Question about reading channeling sessions/time

Do you guys think that considering there is no “time” truly and that everything is occurring simultaneously, do you think when we are reading a channeling session online for example that we are blending our current energies with the energies of the group/confederation entities of the session in which you are reading? Essentially like being a part of the group?

Sometimes I feel like laitos or hatonn are with me even though I didn’t necessarily ask them, but was just reading their channeling session. It feels similar to when I get the conditioning wave during my meditations.

I don’t know. What do you all think?

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I had this issue with a local astrology column
a couple decades ago, it was like the words
bridged me to the local group of astrologers
and then all these peculiar synchronicities
began occurring I had difficulty explaining.

I think in general the key insight seems
“energy flows where the mind goes.”
Some discipline in holding attention for
longer and longer timespans seems to
enhance this effect. At some point, there
can be a fusion of meditational attention
on top of whatever you’re engaged in,
life becomes a greater degree magical.



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In my view, in circumstances like that we tend to receive things which our guides have trying to guide us to for some time. That is, in meditation or when reading channeled material, our attention tends to fall upon the subtleties which have already been around us, but which we were too distracted, perhaps, to notice under normal circumstances.

Some distractions displace other distractions,
or reminds me of this song, how subtle one
might fade into another. This was a threshold
session in some regard, as if a turning point.
Here’s a lyric improv for session 91.

(Song beat similar to
Mazzy Star, Fade Into You)

I want to join a sphere magical
I want to round my square in flight
I reach for you, though it’s a cage
I reach for you, to fly in height

To live our life, we came from waiting
And once alive, our struggle found
Release of light from out of darkness
Conscious wings that spring delight

Dwell into new
Lucid swirling blue
Dwell into new
I glide in lucid swirling blue

A matrix ground as checkered boldly
A matrix found in matters known
Your silver cord as kept through caring
Retune my will from within my heart

Dwell into new
Lucid swirling blue
Dwell into new
I glide in lucid swirling blue
I glide in lucid swirling blue

That’s exactly right.

Elongating the space in between distractions may displace self-identity and mental agitation.

Quo did mention as much before, something to the effect that even though a reader may not be at the same space/time nexus, they are still participating in the same energy.

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Yes, and I believe this occurs with all information, be it channeled or otherwise. The following is my opinion, and the employment of discernment is recommended.

To me, thinking is the action of observing ideas. Reading is the prerequisite skill for observing a set of ideas contained in a written work. If one knows how to read, one must then actively observe the book’s ideas using their mental faculties and consciously attempt to fit the ideas together. Many people contemplating the same set of ideas means more of the universe is observing a set of ideas. Thinking then causes the set of ideas to crystallize into an interlocking which I call an idea-object.

I believe a deep connection to a work may only be formed when the ideas within the work form an idea-object. Consider when you’ve read a human-authored book and felt a deep connection with the materials. The written word serves as a medium for the ideas present in the work, but the ideas themselves exist beyond the written word itself. The medium plays a role in ideological transmission but matters far less than the content itself. A book is effective when the original idea-object formed by the author is easily formed in the mind of a recipient.

In my opinion, higher-density entities seem particularly adept at forming idea-objects. With all that said, at a minimum, the blending of energies is coming into resonance with their idea-objects. Given that they exist beyond the illusion of space/time, they can also be present whenever we ask, so it’s also possible they’re right there with you.

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Session 91 musical ear-worm opportunity.

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