Well… yes, I guess the inner judge is very much at work in my case. The mind truly is a wonder, capable of holding many paradoxes at the same time. The other day, I was watching an interview with a young girl who has been diagnosed with several mental illnesses, one of which concerns self-loathing. Despite being the most gentle and beautiful creature, she self-loathes herself as if she is a horrible monster. The journey through third density will certainly be one to remember!
Epic scent ! yes! I feel like an inspired fable could be written about the generous frog and the wise mirror. In all seriousness, I appreciate the generosity and wisdom of both persons!
My apologies @Kyrian for digressing on your post!
Ahah I totally agree
Melissa… I am blushing.
Kyrian, this story of this young girl, self-loathing, how incredibly heavy. How many other humans do this right now ?
3D is a journey for sure
Yes, and consider this also. You should, as it were, stop using your screwdriver handle to hammer nails. Get up off your butt and find the appropriate tool. This is to say, there’s nothing wrong with a strong intellect when it’s the appropriate tool for a given task.
Ra is very clear that distortions in the lower areas cannot be properly addressed simply in the upper areas, and that would include the intellect. To do the healing work down below (where the energy is blocked from reaching your heart), you must descend to places which are almost wholly feeling based. The tools you need there are empathy, compassion and a truly deep desire to be of service. It’s exactly analogous to being in a disheartened state and trying to think your way out of it when what is really being called for is unconditional love coming from within.
I hope I’m not making this sound like a facile process, because it is difficult. The basic principles, though, are so simple that even a naive frog can mostly understand them.
To give a real life example, I do a lousy job of cleaning up after myself and I can feel clearly that it’s because I don’t care. Then I ask, “You don’t care about what, exactly?” Answer: I don’t care because no one really cares about me.
(From a Loving place) “Does caring feel good to you?”
“If you cared for something right now, could that make you feel good?”
Maybe, if it was something I really cared about.
“How does it feel to not care for your self?”
And so forth. The goal is to assist the stuck one in accepting and giving more love, and beginning a journey to the Heart of Self to seek true peace and balance of energies. Actually writing it down or typing it can be useful.
Another work in progress, eh?
Mirror, I find the things you shared and advice given are insightful and interesting to say the least.
I looked up yellow ray energy from the Loo, to better understand what you said below.
from a rudimentary explanation of yellow ray, it is the physical body that experiences catalysts.
from session 47.8
How did you connect Kyrian’s life lesson to the yellow ray? I am intrigued with the prognosis and wisdom to resolve the blockage of the other-self you “mirrored.”
From a Birdseye view flying over your statement, I understand that you are pointing to using emotion to resolve blockages in lower systems.
Basically you are simply saying, I paraphrase,
“Stop using your head to resolve things of the heart.”
You are right, it although sounded deep or complicated, but it was actually very simple to understand the message behind your explanation.
Although, your focus on the yellow ray in relation to Kyrian is still a little puzzling. How did you make that judgement?
This is “reflective reasoning” method in psy.
The above statement and advice actually uses a lot of critical thinking and “intellect.”
I am not sure if it has to do with emotion completely.
In therapy, keeping a “journal” and using reflective reasoning is a method therapist encourages their client to synthesize their feelings. Usually if it is intrusive or not “manageable.”
e.g. anxiety disorder etc. etc.
“Do you get anxious when men/women approach you?”
“Why do you feel this way when you talk to men/women?”
“Maybe because I don’t feel good about myself”
So on and so forth, and it is effective to help someone face their emotion and issues.
Also yes, having “love” and “acceptance” is ultimately the key to everything mentioned above and the clinical methodology being employed.
Lol, I am just curious if you are approaching Kyrian’s personal challenge with depression as a psych. MD, or as a shamanic spiritual guru.
Not saying your diagnosis and advice/treatment aren’t applicable or effective.
The question is how do you come to that conclusion?
This helps me see and understand the working between the two of you from the inside.
Lastly, are you talking about flo? LOL “naive?” nah man, flo is from the next octave
I jest, much love and light
I have no basis for anything I say. I just make it up, for the most part. At the same time, I am trying to be helpful. (Well, this is how it feels. Whether it’s true or not, I can’t tell.)
I don’t see his situation as having a lot to do with yellow ray energies, but I don’t feel comfortable scribbling here about him at the request of a third party.
That said, I definitely understand your curiosity and also do find the themes here compelling because they begin to cut toward the root of identity, self acceptance and responsibility. These are all areas I continue to work through, myself. It’s just difficult when a person gets some sense of the complexity of their own energies, and this is compounded when one realizes that, so to say, some passengers on one end of the bus are in distress, but the passengers on the other end can’t do much directly to assist them.
In this case, I was referring to instinctual things well below the heart (childhood trauma, for instance). Because the injuries don’t involve much thinking, thinking isn’t going to help much. Trauma, I’m sure you know, is a very profound experience of separation. To be clinically minded about this for a moment, these lessons are very important because the only antidote for profound separation is profound love. Assuming here that these experiences were programmed prior to incarnation, it’s fair to guess that people who suffer these things had set up situations that would prompt them to discover profound love via a path of experiences of profound separation. The point here is to discover the profound love. While intellect can help organize truth, it doesn’t seek truth. The seeking comes up from below, from the 1st chakra to the second and right on up through the various levels of consciousness. It’s the innermost seeking that can break the logjams. And this is actually a universal force, although we experience it as being a personal force. That is, we can learn to draw upon more and more of the universal force of seeking greater consciousness to strengthen our personal “force of seeking,” if you will.
That’s an astute point. I would say that doing that kind of work primarily uses the intuition with the intellect being there alongside as a teammate if needed to, again, help organize things or keep track of the direction things are taking. Even more subtly, I would say, the intensity and purity of the desire to serve and to seek the deepest truth are of perhaps equal importance.
Flofrog calls herself naive. I’m just reflecting that back.
thanks for sharing that! it actually does help me see the transparency of ones m/b/s.
The bus metaphor definite rings true to me. In my imagination, I usually go to the bus driver (infinite creator)
to see where we are going, if we can slow down a little or perhaps take a route that is not so rough for everyone. Even then, the bus driver does look back from the mirror and make sure everyone is alright.
This is interesting, I see the your logic behind it.
But for me, the opposite of “profound separation” is oneness, as in reuniting.
Profound love, or love to me isn’t truly the answer to separateness, but a distortion, one of the earliest distortion.
To look at it through the humans’ experience… I can’t convince someone with childhood trauma (especially with sexual abuse) to love their offender.
What usually resolve the anger or resentment is to show the victim where the offender came from. Showing them that their abuser were also abused.
We have a saying in my field “hurt people, hurt people”
So once the client realized that the person that hurt them was also a victim like them, there is a profound level of understanding, and acceptance. Not that they no longer see the “wrong” or feel like everything is fine now.
But it does bring down the separated mentality, or me vs you, or “you did this to me” perspective.
I do see love though, but it is in a form of empathy. Which is a product of previous understanding.
From a spiritual lens, “love” is a “product” or “distortion” from the Loo.
It is profound, but I feel the joy of finally melting all paradoxes and coming back into unity is even more profound.
Like the inhale after a long exhale.
Thanks for sharing/creating this post Kyrian,
I hope you know that as you travel from your mind and to others. We are all here with you every step of the way.
May you rise from your ashes Kyrian
Definitely been hammering nails with the bottom of a glass for a long time… but I am getting there.
I really appreciate Mirrors, you know? The last time I intensely looked into one, I crashed it into pieces with a very theatrical punch. But I am much gentler with flesh and bone mirrors, as they have a very loving way of reflecting back my truth.
Each mirror flaunts its own distortions, to be sure.
From OCT 22, 1995. I find this passage very encouraging. It’s a reminder, on the personal level, that whatever dead end we seem to get ourselves stuck in, we carry with us the seeds of healing and transformation. One could say that this is the gist of the upward spiraling light we are all tracing out–on average–in our meandering wanderings.
Thus, within each grouping is seeded the potential for the expansion of the vision that includes a larger definition of the identity so that the evolutionary process may continue upon a new level of experience and understanding. It is the struggle of each culture and grouping to break free of that which makes them what they are or what they were and to become more than that. It is like unto the chick inside the egg pecking at the shell that it might break free and become a greater being. This is often a painful process in terms of your third-density illusion as this breaking free and breaking through the shell of identity occurs. Thus, there is much opportunity for reconciliation, for forgiveness, for mercy and indeed for compassion.
Dear Jayce, yes
but perhaps on another level, it’s the Source, and nothing else is but just this, love.
Who knows what’s mysterious
I love that flo,
it is indeed a emulsifier of all