Q’uote of the Day
November 28th, 2004
January 22nd, 2011
“There are those who, having realized their free will, turn to objects of desire that are within the physical illusion. This instrument was talking on a radio program and was asked about how to set an intention to get what was desired. Then this instrument discovered that the object of desire was a set of dishes and she told the questioner that she was out of her depth because she only knew how to set her intention for spiritual goals and that the caller was on her own when it came to dishes.”
Ones desires are incredibly powerful for the one ultimate desire, lies behind everything
“” Creator’s primal desire to know Itself generates the necessity for this system of octaves in which the beginning of each octave lays a foundation and sets a stage upon which the Creator may indulge in this desire to know Itself and begin a journey of gaining experience to fulfill this desire."
Now here is a deeper analysis on this from today’s transcript
"We are talking about spiritual goals here to the exclusion of goals set within the illusion. Giving over one’s will to the will of the infinite Creator is an act of will. Indeed it is a very deep act of will, reaching down into the roots of consciousness, for the will is turned over to the Creator, the Creator of love, that Logos, the one original Thought that created all that there is. Such a decision is the act of a conscious being that is conscious of its reality and of the reality within which it dwells; that is, [that] it dwells in the house of the Creator on an island in space called Planet Earth. It acknowledges that there is a dance between all of the parts of the Creator so that they are all dancing in balance with each other, and it indicates an overwhelming desire to be part of the harmony, the reciprocity, and the balance of the dance.
It seems as though it were giving away responsibility [to give one’s will over to the will of the Creator], yet it is in no way a giving away of responsibility. Rather it is a dedication of the self to the rightness, the balance, the rhythm of the dance. It is an acknowledgment that within third density one cannot see clearly all of the factors that weigh on a situation. One cannot see what the grand pattern is that lies beneath the smaller patterns. [Such a choice] expresses the desire to cooperate with and harmonize with that pattern to come into balance with the one infinite Creation and all of its interactive parts. Free will is at its most expressive as it chooses the will of the infinite One and releases attachments to outcomes within the illusion in favor of what that mystery shall bring about in the way of deeper reconciliation and return to balance.
The human will, the individual will, is very powerful. Each of you is a magical entity, an entity capable potentially of creating changes in your own consciousness by thought. It is seductive and tempting to use one’s individual will, pushing against perceived reality, for a desired goal. It is easy to think that one is doing one’s part by willing that this perceived responsibility be completed or that service be rendered. And all of those energies are excellent. The expressing of one’s desires and the setting of one’s intentions are ways of experiencing the self as powerful. And this is a helpful experience.
Yet the most powerful choice, in our humble opinion, for any entity is the choice of doing the will of that agent which created all that there is and which is aware of all of those elements which shall constitute the balance point in any situation.
It takes courage, in fact, to turn over the will to the infinite One, for the outcome is unknown. Those personal desires which one has may or may not be part of that balance and rhythm of the dance that is appropriate. There is the element of perceived sacrifice."
You can see the absolutely incredible magic of the concept of desire, for from a third density perspective we follow our desires and explore them eventually though the transient nature of those worldly desires will wear out in ones many lifetimes, however long it takes it will eventually occur as those all are transient so cannot match that everlasting eternal primal desire…The beauty of it all is its the creator which we are … knowing oneself an thus creator knowing oneself by exploring those desire. Until the final desire… “All roads lead to Rome”
" As you attempt to serve others, always ask the self…‘What is being asked of you?’ For it is in response to what is asked that one may serve another. And upon a deeper level, as events impinge upon you, a good question to ask as a touchstone is, ‘What does the Creator ask of you?’ The answer to this can be known only from the heart, only from the intuition, for what the Creator asks is often illogical, often puzzling. Even though one feels to do or not to do something, one cannot precisely explain why. But when there is a strong intuition, we recommend and encourage the will to follow that intuition. "
"Even though one feels to do or not to do something, one cannot precisely explain why. But when there is a strong intuition, we recommend and encourage the will to follow that intuition.
Countless times in my life… this has happened where listening to my heart seems such an illogical way putting everything on the line, and rationally there is no way things will work out if I do this… but lo an be hold … it always works out in end… It really tests my faith tho… as often its not until the very last moments it does! For instance initially I planned this year to have a smaller journey with family, despite having not enough resources aka money for longer I still felt in heart we should and I committed to it despite it seeming like a reality that has no path to happen. The journey is next week, but somehow everything is coming together now when only yesterday it did not seem possible and would take a miracle too…
All along tho underneath all the surface noise that feeling that all is well and heart was saying it will be fine in the end, an this kept tugging at me when I was quite enough to listen.
"The Creator chose to know Itself. And in order to know Itself, It created, with love and with light, a creation in which entities could examine whatever of the material of their essence or Is-ness that they wished to examine, against a backdrop that seemed plausible and solid so that there would be a believable, self-correcting, consensus-reality dream in which all of those within a planetary system, such as yours, could take part and help each other to learn more about that entity which all of you are or which each of you is…While each of you is utterly unique, at the same time each of you is a part of one energy system which is the Creator. You are in the process of learning from your inner self with the help of your outer or other selves. "
This just to be heard in relation to this Law of One quote…brought about by the context of when asking for specific information…
"just as the grass withers and dies while the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator redounds to the very infinite realms of creation forever and ever, creating and creating itself in perpetuity.
Why then be concerned with the grass that blooms, withers and dies in its season only to grow once again due to the infinite love and light of the One Creator? This is the message we bring. Each entity is only superficially that which blooms and dies. In the deeper sense there is no end to beingness."
" To the open-hearted there comes that spirit which enlivens hope and faith; and in its turn, this faith organizes the intellectual mind so that it is more worry-resistant when next the situation causing worry arises. "
“We are talking about spiritual goals here to the exclusion of goals set within the illusion. Giving over one’s will to the will of the infinite Creator is an act of will. Indeed it is a very deep act of will, reaching down into the roots of consciousness, for the will is turned over to the Creator, the Creator of love, that Logos, the one original Thought that created all that there is. Such a decision is the act of a conscious being that is conscious of its reality and of the reality within which it dwells; that is, [that] it dwells in the house of the Creator on an island in space called Planet Earth. It acknowledges that there is a dance between all of the parts of the Creator so that they are all dancing in balance with each other, and it indicates an overwhelming desire to be part of the harmony, the reciprocity, and the balance of the dance.”
" The mind of man is not a tool which is created to engage in that truth that goes beyond fact and enters into essence. Therefore, the seeker who wishes to engage the will at the level of spirituality is well served by a daily practice which removes the self from the kingdom of the mind and brings the self into the kingdom of the heart. Thusly, it is to the heart the seeker shall most beneficially turn, walking through the outer courtyard of the heart and gathering all of his humanity in order that he may lay it down in the inner sanctum of the heart in which he may tabernacle with the infinite One. There is surcease there from the ways of the world. There is release from the tyranny of the mind. There is acceptance of all of the imperfect-seeming self by a love so great that it has called you and the creation into being. "
This next quote
“The desire of an entity is like a firefly—it flits here and there, fixing on things small and large and infinite with bewildering speed. The same entity can desire a certain flavor of ice cream, peace on earth for all mankind, and that parking place that just became available, with bewildering speed. And all desires are true and real in their way. It is at those times when one is tabernacling in silence with the infinite One that the firefly of desire lands just for a moment, just for a spell of time, infinitely short and infinitely precious, and comes to rest at a still point that opens up into all of infinity and eternity.”
Ahh especially those last few sentences, the still point- hence all the talk on silence an stilling the mind… What a powerful quote indeed, which only becomes more as one experiences it deeper and deeper!
The next part…
“It is from those timeless moments out of time that one can bring back a growing ability to know one’s desires for what they are and can begin to separate the ice cream and the parking place from the hope of peace.”
Yes out of time… resting in that silence time truly slows down. Often though many have experienced the opposite… being at a job, working keep the mind thinking non stop all day an then all of a sudden an entire day flys by many hours passing by. Or a computer game so engaged, mind so preoccupied once again hours can go by in a flash. As my mind becomes quieter time really extends much more, compared to earlier in my life, last 10 years seem longer than rest of my life so sometimes i feel like am an elderly man Just one day can seem very long… a week like months, one year a huge amount of time. Dreams are an example of the plasticity of time, a quick 10 minute dream can seem like days or longer!
There is a joy in the timelessness that remains an cements itself evermore… compared to the joys of being distracted which last only so briefly…
" We hear you speaking of the desire to serve, the desire to give of the self to others and to the planetary energy, and we applaud that hope and that energy, for each of you was indeed careful to include unique gifts in the personality that you chose for this incarnation. And it is wise to seek out one’s gifts and to find ways to use them in the service of others. "
"…Your glory is that you have earned the right to an incarnation at a time when you are capable of helping to shift the consciousness of the planet you call Earth in such a way that it calls forth from entities the desire to awaken and remember who they are so that they, too, may be part of the graduation from third to fourth density.In a way, all of you are engaged in one mission together. You are attempting to awaken humankind. Focus that attempt upon yourself. As you awaken, the world awakens. Do not feel that you must go forth and teach in order to do this job. As you work on yourself, you are working for all of humankind. Be content, therefore, to seek ever more deeply within yourself for your true nature. "
And there lies the key to that great spiritual work… the inner not the outer.
"…For one to truly be of aid to another, one can only desire to be of such aid and to reflect the love that one has found in as pure a fashion as possible, giving always with an open and cheerful heart without expectation of return so that the greater will of the one Creator which has been planted as seed within all entities might in its own time be nourished and grow in a fashion which, [while] perhaps not understood by those about an entity, yet is appropriate to that entity. "
And of course… have to throw in this quote too
“Yet, if it is simply remembered that Christmas is far more important symbolically than literally, then you may keep Christmas within the heart, and then “bah-humbugs” are at an end forever, for the Christmas within you is the mass of Christ, is the thanksgiving for your relationship with the infinite mystery which for want of a better word we call love, the one original Thought, the Logos, which created all that there is. That relationship is direct. Thusly, what you wish for at Christmas is not presents, as in gifts, but the presence, or the communion with the infinite One.”
“My friends, these are humble words which we share with you, and words which may at a glance seem but common sense, and, indeed, we feel that is so. We feel that the most common of senses is that sense of being which seeks love, seeks to give and to receive that known as love. Therefore, we give this simple message as a reminder that your journeys and your experiences, though seemingly of a very complex nature, are at their heart quite, quite simple. You stand upon the foundation of love. You are that love. You seek that love. And all about you is some form of that love made manifest and hidden within that illusion in order that you might have the opportunity of finding it.”
"Perhaps the most common mistake that positively-oriented seekers make is the mistake of feeling that they know what another entity needs. Indeed, it is the work of some patience to come to that place where you are willing to wait until you are asked in order to attempt to be of service. This sounds very simple but is very difficult when you feel that you have something to say that will help another. When this feeling hits there is the urge to share, and we do not say that this is wrong. We simply say that it may not be service to others, for what entities desire they shall ask for, and it is when that other entity asks that that precious gift of service may then be shared. "
And one from RA during there time in third density… but first this can help clarify that offer of service when its not necessary 64.16
" For the unpolarized entity the considerations are random and most likely in the direction of the distortion towards comfort" … Translation if some is just trying to relax perhaps that spiritual talk can wait another time
Here is that quote…
" 89.30Questioner: Would Ra’s attitude toward the same unharvestable entities be different at this nexus than at the time of harvest of third density?
Ra: I am Ra. Not substantially. To those who wish to sleep we could only offer those comforts designed for the sleeping. Service is only possible to the extent it is requested. We were ready to serve in whatever way we could. This still seems satisfactory as a means of dealing with other-selves in third density. It is our feeling that to be each entity which one attempts to serve is to simplify the grasp of what service is necessary or possible."
" In order to achieve harvestability within third density, it is necessary only to intend to love and to allow the self to be loved in return. Loving and being loved are the activity that shall open your heart and create in you a cleanliness, a peace, and a power that expresses the love and the light of the one infinite Creator in its truth and its beauty. "
"It is our opinion that all things are one, that all there is dwells within each entity. It is our feeling that each entity contains the infinite creation. All things are thought, all thoughts, all emotions, all that is seen, all that is sensed in any way has manifestation to the outer eye but first has roots within that inner being that is connected, not with larger spaces, but with infinity itself. For each of you is that holographic image of all that there is. Each of you is one thing. The small self cannot grasp the unity that is the truth of all your peoples upon your sphere of Earth. It seems obvious to the outer eye that each entity is a person unto herself, and yet just as a child awakens for the first time in her mother’s arms and becomes aware of a new world of sight and sound and sensation, just so does the spiritual self within the human being awaken to an alarm that only it can hear. "
"At this time where the world experiences the shortest of days and the longest of nights, at your Christmastide, your light festival, know that the baby that lies within the manger in the story in your Bible is alive and lying in the manger in your heart. Know that that consciousness of Christ that the one known as Jesus carried is carried by others as well. That there are always Christs within your inner planes, those who dwell in that state of consciousness that is so fruitful and helpful for those within the Earth planes, but know most of all that the savior and redeemer of the world lies within the single unified heart. For each of you has in perfect accomplishment the awareness and the ability to be Christed. And as destiny rules, each of you shall be given your times to express perfect love. "
" Never fear that you have somehow been left out of that wonderful feeling of having a purpose and being about the Creator’s business on this Earth, for you are the Creator’s eyes of love. You are the Creator’s hands of love. You are the Creator’s words of love. You are the Creator’s thoughts of love. "
" Because you have awakened to your potential as the creator of your universe and because you have begun to enter into creating the universe as you feel you would wish it to be by acting in an ethical manner at times of choice, you begin to develop an energy about you that is the energy not only of your personality but of the creation which has become imagined into being within your life. "
Leading up to that is this
"At that level, you may see that it is an archetypical energy, when an entity awakens, to project his own awakening upon the world at large. And this is a legitimate and valid viewpoint from a certain point of view. Each entity is the author of his particular creation. Admittedly, there are points of reference which are common to most people’s creations, including data about the society and the culture in which they live.
Yet each entity’s creation is his own. The biases that he encourages in his life become the biases of his world. Entities are people of great power. They are part of the godhead principle. All entities, even the elements, the animals, and all of nature, have this power. But they do not know that they have it. And consequently they use it effortlessly and without any impurity, being incapable of altering their nature and only capable of fulfilling it.
You, as self-conscious entities, have far greater ability to create because you are conscious of yourself. You are aware that you are a being that is seeking. You have an observer function. Indeed, many entities have a very complex observer function, where the observer is watching the observer who is watching what’s happening. You can create a lot of complexity in terms of how you perceive things and what you choose upon which to focus."
Lastly this quote…
"When entities do awaken and do realize that it is an urgent matter for them to shift their consciousness, they can feel that it is needed for others also to shift their consciousness. There comes into play a tendency towards what we might call spiritual materialism, in which you want everyone to form up and live in a new way.
In this regard we would suggest that the skillful choice is always to work on the self without regard for working with other entities. Service to others, working upon what you perceive needs to be done in the world, begins and ends within yourself. Until the point at which you are asked specific questions that you may answer in what you hope is a spiritually helpful manner, the work you do on yourself is sufficient and more than adequate in terms of how you may affect the consciousness of planet Earth. Change yourself and you change the world. That is how powerful you really are."
" In the case of the opened heart, there is a simple or simplistic degree of selfhood or ego which is an essential part of the radiating form, for it blesses the light that is radiating forth from your heart. It is a very personal thing, although it has great overtones of impersonality as the open heart makes contact with the presence of the infinite One.Meditation through the gateway of intelligent infinity is impersonal. And so the great work of indigo ray is to move the self, very gently, out of the way and allow only the essence of desire to express the selfhood of the seeker. "
That last line "great work of indigo ray is to move the self, very gently, out of the way and allow only the essence of desire to express the selfhood of the seeker. “”
what a fascinating piece of mediation/contemplation that is… Of course when i say that its not like back in school days of homework… well perhaps even saying that is opening the door to trouble, trouble that always exists in spiritual matters all relating to that one word paradox… In a way life is school, except the concept of free will comes into play, so its school in a longer term point of view but not necessary so in a short term. Then that is another paradox, which by discussing that would open to another paradox and so forth. Now how does this relate to the daily quote… well it all comes down to that essence of desire an moving self out of way for that… ahh another paradox. You can see why its a fascinating source of contemplation So lesson for today any spiritual discussion can unravel when the concept of paradox is thrown in the ring!
Well back to that sentence to move self out of way… first this needs to be done
“In order to approach this gateway, much work has already been done. For it is impossible to enter the gateway of indigo ray until the entity has gathered the entirety and the wholeness of its integrated self into the heart and has done the work of forgiving and falling in love with this integrated self, with its many perceived faults.”
Embrace the mystery… an the unknowing. Being heavily balanced towards knowing is usually a society constructed concept.
“There is the realization that the mind does not have enough words, the heart does not have enough tears, and the being that expresses on the conscious level does not have the capacity, in and of itself, to understand what it is getting through the gateway of intelligent infinity. Consequently, this work is done in a state of unknowing.”
I remember recently, I was talking to a friend… he had been in a state of unknowing for a large portion of last year I did not have feeling to talk to him about it until when that unknowing was solved. In this case it was being between jobs…an settling for a new job although it less of a position before so it wasnt about money as he was okay there… its more about that feeling of control. I told him something along the lines of its good to the uncertain, to not know that state its how all change comes about… Well it was something along that lines I cant recall but it opened up something within which a surprise… The state of unknowing being a good thing! Theres more to it of course but the details arent important. Embrace mystery!
If the shoe fits wear it… so if drawn to it this meditation mentioned in the transcript is stopping any more discussion with words here and moving to action instead…
" As you sit in meditation, visualize with us your energy body, with its rainbow of colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The indigo and violet rays are at the brow and the crown of the head, the very tip of your physicality. Allow the light and the love of the one infinite Creator to flow through the bottoms of your feet, the base of your spine, and up your spine. Feel that energy kissing and moving through each chakra. Feel it pouring out the top of your head in a fountain of colored light. That is, light which is colored by your working with each of the chakra energies to bring them into your own unique balance. You can see that there is a circular spray, shall we say, of radiated light that moves from the top of your head in all directions.
Now, allow yourself to feel the essence of your desire. What do you desire? Those ready to work with the gateway to intelligent infinity will be saying something like, “I desire to seek the truth. I desire firsthand experience of the One. I seek to know in order to serve,” and sentiments of that basic nature which ask nothing for the self except to rest with the Beloved at last and practice the presence of the one infinite Creator.
As you find that desire, my friends, begin to feel the energy within your third eye vibrate. Feel it come alive. Oh, sacred desire! It is vital to be passionate in your seeking. Then, imagine that contact, that moment when that desire is fructified by the inspiration which is focused only for you and adequate in every detail for all that you could ever wish to know or use in order to serve.
See your radiation begin to have weight. You are now not simply radiating out into a void, shall we say, or the area around your head. You have become a fountain. As the inspiration flows into that portion of your energy body it then bursts forth again, but with a weight, so that it is more like water than light in its behavior. It begins streaming in a beautiful circular, symmetrical fountain and coming back under you to catch up again with the energy of the earth, that love and light that comes into the body from the base of the chakras. You sit in the middle of a torus, shall we say, of created light that is your interface with all that there is."
Stop discussion… no actually why not throw one more aspect into the wind, the feeling of working with opening heart an the essence of indigo and violent rays…
Lastly the exercise before was about in a more singular fashion, heres one in a mated relationship that is talked about too. Which whether one engages in or not is not important, its more to paint a fuller picture of today’s discussion… to see the full story.
"The physical body is a wonderful instrument. We realize that it is a very delicate piece of machinery that is often distorted in various ways and in need of repair. And yet at the same time your bodies are wonderfully adequate to feel the most intense emotions and to sing the most heartfelt melodies of emotion.
In the world of social intercourse, entities use words to connect with each other. And words always are inadequate to convey wholeness, because of their very nature. The body, on the other hand, in sexual intercourse, can communicate without words. It can make connections that can be felt or even seen by some entities as circuitry that is connected with the joining of the mated pair.
And sexuality, of course, goes through all of the chakras from red right straight up through to violet. Each step along the way enhances sexuality. When the heart is penetrated by two entities who are in love not only with each other but with the Creator and love itself, there begins to be possible an energy exchange that is most helpful to the mated pair as well as to the world around that mated pair. Again, there is the creation of fountains of energy because of that spark, that atom that is being split in the orgasm.
When sexuality is a sacred, spiritual activity, that tremendous power is communicated with no words being remotely necessary, but the self becoming that powerhouse that just keeps radiating in fountains of articulated light.
When the mated pair reaches orgasm, regardless of what chakra from which the orgasm is expressing, it is recapitulating the steady state of the creation. It is experiencing the love of the one infinite Creator in a way which it simply cannot deny. It is a wonderfully focusing thing to approach and go through an orgasm.
When the mated pair determines to seek indigo and violet-ray sexuality, it opens a kind of communication with the divine that is otherwise unknown. What a blessing to have a way without words to experience and tabernacle with the one Creator!"
Lastly, these type of discussions may not always be encouraged so please take not of this, as it only takes more sway in higher densities!
"We have found that many of your people have so many prejudices against sexuality that it is difficult for them to conceive of a truly sacred sexuality. If there is a desire to make sexuality holy, the tendency is for entities to withhold sexuality from themselves except under certain circumstances, such as deciding to conceive a child. Yet, it is our opinion that the metaphysical nature of sexuality is such that it is one of the most clear-cut and accessible ways to experience the divinity of the self; and yet not the self but the consciousness within the self that you are letting free from all masks and deceptions by the investment of sexuality with your attitude of honor and worship.
As you deal with the indigo and violet rays, you are dealing more and more with things beyond words; with essences. And that is something for which spiritual seekers hunger. The process of moving into indigo and relishing it while you develop your ability to enjoy it is one of the blessings of a spiritually-oriented life, in our opinion. Those in higher densities also retain sacred sexuality and sacred social intercourse, although not in using the words but in sharing whole concepts with each other and collaborating to form group thoughts."
This below, is a nice way to bring all the topic back and highlight even the importance of talking and socialising…
"Certainly, sexually speaking, the mated pair collaborates in the most dynamic of all possible ways to practice the Presence of infinite love. But as you meet people who are doing the same sort of spiritual work as are you, and as you talk about that for which you thirst and hunger, you are creating collaboration through that contact point with intelligent infinity, and you are creating thought forms that then have an independence of existence.
You have spoken in this group about the creation of a new paradigm, and certainly this instrument is very focused on that creation of a new paradigm of living and being. Realize, when you have good conversations going between those of spiritual consanguinity, that you are creating changes in consciousness that will outlive the present moment and even your own lifetime. The opportunity for creating this paradigm is just as we have described for sexuality: conversation which achieves the penetration of the gateway. It is the thought that is focused when an intention is made to seek and to know this new paradigm. And then it is released into the emptiness of outer form so that it may reach the essence that fructifies your waking, everyday consciousness."
Well this it for today… certainly much to unpack and unravel! And also it concludes the transcript as well… If you are looking for some contemplation or something to meditate on well…
"As part of the creative principle of this planet and a steward of the spirit of this planet, and of its people, you have the rest of your days to pursue the infinite subtleties of your incarnational lessons, those things which keep repeating in your life, and discovering that which is acutely new to your consciousness but which has been coming together in your subconscious mind through time in incarnation. "
And its not obvious until its not… those repeating incarnation lessons. How many are on your life’s menus? One big item or a selection of courses, or how has your menu being chosen Yes its a seemingly surprise at first… but in time you will know, if you so desire.
" When you are tempted to feel helpless, hopeless and despairing, we would encourage you to remember that you do not need to relate to some idea of the Creator and please the Creator. Neither do you need to relate to the world and in some way please the world. In terms of your spiritual work, you have only yourself to please…You are not helpless. You are a person of infinite power. You are not hopeless, unless you choose to take that pose and stand as a statue, ignoring the movements of life. You may well be despairing because you have allowed yourself to identify the illusion as the realest portion of your life. In actuality, in terms of spiritual evolution, that which occurs outside of your mind is food for the mill. The pay dirt of spiritual seeking lies not in circumstances but in how you choose to respond to them. "
And here lies why within the Tarot… the choice Card is so significant
77.16Questioner: What I am really attempting to understand, since all of these twenty-one philosophical bases result in the twenty-second which is The Choice, is why this choice is so important, why the Logos, it seems, puts so much emphasis on this choice, and what function that choice of polarity is, precisely, in the evolution or the experience of that which is created by the Logos?
Ra: I am Ra. The polarization or choosing of each mind/body/spirit is necessary for harvestability from third density. The higher densities do their work due to the polarity gained in this choice.
And here
" The one great breakthrough which was made after our work in third density was done was the proper emphasis given to the Arcanum Number Twenty-Two which we have called The Choice. In our own experience we were aware that such an unifying archetype existed but did not give that archetype the proper complex of concepts in order to most efficaciously use that archetype in order to promote our evolution.
89.26Questioner: All right, we’ll attempt to do that. Ra stated that a major breakthrough was made when proper emphasis was put on Arcanum Twenty-Two. This didn’t happen until after Ra had completed third density. I assume from this that Ra, being polarized positively, probably had some of the same difficulty that occurred prior to the veil in that the negative polarity was not appreciated. That’s a guess. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. In one way it is precisely correct. Our harvest was overwhelmingly positive and our appreciation of those which were negative was relatively uninformed. However, we were intending to suggest that in the use of the system known to you as the tarot for advancing the spiritual evolution of the self a proper understanding, if we may use this misnomer, of Archetype Twenty-Two is greatly helpful in sharpening the basic view of the Significator of Mind, Body, and Spirit and, further, throws into starker relief the Transformation and Great Way of Mind, Body, and Spirit complexes."
"The nature of all that is not the one original Thought is to be distorted. Distortion is not a bad word. Distortion is not an insulting word. There is distortion in all manifestation, even the highest and best you can imagine. If there were no distortion, there would be no creation, for the creation itself, in its manifested aspect, is a series of nested distortions. Thusly, one is not attempting to remove distortion completely, but rather to allow it to become more coherent; to change stuttering and muddy colors to laser lights and jewels. "
Distortion… That is why I like the the phrases, Law of Free will or Way of Confusion… The confusion definition enables a further compassionate view of distortion. Only by embracing the confusion of this density can you truly accelerate spiritual progress, there are times to immerse yourself in confusion and times when not too… Without the notion of preincarnative planning this would make far less sense but with that in mind well … the ‘proof is in the pudding’.