How are you doing, Wanderers?

Hello Wanderers,

How are you feeling ? Are you happy ? How are you keeping yourselves together in these current times ?

I hope, and intend for this message, to create a safe space where each can share freely without judgements. I hope that people will refrain from giving unsolicited advices to others, or refrain from spiritual comparaisons. I hope this place will not become a contest of happiness, or a show to prove that one has gotten « things right ». I intend this space to be a space of listening, of sharing, of questioning maybe, and of benevolence. Shadows, pains, and hard feelings are welcome here, as much as sharings of joy and laughers.

So, how is it to be in a human body these days, my friends ?

Are you feeling alone as a wanderer ?

Do you have at least one person in your life ,who can listen, and care, about your dreams, your visions, your mystical experiences ?

Do you have at least one person who can understand your concerns about the apparent direction that our world seems to be heading into ? Do you feel alienated in your understanding of world affairs, or spiritual truths ? Do you feel alienated at all ?

How are you keeping with your daily lives ? Do you feel the energies rising ? Do you have so-called « Ascension symptoms » (bodily or otherwise) ?

Do you feel tired or enthusiastic ? Do you feel your faith and strength have been tested enough ? Or are you feeling happy to do what you came here to do ? How do you envision the next few years ? For you personally, or for the world ?

Is there anything you would like to share ?

I for one, will listen.


I don’t know about you all. I’ve been a member of some version of this community for a long time, and many of you have known me for a while. I’m not one to talk about energy and synchronicities and sunspots and all that.

But something is in the air. Change is just around the corner.

Clear those centers, stay in touch with yourself, and take care of each other.

Thanks for posting, Raksha, nice to know others are kind of opening up for the next thing.


Honestly, this is an important question to be asking at this time. I would say for myself, things are getting increasingly difficult. While my spiritual progression is becoming more rapid and I am remembering more and more of what I forgot upon incarnating, the challenges are becoming increasingly difficult. I have determined that I am a 4th density wanderer and have been incarnating here since around the time of Christ. Recently, at least several members of my group and possibly other 4th density groups have been reconnecting after an extended series of incarnations and forgetting of who we are and why we are even here. While this development of deeper and richer community is enriching and nourishing, it is contrasted with the current state of world affairs. The disparity I feel in going back and forth between these deep states of connection with my spiritual community and into the normal world, where most everyone has put up impenetrable emotional walls, is becoming more and more difficult to bear. I agree with oswg_jeremy, change is just around the corner. However, I feel we are on the precipice of extremely challenging and confusing times. So I guess how I’m feeling is hopeful, with full faith that we are on our way to a world of love and connection, but unsettled fairly often, as I’ve had the unshakeable feeling that extreme shifts are possible at any moment during this phase of human history. I hope that I am not being too pessimistic or negative by focusing on the current chaos of earth humanity, but when I have cut myself off completely from any source of information about global affairs it has not felt quite right either. In any case, I am ready and willing to continue on through whatever is necessary in order support the eventual breakthrough into pure love/light that I have come to believe is inevitable.


Back in 1860, Dr.Quimby wrote about Happiness!
Here’s a sample from his manuscripts:
“What is happiness? It is what follows any act
of the law of science, but is not always understood.
Sin and misery are the effects of our belief put in
practice, governed by the law of sin and death.
Man is the medium of the two laws; the one chance
or ignorance, the other God or Science, which is
the higher…so by establishing the law of science
we destroy the law of ignorance …the introduction
of the one is the destruction of the other to all who

A modern context might differ from that of 1800’s.
Today, nobody understands, Science and Spirituality
seem skewed, and we have not one or the other,
but also both and neither. There seems a subtle
spin of creating happiness from sin and misery,
like some sort of paradoxical comedy going on.
I think there may be infinite interpretations of
The Law of One, and his may be an example.
In other words, when in doubt, create confusion.

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Interesting question, “Are you happy?”
I would ask a slightly different question. Do you realize that happiness is a choice?
As I witness so much un-happiness in others around me, I am thankful to the late Ken Keyes Jr - back in 1979 (roughly) when I was about 19, I read this book, “Handbook to Higher Consciousness.”
He explained in an artful and expressive way how happiness is a choice. A paraplegic man, he learned to be happy despite losing the use of his limbs. That book, I have noticed, long out of print, fetches a higher price today. The message resonates through time.

Taking full responsibility for one’s internal state is a key step on the path of self-knowing.

I am grateful to Ken for opening my eyes at a young age.

I realized immediately the truth of what he was writing.
So, there is much catalyst in our world, and plenty of reasons to choose to be unhappy. I hope each other wanderer, drawn to this forum, chooses to be happy regardless of the challenges you encounter on this crazy world.

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Thank you for bringing a uniting touch to the journey.


Yes, and am aware of the contrast. Harmony supersede my happiness.

By Being the raw authentic self.

Not being able to fart in social environment is still tormenting.

No, but I do realize that other wanderers have their own shinangins to deal with.

so… Even though, I have contact with other wanderers and do not feel alone. It is somewhat serendipity to see other-wanderers are fighting to not be swept into the maelstrom.

More than one.

More than one.

No, as long as you are not trying to be Jesus.

Ram Dass used to talk about his “ghost” friend Emanuel, whom reminds him to try taking the curriculum while incarnated, since he is in “school.”

Another thing from Ram Dass… “Don’ try to be a Phony Holy.”

As long as you keep your “crazies” AKA truths within you, you won’t be alienated, and don’t feed energy to anyone, even your “master,” “guru,” “teacher.”

If they were wise and actually understand the law of freewill, they will not infringe upon you and tell you that you are “wrong.” Especially those who get emotionally distraught.

Throw a curve ball here and there to see their reaction.

If they truly gets it, it becomes a play/tease, and its not that serious.

As daily as it can get, wake up, eat, enjoy life, enjoy people, poo, pee, sleep, meditate, sex, laugh, cry… The whole shebang. Can’t complain.

Energetically, it’s not just about rising, there is a natural eb and flo of vibration.

Ascension symptoms is for those who want to go higher.

I am going inside.

Both, intermittently.


Again, happiness lies in the harmony you have within.

I feel happy knowing that there is nowhere else to be, but right here, right now. To be I.

I will continue to grow, so will the world. I will be in this world regardless of it’s outcome. But, not of this world.

Listen to the self.

When that book came into my life, it was significantly life changing. I was blessed to have a friend who was contagiously happy. He’d recite a pathway immersed in some heavy drama, unfettered. Ken had some falling out with Shakti Gawain who wrote Creative Visualization, and I found some people respond to these books differently.
Ken had the idea of seven centers of consciousness. Three lower of security sensation and power were more about unhappiness. Two joyous centers love and cornucopia, and two fulfilling centers, conscious awareness and cosmic consciousness. Twelve pathways guide reprogramming emotional triggers that factor into displacing addictive
behaviors with more helpful perspectives. I found the discovery of this immensely liberating, and it helped shoe me into much law of one seeking afterwards. Thank you!

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Thank you for sharing!
I have to admit, that I did not remember the energy center stuff, until you reminded me. It was such a long time ago.
For me, the epiphany I had from that book, was to propel me toward a more enlightened way of being in that one way: I would always take 100% responsibility for my emotional state, and never blame anyone or anything else for my emotional state of being.

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Generally a detached perspective observing
triggers and responses as a means to reprogram
oneself can accelerate progress. Finding people
who push your buttons, who might cause some
unsettled discomfort might actually catalyze the
reprogramming faster than not having catalyst.
Nonviolent communication NVC jumps off the
idea, i.e. when you do A, I feel B, because I
need C. This paradigm of expressing triggers
feelings and needs can be Soft Skills that they
forgot to teach everyone in school, but promote
a more benevolent perspective as enabling
greater extents of empathy and understanding.

I think there’s free pdf’s of this book out there.
However having a seeking mindset and some
degree of introspection and volition to evolve,
with a supportive community, may be somewhat
unusual to come by.

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