Daily Q'uote from L/L Research Channeling

Q’uote of the Day
March 28th, 2009

"…When you fail to remember all these things and feel that you have “crashed and burned” in service-to-self-ness, let the dust settle. Take yourself up. And know that it shall be a new day as soon as you forgive yourself for being human. There is never an ending and never a failure to one who is on the path of positive polarity, because every morning is a new life. You may hit the reset button as often as you need to do so. "


Q’uote of the Day
September 2nd, 2001

"Upon the surface of the incarnation the self is a personality, a collection of biases, opinions, beliefs and suppositions, an amalgam of gifts and quirks and challenges. The interesting thing about personality is that each of you chose both your gifts and your limitations, your abundances and your lacks, for very good reasons. The challenge is to come into some fuller realization as time goes on as to what the pattern is behind those challenges and those gifts. What was hoped for by the higher self that is you when you and your higher self planned …the plot points of this incarnation? Why did you put that blockage there? That remarkable gift there? That incredible stupidity over there? …Why did you choose relationships with this, this and this entity that delight you and aggravate you and make you angry? In each connection there is a fullness of goodness, if one can but see the plan. …One seldom sees the plan until the pattern is complete and one has the blessed advantage of hindsight. "

Well, this comes to mind upon reading the above… the classic poker game quote from RA, if you can call it that…

" 50.7 Questioner: Thank you. Can you expand on the concept which is this: that it is necessary for an entity to, during incarnation in the physical as we call it, become polarized or interact properly with other entities and why this isn’t possible in between incarnations when he is aware of what he wants to do, but why must he come into an incarnation and lose memory, conscious memory of what he wants to do and then act in a way that he hopes to act? Could you expand on that please?

Ra: I am Ra. Let us give the example of the man who sees all the poker hands. He then knows the game. It is but child’s play to gamble, for it is no risk. The other hands are known. The possibilities are known and the hand will be played correctly but with no interest.

In time/space and in the true-color green density, the hands of all are open to the eye. The thoughts, the feelings, the troubles, all these may be seen. There is no deception and no desire for deception. Thus much may be accomplished in harmony but the mind/body/spirit gains little polarity from this interaction.

Let us re-examine this metaphor and multiply it into the longest poker game you can imagine, a lifetime. The cards are love, dislike, limitation, unhappiness, pleasure, etc. They are dealt and re-dealt and re-dealt continuously. You may, during this incarnation begin — and we stress begin — to know your own cards. You may begin to find the love within you. You may begin to balance your pleasure, your limitations, etc. However, your only indication of other-selves’ cards is to look into the eyes.

You cannot remember your hand, their hands, perhaps even the rules of this game. This game can only be won by those who lose their cards in the melting influence of love; can only be won by those who lay their pleasures, their limitations, their all upon the table face up and say inwardly: “All, all of you players, each other-self, whatever your hand, I love you.” This is the game: to know, to accept, to forgive, to balance, and to open the self in love. This cannot be done without the forgetting, for it would carry no weight in the life of the mind/body/spirit beingness totality."


Q’uote of the Day
August 24th, 2003

"…Open your heart to see yourself [as] a new being…fresh, untouched, inviolate, waiting, hoping to be loved, to be recognized…and taken care of and protected. This child within you is the spiritual self that you came into this world to find, to embrace, and to nourish and nurture with your outer life and your inner life, always opening to the vibration of unconditional love that floods the heart when there is no resistance…Your spiritual self is tender and young, and while you have become experienced and wise in the ways of the world, perhaps that has caused defenses to rise within each of you so that you are defended and armored against those who would hurt you. Yet…those souls…are yours to love, to help, and to wish well on their way if they perhaps do not agree, but never to armor against, to defend against, or to harden the self against. For the gift…of love, is that it is fearless…for it rests in the vibration of unconditional love. "

This quote also further in the transcript, can add that extra shine to today’s session…

" Hold to that sense of unity within yourself; know that all that is good and positive to you is you and all that is distasteful and hateful to you is you and that all things whatsoever are you. Look at this instrument, see the Creator; look in your mirror, see the Creator; look into the eyes of the person next to you and see the Creator; look into the eyes of your dearest enemy and see the same Creator; look into the sky, look into the depths of the sea, look into all of the elements and see only and always and ever the Creator. You are all things. "

Q’uote of the Day
January 19th, 1997

" How can a sensible, sane person, gazing upon a rather dangerous world, feel no fear? This is the crux. Here is the center. Just here, where fear shuts the door of the heart, here lies the opportunity to learn… When one feels threatened those emotions which do not have intelligence but are simply instinctual rise up to defend and protect. And it takes a great deal of care and discipline and perseverance to teach the self to lay down its arms and to be peaceful with the self…The most efficient way to bring the world to peace is to learn peace within the self, for as you think, as you are, so your universe in toto is also, for your consciousness is as a field and each bit of fear that you are able to let drop, each time that you find your heart expanding, the consciousness of your planet is being lightened. There is no lag time between the open heart of self and service to the planet, that lightening of the consciousness of planet Earth. "


Q’uote of the Day
October 7th, 2001

" The desire to serve creates the opportunity to serve. The opportunity to serve creates the means to serve. The means to serve flow through the instrument and out into the world. "

The remainder of this section continues as follows
“Thusly, the main focus of the crystal is to be a good crystal, to open the self as a crystal, to give the intention of service, to give the intention of placing time in the silence for this service and to be persistent about offering this service in a way that speaks more and more to the question of how high an amperage is this light? How high in amperage are you as a crystal? [How committed are you to] this process of patient, dogged persistence, no matter what your self-concept is: to that which is most effective metaphysically. Those intentions are powerful. They are your strength, not any self-perceived skill or lack of it with entering the silence, maintaining the silence, holding a visualization and so forth. These are linear details that some are quite effective at dealing with and some not so effective. This instrument, for instance, is not a skillful visualizer and, in fact, is often blocked from visualizing.”

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Q’uote of the Day
March 18th, 2001

" Each of you was, before time and space existed. And each of you will be, beyond all thought, beyond all telling, beyond any creation’s end, for in infinity an end is always a beginning, and you shall forever be the only you that exists, precious, beloved of the Creator, an essence, a light, a love. "
Now with that all mind to balance that…Living in a temporary human ape like body, isnt that just poetic beauty in itself :wink:

Q’uote of the Day
November 8th, 2008

" The waking consciousness is to the fuller consciousness of a self-realized entity as black and white is to color.The everyday life can be lived in grayscale and there is always the temptation to remain on the surface and enjoy the grayscale, for it is comfortable. The life that is lived on the surface can be far more easily controlled than the life of one who wishes to plunge deep into the treasure troves of his own being and open the self up to the book of wisdom that is hidden within those stores that are so carefully tucked away below the waterline, below the waking consciousness. "

Now the question lies to you, how tucked away or deep is that for you?

Q’uote of the Day
December 16th, 1990

"Can you not accept both your light and your shadows, for as your light grows brighter the shadows will be more sharp, and you will seem always to yourself to be one very iniquitous and often in error. "

Lately, perhaps there is a deeper meaning which warrants meditation that is I tend to be drawn to include the next paragraph after the daily quote often. An interesting notion… as spiritual things tend to have multiple meanings perhaps for someone else reading this too as well as myself or not… I digress here it is

“This is primary to your ability to move forward: that you are able to let judgment of yourself go, for only insofar as you love, accept and refuse to judge yourself can you be compassionate in such wise to others. And only in compassion, as you see the treasure within you and within all, can you truly serve in a love that is without condition and that demands no return. We do not mean to suggest that you will not have any return, for, indeed, as you console, your life is consoling a hundred times more. It is never known where love will come from, but it is a subjective truth of those who love and attempt to love without stint that the love that is received is overwhelming. This is our experience. This may also be yours. But it is in those who finally become ready to give what they can, to multiply their talents, shall we say, as this instrument has the holy work called the Bible much in mind, it is to those that moments of enlightenment occur, because there are no truer words than “Seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you; ask and you shall receive.” Indeed, we would warn you that this is literally true, and ask you to be very careful about what you do desire. Let it be the deep and true desires of your heart, for you are an authentic, imperishable being.”

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Q’uote of the Day
April 9th, 1995

" The wellspring of your physical vehicles is the sexual activity. The fructifier of inspiration is often the sexual activity. The healer of pain, even deep pain, is often sexual activity. And all those energies of friendship and the reaching of people unto people as societies—these need to be seated within strong and healthy sexuality in order for there to be depth to the processes by which energy moves toward that perfect light of infinite energy. "

Just to clarify first… “Now, when we speak of sexuality, we do not simply speak of sexual acts, for this energy is constant, and though its appearance in the conscious mind is cyclical, its place in the scheme of things, shall we say, is constant.”

Now to continue…
"So, one may work on the issue of becoming more balanced in red-ray energy whether or not one is in relationship, whether or not one is sexually active. In terms of doing one’s homework, shall we say, it does not matter what the situation is, for each entity’s sexuality lies at the very heart of its individuality and each entity must needs work upon its own issues, its own sexuality. It is well to attempt, then, to gently part the strands that are tangled in the process of perceiving one’s relationship to another sexually, so that the other entity’s issues stay with that entity, so the self works completely upon the self, and perhaps its reactions may offer that catalyst for thinking which does create lessons learned and the strength of vital energy improved.

As the Creator intended, third density is always concerned with the dualities of dynamic opposites, and the male reaching is the strongest dynamic, the female waiting is the strongest dynamic of red ray. So, let us look briefly at the reaching and the waiting."

Just to back up, here is an explanation on those dynamics, its not related to gender althought there are tendices for genders be drawn to one or the other in a general sense.

“Archetypically speaking, then, sexuality for third-density entities such as yourselves begins with that dynamic between the male who reaches that outstretched hand and the female which awaits the reaching. Now, this is an archetypical structure, an archetypical logic. In truth, male and female both reach and await the reaching. But in terms of finding a way to grasp and understand the ways in which this energy arises, it is central to see this dynamic of the male which reaches and the female which awaits the reaching.”

Now more on the specifics on both energies…

"It is not just the mind and the spirit that are involved in the processes of reaching, for the physical vehicle has instincts that are very clear. The perpetuation of the species, as this instrument would call it, is completely dependent upon that male necessity for reaching. Thus, it is that the body itself has the instinct to reach, and of course those females who have an abundance of male energy shall also find themselves involuntarily reaching out to the sexuality of a male that has caught the eye. This energy can be perceived as being very negative because it can be confrontive and because the deepest instinct of one who awaits reaching is protection.

Now, what is it for which the male reaches, beyond, that is, the obvious? What is it that is at the heart, spiritually speaking, of this energy? As always, it is that unity. The prize is great for those who wish to purify and strengthen this energy until it finds balance within the self. Thusly, males have the necessity of dealing with the catalyst of attraction to any attractive and available female. Indeed, that male energy is capable of reaching in fantasy, in thought. There does not even need to be the stimulus of the female which is present. This ensures that the species will survive as long as the planet is viable.

Meanwhile, for the female energy, there is the opposite side of this dynamic—unity there is, but an articulated unity. Males who have much female energy also find themselves involuntarily drawn into the contractions of one who protects oneself. This energy is so powerful that it—this instrument is having trouble finding a word for what we wish to say—the power of this energy is so great, that there is the necessity for the female or negative energy to be watchful, cautious and protective. Not for the female energy the indiscriminate reaching, but rather the careful protection, for the unity that is articulated betwixt male and female is that mystery which is the one great original Thought."

And a more colourful way of looking at it…
"Therefore, in working with each other in relationship, that energy we would call forgiveness is most important. This energy, as all energies within this illusion, has been set up to cause confusion and befuddlement, again and again. And while it is natural to experience negative emotions in response to the frustrations of failing, as one perceives one’s self to fail, it may seem that the subject of sex is not worth all the work. Women have an archetypical tendency to be what this instrument would call “bitches.” Males have the archetypical tendency to be what this instrument calls “pigs.” These are pejorative terms. This instrument uses them because to speak them aloud takes some of the sting from that inevitable truth, for that element which seems bitchy is only the outcropping of that healthy tendency of protection. The female fights with words. That to which it is reacting is that male nature which reaches indiscriminately, and no matter how far a male has come spiritually, the physical vehicle of that male will continue to reach indiscriminately.

The student of metaphysics will, for the most part, attempt to ignore the promptings that are random and to continually re-place the attention upon the mated relationship. The male shall always fail to do this perfectly. The female may attempt to be forgiving, understanding and so forth, but again, failure is inevitable. My friends, in this way as in all others you have each other to help each other, and it is most encouraged by us that each attempt to see that dynamic that sexuality offers with a merciful and ruthful gaze, to be quick to forgive and to be willing again and again to attempt to trust."

Now on the aspect of the physical sexual act…
“Female energy potentiating male energy equals subconscious energy run through conscious channels. So, each becomes a channel for the one great original Thought which is love. And in the sexual mating betwixt two who grasp the profundity and centrality of the energies of lovemaking, there is the possibility of touching intelligent energy, and in this fusion, the two truly are one. And from this rise male and female, blessed, balanced and healed.”

Now I will throw in one more quote to somewhat summarise and recapitulate today’s talk
“The amount of sheer energy vibrating betwixt earth and physical vehicle is astounding, yet it cannot be acknowledged and used nearly so well by one who is working upon upper chakras unless that entity has the patience, the humility and the determination to come into contact with that earth, that soil of self, for the sexual identity is as powerful and as completely unique a part of the individual spirit or soul as any other incarnationally expressed energy. This is the energy which creates a healthy plant, a healthy body—the energy that gives a primal “yes” to being. This is, moreover—as are all energies—a sacred, a holy energy, and the sexual intercourse is as the Eucharist of red ray, the holy communion of the body. This union capitulates—we correct this instrument—recapitulates the oneness of earth and sky, the oneness of male and female, the oneness of reaching and waiting.”

Of course there are just snippets from the transcript, to get a greater depth plead read the rest there!

Q’uote of the Day
May 25th, 1986

" Within each evolutionary journey, within each density of illusion, within each incarnational pattern, each moment and each thought, there is the interaction and interplay of the positive and the negative polarity that is the fabric of all creation. Thus does each seeker recapitulate the essence of the one Creator, and when accomplished in a directed fashion, this process presents to each seeker the ever-expanding opportunity to grasp more and more of its nature as the one Creator. "

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Q’uote of the Day
November 8th, 2008

" …You may look upon every day of your incarnation as an adventure. Who knows what shall bring you face to face with a portion of yourself whom you have not met before.You may be delighted to meet this new portion of yourself, you may be horrified, or any response in between. However, an explorer builds intelligence from all that he sees and to that explorer, everything is interesting. To an explorer, there is no concept of success or failure. There is only the concept of that which may be found today and so the explorer bends his every tool and his every iota of consciousness to the task of observing accurately and perceiving clearly that which lies before him. "


A post was merged into an existing topic: Q’uotes Discussions

Q’uote of the Day
April 18th, 2006

" There is always guidance coming into your aura…from what you would call higher beings. Your guidance system is always with you and many entities other than your higher self are attracted to those who are seeking and attempting to experience the truth as they understand it. This kind of metaphysical activity alerts many entities within…the unseen realm or plane of existence. You have within your aura, shall we say, many helpers waiting to be asked for help. It is truly written, “Ask and you shall be answered; knock and the door shall be opened; seek and you shall find”"


Q’uote of the Day
January 4th, 2020

“We ask you to try to imagine what it would be like to maintain that focused self, that magical personality, in a steady state. Perhaps with great practice and repetition of intent an initiate could learn to hold that persona in absolute faith for a day. However, attempting to hold that high pitch of intensity, that abandonment of all but the deepest will and desire on a steady-state basis, would, as the one known as G noted, obviate the whole flow of the life lived, the experiences registered, the catalyst engaged and used to create experience, memory, deeper emotions and all of the many side effects, shall we say, of having come through many waters and experienced many things. It is not only impossible but it is also undesirable to attempt to remain in that Queen’s Chamber for the duration. It is that which needs to be consciously put on and consciously removed when the working is done.”

Queens chamber position, which although is a reference to state achieved by the pyramid mentioned by RA, being in one of the chambers there… it can be gained without that training aid. Its a focused state, in accessing the gateway to intelligent infinity remaining and there, for the period of working necessary eg healing is mentioned in this transcript as one of those.

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Q’uote of the Day
September 14th, 1986

" Each of you seeks the truth and yet the truth comes in different clothing at different times. This is not due to the nature of the truth, but to the complex rational mind’s perceptions which have a rhythm of rate of permeability, shall we say, so that each entity is constantly shifting in its ability to perceive, not only because of physical, mental and emotional rhythms, and indeed not only because of the regular spiritual rhythm, but also and perhaps most importantly because of the irregular and unpredictable nature of transformative energy. "

From this website… here is an insight into those cycles which you can enter your birth date and plot those cycles for yourself

“When we are born, four cycles begin from a zero point and continue to oscillate with a maximum and minimum intensity until the end of the incarnation. The physical cycle is a period spanning 23 days; the emotional cycle spans 28 days; the intellectual cycle spans 33 days, and the Adept cycle spans 18 days. Be aware of days where any part of a cycle intersects the zero point (0%), and especially if two or more cycles do this simultaneously.” Of those fourth the most significant is the adept cycle…

" Questioner: In a previous session you mentioned the gateway of magic for the adept occurring in eighteen-day cycles. Could you expand on that information please?

Ra: I am Ra. The mind/body/spirit complex is born under a series of influences, both lunar, planetary, cosmic, and in some cases, karmic. The moment of the birthing into this illusion begins the cycles we have mentioned.

The spiritual or adept’s cycle is an eighteen-day cycle and operates with the qualities of the sine wave. Thus there are a few excellent days on the positive side of the curve, that being the first nine days of the cycle—precisely the fourth, the fifth, and the sixth—when workings are most appropriately undertaken, given that the entity is still without total conscious control of its mind/body/spirit distortion/reality."

The most interesting portion of this information, like that of each cycle, is the noting of the critical point wherein passing from the ninth to the tenth and from the eighteenth to the first days the adept will experience some difficulty especially when there is a transition occurring in another cycle at the same time. At the nadir of each cycle the adept will be at its least powerful but will not be open to difficulties in nearly the degree that it experiences at critical times."

****** Very important note here *****

Bear in mind though, eventual these cycles become less an less a factor as one progresses spiritually

" 64.12 Questioner: Now, am I correct in assuming that whatever magic the adept would perform would be more successful or, shall we say, more to his design than that performed at less opportune times in the cycle?

Ra: I am Ra. This cycle is an helpful tool to the adept but as we said, as the adept becomes more balanced the workings designed will be dependent less and less upon these cycles of opportunity and more and more even in their efficacy."

Just to reiterate this, or hammer the point further!

" 64.13 Questioner: I have no ability to judge at what point, at what level of abilities the adept would reach this point of being, shall we say, independent of the cyclical action. Can you give me an indication of what level of “adeptness” that would be necessary to be so independent?

Ra: I am Ra. We are fettered from speaking specifically due to this group’s work, for to speak would seem to be to judge. However, we may say that you may consider this cycle in the same light as the so-called astrological balances within your group; that is, they are interesting but not critical."

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Q’uotes Discussions

Q’uote of the Day
March 17th, 2002

"The energy has changed. And you are experiencing the dawn of that which some call fourth density and some call fifth density. It is the density of love or understanding. In this environment guidance is ever closer and ever more powerful to help. In this environment emotions and desires call forth the appropriate vibration of guidance. That is to say, entities at this particular time have a maximum ability to polarize, positively or negatively. All guidance is not positive. The guidance comes because of the vibration of calling that is sent out. This is as if one were a radio listener who was tuning that radio that was the self, looking for the best station, the most pleasant and desired station within that band of vibration which carries the radio waves. "

Here is an example…
“Each entity’s guidance system is quirky, and is quirky along the lines of love and loyalty and friendship and devotion, all of those positive emotions that feed into a sense of safety and well being. Thusly, this instrument has found faces for that guidance which she calls the Holy Spirit, and these faces have changed as this instrument’s needs have changed. Currently this instrument’s faces are friendly, familiar, loved, even adored and much appreciated. Thusly, when the connection is purified of all dross of fear and fear-based emotion, that connection with one who has passed on or with one who is physically present upon the planet takes on the possibility of being used as the face of guidance. Many entities wish for a name. This entity’s mind works with pictures. Consequently this entity receives many pictures and guidance will always have a face for this instrument.”

For myself guidance is more by feel, that feeling of that wisdom type of guidance seeking answers or asking question or the nurturing enlivening vibrant love or the more neutral of unity itself / Creator, at total rest.

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Q’uote of the Day
December 19th, 2002

"The desire to be of service to others is the arrow that flies without error. "


Q’uote of the Day
May 23rd, 1999

" You are something that is whole and unifying and simple. You are infinite love, infinite light, infinite energy, stepped down and stepped down until you can exist within this particular illusion with this particular kind of physical vehicle, this particular energy shell that we have called the personality. It is as though out of an infinite universe you came through density after density and experience after experience, looking and laughing and gazing and enjoying, and came to this particular planet and said, “Here, I shall plant myself. Here I shall learn to blossom. Here I shall enjoy the sun and feel the rain. Here I shall be born and die.” …And this is the present moment of all times, and this is the place out of all places, and this is the density, and this is the experience. And somehow it seems a miracle that is out of time that has burst upon the Earth like a sun. This is you. This is here. And this is now. "

And just as a flower rises up… That was an image coming to mind when reading this, the transcript is packed full of these inspiring forever’ness words so if intrigue is pull you forward read some more…


Q’uote of the Day
November 28th, 2004

" …If you take [the] image of the self in the present moment as [a] coin and look to see what the heads and tails of that coin are, archetypically speaking it is very clear and shining in its simplicity. On one side is love, on the other side is fear. On the one side is expansion into an infinite present with infinite possibilities; on the other side is contraction into a knot and the determination that stems from that contraction to control, to be aggressive, and to make things safe. And this involves one in endless projections into the future and endless projections into the past in order to justify the projections into the future. "

Those last few sentences well rather than attempting to talk about it… actions speak louder than words, just meditate and contemplate on when that has occurred to you, when contracting to be either to control, aggressive or to be safe, we all have in some way in some degree but they part of all this is the endless part… as it truly can be an endless exercise. Point being if that happens just be mindful of the futility or transient nature and turn to the other side of the coin.

Before close the book for todays read, heres one last passage

“In the world of love, one begins with the knowledge that all is well. And this pulls one into focus in the center of the present moment. In truth, as we said earlier, it almost seems negligent or criminal within the society in which you find yourself to approach issues from a standpoint of love. It does not seem to be prudent or sensible to stay in the present moment and yet anything but the present moment is an illusion of mind. All that is truly yours to do with, to exert control over, or to make choices within is this present moment.”

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