Sure, my friend. I’m speaking from many experiences, not just one. And I don’t mind if you prefer to be sarcastic.

How can I explain what I go through and live almost daily? Helping others flows through me in a neutral and emotionless manner, yet I am often surprised by the reactions of the people I help. They all tell me, “You are full of love, all we receive from you is love and compassion.”
Everything you do and say is love. At that moment, I feel love and gratitude. Sometimes, I would ask myself, how do they feel all this love when I don’t feel it while talking to them?
I know there is a lot of love within me, and my experience with divine love has reached advanced levels. There were times when my entire body would tremble and dance in bed or on the chair from the amount of love that visited me.
However, when I serve others, I am completely neutral, yet all they receive from me is love
I’ll tell you a little secret: at some point, when your love reaches advanced levels and is deeply connected to the love of the Creator, it doesn’t easily resonate with people who are far from their Creator. They don’t have enough love for themselves or for their Creator to touch and move that
And neutrality, my friend, doesn’t mean a lack of love. Being neutral simply means not having negative emotions toward others, while your innate nature remains love. Isn’t it true that when we free ourselves from negative emotions and judgments towards others, we return to our true nature?
For me, neutrality is the best way to deal with the heavy energy vortices present on Earth right now. How can I feel love in every moment when most people respond to that love with rejection, judgment, or fear and return it to me as energy that needs to be purified and transformed? I believe the Creator protects me with these neutral feelings from many of the energies that could reach me from others if I felt love for them. Love, my friend, is both a powerful force of attraction and repulsion.
Sometimes neutrality is pure compassion. Not everyone is ready to receive that pure energy of love all at once. Some people, when given a large amount of love, might almost go mad if they are not ready for it and haven’t opened their hearts to receive and return it.
In the third density, not everyone is ready to open their hearts to love, and I cannot feel love for everyone all the time. Sometimes I receive a great amount of love that I give to everyone, and sometimes nothing comes. Simply put, I trust my Creator in what He provides through me, and I always consider myself an open and ready channel to receive whatever He wants to express through me. love within you. It is only moved by someone who is somewhat close to the same level.
For me, I feel love when I serve people who have a great love for the Creator within them. For those who don’t, I remain neutral when providing help or service.
So, through observing and understanding myself, I answer you with love