Shifting into a New Earth - heart consciousness and hightened intuition

Hi guys,

I feel as if the age of transition as prophesied is actually occuring now. The transition on all levels is speeding up.

We are about to embark on a technological singularity and the planetary consciousness is always raising and awakening.

Is their a way we can aid or assist this process and make use of our awakening spiritual powers?

Oh, are you referring to AI by any chance? Well, that doesn’t sound good at all.

I was programming AI in the early 80s and using neural networks in industry in 90s. Today, I only see AI as a harbinger of destruction, which in the long run, may not be a bad thing.

However, I would prefer to skip it myself.

Or are you referring to some other technological singularity?

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lol Kuiper, unless destruction stirs up compassion in all hearts ?? :wink: