Hi all, there is wanderer close to me who is very asleep tho of evidently high vibe and near all wander characteristics. I thought ok no problem she needs waking but first I asked a number of divination tools and got very mixed messages, a few saying no don’t try. So really I’m asking can it be possible that a wanderer should not be woken? I thought it was objective 1 to be awake down here?
Hello, I’m my humble opinion, let life be, let life happen, let it flow, you can explore of course! You can investigate, but there is no need to pressure, to push something to happen, the feeling might arise at the right moment. Reading and allow the law of one to arrive in such way is a good idea. Hope this helps!!
Ra did say, lol. wait for others to ask…
Thanks both. Yes I think I will just drop that intention
by the way Bora137, welcome here !!!
Hi Flofrog thanks so much . I was actually on Bt4 years ago nice to see you again
so nice to see you too !!!
Unless just the right opportunity arises to make just the right (subtle!) entry into the topic, I wouldn’t make an attempt as it would likely just frustrate you. As our friends from beyond frequently remind us, this sort of information is best sought out by the Seeker him or herself – that’s why we are called “Seekers,” after all.
I am curious, though, as to how you know this person is a Wanderer …? … Generally, my impression is that this status is one that only the Wanderer him or herself can realize.
I hesitate to post this, as it is more personal than I really like to get, and will be cryptic by necessity. However, I am now aware that I had to spend ~15 years of my life pretty close to being fully “asleep” (as much as I ever could be) in order to better understand the conditions of “This Place,” and relate to its native inhabitants. It is therefore possible that your friend is currently in this stage of her journey, and that this apparent ignorance may be an entirely necessary portion of her mission.
Hi Tribeofcats
Can’t read people very well but has insights about them they don’t know where come from, almost no ego, perplexed by people’s ego driven motivations, doesn’t understand why people lie, feels like an alien, has allergies, closes eyes at night and immediately astal views because third eye and all upper chakras wide open. High vibration with little time for negative talk, doesn’t hold a grudge. That’s a mixture of what Ra says and my own observations.
Your insight is absolutely correct I feel. I had not thought but yes to learn earth is I think one of the reasons she is here and not supposed to be woken. I believe it is her first earth incarceration. Thanks Tribeofcats
lol, I find I am in agreement with you both, Bora, and Tribeofcats… and by the way, Welcome here Tirbeofcats… best wishes on your journey !
Ugh. I feel for her, then … This place is rough. Near as I can tell, this is my first time here, too.
I wonder if she is very much like me, then, and has had to make efforts to “forget” … In which case, I imagine that she will be awakening soon, possibly in a very dramatic fashion. Just a guess …
Thank you flo! I’m not that new here, really, though … I’ve been posting since November I think Nice to “meet” you!
Lol TribefCats, I have evidently not been here enough !!
Many thoughts !!
I think our true objective is to experience life to the fullest. Love unconditionally, live for truth, and don’t take yourself too seriously.
Laugh, love and live.
That is a winning combination in my eyes.
At 83 I’m doing a life review and have come to the conclusion that I’m a wanderer. I always thought people were strange. In grade school I was always drawing pictures of rockets in our solar system. Followed the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs with more than a keen interest. I love to make people laugh and had a wonderful life. The one question that always perplexed me was “why can’t people love each other” that question
Hung over my head from my teens onward. I turned to alcohol so the universe took over. I lost the ability to walk more than a few hundred feet at a time. I was told this was because I was not moving ahead with my
Life. The dr told me I had to walk 1 mi day otherwise I’d loose my legs. So I went to the gym but it was boring. So I got a yellow lab and we took off to long walks in the woods.for the first time in my life I fell in love and looking in her eyes I knew it was reciprocated. She was never on a leash and she was always by my side. One day I just stopped drinking and never went back. That was 10 years ago. Molly spent 13 glorious years with me. When it was time the vet came to my home. About 1/2 hr before he was due I was laying on the floor with her. Her head on my arm. She was always fawn colored but she turned pure white she floated up to the ceiling and paused and disappeared through it. What a gift
We do autowriting and the story of her wanting to come down to help me get over my dark night of the soul and to show me what unconditional love is. It is amazing. And yes she and I share souls. So folks you are all being loved and looked after all the time. Earth can be a rough place but go with the flow, if things aren’t working out the way you want them, back off and give your higher self a chance. Right now I’m on book 4 and between reading and tuning into Gaia tv and enjoying my grand and great grand kids I’m living my dream
In love and light
Thank you for your story
That was beautiful thank you for sharing.
This is so lovely Bob… Thank you
I would ask you to consider that your wanderer friend is the keeper of what it means for them to be awake, not you. The best way to awaken them in a way that doesn’t cause confusion and fear is to set an example of love. This will resonate with their own connection within and potentially kick start a seeking process that they, not you, will be in charge of.
There seems to be something specifically important in the process of individuation within evolution where mind/body/spirit complexes need to feel a kind of ownership over their progress. It can’t feel imposed; the responsibility must be duly accepted on a personal level. Perhaps this has something to do with third density’s role in promoting the mind/body/spirit complex from a simple subject of evolution to a co-creative participant in evolution. We begin to see not simply that the upward spiraling light is a tractable idea in our lives but also that we have unique gifts to offer in the Creator’s guidance of entities on this upward spiraling track.