I’ve been particularly interested in the question of channeling one’s Higher Self. Furthermore, I generally suspect—and even have a deep feeling and conviction—that some of the intuitions, thoughts, feelings, and perceptions I’ve experienced at various times in my life have come from my Higher Self, however also from my spirit guides, or entities such as members of the Confederation.
I would like to channel my own Higher Self in a more conscious and controlled way. By this, I mean my soul—my individual spiritual essence—my true inner Self, which is most often situated at the STO level of 6th Density. That said, I don’t dismiss the higher selves of the 4th and 5th densities, and do not exclude them from contact, as that would be an obvious oversight.
I’ve come across a vast array of tips, warnings, and suggestions on how to strengthen my connection with my Higher Self. Yet, I still find myself lacking confidence-inspiring and effective methods for transitioning step by step from spontaneous contact to full contact. I want to reach a level where I can receive specific thoughts in my mind, write down precise words (even automatically, to later read and analyze them), or speak distinct messages (and, for example, record myself for later review) directly from my Higher Self. Additionally, I would like to perceive clear visions and emotions—especially those I can confidently recognize as originating from my Higher Self, rather than merely being a product of my own ‘3rd-density’ imagination.
I feel quite attuned and confident in my ability to develop this contact. However, I’ve noticed gaps in my knowledge and experience in this area, as most of my work consists of reading, analyzing, and contemplating what I read, as well as self-observation and character work. I’ve engaged less in specific practices that would help establish a connection with my Higher Self.
So, I’m reaching out to all of you who are reading this message and feel knowledgeable on this subject for your help and support.
I never made any progress either just pushing ahead in that direction in a direct fashion. Looking back, I would say that’s because there were basic skills to be developed while working along easier lines of communication that then built up the confidence and ability to harmonize with the more demanding levels of this work. Some of these skills are unsparing honesty, dogged persistence and learning to receive information you don’t want to face up to.
So, I would suggest first working deliberately in the lower energy centers to clear out your fears and other discomforts, and I would strongly suggest doing this in a very gentle manner.
One way is to look inside your physical or emotional pain to see what underlies it and how you can bring love to it. (You really don’t have to go far to find these things if you observe carefully.)
If you want to expedite the work, it can help to find someone more skilled than you to work with. Doing this work means walking into the dark and silence, not knowing what you will encounter. It helps to have back up and support from others. What you may find is that there is a lot of stuff inside you that will shake you up. Deepening your communication with higher levels of yourself means changing your relationship with your personality, and this can be destabilizing for periods of time, in my experience.
Here, I wouldn’t quite agree with you. However, some things do require you to take direction and get on board. Personally, I think you’re becoming aware of an important truth—that excessive fixation on something can lead to narrowing and suppression of energy.
On the other hand, even if we are destined for something, it still requires effort, focus, and self-discipline. Our physical, lower self—our earthly self—does not inherently understand or know the destiny shaped by the Higher Self. Our body, including the entire nervous system, brain, and memory, starts as a blank slate. It takes contact with the Higher Self, followed by dedicated work, to align the physical body and mind.
In my life, some things came completely naturally, while others started as just a small seed, requiring me to push through certain challenges before I could begin. However, in the end, these efforts brought positive results. And it may (but doesn’t have to) be the same with delving deeper into channeling Higher Self.
I won’t go into various personal matters now. However, I must admit that my life hasn’t been a bed of roses. The difference between the state I was in at my worst and my current mental and physical condition is like night and day.
For me, this transformation was the result of intensive inner work, especially on balancing the lower energy centers. Beyond that, I am deeply aware of the importance of working on these centers. I constantly recall those passages from Q’uo that emphasize the need for energy to flow freely from the lower centers upward, nourishing the higher centers with life energy, or intelligent energy.
No matter how advanced we may be, it is always wise to pause and take a fresh look at the three lower centers—illuminating them, first and foremost, with the energy of the green-ray center, allowing it to flow into them, balancing these lower centers, and enabling them to open so they can send energy further upward.
Currently, I work by focusing on the indigo center, the ‘third eye,’ and asking for contact with my Higher Self. I gently stimulate the chakra by making circular movements about 2–3 centimeters in front of it, or by ‘playing’ it like a piano with my entire right hand. However, directly above the chakra, I use only two fingers—the middle and index.
When I ask a question, I first do so in a normal state as a control. Then, I shift into a state of relaxation and meditation—not a very deep state, but also not an ordinary one, like the state I’m in while writing this. Once in this state, I repeat the process I just described. What comes through mainly presents itself in the form of symbolic images and general impressions. However, I’m never entirely sure whether it’s my imagination creating these responses. That’s why I rely on my control answers, which I first give in a completely normal state—and sometimes, they are entirely different. That’s just how it is.
Another thing I’ve noticed is writing. When I open up the creative process of writing, sometimes whole sentences pop into my mind without conscious effort. Later, when I reread my own text after a few days, I find myself getting drawn into it, as if I were reading something written by someone else. Sometimes, I even ask myself, ‘Kamil, isn’t it strange that you’re reading your own text as if it’s the first time, as if someone else wrote it, and yet it deeply interests you? After all, it’s your own writing.’ Exactly—it is a bit strange. I’ve noticed that sometimes I simply don’t know whether certain thoughts are mine or coming from somewhere else, but I accept them as my own if they are suitable for this.
Thanks. That’s a great idea—finding someone like that and working directly with them, someone who actually does this and gets real results.
Overall, I found your response helpful and valuable, even though it wasn’t exactly what I originally asked for—but that’s not an issue. However, perhaps someone would like to share some specific methods and their results.
For now, I’ll just keep going with what I have. It’s a bit of a paradox, but I finally decided to ask my Higher Self about connecting with my Higher Self in the way I’ve been doing it. I didn’t receive specific words, but the general message was: ‘You will be supported. You will move forward either way.’ After that, I felt calm and more at ease about continuing down this path I’ve opened.
I will answer from my perspective, as I understand it:
I once found myself stubbornly pursuing certain professional skills. I felt like I was forcing myself to do it, yet I created countless excuses to justify it. In the end, nothing came of it, and if I had truly listened to myself—my genuine feelings and intuition—I wouldn’t have gotten involved in the first place.
When I finally let go of what I had been doing against myself—something that wasn’t yielding any real results—I felt calmer, freer, and happier. I felt a deep sense of relief. It was as if the energy that had been blocked was finally released, which, to me, was an undeniable sign. Before that, I had been stuck in a cycle of stress and a misguided sense of ‘determination.’
This is an example of being fixated on something and experiencing blocked energy. That state before you let go and allow things to flow naturally and freely.
And when it comes to energy, there is only one energy—intelligent energy—which, among other things, manifests as our entire psychic life.
This morning, for example, I began my work on myself by approaching the red ray center and balancing it with the green ray center. I visualized myself introducing the green ray energy into the red center. And this resulted in me, out of laziness, taking up physical exercises for a few days, which in this case correspond to physical survival and love directed towards oneself. This is such an example from today.
For me, the indigo ray center and the ‘third eye’ are the same. I feel that this center is located by drawing a straight line connecting my eyebrows, finding the midpoint, and then moving it about one inch upward—that would be the center, the ‘third eye.’
It’s more or less like that; it’s best to explore and stimulate it. I ‘play like on piano’ with it, and also surrounding it with my hand, but I try not to touch it directly—unless it’s part of a different ritual, in which case I do.
K, I do not know if this would help so this Iis only a suggestion, a personal one.
Having full compassion for yourself, for. myself, I have found is something important to have, as it seems to make access to your onw intuition way simpler and clearer and having easily access to your intuition is such n excellent guide and perhaps. bridge to our unconscious and higher self.
Thiis is though, where I agree with Mirror.
Being sure of a good balance with the lower chakras is essential to start from, but from all your posts K, I would be biased in a good way towards your lowerchakras, lol, if I am allowed to give an opinion, lol
Yeah, these are fantastic tips! The thing is, as I mentioned, I’ve already come across quite a few general tips. What I was really interested in from the start was whether anyone would like to share a specific technique, method, or ritual that has given them noticeable, tangible results—something universal that can be passed on and replicated step by step.
But hey, everything in its own time. Maybe, for now, the Creator wants me to stick with what I have and keep going patiently, step by step.
Well, I think I must have made some progress. I remember struggling with extreme shyness at one point—I used to walk with my head down, wanting to escape from everything. That kind of behavior reflected blockages at the level of the orange ray center because my main issue was a lack of self-acceptance. The orange center is closely tied to that, along with one’s relationship with oneself as an individual in this world. But that phase passed…
I also remember going through a period when I was deeply interested in geopolitics, politics, and history. I divided different ethnic groups and nations into “good” and “bad,” constantly judging who was right, who was more just and pure, and who deserved some kind of justice—or even punishment. Of course, there was some logic to it—it stemmed from my sense of morality and justice. But I now understand that this mindset wasn’t enough. In reality, it was a symptom of blockages at the level of the yellow ray center, which is responsible for processing divisions at the societal level—separating people into nations, groups, and clans. Over time, I stopped seeing people through such rigid divisions…
These are just a couple of examples, but I do feel like my work is ongoing. That doesn’t mean it’s finished. In general, I believe that, in a way, everything really revolves around the three lower centers. They are like a battlefield—a kind of playing field—where, on one side, our higher centers and higher levels of being are striving to rise, while on the other side, various negative external influences pull us in the opposite direction. And one side always prevails.
It’s so easy to block a lower center. Let something go wrong in life—some turbulence—and suddenly, it’s so easy to fall into, for instance, fears about work and survival. Sometimes those fears are justified, sometimes they’re just illusions. But either way, they may lead to a blind and constant chase for money, which, we believe, will secure our survival—and just like that, the red ray center closes. And if the energy is already stuck here, how is it supposed to move forward?
So, in the end, all of your suggestions are great. But they’re not exactly what I was looking for in this thread. That said, everything is okay. It’ll all work out.