength, shall we say, that aids in the efficacy of healing. That is, the more saturated the awareness of love is the more fullness of health there is."

Yes there is a crossover of healing in that talk too but heightens the importance of love.

Q’uote of the Day
October 3rd, 2009

“The attempt that a servant of the light makes to be of service allows that servant to discover things about him or herself. It allows that being to come across those dirty fingerprints on the window that cast shadows when the sun tries pass through them. Each of those dirty fingerprints has to be attended to. And it is only by placing yourself in the light and desiring to have the light come through you that those flecks of dirt and fingerprints and grime can be discerned. It is a gift to the self when one wishes to be of service…”

An one great tip here is gratitude… it opens the door to much in service if you embrace the concept below…

“One may consider, instead of seeking to do service, to give gratitude to the service one already does. One may say, “Thank you, Mother Earth, for giving me this plate of rice that will nourish this instrument so that I may have the energy and patience to be a loving spouse or mother or father or friend.” One might say, “Thank you for this good night’s rest, that I may wake up refreshed in the morning to be at my highest and best self.” For that desire alone is a great service.”

And this continues in further detail
“The acting out of service or what your society conceives of as service, we propose to you, is much less important. For one works on the self. One always works on the self. And when one works on the self, the inner self, the outer situations take care of themselves. We propose to this group to put less energy into worrying about performing those acts you each consider to be of service and put those energies of worry into being thankful for the service you each now already perform.”

Also another aspect is this

" The skilled question is to find the love and the service will follow. When the heart is open to the extent it was open…there are no questions of what is of service. There is merely service. The heart leads the way. The faithful servant follows. And the love appears. The light shines through."

I cant stop at that the next part also.

"When you ask what would be of service you are removing faith, [and instead] you are using the intellect to replace your faith. You are not moving love but trying to emulate love. One can try to cultivate love, but we would suggest in the way we see it that this is a temporary result, perhaps an inspiring model but not the end result, not a permanent objective. Love cannot be cultivated by will or logic. Love is cultivated by allowing it to accumulate naturally as the seeker continues to seek, continues to give thanks, and continues to point his or herself ever toward the light.

In this way love arises naturally. And when love arises naturally and fills the heart, and the mind lets go of its judgments and turns itself over to faith and true service is performed, this is not easy. It is not something one can achieve by practicing this or that skill, but that which will come as it will; come with patience and dedication to the task of being a servant of the light"

To go around full circle back to the quote and the fingerprint metaphor please read further.

"Each of those to whom we speak of at this time wishes to exchange energy with the intention of seeing the Creator; honoring, loving, respecting and being one with the Creator in those whom you meet. The essence of being of service to others is the fundamental realization that all are one. In serving another you are serving the one infinite Creator. Consequently, service to others, stripped of content in an outer sense, is the meeting of Creator to Creator, with no separation, no evasion, no fear, and no distance. When you gaze into another’s eyes, no matter what that entity has asked of you, and you are aware of no distance between you but only the reflection of love in love, you are being of service to that other-self to the full extent of your ability to do so.

You may have no money. You may have no time. You may have only this one moment to exchange energy in service to that other entity. Yet when you gaze fearlessly into his eyes and love him and allow the love of the infinite Creator to pour through you as if you were a stained glass window and let it illumine the expenditure of your energy, you have satisfied the work of polarity in that moment."

On another note… this great distinction of service when dealing with other selfs an even self is talked about here. Its not success on how service is received its the continued intention.

"There is little to do in situations in which confusions of this nature, or many others which we could name, arise but to recharge the batteries, so to speak, and to make an attempt anew, reinvesting the intention with another intention as pure as one can make it, as clear as one can make it, even with the realization that every new attempt will bring with it new possible sources of obscurity, new possible sources of difficulty.

My brothers and sisters in third density, it is not for you to know. It is for you to love without knowing. It is not for you to succeed. It is for you to attempt and attempt again, fully realizing there is no available measure of success that can be infallibly applied. What there is for you is the open-hearted appeal to those others around you to accept in the spirit in which it is intended your most earnest effort to be alike a source of inspiration and a mirror to others."

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Q’uote of the Day
March 13th, 2010

“You are those who store and who expend energy. A light within you moves ceaselessly through your energy body and back to the one infinite Creator. And you use that light, you color that light with your intentions more than with your innate distortions. Your power to intensify and potentiate the light that is passing through you stems from your growing awareness that you have a will and that you can use that will to set your intention and to create the universe that you wish, and that you choose to create.”

A synchronicity across a recent number of daily quotes discussions continues on here…
Forget that tho, lets buck that trend… with this transcript the paragraph that is just before the daily quote have heard it numerous times before but never enough!
“Many of these connections are unpotentiated, yet they lie awaiting potentiation whenever you connect, consciously or with less consciousness, with another. Even the moments as they pass form patterns of connection which are infinite. Even if you touch another’s aura for an instant and you are to some degree aware of that connection, it will last forever, potentiated and of a certain type and intensity.”

Another important discussion, “Although there are many ways to approach the concept of what is service to others, there are probably two basic ways in which one may move”

“One way is to focus intensely and persistently upon the Creator, seeking the Creator’s face, hungering and thirsting for the Creator and encouraging yourself to become more and more sharp-set with that hunger, more and more dry with that thirst for devotion, for prayer, for praise, for thanksgiving, for practicing the presence of the one Creator.”

"Yet many there are to whom the way of devotion is a dry and arid desert. To those we encourage the way of the mind and the heart. You can ask yourself two questions if you follow that path. You can ask yourself, “Analyzing this moment, analyzing this point of choice, where is the service? Where is the love?” And in 99 cases out of 100 in your life you can reason out how to act in such a way as to help another entity.

When you move to the second track of that and engage the heart again, you are simply asking yourself, “Where in this choice does my heart open?” “What choice makes me feel energy moving through my heart?” “Am I increasing unity? Am I increasing love? Am I increasing hope? Am I offering consolation, support, sympathy? Am I listening?” All of these are ways of saying, “Am I opening my heart?”

With myself lately I have had a huge polar shift from that second part to the first which at first was gradual, all using the blueprint of the Tarot not … which after so many years of study only recently has blasted open the door to the first path.
Being myself tied more to the masculine, or reaching energy, its reaching for that goddess energy or from the conscious to the unconscious that’s awaiting the reaching. Ultimately feeling that bliss of unity. It matters not tho… its the intention that matters, the choice as the previous daily quote discussions have talked on. Now thats a very simplified and even misleading talk on the tarot, so please study if it pulls you that way as it offers much that only evolves ever so much over time accordingly personally to each who studies.

Its okay what you think in service to others… its just acting on those thoughts - given the law of free will

"It is the positive polarity that we attempt to share through our conversations with you. And when dealing with positive polarity, the very first rule is the rule of free will. Called a law or a way, free will is primal. Your rights as a spiritual entity as well as a physical entity under the Law of One, positive polarity, end at the tip of your nose, the end of your fingers and your teeth.

In other words, it does not infringe upon others to think what you will. To say that which you think is an unpolarized act unless it comes under the discipline of service to others. Thusly, the one known as Ra was attempting to say that it is part of the exploration of who you are to think thoughts of 360 degrees of possibility. But to engage others without their request in such unpolarized thoughts is not consonant with the Law of One, [in its] service-to-others polarity."

You can continue on from here in the transcript to read on examples…

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Q’uote of the Day
May 10th, 1987

“…The qualities which you seek to nurture within your being, those of will and faith to persevere in the seeking of love, are those qualities which discipline the personality in a fashion which allows further seeking and further progress upon the journey of seeking. The process is largely unseen, and not dependent upon the outcome for particular effort or group of efforts within an incarnation that are designed by the seeker as its attempt to polarize in consciousness. The attempt and the intention are those qualities which further enhance the will and faith and thus the polarization of the being, and it is these qualities that one works upon when one seeks to survive the moments and long periods of disillusionment, confusion, frustration and the various trials that test the entity’s dedication to service and to seeking. And these moments of difficulty are seldom appreciated amongst your peoples as being those times during which the greater work is accomplished.”

Work yes… not worldly work!

“It is our opinion—and we stress that it is opinion only and is not an irreducible truth—that the only work which may be called “The Work” of any entity is that work done in consciousness during an incarnational period which has a net result as judged by the self after the incarnation of polarizing the entity more and more strongly towards service to the Creator and to others. Thus, life is the work, and work is the life.”

A lil side note on meditation “The aid which meditation may yield to an entity is equal to that entity’s desire for that aid.”

And to desire

“The strength of desire is the measure of the result of desire”
why you may ask? " for the universe is completely rhythmical and responds to that which is asked. There is a spontaneous simultaneity about existence, and in that still point, as one of your poets has called it, it is truly there the dance is."

Why stop… here is another handy quote
“for what you seek within your illusion is the quality known as love or compassion and the expression of that compassion or attitude of compassion within the consciousness in such a focused fashion that one polarizes the being so that it is more and more able to accept increased love and light energy from the one Creator, and proceed therefore upon the path of evolution.”

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Q’uote of the Day
July 31st, 2007

“It is very common in those who have awakened and have tasted the nectar of unconditional love for them to strive to spend all of their time in the harmonious reaches of the upper chakras of the energy body…These are wonderful climes and indeed a portion of you may spend all of its time in those heavenly realms.However, the key to living a balanced life is the constant rooting of those higher energies in the Earth, and the constant uplifting of all lower energies by bringing them into the open heart. Therefore, we would suggest that it is unwise to remain ever in the higher work, but rather it is well to balance all working in consciousness by moving into the lower chakras by praising and giving respect and honor to the most seemingly base or menial of energies…of sexuality, politeness, responsibility and all those things that would seem to drag you down. Know and find the way to discover ever more clearly that there is no part of life that is not sacred.”

A question to ask oneself also about working with lower or higher energy centers… is whats the rush! Solidify and embrace all catalyst… once the foundations are in place the work in higher energy centers will come when time is right… if not its no biggie! Maybe preincarnative planning comes into place, that even (taking an extreme example) a wanderer from a higher density may have a stronger focus on the lower centers and working with the heart then above. As the last line of the daily quote talks about, are you seeing all energy centers as equally sacred? If not then that could be a big clue as to where the work lies! Of course everything is not black an white there is grey inbetween, heart knows best so above all just follow that…
Lastly as a word of encouragement… there is inner joy that manifests in different notes of each energy center for instance red ray and that love of life itself, that energy that creates life resides there. Each center has gifts to offer, learn to embrace all… to have love no matter what, as thats the name of the game so to speak :wink:

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Q’uote of the Day
March 22nd, 2008

“It is…a mark of spiritual maturity that the intense desire to know the truth becomes gradually transformed into the intense desire to be the truth.It is not that there is no truth or that there is nothing to seek. Quite the contrary, my friends. However, that which is sought is the heart of the self. The journey towards truth seems as though it is an outer journey, a seeking out there, a winnowing through the harvest of other people’s seeking to find one’s truth. And yet, in the end, it is as though various things begin to fall away in the seeker’s mind and in the seeker’s heart and in the seeker’s experience until gradually the truth itself rises to the surface of consciousness and realization occurs. That realization that it is a perfect world, it is a perfect environment for unlocking the gate that leads to unknowing.”

Which leads to this, that also links to yesterdays daily quote
“It makes a much sweeter thing of being alive and aware to realize one’s limited tenure within the Earth plane. Instead of scorning things of the Earth because they are illusory, then, the one known as Ra is suggesting that one embrace and enjoy and take part in the things that are fleeting, relishing and celebrating the energies of each charka. Sexuality, relationships, group relationships—all of these energies are worthy, all of these energies take daily, thoughtful maintenance in order for each charka to shine and be completely open to the energy of the one infinite Creator as it moves from the Earth in upwards spiraling fashion. Only when this motion upward is fully seated and working well can the seeker then call through the gateway of intelligent infinity for that inspiration which comes from the infinite and invisible world of time/space.”

On a different note… but it is in the transcript and although it may be to some a taboo subject, well thats even more the reason to include it here. Hence there a full breath of discussion here on all matters pertaining to spiritual ideals…

" Final one from me, Q’uo. This question comes from a “friend.” This “friend” wants to know if the activity known as masturbation expends vital energy that would otherwise be available for higher charka activity?


There are two answers to this query, for there are two levels of masturbation. The physical body of your species is naturally sexual and has a natural capacity for sexuality. If an entity does not masturbate, when the period of time has come in which sexual energy has been built up to the point where there is a need for release, masturbation will take place without any help; it will occur as a night dream or something of that nature. So, on that level, masturbating when there is a build-up of sexual energy and no appropriate outlet with another partner has little impact upon the amount of energy or essence of self that is preserved for metaphysical work.

However, there is a legitimate point to be made in terms of the dedication of the self to spiritual seeking in that there is a magical aspect which can be accessed by the seeker who wishes to dedicate the energy that would otherwise be used in sexual release to the winding of the coil, shall we say.

However, it is equally true that sex itself may be used, whether in masturbation or sexual congress with another, to express positive polarity and the worship of the one infinite Creator. The mind is preeminent in this matter. Depending upon how a seeker feels about his sexuality, he may find it more skilful to work with refraining from sexual expression in terms of how he personally is impacted by the experience of reserving his sexual energy for winding of the magical coil. Or, depending upon the entity and his personality and the way he feels about his body, he may find that it is more helpful to create a spiritually-dedicated masturbation in which the object is to experience that orgasm which is the steady state of the one infinite Creator, that inexpressible and inutterable intensity of unconditional love that is the ecstasy at the heart of the experience of orgasm.

The body is the creature of the mind. We would encourage your friend not to focus upon sex until he has focused upon who he is, how he expresses his essence, how he feels is the most resonant way to manage his humanity in the sense of his red-ray sexuality."

An important clarification to this is the notion of loss of vital energy whether in the individual act of sexual expression or with another self sharing love together. There are a range of techniques whether Tantra, Qi Gong or other paths that talk on how maintain the vital energy circulating it internally… this goes for male which is most commonly talked about or also less known about for woman too. It is relatively accessible for any to learn an not much effort to take on with profound benefits if it suits ones spiritual path…

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Q’uote of the Day
May 25th, 1986

“It is often impossible to see the richly textured pattern which links events, situations and emotional states in coherent manner. In fact, it is far more logical to assume a stance of extreme skepticism when faced with the question of the “why” of existence and consciousness, for even the most patient among you must be patient to the point of silence, usually for many of your years, before the inner connections between all things, events, people, emotional states become evident or even partially so. Since much is obscured from your vision, it is logical to assume that there is nothing to be seen. Yet, there is that irrational, shall we say, impulse among all conscious beings to seek beyond that which can be seen, heard, felt and touched in any way, measured by any instrument, evaluated by any means whatsoever.”

"It really ties so well to the archetype of the fool “that the Fool is described in such and such a way. One great aspect of this archetype is the aspect of faith, the walking into space without regard for what is to come next. This is, of course, foolish but is part of the characteristic of the spiritual neophyte.”

Its that walking in space aka being immersing in silence, it may seem absurd especially for a newly arrived seeker how will sitting in a space of silence will provide answers… An this may take some time, you really have to become foolish in that faith to continue on, to be tested in how genuine the will is to go on. Those connections only strengthen in time, there is no golden formula become of when of course, especially because of that one O’ hidden factor of preincarnative planning but it will. Even when it does it seems absurd, so embrace that as there is no turning back … well there is back you really would have to summon all the power of the worldly illusion an its distraction to do so and even then…

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Q’uote of the Day
December 31st, 1989

“Each of you, as individualized portions of the one Creator, partake in [the great cycle of creation] by particularizing what is simultaneous, taking a small portion of what you would call the river of time from the ocean of eternity, and viewing that river of time as if under the microscope, looking at what seems to come before that which follows, creating the past, the present, and the future, in order that that which is and that is unity in many portions might be experienced in a more intense, varied and purified fashion. That small sliver, then, of experience that is chosen for each incarnation has working upon it your free will choice, so that that which is eternal becomes magnified and particularized enough that it may be examined carefully within an incarnation, be worked upon by free will, be refined in this process and be purified as an expression of Beingness, of the identity of the one Creator within yourself.”

This comes from another transcript, its such a wonderful passage I should look for a connection of words to then introduce this but a few dots will do instead…

"Each day, each moment is pregnant and fecund with the infinite possibility of the full realization of the love for which you would gladly surrender all. Yet it is not known by any what moment you shall choose to open at last to love itself.

We can say that if you can think only in terms of action, by all means seek the face of love in action, but know that each hour that you spend acting in manifestation of the search for love needs to be matched in twice or four times the intensity, whether in duration or in simple caring, by the seeking within of the silence. For in developing your consciousness, in disciplining your personality, you shall at last draw near to an irresistible infatuation of puppy love, an innocent, crazy calf-mooning after the Creator. If you are not capable at this moment of falling in love, then the gateway of intelligent infinity is not yours at this moment, for you are not extravagant enough to know of love. Love is folly, for only folly could create the wonder that you see all about you. Only folly would wish to know itself. Only love can see life.

We are sorry to have no techniques to offer you, save one. Seek, and seek, and seek again, patiently, persistently and extravagantly. Find ways to laugh and bless your tears. Attempt to see love in everyone and everything and forgive yourself when you do not. Never let any seriousness, guilt or unhappiness divide you from your seeking for the love of love. Knowledge is not of your illusion. You [seek] to choose fully, to know the face of the Creator by a love that is full of compassion and service to others, a love that is radiant unto them, and so you must love and enjoy and cheer each other and know that if you bring each other to the resting place another may desire, it is love that has lead the way and not your knowledge. Seek, my friends, love, in love, for love’s sake. All else will follow."


Q’uote of the Day
September 22nd, 2007

" Accepting the self, just as knowing the self, is an unending exploration, for there is always that which is new. New circumstances spring forth and create new situations in which the self has previously been untried. And each interaction in each situation brings its fruit of self-knowledge and its opportunity for further integration into self-acceptance.The end result of these two processes together is to become the Creator, compassionate, loving and understanding. This is gained by working upon the self. And once one has forgiven and become compassionate towards the self, then that entity becomes that magical person who is able to love, forgive and have compassion on others. "


Q’uote of the Day
March 13th, 2010

" You are those who store and who expend energy. A light within you moves ceaselessly through your energy body and back to the one infinite Creator. And you use that light, you color that light with your intentions more than with your innate distortions. Your power to intensify and potentiate the light that is passing through you stems from your growing awareness that you have a will and that you can use that will to set your intention and to create the universe that you wish, and that you choose to create. "

Well just part of this quote is enough to nicely match todays quote… but, well all of it is best to respect the passage as well as the quote.

" 18.5 Questioner: Thank you. I have a question here from Jim that I will read verbatim: “Much of the mystic tradition of seeking on Earth holds that belief that the individual self must be erased or obliterated and the material world ignored for an entity to reach ‘nirvana,’ as it’s called, or enlightenment. What is the proper role of the individual self and its worldly activities in aiding an entity to grow more into the Law of One?”

Ra: I am Ra. The proper role of the entity is in this density to experience all things desired, to then analyze, understand, and accept these experiences, distilling from them the love/light within them. Nothing shall be overcome. That which is not needed falls away.

The orientation develops due to analysis of desire. These desires become more and more distorted towards conscious application of love/light as the entity furnishes itself with distilled experience. We have found it to be inappropriate in the extreme to encourage the overcoming of any desires, except to suggest the imagination rather than the carrying out in the physical plane, as you call it, of those desires not consonant with the Law of One; this preserving the primal distortion of free will.

The reason it is unwise to overcome is that overcoming is an unbalanced action creating difficulties in balancing in the time/space continuum. Overcoming thus creates the further environment for holding onto that which apparently has been overcome.

All things are acceptable in the proper time for each entity, and in experiencing, in understanding, in accepting, in then sharing with other-selves, the appropriate description shall be moving away from distortions of one kind to distortions of another which may be more consonant with the Law of One.

It is, shall we say, a shortcut to simply ignore or overcome any desire. It must instead be understood and accepted. This takes patience and experience which can be analyzed with care, with compassion for self and for other-self."

Intention or desire well Law of One is more desire focused whereas the channeling material talks on intention, so hence I included the Law of One passage. Its an interesting side note of discussion…

Ill leave a quick definition to add to that contemption…
a thing intended; an aim or plan.
a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.

Law of One perhaps sees it as the same? in this quote its reflected

“However, the original ideas were the same with the addition of a desire or intention of creating places of meditation and rest, a feeling of the presence of the One Creator…”

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Q’uote of the Day
December 23rd, 2001

" There is an energy exchange between those who are vibrating together in love with each other on the fourth-density level which is very heartening and very healing for both entities, and we encourage each to attempt in all relationships to move from a point of fourth-density love, acceptance, forgiveness and willingness to move on. That is the pattern of learning, not to linger too long in negative emotions but, rather, to honor that negative emotion whenever it arises, to sit with it as long as it needs to be sat with in order to be accepted, in order to feel that it has been honored. And then, when it has been honored and there has come a peace and a balance and some small understanding, it is time to say, “Amen. I am sorry. I begin again.”…For judge and grasp the lesson you certainly will, but then it is time to release that. "


Q’uote of the Day
November 5th, 2000

"…Love is the blanket in which the seeker may roll up and rest at the end of the day, when will and faith are exhausted. That love lies within the heart and is accessible at all times. There is simply the choice made to crawl into that blanket and to roll oneself up in it. We greatly encourage this turning to love itself, turning to the heart within. For at the end of working with change there is great weariness and there is the need to rest. And this the Creator has provided for with a full and loving hand. "

The discussion that lies before this quote on change, is very worth the read, but that is to much to place in this small area giving its not directly related to todays quote. Now before that passage, here is a talk on will and faith…

"there are two forces which are tremendously powerful and one overriding force, which we will speak of to conclude, that to our way of thinking are the greatest areas of potential within the incarnation. The first is faith. The one known as T spoke of faith, and we would agree that faith has a powerful effect upon how change occurs within the incarnation.

Now each, as we have said, has a fairly set personality shell, and each has a fairly set system of relationships, issues, learning and service. However, these factors only produce a fairly random series of crises, times when the spirit that is you must choose one way or another to act, to think, to be. Faith is a faculty which reaches into the heart and pulls from that place a faculty which believes not that which is seen but that which is hoped. It takes that which is hoped and places it in the position of being known and being believed. The choice of this attitude of faith that all is well and that the plan is good is that which will reliably illuminate that issue or that relationship with which you are sitting. It does not obviate the need for patience, tolerance, kindness or the innocent and heartfelt desire to communicate. But it creates a vibration of light that is far closer to the truth that is the Creator, to the vibration that is the one great original Thought. And it is as the element that enters a confused pattern and, by being placed in that pattern, stitches up the ravels of that pattern and creates a moment of clarity where the pattern emerges from the tangle and the structure is seen in one moment of crystallized learning.

And in those blessed moments of faith it is seen that all truly is well and that all will be well, and the bare memory of that moment is enough to illuminate and ease the entire process of transformation that would otherwise would seem a plodding and ungainly practice.

The second faculty that is most exciting to us and is very efficacious in creating positive as opposed to seemingly negative changes within the life experience is the faculty of will. Will may be seen as desire with a vector. Every entity has appetites. The physical body creates appetite as its first offering to the personality shell. The mental aspect of the physical body, with its predilection for choice making and for either/or, offers its refinements to the faculty of will. There become desires for this, desires for that. The consciousness itself has deeply seated desires that do not come from the body or from within the mind but from within the spirit. And these are deep desires of the soul that are often unspoken throughout the entire incarnation and, yet, even the shadows and echoes of these deep hungers of the heart affect the incarnation deeply.

The art and skill of developing the faculty of will is beginning to become aware of your desires, and as you become more and more aware of your desires becoming able to prioritize those desires, and sitting with them, beginning to see into them, and to choose those desires of the heart which you truly and deeply wish to follow. Once you have begun to identify those deep desires then it is that the faculty of will may begin to be pointed and the appetite and thirst may become a driving desire which may be expressed in prayer, in affirmation, in faith, in hope, in speech, in action, and in intention. The pointing and the continuation of desire is a faculty which will transform and accelerate the process of your spiritual evolution. This is perhaps the greatest of helpers in coming into a relative degree of mastery of the forces which are moving throughout your incarnation. The skill of pointing a desire is, paradoxically enough, that moment when it is seen that desire of the self and desire of the infinite One are one and the same thing. And there is a surrender of the small self to the Creator self so that these lower orders of body and mind and personality shell begin not to fall away but to have less sway over the incarnational process, over the thinking that feeds into the choices that you make."

Here is one quote for ‘safekeeping’
“Will may be seen as desire with a vector” .

After those above paragraphs, this leading passage which then finishes on the daily quote above, and the ahem blanket metaphor :wink:

“That which lies beneath will and faith, like a blanket, is the Logos. And that Logos may be seen as the Creator. We say that this Logos is as the blanket because we feel that it is an apt simile of the spiritual walk, that long and winding road, to say that it is a walk in a cold climate. It is lonely, and the bed is the earth at the edge of the path. The ceiling is the stars above. And it seems a stark landscape often. For metaphysically, each truly walks alone as far as the making of choices and the creation of a tapestry of incarnational colors and textures. Each entity and each entity’s choices are individual, to an absolute extent. Certainly, each walks with helpers. Each walks with spirit and the messengers of spirit, messengers of love, of understanding, of support and encouragement, and an awareness of this level of love from the Creator is helpful in softening that hard bed of earth and in bringing those cold stars closer.”


Q’uote of the Day
January 11th, 2020

“As you look about you in your daily experience, in the meditative state, look and see the One Creator. Feel, in some essence and some degree, the Creator within yourself seeing itself through your eyes. When you see other entities moving about you, see the Creator. When you look into a mirror, see the Creator. These may sound like the most simplistic of exercises, however, if done with a sincere desire to see the Creator, and to know, from the heart of one’s being, that such is true and such is possible, then the Creator may reveal itself more and more to you as you seek it, for as you seek it, you draw unto yourself the ability to perceive it more and more fully in your own experience of the spiritual journey.”

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Q’uote of the Day
November 21st, 1999

“What is it to live by faith but to look at a situation that seems hopeless and say, “I believe that all is well.” May we say that in our opinion this affirmation is one of the most powerful, enabling and ennobling of all learnings, of all expression, of all spiritual manifestation. The other is forgiveness.”

The rest of the passage continues with a motivational ‘pick me up’ perhaps it may inspire you too?

"When you are looking at that part of your universal self that you do not wish to see—that is, when you are having difficulty with another entity—it may not seem possible for you to forgive that entity, and, by reflection, it may not seem possible for you to forgive yourself. And may we say further it is not possible to either forgive self or other self without a release of that self and an acceptance of help, for there is help at the core of your being waiting to be accessed, waiting to be asked. For the infinite Creator in infinite love and infinite patience sits in a humble chair in a little corner of your heart waiting to be called upon, waiting to be brought into the center of the heart, waiting to be noticed, waiting to be asked. In the beginning was the word, and the word was with deity and that Logos was deity, and that deity is Love, and that Love is you. At the heart of your being lies all the resources that you will ever, ever need. At the heart of your being lies infinite truth, infinite power, infinite strength.

When you can lay the burden of selfhood down and allow that core of self to speak as the little self, then you shall be overshadowed by infinite energy. And there are times when each of you has experienced this grace, times when you have prayed and received blessing, when it has become possible for you to love and forgive another and the self. Know that these things are possible. Know that it does not matter whether you have not succeeded or whether you feel that you have. For you are doing well simply to arise in the morning and breathe the air and respond as best you can to the busyness and the pleasure of the day.

All is well. This may be your mantra. All will be well. This will be your hope. Allow yourself to fail. Allow yourself to be upset. There is no disaster here, but only the opportunity for learning and growth. And know that help is always nearer than your breathing, closer than your own features or the breath in your body. Entities of great love and wisdom surround you, love you, want to support you. Lean into that invisible help and know always that all is well."


A post was merged into an existing topic: Q’uotes Discussions

Q’uote of the Day
May 17th, 2005

“What is the “I” of you? As you become more and more interesting to yourself, we believe that you will find that the “I” of yourself has more and more to do with consciousness and less and less to do with mind. As you circle ever closer to the center of your onion and see layer after layer of false self fall away, we believe that you shall find the “I” of you to be ever more involved with the soul stream from which you came, which is, in its essence, a spark of the one infinite Creator.”

Here is this on that matter,
“The mind portion of yourself encompasses your physical body, the biocomputer that you inherited with the physical body at birth and that you call your mind, or brain, and the emotions that you possess that are of an instinctual nature. These are all a part of the dust from which you came as a body and to which you shall return as a body. As you return to the dust, so shall your personality shell and the untutored, untaught emotions connected with instinctual behavior as inherited with the body that you now experience life within.”

Before this discussion, this is advanced practices so its not necessary especially this quote from Law of One, just opening to love is enough.
“We have considered the mind as a tree. The mind controls the body. With the mind single-pointed, balanced, and aware, the body comfortable in whatever biases and distortions make it appropriately balanced for that instrument, the instrument is then ready to proceed with the great work.” - I will talk further below on where this quote comes from…

“untaught emotions connected with instinctual behavior as inherited with the body”
Once the mind becomes more singled pointed, that I’ness takes on a new form, no longer are you identified by that constant stream of thought endlessly running throughout the day well maybe, given how busy my mind used to be I can only talk from that perspective :smile:
That next part on the body from that Law of One quote and relating that quote I placed just above, those untaught emotions then really take center stage, as usually not always of course these can be get masked behind those thoughts.

This links to this other quote, especially that line perverse comfort in negative emotions…
“The catalyst for the discipline of personality is joyful remembering of who you are. As you remember who you are, more and more of that which you may willfully seem to be, but which you are not, is no longer needed and falls away. The effort is not in pushing away the things of this world, as this instrument would say. The effort is in creating within the self a joyful remembrance of love as the nature of the true self, which creates an atmosphere in which gradually, and in a rhythmic, appropriate time, one after another, those things which are hindrances to joy fall away. Anger is not overcome, it is simply no longer needed to express the passion of the self. Distress, despair, all negative emotion is distorted love. It is passion turned and bent and unrecognizable. But as love is all there is, so with your free will you may create ponderous illusion upon illusion, finding perverse comfort in negative emotion, for it is familiar, and that which is familiar is safe, and that which is unfamiliar is not. When one is mindful one finds oneself slowly able to release the fear that has caused the distortion that has created for the self an armor against that which is perceived as a threat. To one continuously aware of the self as love there are no threats, there is only remembrance of the truth of love.”


Now to rewind the discussion to what I was talked about before, with that added quote to give volume and depth, perverse comfort in negative emotions you realise how subtle that is… eg the need to feel a constant anxiety, or tension, or worry. As you reside in the open heart more and that feeling of joy becomes known you truly recognise this on a deeper level, even when you feel at ease after realisations, transformations that tension you find is there that was not possible to know before.

Back to full circle, the daily quote " the “I” of yourself has more and more to do with consciousness and less and less to do with mind"
The deeper I, you have more and more feel that part of you experiencing that emotion or thinking that thought. Which in earlier times that remembrance would come infrequent an not often, that I’ness emerges an you catch yourself zooming in more so to speak… Of course spiritual path is full of paradoxes, getting distracted living in the illusion in heavier way can be good thing, its strengthening that connection which living in a far less distracted way may not get that heavier weight training… but then the consistency has benefits too in a different way.

That Law of One quote above, came because of this " One of the primal distortions of the Law of One is that of healing. Healing occurs when a mind/body/spirit complex realizes, deep within itself, the Law of One; that is, that there is no disharmony, no imperfection; that all is complete and whole and perfect. Thus, the intelligent infinity within this mind/body/spirit complex re-forms the illusion of body, mind, or spirit to a form congruent with the Law of One. The healer acts as energizer or catalyst for this completely individual process."
The exercises are listed in 5.2 and 6.1 in Law of one… Discipline of the personality.

Back to basics… its our desire to be confused that brings all of this about, the law of confusion/free will an what degree or level its at on a consistent basis… Eventually desire to return to oneness will shine forth increasingly… We being the creator, want to experience free will exploring distortions of love then after enough time… want to lesson the distortions an back to unity. Basically be at ease, theres no rush experience, enjoy life, time will come eventually for all when ready, eventually that desire will be strong enough an like a magnet will attract all to full into place.

Its why this is listed as most significant exercise to accelerate Law of One… its all about that desire

" 10.14 Questioner: For general development [of the] reader of this book, could you state some of the practices or exercises to perform to produce an acceleration toward the Law of One?

Ra: I am Ra.

Exercise One. This is the most nearly centered and usable within your illusion complex. The moment contains love. That is the lesson/goal of this illusion or density. The exercise is to consciously seek that love in awareness and understanding distortions. The first attempt is the cornerstone. Upon this choosing rests the remainder of the life-experience of an entity. The second seeking of love within the moment begins the addition. The third seeking powers the second, the fourth powering or doubling the third. As with the previous type of empowerment, there will be some loss of power due to flaws within the seeking in the distortion of insincerity. However, the conscious statement of self to self of the desire to seek love is so central an act of will that, as before, the loss of power due to this friction is inconsequential."


A post was merged into an existing topic: Q’uotes Discussions

Q’uote of the Day
May 13th, 1990

“We ask you to consider with us an impossible-seeming concept. This is not your first creation, nor will it be your last. You are the first children of the one infinite Creator, created before time and space. You are timeless, you are spaceless, and you are each unique. We are aware that this is not an easy concept to grasp. Where is the memory of all this creation? Where is the buried treasure of this infinite beingness? Where is any awareness whatsoever of this situation? You are not aware of this situation in the same way that you are not aware of the energy fields of your body, of each atom and its paths of energy that hold it together in a field, of each combination of atoms into molecules, of all the fields that interact with each other to form the complex of your physical vehicle, of all the time/space fields of energy that create your mind in such and such a way. Have you any awareness of all this activity? No, my friends, you have not. It is not your business. It is not your purpose.”


Q’uote of the Day
April 18th, 2006

“It is unnecessary in terms of preparing the self for graduation from third density to penetrate the veil of forgetting. Indeed, it is far more important, in preparing for graduation from third density, that one come finally to the understanding that one knows nothing and can know nothing of the mystery that is the one infinite Creator.”

Yes all begins and ends in mystery… To learn to know nothing tho, to empty oneself well its not as easy at it sounds, for that desire to be full or even just a little is what this third density world can offer in spades…

Here is a final note to leave on.

" In order to achieve harvestability within third density, it is necessary only to intend to love and to allow the self to be loved in return. Loving and being loved are the activity that shall open your heart and create in you a cleanliness, a peace, and a power that expresses the love and the light of the one infinite Creator in its truth and its beauty."

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