Hello, folks. In this post, I’ll be taking a stab at presenting the concept of the time lateral.
First, a little background. I assume all readers here are reasonably familiar with the Ra Contact materials. Perhaps you carved out time to read them in their sizable entirety. Or perhaps you used the wonderful L/L Research-produced resources and guides to realize a more complete understanding of nature of The Law of One.
That said, I assume most people here are not familiar with the entirety (and entirety being the key word) of the conscious channeling sessions. The largest hurdle with the conscious channeling sessions is ingesting its sheer volume. Reading the entirety of The Ra Contact will take a good amount of time, but if my estimations are correct, the conscious channeling transcripts run approximately 4,886,000 words long. One online source suggested a regular human is capable of reading 250,000 words per day, so, assuming that rate, reading the entire conscious channeling transcript library would take one regular person approximately 20 days of continuous reading.
In my spare time, I have poked around the conscious channeling materials quite a bit. Eventually, I stumbled on a topic present in the conscious channeling materials which, to my knowledge, are neither directly discussed by Ra during the trance channeling sessions nor discussed in the L/L Research-produced resources and guides. One of those concepts is the time lateral, the “sidetrack” we as a people have been placed on to support our spiritual advancement. That concept is what I wish to explore today.
For this investigation, I primarily used the AntConc corpus analysis tool, while also leveraging the excellent query tool on
I sincerely hope this presentation of the time lateral helps other seekers on their journey. As always, please use your discernment when contemplating the words of both Q’uo’ and myself.
Part 1
1. Mentions of the time lateral
Before discussing the nature of the time lateral, let’s first examine how frequently time laterals are discussed in the conscious channeling transcripts. If this information does not interest you, feel free to move to the next major heading.
The time lateral is discussed in conscious channeling materials from 2003-2007. The term is mentioned in a total of eight channeling sessions. Unless explicitly mentioned, the quoted materials in this post are from one of these eight sessions. Those sessions are the following: 2003-0503, 2003-0511, 2003-0525, 2005-0716, 2005-1219, 2007-0211, 2007-0408, and 2007-0414.
In each of the first three sessions, the term “time lateral” is mentioned only once and only by Q’uo through Carla. These three sessions occurred within a three-week timespan. In the third session, Q’uo mentions that Carla’s “teacher” gave her this particular term.
Over two years pass before Q’uo mentions the time lateral once again in the fourth session. This time, its mention must have stimulated outside discussion, as the main question for the fifth session five months later concerned the time lateral. Of the eight total sessions, this session in December 2005 (specifically, 2005-1219) contains the most discussion of the time lateral.
Over a year later, the time lateral once again shows up in the sixth session when Q’uo mentions it as part of a longer answer. The individual known as R then asks question about the time lateral, which Q’uo answers.
The time lateral is discussed for the final time two months later in April 2007. In the seventh session, Q’uo mentions the term twice as part of a longer answer. Six days later, the channeling session begins with a multifaceted question from the individual known as T regarding the time lateral, to which Q’uo provides a comprehensive answer. This final session contains the second-most discussion of the time lateral.
After that eighth session on April 14th, 2007, the time lateral is not mentioned again either by Q’uo or by a member of the channeling circle.
Though only present in eight of the ~1500 conscious channeling session transcripts, the time lateral is discussed in a significant manner. The time lateral is the first focus of two conscious channeling sessions, and in both cases, detailed answers are provided by Q’uo. The term is never used by Ra in the trance channeling sessions, though, as we’ll see, Ra does provide conceptually-related information, especially with The Veil, Master and Major Cycles, Harvest, and Transition to Fourth Density. In the eyes of this author, the “time lateral” is a fundamental overarching concept provided by Q’uo which both unifies and clarifies certain information directly provided by Ra.
From an investigatory angle, open questions include the identity of Carla’s teacher, how that individual came to use the term, and what other sources discuss the existence of a time lateral, if not using that specific name.
With all this said, let’s now move to investigate the time lateral.
2. What is the time lateral?
Our experiences in this third-density incarnation occur on the time lateral. From Q’uo:
Indeed, you at this time, shall we say, are on a time lateral, a sidetrack, not even upon the main track of evolution…
The energies of your planet at this time are, as this instrument has heard it described by her teacher, off on a side track: a time lateral. The train of yellow-ray third-density Earth has been shunted into a lateral experience…
…[the time lateral] is a kind of shunt…
…a shunt or rail for an alternate track along space/time…
…a kind of track parallel to the main track of time and space as it is naturally developing in your physical environment.
The time lateral runs parallel to the regular course of third-density progression for those entities incarnating on Earth. According to Q’uo, the effect of the time lateral is a slower progression of time for our planet relative to the Universe:
Because of the fact that your Earth is on a time lateral, time has deliberately been slowed in order that there would be more opportunity for members of the tribe of humankind to reach graduation with a polarity that will enable them to move on to fourth density. And we may honestly say that many, many entities have literally moved heaven and earth in order to maximize this possibility. It is not only those from outside the planet or the planetary influence which have contributed to this effect of time dilation.
Since Q’uo mentions it, and it is a fundamental component of the time lateral, let’s take a moment to review time dilation.
2a. A brief overview of time dilation
Time dilation is a concept arising from the theory of relativity. A fundamental concept of relativity is that space and time are two sides of the same coin, and energy is their unifying factor. Simply, time dilation says that an observer experiences time in inverse proportion to their energy relative to another observer. The bold clause cannot be overemphasized. Due to the dual-aspect nature of space and time, a highly-energetic observer experiences “less” time and “more” space relative to another observer.
Time dilation occurs in two ways. The first is velocity-induced. Consider the existence of two observers, Alice and Bob, standing near each other, who each hold a synchronized clock that counts up. Alice then decides to move much faster than Bob. While she moves, due to time dilation, Alice will experience “less” time than Bob. If Alice then slows down, stops next to Bob, and compares their clocks, Alice’s clock will read lower than Bob’s. This experiment is portrayed well in the first “Back to the Future” movie with the stopwatch experiment and is a practical design issue with GPS satellites (a GPS satellite in geosynchronous orbit moves so fast relative to a person on Earth, time dilation effects must be taken into account). Note that, from the perspective of Bob, Alice will be seen moving quickly, whereas as Alice will see Bob moving slowly. Accordingly, Alice experiences “more” space and “less” time than Bob.
The second type of time dilation is gravity-induced. Ra characterizes the black hole as the “physical complex manifestation of [the]…metaphysical state” where a physical environment has achieved union with the Creator. From a scientific perspective, the black hole appears black because the force of gravity is so strong that light is constantly working to move but cannot escape the black hole’s pull. Anything within reach of the black hole will experience significant time dilation due to the extreme gravity, that is, energy. If Alice was in the black hole and Bob is not, she would again experience “more” space and “less” time than Bob.
2b. Connecting time dilation with the time lateral
Consider that Q’uo says “time has deliberately been slowed” for those in the time lateral to provide “more opportunity.” This statement fits with the idea of a higher-energy observer experiencing “less” time and “more” space. To connect everything together, we can say that light-bringing forces (particularly those of the Confederation) created a state of higher energy for the third-density beings incarnating on Earth, the effect of which increased the amount of space and thereby catalyst being experienced.
3. Goals of the time lateral
Next, let’s examine the goals of shunting the “energies of our planet” onto a parallel track. Q’uo says two primary goals exist:
The idea [for the time lateral] was simply to increase the harvest and to break some significant knots of fear that had occurred in unusual quantities within your fairly local area of space/time.
From these two goals, let’s examine the motivations for the time lateral.
4. Motivations for the time lateral
The first goal of increasing the harvest begs the question: how small was the previous harvest on Earth?
The second of three harvest-times upon your planet, 25,000 of your years ago approximately, had come and gone, with only approximately 150 of your planetary beings achieving the right to move through the harvesting procedure and enter fourth density for the lessons of love.
The Confederation strongly believed taking this gamble was the best bet for our solar system’s third-density beings to spiritually advance:
It was felt that there was a lot of risk involved with the experiment but it was felt that there was the possibility of bringing many, many entities into a configuration where true choice would become possible.
Given that the outcome of an experiment is not definite, the reward should justify any inherent risk. What was the risk of the experiment not succeeding?
There was a realization that entities would need to begin with an entirely new planetary and solar system if the experiment of Earth did not succeed. And so it was proposed that this time lateral be created and that what this instrument would call a kind of reform school be instituted upon the planet.
Note that the time lateral is an experiment, which has a definite form:
…like any experiment, [the time lateral] has a period: a beginning, a middle, and an ending. The beginning was before history began upon your planet. You have a fair view of the history of the middle. You gaze now at the end point of this experiment.
Q’uo mentions two events as foundational to the history of the time lateral:
…the introduction [to Earth] of entities from other planets, and further introduction of changes within some of the templates improving upon the human genome.
These changes, though likely made with good intentions, led to two unforeseen consequences. The first consequence is what I call obstinateness and Q’uo calls, “deepened…power of entities to use free will without the spiritual ability to see where that free will power was headed.” The second consequence is what Q’uo calls, “the enhanced ability to amuse and enchant the self by means of stories of power and empire.”
As such, the time lateral is an outside attempt to mend the pernicious effects of these unforeseen consequences:
Your planet, in short, is undergoing repair and this not simply from one or two repetitions of empire but from, let us say, at least half a dozen majestic and substantial experiments in empire.
Let’s recap on the different planetary groups now incarnating on Earth.
4a. Cohabitation of planetary groups on Earth
During the trance channeling sessions, Ra discussed the existence of two groups of entities previously incarnating on planets other than Earth. These groups are those of Maldek and Mars. As both Ra and Q’uo mention, the entities of Maldek blew up their planet hundreds of thousands of years ago, while the entities of Mars essentially destroyed their planet’s atmosphere near the end of the last Major Cycle, or approximately 25,000 years ago, rendering the Martian surface uninhabitable.
In addition to the Earth natives, the planetary groups of Maldek and Mars are both incarnating here on Earth. We incarnating beings on Earth have collectively caused and experienced much destruction. Q’uo states:
For the most part and for the great majority, your planetary population [consists] of those who have been imported from other failed third-density planetary cycles. Many of those upon your planet, then, are those who have either destroyed their planet completely through acts of war using advanced technology or are those who have for one reason or another been unable to finish out their normal cycles upon their native earths.
The energy of solving problems by means of resorting to violence is an old one upon your planet. It indeed predates your particular planetary energy, for you have, in the course of the last 75,000 years, received entities from several planets which have been unable to complete their own third-density school or classroom because of creating changes in their planets by means of violence on a mass scale which rendered the planet uninhabitable or because of outright destroying it by blowing it up. All of these entities are here, now, and are working to break old habits.
Note that the cohabitation of different planetary groups upon Earth is a fundamental element to this Major Cycle:
…the entire gamble of Earth in third density was to see if such a polyglot group of entities could mold themselves into a tribe [with] all embracing planet Earth, all becoming aware of their true situation as regards the need to make a choice of service to others or service to self…
(This post is too long for a single topic, so see the next comment for the rest.)