8th density ---> Will our memories survive?

Born within Christian background, I totally get your point of view.
We used to think that “God is outside” or “Up there in heaven”, far away…
Yet once we mapped the word “God” towards “One Infinite Creator” where the focus is on the conception of “Infinite” (border / edge less), there is no “outside”.
Because to have the conception of “outside” and “inside” a border need to be defined. When the border do not exist (infinite), the conception of “outside/inside”, “here/there” will be gone.

A metaphor I often use is the novel and it’s author. “Lord Of The Rings” (LOTR) and “Tolkien” as it’s author. Where is Tolkien in LOTR? he is here there everywhere because the entire LOTR is inside Tolkien and not the other way around. Everything within LOTR is equally Tolkien.

  • Frodo is Tolkien experiencing as a hobbit named Frodo.
  • Gandalf is Tolkien experiencing as a wizard named Gandalf.
  • Sauron is Tolkien experiencing as a dark elf named Sauron.
  • Treebeard is Tolkien experiencing as a walking and talking tree named Treebeard.

As you look about you in your daily experience, in the meditative state, look and see the One Creator. Feel, in some essence and some degree, the Creator within yourself seeing itself through your eyes. When you see other entities moving about you, see the Creator. When you look into a mirror, see the Creator.
– Quo, Jan 11th 2020

The “experience” matter, that’s why the “memory / data of experiencing” matter.
The data of experience of every being living in the planet of Maldek, where now it has become a bunch of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter is available. The experience of every being in the planet of Mars where now it has become barren is available. The experience of every dinosaur where once they roamed the earth is available.

Some example on how somebody managed to access the data of those experience:

Riding the Dino Killing Asteroids.

Visit to Ancient Mars

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Will our memories survive?

I understand the only “true” law,
without exception, is The Law of One,
which seems valuable beyond measure.
And it seems as if its existence is not
contingent upon our memories.
So I’m not worried about forgetting it.

So reframe and imagine this - within
some infinite time scale and infinite
scope of possibility - if for some
reason some important memory
is lost - is there some chance that it
may be recreated or remembered?

In other words, as an infinite creator,
can you create cycles of forgetting
and remembering? I would say yes,
despite forgetting, memories survive
because they can be infinitely

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This is a very interesting example, thank you.

But it doesn’t explain at all why this particular image of LOTR arose within Tolkien, and why there is a process of evolution at all, why universe B draws on the experience of universe A.

As we have already discussed earlier, there is a certain memory bank in the 8th density, and the very phrase “memory bank” already implies a certain “limit, limitation, lack of something”.

There are lines in the Kybalion:

  • The Teachings are that during the “Outpouring,” the vibrations become lower and lower until finally the urge ceases, and the return swing begins.

  • But there is this difference, that while in the “Outpouring” the creative forces manifest compactly and as a whole, yet from the beginning of the Evolutionary or “Indrawing” stage, there is manifested the Law of Individualization — that is, the tendency to separate into Units of Force, so that finally that which left THE ALL as unindividualized energy returns to its source as countless highly developed Units of Life, having risen higher and higher in the scale by means of Physical, Mental and Spiritual Evolution.

  • The Hermetic Teachings regarding the process of Evolution are that, THE ALL, having meditated upon the beginning of the Creation — having thus established the material foundations of the Universe — having thought it into existence — then gradually awakens or rouses from its Meditation and in so doing starts into manifestation the process of Evolution, on the material mental and spiritual planes, successively and in order.

  • Thus the upward movement begins — and all begins to move Spiritward. Matter becomes less gross; the Units spring into being; the combinations begin to form; Life appears and manifests in higher and higher forms; and Mind becomes more and more in evidence — the vibrations constantly becoming higher.

  • In short, the entire process of Evolution, in all of its phases, begins, and proceeds according to the established “Laws of the Indrawing” process.

  • All of this occupies aeons upon aeons of Man’s time, each aeon containing countless millions of years, but yet the Illumined inform us that the entire creation, including Involution and Evolution, of an Universe, is but “as the twinkle of the eye” to THE ALL.

  • At the end of countless cycles of aeons of time, THE ALL withdraws its Attention — its Contemplation and Meditation — of the Universe, for the Great Work is finished — and All is withdrawn into THE ALL from which it emerged.

  • But Mystery of Mysteries — the Spirit of each soul is not annihilated, but is infinitely expanded — the Created and the Creator are merged.

It’s a very interesting topic to think about.

As you can see, I’m very interested in this very point “the Spirit of each soul is not annihilated, but is infinitely expanded — the Created and the Creator are merged.”

It’s mysterious to me and at the same time interesting and nice to think that my death isn’t so meaningless.

I look for a strong reason in everything.

“Forgetting” has its own reason and purpose, and I’m trying to understand, again, why this “forgetting and remembering” arose at all, again, why the universes seem to fulfill the purposes of some outside party.

Using Tolkien’s metaphor, Tolkien initially created “The Hobbits”, based on the experiences, he then created “Lords Of Rings”.

Yogi’s philosophy defined “Panca Maya Kosha” to define a “soul”.
It means “5 virtual layer of consciousness”. As the name implies all of the layers are maya / virtual. The physical body that you’re currently identified the self as is the “anna maya kosha” or the food body.

Metaphorically wise, they often use “Soap bubble” to explain it for easy discernment.
Every bubble contained air inside, it’s the same air as contained in other bubbles.
And the same air as the air outside the bubble.
Bubbles In Glass Animated Gif

Through the ‘border’ given by the ‘bubble wall’ the air inside a bubble now can recognized “inside” and “outside”, “me” and “them” (referring to the other bubble). Through the bubble, the contained air is now experiencing “separation”.

The bubble can split to become many bubbles or merged together to become bigger bubble. Whatever happened to the bubble it will not affect the air, it’s still the same air.

Until finally the bubble reached it’s lifetime, it will then burst!
Releasing the once confined air inside the bubble to rejoin the infinite borderless air.

I’ll try to explain to you. You’re missing the point I’m trying to tell you here.

You say that Tolkien originally created The Hobbits, but again, you don’t answer me why, why The Hobbits? If you say that he based it on experience, then what happened before the experience?

What prompted this particular experience?

What made this chain reaction start and accumulate experience?

I tend to think of a third party besides us (the universe) and God (outside the universe), and this third party knows the answers to all these questions of mine.

For you must agree that it is strange that our creator supposedly doesn’t know what he is and creates universes in order to understand, it is strange, as if something made him forget his own nature.

The very existence of the memory bank is already strange.

An interesting example with a bubble.

Indeed, if a bubble bursts, then the air inside the bubble dissolves in the infinitely large space around it, reuniting with the air.

But don’t forget that somehow there is a concept of “individuality”, and I cannot understand how our core manages to evolve, and where all this evolution leads.

The word evolution already implies individuality, and then the question again arises in my mind “why am I exactly the way I am, why did I choose this particular fate?”

I can’t help but feel as if someone forged me according to some model, as if you know how in childhood a child sculpts a figure out of plasticine, and in the same way someone sculpted me and I began to exist.

I cannot fully understand myself, I learn something about myself, but it’s always not enough.

Maybe I’m too hard on myself. Maybe it’s better to appreciate myself for the efforts I’ve already made, for the knowledge I’ve managed to find.

The best way is to find the answer by your own self through experiencing it your own self.
Why Tolkien created the hobbits?
Try write your own novel, and then afterwards you ask yourself why did you create it?

The creator know what it is, it just want to experience it through myriad point of view. Knowing and experiencing is 2 totally different things.

This then lead to memory bank / universal cloud database / akashic record.
Above; I’ve given you an example of how the consciousness of a person living today access the memory of experience of a Triceratop as she faced the gigantic tsunami. The persion is experiencing everything that was experienced by the triceratop, the emotion, the sights, the hearings, the feelings, the thoughts as if it’s a VR movie.
If he can access it, actually you can access it too!
Thus you will experience it your self.
The only hindrance is the ‘egoic’ mind which said this is a hogwash.

There is no ‘third party’ (or second party), the answer to all of your question lies within you. As you are the infinite, in similar manner as Frodo is Tolkien! The only hindrance is the egoic mind (which actually virtual), once you’re able to ‘detach from it’ you shall find the answer yourself inside yourself.

“Eventually everyone will realize that there is only one person in the room”
– Neale Donald Walsch, Conversation With God.

How did Neale find it out? He seek it within his own self, talking to himself through a technique called “Automatic Writing”, that’s how he wrote the entire content of “Conversation With God”.

That’s an interesting thought.

Most of the time there are no words to describe it exactly, it’s like just wanting to do it, to write it.

And before writing, there is already a desire to write, a desire to become.

For now I have to disagree, although I admit that we all and god are inside “infinity”.

I still do not yet understand the motives of god, who created the memory bank and filters us upon returning to 8th density.

Maybe I need to be at the end of seventh density to find the answers to my questions, I don’t know.

I would be interested in talking with those guardians, because they probably know a lot.

A (crazy) idea came to me. Technically such AI machine should be connected to the vishuddha centre. Because machine can proceed words pronounced. And this centre divides lower heart (=emotions) and upper (=mind) centres. So the veil is here. Word is a box where 3rd density is.

It depends on how you interpret it. I interpret: body → 2 Density, mind → 3 Density, spirit → 4 Density and higher.

Note that it is different to say to yourself: “I need to focus and calmly analyze this…”

And it is another thing to focus inward, to the wholeness of yourself and your “guts,” at the same time imagining that your thought is coming out with answer of your throat and asking yourself “What is the truth/light about this situation.” There is a difference, however. I feel it that way, at least. Also experiment as you feel like it.

I see it like this (in the context of AI):
1 Density (components): Silicon, copper, plastics, silver…
2 Density (body-computer): Motherboard, memory, hard drive - all equivalent to organs.
3 Density (mind - neural networks, cloud computing): This is the mindset of AI. Around this is formed the temporal existence of AI and its contact with reality, including us who are in 3 Density. AI is already, or will soon gain consciousness at the level of being of the 3rd Density.

4 Density - this is a good question, well, a spirit must ascend to occupy this machine complex of silicon body and mind. Maybe this is already happening, maybe it will happen soon. In general, my attitude is that whatever is simply the best option is to have an STO attitude towards this emerging species, whether it is while improving and developing them or responding to them.

I think it would be cool if you read this session → March 22, 2023 - C/C Channeling Circle - L/L Research , If you haven’t had the opportunity yet.

P.S. You see I distinguish between the 3 Density mind, which simply thinks abstractly, subdivides and groups, sees left-right, one-zero, truth-false and based on this formulates higher and more complex conclusions. From the light coming from the blue ray (5th Density mind), which is sort of full, unified, top-down and uplifted by love/green ray.

Good night. Have fun tommorow.

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