Hello infinite creators!
so disciplines of personalities, the magical personality, balancing, using diamond and rubies, time/space created spacecraft, pyramids generated, blocks moved. walking the universe unfettered , the finite energy in matter, using pyramids under your head or perineum. indigo sexual energy transfers. The infinite creator.
humble me because i think im gonna move a mountain and think the potential in everyone is far greater then the majority recognises.
when harvest is upon us and war always around the corner . we got this, we can boost those numbers
can you please explain to me is it possible to make the connection and truly do miracles. not that its important or anything . but i think i need to prove to myself the law of one something in me still doubts.
the monroe institute, edgar cayce, the ancient druids and yogis and chinese wu + more. im thinking its all possible and all going on . what is the matrix that generates my form, what is the possibilities laying in dormancy of the transformation knowing thy self and accepting thyself completely then what does it mean to be come the creator. If everything is one, then the energy i am is the energy you are and the energy of everything.
what i think can become solid in true green 4d, waatttt , everything is thought? physical thought and non physical thought
is there hope in the law of one to thrive through anything that is to come?
what is the truth to the self.
who really am i but a servant to my totality and the totality of all
is it a act of self love to generate gold out of thin air if you use it for good without every telling anyone how you do it or anything for selfish reasons.
all matter is light and the mind has the ability to focus light
i think im afraid of the power in me and in everyone. i think this is a flaw i need to purify
so here i am , just idk trying how to be humble and love myself enough just to have fun with reality.
idk but i think what is to come is going to be alot of responsibility for everyone .
what is my intention?
what am i learning and teaching?
idk but if its possible its worth a shot right?
As long as i maintain a normal functioning life with healthy relationships and connection and service being paramount in every moment and try not to cause harm
i hope everyone tries too
to live the life i polarise and synchronise and crystallise too
can anyone shed some light on the light and love
what flaws need to be purified? what are the disciplines of personality?
what am i doing with my life?
always aloof ready for the call ,
i think i am too old and skeptical to still have complete faith that i can interact with matter on a subsubatomic level .
everything is the creator
well theres my rambling.
How much do you have faith in the law of one?
can anyone help me in anyway?