Wandering in Nepal

Just as I left the US to travel to Nepal, I found the news of fires in California on the front page of a Nepalese newspaper. A Nepalese vendor gave me his condolences to my country and blessings for a good year with the change in leadership. It became obvious that those I have met here imagine my journey and our interconnected-ness. Such instant compassion. Whole cultures can have awareness. It gave me hope. Then there was the World Peace Pagoda in Pokhara, Nepal…a collaboration between countries to create a meaningful gesture towards world peace. There is more to do. More can be done. Is there a remedy for the masses? Praying for humanity all the time, it seems.

Many thanks for your quick read. Peace. Namaste.


Thanks for sharing about Peace Pagodas. I didn’t realize there were so many until I searched wiki about them. Apparently people seek peace and the Pagoda helps them find it. There’s some saying, wherever you go - there you are. This idea helps me find peace in the strangest places, (like wiki!)

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Thanks Soup. It also piqued my curiosity: who else wants to band together for peace and unity? Apparently there are so many. Perhaps the great catalyst of our lifetime is to find each other. Godspeed :sparkles::pray:t3::sparkles:.

Image of the young monks in training during my stay at a monastery. An example of daily devotions for me. I get on it. Peace.

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