This is gonna be rough. I do like the Law of One a great deal but if you are asking about what didn’t resonate or seems inconsistent, I still have a mind that can articulate that.
Contradictions and such.
There are a lot of things that are questionable, either not understood at first and understood in a different way later. Or somehow contradicting with some other thing.
The contact made a lot of reference to ‘we are no better than you’ type of language, but when you accept a Christian mythology you do see the positive entities as higher than you and pray to them from a submissive/ receptive position.
The contact assumed the mainstream narrative on things like world war 2 where we can’t be sure we weren’t simply lied to about things like that. I have heard various things that contradict the Law of One perspective here, and when it comes to Western Governments: “They lie to the fish”. (Falling Down quote).
There are reports in conspiracy about Franklin D Roosevelt that are more than just a little negative and manipulative.
Someone who is a trusted researcher on some of these things had said that Jesus was not crucified, they took down the cross for some maintenance type reason and he went to India. Not that I do or don’t believe that, but with the unreliableness of historical facts in general it is an open question for me.
The endless talk about healing and such, and even phrases such as that which I am just about to quote. Basically state that healing is possible and that the adept moves on to a fantastic life. But in general I feel that A) Pretty much everyone with a serious illness it seems to be a ‘pre incarnative choice’ and not modifyable. One wonders what the point of healing is when so many seem to have this? B) In the sense of going on our path and becoming an adept and getting a better life as this quote seems to indicate, I have not seen that either, everyone seems to live a pretty mundane and stuck life from what I can see:
The healing ability, like all other, what this instrument would call paranormal abilities, is effected by the opening of a pathway or shuttle into intelligent infinity. There are many upon your plane who have a random hole or gateway in their spirit energy field, sometimes created by the ingestion of chemicals such as, what this instrument would call LSD, who are able, randomly and without control, to tap into energy sources. They may or may not be entities who wish to serve. The purpose of carefully and consciously opening this channel is to serve in a more dependable way, in a more commonplace or usual way, as seen by the distortion complex of the healer. To others there may appear to be miracles. To the one who has carefully opened the door to intelligent infinity this is ordinary; this is commonplace; this is as it should be. The life experience becomes somewhat transformed and the great work goes on.
Kind of linked to that is the complete absence of any real proof of any higher reality. While the Law of One seems to satisfy that enough for me. This paradigm would indicate I think that it would be easier to find some real life evidence of some of these realities. To me personally, almost everything David Wilcock says, Skinwalker Ranch, UFO researchers in general, are fraudulent.
This also includes the ‘Men in Black’ mentioned in the Law of One. But then I think that is what the contact meant by “thought forms”. Also Uri Geller. I’m glad they didn’t agree he had been abducted by the Confederation.
There are also things like session 61.9. That states if something happened there will always be evidence of it from the way third density is formed. But not if you get abducted by Aliens, then the only evidence you will see of that is in your dreams: (84.8)
Also, something I don’t like is the whole Poker quote. I do do exercises 10.14. Haven’t done them for a few months but used to do them regularly and will remember to do them again. But, in general, almost everyone I know has been manipulative slime that I have had to set boundaries against. I just don’t find that quote and that being the stated purpose of third density to be particularly useful.
What I do like
I like a lot more than I dislike. Importantly, I would probably have been an atheist. I love love love, archtypes, especially the description of the purpose of them that the being shine with “vivid articulated beaufy”. (90.16).
In my life the strict attention to the Law of One is not functional and I have had to take in other sources to understand what it says. I.e. in my thread on Session 34.5 and forgiveness I have taken from philosophy as I said there. I use the Law of One a lot in understanding astrological concepts.
Another thing which kind of contradicts some of the things I don’t like is their rather sweet viewpoint that the most intimate and important close encounters is when they engage with us and personally guide as, without any supernatural identifications, with better dreams or insights and whatever.
I really like their descriptions of how they manage societies and the theories behind it. Like, where the result of the square overpowers the integrated power of those unwilling to search or learn (22.25).
For me though, like I said, the Law of One is something that is taken with a lot of other things. On it’s own it is lacking a fair bit of ‘life’ and context. In some ways it is a breaking off point for a different perspective.