Thank you for being here

My first post. I certainly needed the RA material two decades ago after a strong supernatural event that changed me. Language is limited but for lack of better understanding I consolidate my thoughts. I was met with light beings during an epic meditation. Like a harp vibrating my system, communication was transferred. These things became the gifts of this encounter: 1. A reference of true love energy (I felt this from their/its) by mere presence 2. Remembrance of my life purpose 3. Humor! Like a theater of improvisation, humans donā€™t need to believe all actions are successes or failures; we play out the kinks of evolution as best we can. We are each otherā€™s catalysts. Now that time as passed, I realized this encounter might have been a transmission to all humanity, I was not singled out. Through meditation, the transmission found a home. Thank you everyone. I enjoy reading all these wonderful posts.


Welcome here dd41, :two_hearts: :smile:

It all sounds lovely and ā€¦ I love the humor involved too !!!


Good Morning Sunshine!

You are great colour in the sky,
You are new in this team of one,
Breathe deeply golden butterfly,
Salutations for having fun!

Do treasure hunt with summer dream,
True universe is filled with light,
A star was born this day unseen,
For none there were who were not white.

We called hallows from far and wide,
Deep mist there was that summerā€™s day,
Hold true and let your heart provide,
The most amazing love display.

Shine like a butterfly and corn,
Make other stop in awe this morn.

Thank you for joining us, thank you for sharing your adventure. I am fairly new here.
There are days for sorrow, but not today. Please, pull up a chair, get warm by the fire of golden god, or Buddha, Lord Krishna, or any flavour your light prefer. Am I unseemly to mention religion? No, for although it has not been my path to this day, it is a part of my path I am just beginning to unravel, and where it may take me I do not know, but I will be bringing lunch! A delicious salad to help me to see the light witthin and outside.

It is morning here. Good morning, and hope you have a nice stay.

I offer this solar realm poetry to you as a Unity prayer. Good luck with earth - old and new. I am here too!! Do you think she needs a bit more solar realm, and a bit less shadow? Or is it just peachy how it appears subjectively?

Love and Light, and warm greetings!

And here among your friends


Would DD41 like to share a bit more? Would you tell me an adventure about a tree, or trees, and the summer sunlight streaming through them? Your affinity for nature would be an unfolding joy to readers.

I wait hopefully, and with patience, for your response.

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Dear Lightfoot,
Your poetry is beautiful. I send thanks. If you have any published material, please send in a link. If you do not, why not?

Since my ā€œpromiseā€ to the light beings to tell my story of our connection, and that ā€œtheyā€ (actually all bound together as one) are hereā€¦and waiting.,. I have indeed retold this story to unlikely groups and individuals that seemed ripe for reception, and was met positively. I read aloud my encounter, ā€œGet Off the Planet.ā€ A story of finding the expanse, my purpose and compassion for all.

Today, I tend to flowers, grow trees, and tea, create wildlife habitats where I can. Iā€™m a ghost writer for some and an artist for all.

Since my contact with the Light Ones, I have been the target of dark beings on this planet. Dark as in aggressive. Although I am a small person, I have been endowed with great steadfast energy to dissipate any harm. I am grateful for this ability to protect the vulnerable.

Life is so very beautiful and malleable to our dreams. On those days of challenge, we can remember it is a message that we can take our abilities up a notch in the Great Dream.

Thank you for your invitation to share. Sending blessings of love and light :sparkles:, d


Keep well DD41 :purple_heart: :herb:

Nothing like the company of trees and dragonfliesā€¦ :two_hearts: :herb: :herb: :herb:


This is my vote for the title

#2. ā€œBreathe deeply golden butterflyā€

A cathartic soulful rant. Itā€™s good to let go, let be, sometimes. Peace until next time.

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Indeed, and helpful to have a valuable place like these forums to express, review and release.

Alright with one vote to none, that is the new title!

A new day rises for us all!

A new day rises for us all,
We can choose victim or stand tall,
Eat celery and celebrate!
Now rise and shine no time to wait.

What story do you share outside,
Will sacred vessel serve and guide,
For elemental in the Zoo,
The Choice is always within you!

We have all made it very far,
So celebrate the Light we are,
Hey stranger can I lend a hand?
How may I serve this day so grand?

Trust your instinct to know the way,
You are so powerful this day.

A natural evolution.
(Quietly dedicated to ā€˜eat vegetablesā€™)

Dear DD41, we will return soon to continue the highly flavoursome pineapple. Do you like pineapples? What about munchy crunchy apples?
I so delight in radishes myself! So amazing, they deserve a whole ballad. Hope you have a wonderful day today. Thank you for trusting your instincts, you were accurate in that I just needed a little venting room, with my obstacle.

Love and turnips,


Ha ha! I have just returned home from a 2 week visit in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Pineapplesā€”the symbol of hospitality. A good thing. Yes, they are good.

A Freewill poem. Yessss.

You write in kinship with the Author, astrologer, musician, Rob Brezsny. He wrote a book called ā€œPronoia is the antidote for paranoia.ā€

:sparkles:Be well. Be love. Be light. :sparkles:

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That pineapples represent hospitality, (and warm welcome) I did not know. I wonder now, what turnips may reflect, one moment. (searches in new tab)
Well given the options, I prefer to believe our solar realm pattern was referring to " the earthy Self or may be a symbol for the Mother archetype or the Feminine Principle" and not the other, less appealing options! giggles mischievously

I did look up Mr Rob Brezsny, and subscribed to a weekly newsletter of his. He sounds exotic, and in partnership with the light of his inner glow.
To answer a previous question, I have not published anything, but yearn to write, and keep developing my story, my path, and one day hope to have it come together in a format that suits the planet and itā€™s (her) inhabitants. I am very humble, and want a home to gather wits and chop wood. I love it here, and just today discovered that Flofrog, our fellow companion in this thread, is long a partner in law of One, and enriching the online community and who back in the day on the bring4th forums, along with our friendly moderator Patrick were 2 of the original 7 Community Steward Circle moderators and protectors.

For 12 or so years, I have had limited expansion of my Original Thought (Trade Mark The Ra material, for humour) for the expression of this latent ability. I had been solely focused on working long hours, and providing for my wonderful family. I still am, but reluctant now I guess, to exclude itā€™s further development due to perceived time constraints in my daily and weekly routine. I want to make time for spiritual work, for embracing my soul pattern, and what I came here to do. This ā€˜eat vegetableā€™ theme is central to that, and from Ra session 40.14 , which I am up to now, also fasting, to clean the mind, and gently expunge from it, the no longer serving thoughts.

Be well.


Dear Lightfoot and the great companions of Oneness,
is it possible that all that is humble brings us bonds of wellness? Dewdrops, washing dishes, staring at clouds, bowing to a stranger, smelling jasmine in the night air. Such great spirituality. I keep my promises to the Light Beings, accept, they said, itā€™s all just fine! When we were children, nothing phased us, or shocked us. New things, the emergence of the unknown was permitted. Can we keep this skill? It is possible. Thanks for checking out Rob Brezny, I think it helps to find kindred spirits. Self doubt is an ailment that most of us grapple withā€¦but someone is always waiting to hear from us. Make the reach. Believe.

Cheers! Blessings! Light of Love!

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Thank you to both of you :blush:

DD, I so agree that it is the humble things that really delight us above everything else.

There 's a little coffee shop near my place where I go nearly everyday. I love the baristas and they are adorable to me, I feel spoiled blessed when I meet them. Then there is the smile of. a stranger in the street, the little podcast where I exchange with friends that I shall probably never meet in physical, that little junco, that so small a bird who keeps entering my home as if by mistake and checks things around, mostly next to the coffee table where we have meals, and checks out the crumbs, before flying out away, the little lizard who comes in my studio and watches me paint, the crickets in the kitchen who come at night for the lettuce leaf I leave and look at me like what are you doing there, if I step in late and put on the light.

All those magical little moments which change the life.


A Beautiful description. Thank you :pray:t3: thank you. Peace :dove: to everyone.

Forever dreams a path before,
You choose your feelings on the way,
Use catalyst from rage and war,
To turn within, reflect and pray.

How powerful to see the point,
Was wake us all from slumber deep,
How seldom cars and trucks anoint,
But trees and birds our lovesong keep.

Colibri longs to share with Man,
A favourite! An oldie too!
But she just hums as best she can,
How well she serve her heart is true.

As soldiers gather in the dark,
She hopes to see you in the park.

In closing, I have Neptune to clothe with valorious thoughts in peacekeeping ensemble. How powerful you brothers, and sisters, in arms are, that gather to oppose deception. Be brave, in spite of all odds. We are with you all. In love. In true polarity of service to other.
Thank you for believing in peaceful means and methods.

Neptune sits sturdy in prayer for those in tune with community.

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Thank you for your poem. Poems are full heart and very special communication. :sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles: I reply with a spontaneous poem.

The Quickening

When I close my eyes
People see me.

They see themselves,
They see no ā€œthey.ā€
They see us in deep earth of
Embryonic soil and the worm of truth,

Wet, and ready for seeds and sun.

Get us out of darkness, please,
Dear Dream,
Wrapped in grit and mineral wealth
For a glorious rise to sky,
Bold winds and foot traffic
Of mystical beasts,
Stepping forwardā€¦

Here we are!
In our favorite theater,
Promised by the evolutionary pact
Of salt and pepper timesā€¦

Eat me!
Eat us!
We are the stardust Christmas roast
One looks forward to feasting in friendly

We become ripe
With fire
With pain
With long waits
And sweet surrender.
we are babies crying for nourishment.
Does savoring this embarrass us?
Ok. I admit,
Itā€™s all about love.

How long? How hidden?

A star shines in the near distance.

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Thank you for sharing the poem. It is a story, unfolding in an intuitive sense, like we each are unfolding to our greater knowing. To me it moves fast, possibly thousands of years, or dozens per discrete emotional momentary reflection. From now to the stars of formation, to preparing and hope and anxiously awaiting the dawn. We are here! as portended (looks up new word in google), for the day share in love, and violet hue.
Friendly Christmas refreshments, cherishment and hopefully, enspirited food (got that nice word from Ra).
Maturity, through Struggle.
Longsuffering. (got that nice word from Edgar Cayce).
We are thirsty, and hungry. Wilt thou allow our soul without food and water, O love divine (or, O Lord of hosts, if you prefer. Going to munch on carrots today and religious may console and comfort some of those we are trying to reach).

Itā€™s all about love.
How sweet, we are a fellowship, for I try to write about love too, in itā€™s hidden forms of the day.

You are seeing your song, beloved (As Ptaah would add ā€˜belovedā€™ to various thoughts of his - thought crossings that cross my mind as I reply).

Breakfast for me, shiny thoughts I must. Thank you for the time we share.
As I post, I gently offer an oldie, but a favourite, written 2009 as part of the 7 sonnets we happily expressed wisdom through, while immersed in Pā€™Taah philosopy and shared with the crew on the old bulletin board back then. It is part of a series, and it is titled ā€˜Thank you for the timeā€™. (pasted but the spacing in in err. I hope that has no impact).

Thank you for the time

I want to thank you for the time,

That we have co-created true,

In joy and celebration rhyme,

The love we are does build anew.

The building of the mental state,

Will magnetise an open heart,

A thank you is never too late,

It can expand through times apart.

The gratitude for such a team,

Of Golden Bolden Spirits free,

Connects us all to common dream,

Conscious Creation Mastery.

A wishing well you all to be,

And thank you for your time with me.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


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Dear Lightfoot and friends. I pick up so many gems with the many shares. Pā€™taah? Oh noā€¦ there is more. There is always more. Ha ha ha. I make sure I donā€™t get too heady, but stay in my heart when I receive the perceptions of others; the good messages of others.

This forum has expanded to such a degree that the mind will fiddle with details, but the heart can ball it all up, like sweet batter, and make a birthday cake.

I make a wish. Thank you loved ones.


Forgiveness is the anvil song,
That heritage we seldom use,
Yet brotherhood of man so strong,
Our Masterā€™s work we one day choose.

As hammers strike upon my path,
I choose surrender of my pain,
The tone surprising like a laugh,
Of stallion we had tried to reign.

Fealty to blacksmithing design,
A story you may bravely be,
Would up the pace your mountain climb,
And once atop the summit, free.

So carry no more anger heat,
Forgive or else Saturn repeat.

A natural evolution.

Gently dedicated to the Mouses House rainforest retreat, and all who visit.
Written in the Mouses House rainforest retreat, atop Springbrook Mountain, Queensland, Australia. 30-November-2024.

A view from my front door.


Great image and a beautiful place! Of course a poem would emerge in such a time of reflection and beauty.

You have been blessed. Inspired. A real fortune. A place of muses. Godspeed!

It was a magical place, of many waterfalls and ancient forest. A powerful place of memory.
So soothing and relaxing, after months of hard physical work in the summer heat.

By using my personal successes and trying to make some universal truths in poetic form, I push through the undergrowth so green, upon the beaten paths so worn, and follow my polarity to the sea. Although we could only afford 2 nights at the retreat for our anniversary, the wonderful time spent with my wife of ten years, will continue to heal, for many moons, and sunrises, and years to come. We were both crazy enough to get in that freezing water, for a dip moments before I took that photo.

that being said, I do feel I only scratched the surface of the theme of forgiveness. I will try again, and again, until I can match the vibration it requires.

Poetry in the physical.
But what is in the non physical / spirit realm?
Solar flair? :slight_smile:

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