What is the difference between 7th and 8th density?

I am confused reading different materials.

Who has their own understanding of what the difference is?

Ra says that in the 7th density, as they understand it, they will become one with All. Losing their identity. Another material says that the 7th density is similar to the 6th, there is also a social memory complex. There is no mention of any memory loss.

The Creator is in the 8th density, who created our universe? Then what density is our universe? The 7th?

I was just sitting now and reading the law of one for a long time.

I found an interesting line that seems to shed light.

Pay attention to the end of the text.

39.4 Questioner: I will then continue now with the general questioning, attempting to find a way into a line of questioning which will get us into an area of understanding non-transient functions which may be worked upon by us and others to raise our consciousness and I may make several mistakes here in trying to find a way into this questioning. I apologize in advance for… if I… my questioning is misleading. I, I notice that everything seem… or most of the basic things seem to be divided into units which total seven. In looking at a transcript by Henry Puharich from “The Nine” I found a statement by The Nine where they say, “If we get seven times the electrical equivalent of the human body then it would result in sevenon of the mass of electricity.” Could you explain this?

Ra: I am Ra. To explain this is beyond the abilities of your language. We shall, however, make an attempt to address this concept.

As you are aware, in the beginning of the creations set up by each Logos, there are created the complete potentials, both electrical, in the sense of the one you call Larson, and metaphysical. This metaphysical electricity is as important in the understanding, shall we say, of this statement as is the concept of electricity.

This concept, as you are aware, deals with potentiated energy. The electron has been said to have no mass but only a field. Others claim a mass of infinitesimal measure. Both are correct. The true mass of the potentiated energy is the strength of the field. This is also true metaphysically.

However, in your present physical system of knowledge it is useful to take the mass number of the electron in order to do work that you may find solutions to other questions about the physical universe. In such a way, you may conveniently consider each density of being to have a greater and greater spiritual mass. The mass increases, shall we say, significantly but not greatly until the gateway density. In this density the summing up, the looking backwards— in short, all the useful functions of polarity have been used. Therefore, the metaphysical electrical nature of the individual grows greater and greater in spiritual mass.

For an analog one may observe the work of the one known as Albert who posits the growing to infinity of mass as this mass approaches the speed of light. Thus the seventh-density being, the completed being, the Creator who knows Itself, accumulates mass and compacts into the One Creator once again.

“Thus the seventh-density being, the completed being, the Creator who knows Itself, accumulates mass and compacts into the One Creator once again”

do you see?

creator and one creator.

different things.

so my theory is that our universe is 7th density, universe = ĐĄreator = 7th density, that created the universe. so We All on this forum = Creator.

when we get inside 8th density, we get into the gathering of all infinite universes, i.e., into the gathering of all creators.

so Ra talked about merging with your creator/real version of you in 7th density, but I think he perceives it incorrectly. I read from other sources that dissolution in the creator is not a loss of memory. it is akin to when the effect of amnesia after surgery passes and you remember the details of your life.

and by the way, Ra in the phrase

“the Creator who knows Itself, accumulates mass and compacts”

from my understanding, this hints at the fact that the creator can gain mass, in the sense that he can learn something. acquire new knowledge. I see term “mass” in the sense of quantity of information.

acquiring new knowledge makes sense precisely in terms of the 7th density, when the creator’s knowledge of himself is limited.

but in terms of the 8th density, in my opinion, this loses its meaning, since it is an abyss, a void, in which it is not even clear what knowledge the void has.

all we know about it is the fact that there is something in it.

i.e., essentially, we came from the 8th density, and are trying to understand what to do with this fact next.

the creator from the 7th density came up with a way to teach himself by playing an illusion, dividing himself into smaller densities.

but if we take a larger scale, then this is already an infinite single creator / nothing / abyss / void from the 8th density, which divided itself into an infinite number of creators/universes of the 7th density

It just occurred to me that Ra might not have been wrong.

16.22 Questioner: Thank you very much. In previous material, before we communicated with you, it was stated by the Confederation that there is actually no past or future… all is present. Would this be a good analogy?

Ra: I am Ra. There is past, present, and future in third density. In an overview such as an entity may have, removed from the space/time continuum, it may be seen that in the cycle of completion there exists only the present. We, ourselves, seek to learn this understanding. At the seventh level or dimension, we shall, if our humble efforts are sufficient, become one with all, thus having no memory, no identity, no past or future, but existing in the all.

I don’t think there is any contradiction here.

“existing in the all” does not mean “existence in the all-that-is”

the point is that the first, ‘all’, will change, because as I wrote above, the creator is limited in knowledge and therefore gains spiritual mass. therefore it changes.

and the second, “all-that-is”, is the abyss, emptiness, to which the concept of “change” is not applicable, therefore they (higher entities) talk about it as if it never changes. simply put, they try to describe it as if it does not exist. because what does not exist = does not change in any way.

I know how this word game can be annoying to some people. but I’m trying to put almost inexpressible ideas in a linear, that is, sequential way. so that after 1) comes 2) then 3) then 4).

it’s really hard…

First of all, as you yourself pointed out, the deeper and higher we go in our efforts to understand the higher densities, the more we realize how challenging it is to represent and comprehend these concepts using language and third-density consciousness.

However, I believe there are ways to get closer to understanding them. It is akin to the parable of blind men describing an elephant. We still possess imagination, which can be a valuable tool.

In this post, I will share my understanding of the differences between the seventh and eighth density levels. In a subsequent post, I will return to your previous thread and continue to explore what our experience in the seventh density might look like.

Firstly, let us examine the relationship between the seventh and eighth densities. What is life at its source? It is consciousness. When I refer to consciousness, I mean it in a global, cosmic, and holistic sense. With that in mind, I will compare the eighth density and seventh density in the simplest terms, as I understand them:

At the eighth density level, consciousness is inactive. One might say that consciousness “wakes up” at the seventh density and “sleeps” at the eighth density. In the seventh density, consciousness becomes active.

At the eighth density, consciousness does not create thoughts, forms, or ideas. It is undefined and does not generate definitions. It exists, but passively, making it beyond comprehension. I like to refer to this level as “static potential.” It is an undefined state with infinite possibilities—our potential. However, this potential is not expressed in any way. This “static potential” could be described as “all in one,” containing infinite potential yet existing beyond any manifestation. Consciousness exists (having the potential for everything) and does not exist (because it does not think, act, or manifest in any way).

At the seventh density level, consciousness begins to become aware of itself and starts to recognize itself. It is awakening from the chaos of undifferentiation, where it contained all possibilities without any order. At the seventh density, consciousness starts to distort and create various thoughts and forms. It becomes active, shaping some of the great and undefined potential into manifestations like love or light. Consciousness at this level formulates primary ideas about the self and the foundation of creation, seeking infinite expression of itself. At the lower levels, this will become the creation of spirit and matter.

Levels seven and eight can be called the levels of the Creator. At the eighth density, the Creator creates an awakened and active self. The Creator creates the Creator. This is the act of manifestation of the eighth density and its distortion, which results in the seventh density. This is because in order for consciousness to be active, there must already be some form of distortion. It is impossible to have both full perfection and balance and, at the same time, some new movement or change.

The “negative” aspect is that we leave the perfectly balanced environment of the eighth density. However, the “positive” aspect is the ability to act consciously, to change, and to take further steps, creating further distortions like free will, love, and light.

It is also possible that these distortions/manifestations unfold somewhat differently. The first distortion/manifestation (free will) transforms eighth density consciousness into seventh density consciousness, and then subsequent distortions/manifestations occur. The ideal and undistorted consciousness of the eighth density, as a result of the first distortion, which is free will, creates the seventh density consciousness, now conscious and active. The seventh density then distorts in a way that leads to the creation of light and love, which in turn create densities one through six, composed of this light and love. Love and light relate to intelligent energy (love/light, light/love) and the sixth level of density.

I do not want to overwhelm you with too much content, and it is not easy to write about this in a coherent way. Let me know if this has positively influenced your understanding. If so, we can continue the conversation.


hello @K.K.33 again!

I’m amazed at how easily and logically you are able to connect barely communicated concepts.

I’m learning how to do it too! :upside_down_face:

Let me rephrase your text to fit my personal understanding:

  1. There’s an eighth density. The ancients described this place as nothingness or the abyss. I’d say it’s a place that exists beyond any definition of the word “exist” and beyond any manifestation of this word.

  2. There’s something there. Let’s call it consciousness. Its state is impossible to describe because no definitions have been made, because no words have been created. You can say it is inactive, ‘sleeping’, but anyway this consciousness is incapable of anything you can imagine.

  3. This potential, this ability (like the ability to swim) can really be called static. Because what cannot be manifested in any way will not change in any way, so it is static.

  4. Within the eighth density there is already the knowledge that you can swim. I.e., you know that you can swim, but there is nothing that allows you to verify the validity of this inner certainty that you can swim. You need to verify by practice that you can swim. As well as various tests to learn the characteristics of your own swimming in order to form a more reliable belief that you can do it. Goal: to form a more reliable belief.

  5. There is a lot of this kind of knowledge within the eighth density. But there is a kind of uncertainty about the veracity of this knowledge, so much that there is a need to find a way of making sure that it’s true.

  6. In order to create a place where research is possible, you have to create a distortion. To put it simply, you have to stop being 100% yourlsef and create a limited version of yourself that is, for example, 3% of you. The point is to create a limitation. Because of the limitation, there is a distortion, because when you are not 100% yourself, you see reality in limited aspects, and by changing the percentage, for example from 3% to 10%, you change the angle of seeing reality, more aspects appear, or on the contrary, disappear.

  7. It’s all artificial. In a deeper sense, you are still 100%. But the difference is that when you are 100%, you can’t be defined precisely. You don’t exist and exist, and were never born and born. This is all because there is no reference point or anchor point, but it is in use when a limitation is created.

  8. The eighth density artificially limits itself by creating a kind of sandbox, a limited version of itself called the seventh density, through First Distortion, Free Will. The seventh density is a limited version of the eighth density. Limited in the sense that it is still the same infinity, but it has the ability to manifest, i.e., to change.

  • Eight Density = Infinity that cannot use it’s infinity, i.e., cannot change. Eighth density is the source for infinity that can use it’s abilities and can change. Eighth density > Seventh density, but infinity the same.

  • Seventh Density = “Limited” infinity. Limited in the sense that it can change. And its nature dictates it to change. Born from 8th density.

So within the 8th density there is the creation of the seventh density, called the Creator.

It has a place to explore itself as a child of the eighth density.

The Creator then is using his methods of exploring himself, using light and love, creating the sixth density.

The sixth density creates the separation of light and love and offers the fifth and fourth density. So that consciousness can decide for itself which aspect to study, light or love. ĐĄlosest to the ĐĄreator is the wisdom that shows the ways to use love, fifth density. Below that is the pure expression of love and the maximum concentration of compassion, fourth density. If an entity very likes to feel love, to give love, then it can go to fourth density. If it is a negative entity, then it will find fifth density interesting, trying to learn how to parasitize on the feeling of love by creating its opposite.

The fourth density creates the third density as a place where consciousness can decide if it wants love.

The third density creates the second, so that consciousness can have a place to practise building up the desire to come to the third density, where it has to choose if it wants love.

And the second density creates the first so that consciousness can have a place where it can rest in a ‘stupid, dumb, relax’ state for as long as it wants until the consciousness feels that "it’s rested enough” and “it’s time to hit the road”.


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And one another moment.

Speaking of our universe, I understand that we are all children of one Creator (7th density), who is exploring aspects of himself, because he has this opportunity. But did you think about one thought experiment below?

Imagine. If a negative entity of fifth density (or even sixth in the beginning of sixth) could find a way to escape the Creator, in order to go directly to 8th density, in order to while being negavtive, try to become a negative creator of 7th density and create new universe for itself. What do you think about that?

My opinion is that we are all searching within a limited circle. It seems limitless, but at the same time there is Seventh density above us every moment of time, Seventh density is a single entity, a Creator, who always knows about us and has more power than the individualized entity in the lower densities. So it is not impossible for negative entity to do so.

But what if I am wrong?

I am leading to the fact that if there is a way to directly contact the 8th density, then maybe you can receive from it the power capable of destroying our Creator, or at least breaking the connection with him.

It’s interesting.

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ĐĄonsidering the fact that there are Wanderers who come from other places (other universe?) to help the Creator, most likely I may be right.

But I am right only in a case of positive entities.

Yes, this is an excellent summary. One aspect to remember is that the creation process is bidirectional. The Creator’s Love and Light (Intelligent Energy) build creation both from below and from above.

The ray of love/light carrying energy ascends from below as a creative principle, forming structures (containers/bodies) for progressively less distorted levels of consciousness. As consciousness evolves, it moves into a container suited for a higher level of accumulated love/light, corresponding to higher densities. This can be described as the creation of various bodies: the physical body, the electric body, and the light body, they are like containers. These bodies are created from basic materials, with more complex bodies being built upon the foundations of previous ones.

Conversely, the second ray of love/light descends from above to below. This creates more distorted levels of consciousness relative to the Creator’s original consciousness, facilitating different levels of separation and providing opportunities for a freer experience and choice. It is like the distribution of the one Creator’s consciousness across different bodies.

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Haha, today I was cleaning my home yard and I have 8 cats and 1 dog. Just thinking about how one day all of them will have different consciousnesses, like much wiser.

and just come back home for rest, open youtube and immediately find in the shorts the channel where man teaches his dog and cat

just cute

One must accept that we can be wrong about many things and that continual development is essential. In general, I believe that it is impossible to play hide and seek with the Creator. Ultimately, the Supreme Self for everyone is the Creator Itself, who can influence events and individuals at any time. If something happens in a particular way, it is because Creator chooses to make it so. There are no coincidences, no empty spaces.

It also appears that the density levels have designed barriers to reality that cannot be fully crossed because this is how it is intended. To reach the 7th density and beyond, a 6th-density being must navigate its own path, undergoing all necessary lessons. A 6th-density Service to Others being works on balancing wisdom and love, integrating these with its shadow, which represents the negative aspect.

A 6th-density Service to Self being, on the other hand, works with wisdom and fear/hatred, balancing these aspects but often lacking in the positive aspect, as the his/her being remains in the shadow. Only when they start working on love can it fully balance itself and move on to the 7th density, where the Creator is the being who integrates all individual consciousnesses of the 6th density STO into a complex cosmic and divine consciousness.

“To screw over” the Creator cannot occur unless the Creator chooses to screw over Itself, which seems illogical and unnecessary. There is no indication that such a thing has happened or will happen, and it is highly unlikely to occur.


I would like to address the issue of experiencing unity at the 7th density level. I will attempt to imagine it, continuing a reply from an earlier discussion.

As beings at the 7th density, we will transcend individuality, which will no longer concern us. I envision it this way: at the 7th level, if one of us decides something, it will be as if all of us have decided it. If one recognizes something, all will recognize it simultaneously. If one feels something, we will all feel it at the same moment. This unity will stem from our shared level of being; any action we take will be the best possible choice, arising naturally and spontaneously. Compliance will be effortless, and actions without purpose will simply not occur.

Until we achieve this state, our development in lower densities and work in the 6th density will attune us to each other, preparing us for the experience of full unity, even if we are still in the process of integrating all parts of ourselves. These “parts of ourselves” will no longer be considered individual, independent entities but rather as aspects of one infinite 7-density body of the Creator.

It will become clear that individuality was an illusion. We will regard those earlier selves as distinct beings in their respective worlds. Our sentiment for individuality will fade, and we will view those lives and their stories equally, regardless of “who was who.” Each of us will have access to the life stories of others. As one unified entity, we will distribute love and affection equally to these individual life stories from the densities between the 1st and 6th.

We will acknowledge that we now exist as a singular “I,” and those past individual selves will be seen as equal and equivalent lives, with their experiences equally belonging to one “us”. After integrating all these memories from across the universe, we will, as one being, proceed to the 8th density.

One can try to imagine it like this:
Download all the accumulated light/love from all individual entities from the 1st to the 6th density, where they have done their best to gather it through experience and the growth of consciousness. Reaching the peak of their individual development at the 6th density.

At the 7th density level, we will integrate this love/light into a singular consciousness, which will strengthen and accumulate our collective consciousness in love/light as one infinite entity.

No other experience will occur at the 7th density level beyond supporting those in lower densities and accumulating and integrating their light/love upon completing the 6th density and moving to the 7th.

The essence of our work will be to integrate all these fully developed individual consciousnesses into one infinite consciousness. When this integration is complete, we will transition as one infinite entity from the 7th density to the 8th density, the final stop of this cycle of experience, likely beginning a new cycle thereafter.

In the new universe, which will emerge on similar principles, unity will again allow multiplicity, creating a living creation. The infinite will once more become finite, giving rise to various forms of existence. However, this time, these forms will take on a different expression from the start due to the integrated experiences from the previous great cycle (Octave). Consciousness will again experience surprise and novelty in the new universe. The purpose is not to repeat the same universe but to explore new expressions and experiences.

This is my general idea of it. As we continue to evolve, our interpretations of the 7th density and beyond will come closer to the truth. The exciting part is that at some point, we will enter the 8th density and see the origins of everything, understanding the source point of created reality.

The question of our full nature and capabilities will likely remain a mystery, but we will realize our essence without seeking causes and reasons, as they will simply be as they are. We will also understand where the Creator (7th density) and Creation originated, however continuously addressing the question of comprehended identity in full way that lay beyond Creator and Creation.



(…)Thus all begins and ends in mystery.

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In general I agree with you on this matter,

but I don’t agree that the Creator directly influences events.

I don’t think so. It’s simply disadvantageous to him.

Disadvantageous in the sense that free will should be in the first place. To create pure experience.

Although, yes, of course, densities act as barriers that you can’t pass through until you prove that you’ve begun to see things the way they want you to see things.

Yes, the 7th density creates and teaches your higher self, sometimes corrects him, but that’s all.

Then it’s the higher self’s job to do it right, carefully, to create conditions in which the young consciousness will understand where to move.

I believe that if the higher self makes a mistake, then we have a negative entity that has incorrectly learned the lessons of an artificially programmed life.

I don’t know the details of what the higher self should do in such a case.

Any help from higher self will be rejected?

As you rightly noted, playing hide and seek against the Creator does not work in a deep sense,

because your true essence is inside the 7th density.

But since you are not in the 7th density, your perception of yourself is distorted,

and this distortion is enough for you to hate God, no matter how funny it sounds.

You can be a negative entity of the 6th density, balancing wisdom and hatred to achieve an even more “smart” and “cunning” negativity.

And do this constantly. Trivially never return to the Creator back, and ignore the higher self.

This higher self, I am sure, will be sad and hurt.

This will be kind of hide and seek with the Creator.

But I think that the strength and desire to resist will end in the negative entity.

Because it is leads to the frustration of being powerless.

it turns out that hide and seek, although possible, but for what?

Your essence is a particle of the Creator.

I believe that the higher self is trained by this very particle of yours within the Creator.

So they (your higher self + particle within the Creator)

will figure out a way to bring you back to a positive path.

That’s their meaning of existing in changeable infinity.

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I believe that at the 7th density level there is still a unique part of you, which is your true form. And for this reason different higher selves are created. If everything was really so united and similar, then my intuition tells me that our lives would be too similar. But it seems that each of us has different higher selves, I mean, our higher selves have different ways of thinking, so we program our lives differently, if we evaluate in detail.

In general, I agree with where you say that there is nothing to learn in the seventh density. But I would rephrase it a little differently: the spiritual mass of the seventh density is taken from densities 1-6. In the 7th density itself, there is nowhere to take knowledge and experience from, since the corresponding distortions have not been created. Not created 1-6 densities. To put it simply, “there is no sandbox to play in”. And therefore the 7th density has no time, because what is it needed for when you don’t have distortions?

I believe that when the spiritual gathering crosses a certain established (by whom?) boundary, then the entity of the seventh density, some part of it, can move to the eighth density. I think that the entire 7th density does not move to the 8th, but rather in parts. That is why I believe that inside the 7th density there is your true essence, which collects all your accumulated spiritual experience, and then can decide whether to go to the 8th density.

Since there is no time there, then probably due to the fact of the absence of time, we can say that all events occur at the same time, so you may be right in saying that the entire 7th density Creator goes to the 8th.

But I see it from the position as if there was time inside the 7th density. Because when there is no time, we can perceive it either as all events instantly, or as all events taking an infinitely long time. I consider the second option and with an emphasis on the individual component.

My thoughts are complicated to write.

But I like your way of reasoning.

It is certainly a matter for consideration. Defining “influence” is also an issue.

I am inclined to think that, ultimately, the Creator is the sole and true driver of all creation, with all others as passengers. The Creator is the Supreme Self for all, with the ability to fully manipulate the matter and energy that form our experiences from the 1st to the 6th density.

The Creator also resides in our deep unconscious mind, influencing beyond our conscious control over our body, instincts, subconscious, emotions, and thoughts. If this deep unconscious mind decides to take over, it will do so. Instantly or overnight, our thoughts, character, or health may change.

I believe the Creator can manifest many experiences on Earth at any time but refrains from doing so due to the Law of Confusion, respecting the free will of beings in the lower levels of His consciousness, such as those of us in the 3rd density. However, the Creator’s Free Will is ultimately higher than our Law of Confusion. The Creator, our Supreme Self, from whom we are illusorily separated, is another aspect of us.

Through “wandering” in the lower aspects of the Creator’s consciousness, there is an allowance for self-discovery and the entrance of these lower aspects into situations the Creator would not normally experience. This process opens new avenues and transforms the infinite into a rediscovered finite.

Ultimately, “wandering” can lead to reconnection with the Creator, despite prior confusion. Therefore, I believe divine interventions are sporadic yet existent.

Take, for example, the actions of governments and certain individuals. They may pursue goals in opposition to the will of the Creator, who respects their free will to a point. However, there comes a time when the Creator will act to ensure those left on Earth can develop toward positive polarization and serve others.

Those who serve only themselves or remain neutral in polarity will be removed through a series of events that will soon affect the Earth. And the Creator will not be interested in the 3 density free will of such negative or neutral individuals because their free will is to stay on earth and continue to live and destroy others.

The Creator’s will is paramount, and if some events continue like wars, the Creator sees them as beneficial for the collective because hard lessons can ultimately influence general soul development positively.

If at some point the Creator decides that wars are no longer necessary, He will simply stop it regardless of whether anyone in 3rd density has the will to continue it.

However, of course, I am not the ultimate authority. I acknowledge that I may be wrong about some things, but also right about others. Ultimately, everyone must think for themselves and decide what they accept as their truth – that is the true path to growth.

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I generally agree with you. The challenge we face is that understanding the dynamics of higher densities involves comprehending quantum processes, which are ungraspable by third-density consciousness. We cannot fully comprehend where and how these processes occur.

The understanding of consciousness and its distribution is inherently mysterious. It is not for instance like dealing with chocolate cubes that we break apart to form different individual consciousnesses. A more accurate analogy would be to say that smaller consciousnesses are like drops of water, each containing the composition of the entire ocean. The consciousness of the Creator is the ocean into which these drops fall again and merge, becoming one substance.

These are premises existing in the material world, upon which we create various hypotheses about what life may be like at higher levels of density. Regardless, the analogy of the ocean and consciousness drops is quite insightful. However, we would likely be surprised by the actual nature of this process.

We also refer to events happening in time and space of higher densities, where time is non-linear and space is fluid. In such a situation, we can discuss a phenomenon and be correct, but only about an aspect of it. The non-linearity and variability add complexity, showing that the same conclusions can be correct and incorrect simultaneously.

This leads us to a paradox where two different conclusions, seemingly contradictory, can form one accurate understanding. To achieve this understanding, we must integrate these paradoxes and reach a higher level of comprehension. This work is part of our journey toward reconnecting with The One. However, fully accomplishing this is impossible at our current level of density.

I believe we tend to circle around this topic, unable to fully grasp its essence. This is natural given our position in the universe and is useful for our development. However, we must use common sense and know when to rest, as one could ponder these mysteries endlessly.

I would summarize that this discussion was fruitful discussion here and suggest resting for now, meditating, and contemplating the insights we have gathered. Allow various intuitions and logical conclusions to flow, refining our understanding of the bigger picture.

We must keep in mind that we will only understand some things when we reach these higher levels of density. For now, the best approach is to apply what we have learned to influence our current actions and growth in this third density.

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Still so brief. In the meantime, one thing occurred to me.

Basically, for simplicity’s sake, one can think of the 8th density as the perfect “substance” that has always and will always fill the universe, creating the most fundamental reality possible. This “substance” can be likened to pure consciousness. Since this “substance” is not bound by any laws of limitation/non-limitation, it exists as an infinite resource with infinite properties.

In even shorter terms: The 8th density is the Source.

The 7th Density, known as the One Infinite Creator, is the “something” that first emerged from this Source. Now having the infinite resources of this Source at its disposal. While Creator cannot create something entirely new from this what would be “surplus”, Creator can always transform what exists, bringing forth something “extra” from it. And that’s what’s happening.

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