Service of Love Without Feeling it

As humans, we often feel blah, or dull or “off”…mentally or emotionally or even in the physical body.

Often, when I am serving others out of Love, I am doing so by choice, knowing that it is right and beneficial to offer my service to others…but at the same time, I am not feeling anything. I am not feeling joy or happiness or whatever it means to feel Love or compassion for another.

Are we “supposed” to FEEL a sense of Love and compassion in order to serve purely, that our Love is not clouded by our own emotions?

And if we need to feel love and compassion in order to serve in a pure way, how can we transform the way we feel without bypassing?

It is not always possible to feel love when serving others. Most of the time, the feelings are neutral, but this does not mean that love doesn’t reach them through you and your service, or that your service is not pure.

What you are experiencing is completely natural, believe me. :pray:t2::heart:

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When you say “believe me”… is there direct experience that you can point to? I promise I am not being snarky…

This past year, I have transformed so much in my life, it feels like all the residual dust that has settled after the drastic seeking over the last 12 years is finally being swept up and so little details about service and life are coming up to be looked at and refined. This is one of the subjects I am highly interested in refining at the moment.

Sure, my friend. I’m speaking from many experiences, not just one. And I don’t mind if you prefer to be sarcastic.
How can I explain what I go through and live almost daily? Helping others flows through me in a neutral and emotionless manner, yet I am often surprised by the reactions of the people I help. They all tell me, “You are full of love, all we receive from you is love and compassion.”

Everything you do and say is love. At that moment, I feel love and gratitude. Sometimes, I would ask myself, how do they feel all this love when I don’t feel it while talking to them?

I know there is a lot of love within me, and my experience with divine love has reached advanced levels. There were times when my entire body would tremble and dance in bed or on the chair from the amount of love that visited me.

However, when I serve others, I am completely neutral, yet all they receive from me is love :joy:.

I’ll tell you a little secret: at some point, when your love reaches advanced levels and is deeply connected to the love of the Creator, it doesn’t easily resonate with people who are far from their Creator. They don’t have enough love for themselves or for their Creator to touch and move that
And neutrality, my friend, doesn’t mean a lack of love. Being neutral simply means not having negative emotions toward others, while your innate nature remains love. Isn’t it true that when we free ourselves from negative emotions and judgments towards others, we return to our true nature?

For me, neutrality is the best way to deal with the heavy energy vortices present on Earth right now. How can I feel love in every moment when most people respond to that love with rejection, judgment, or fear and return it to me as energy that needs to be purified and transformed? I believe the Creator protects me with these neutral feelings from many of the energies that could reach me from others if I felt love for them. Love, my friend, is both a powerful force of attraction and repulsion.

Sometimes neutrality is pure compassion. Not everyone is ready to receive that pure energy of love all at once. Some people, when given a large amount of love, might almost go mad if they are not ready for it and haven’t opened their hearts to receive and return it.

In the third density, not everyone is ready to open their hearts to love, and I cannot feel love for everyone all the time. Sometimes I receive a great amount of love that I give to everyone, and sometimes nothing comes. Simply put, I trust my Creator in what He provides through me, and I always consider myself an open and ready channel to receive whatever He wants to express through me. love within you. It is only moved by someone who is somewhat close to the same level.

For me, I feel love when I serve people who have a great love for the Creator within them. For those who don’t, I remain neutral when providing help or service.

So, through observing and understanding myself, I answer you with love :heart:.


Here’s a somewhat different perspective.

I look at my interactions this way, how much am I acting purely in the illusion and how much am I interacting with spirit? The more I happen to be interacting with spirit, it’s likely that I will be aware of much more joy and love in the air and in the interaction.

To me clear, I neither rate myself on my performance, nor do I berate myself when I find that I am or was simply acting or reacting within the framework of the 1st three energy centers (survival, 1-on-1 relationships and social relationships). It’s a learning process and, rather slowly, I am, indeed, learning.

Naturally, I try to drift or lean towards being more aware of spirit (of the heart and energies above that level), and when I have deeper feelings, I am grateful. But I choose not to hammer on my heart as a way of encouraging it to open up. Consistent kindness seems to be a good approach.

If this matter bothers you @AAR , you might consider checking in with your heart more often to see what all is happening on that particular level of consciousness.


I very much understand this. I have had many experiences when I do feel the radiation of the love of the infinite creator and I can tell people are put off by it…so I kind of “back up” in a manner of speaking, I dim the light on purpose in order to not make them freak out. But I have always wondered if this is happening even when I don’t feel a single thing…

I wonder…how to you determine that the Creator holds back its love?

I am curious, for you, what does “interacting with spirit” look like?

Joy for me has been elusive through the years…it has increased for sure, as I awaken more and more to who I really am…but sustaining it at a base level still feels quite intangible. The have been some extremely intense moments of pure joy for no other reason than I exist and I get to serve others…I don’t expect to keep that level of joy all the time (or maybe that is putting limits on it), but it would be nice to “feel” joy or love when I am serving, as to not allow my service to be tainted by unresolved emotions or things that have not been integrated within me.

Could you expound on this?
Do you mean to say that my level of consciousness may be veiled and that is why I am not experiencing the feeling of joy and love?

The infinite Creator never restrains His love; it is always flowing. However, the Creator who resonates through me and completely governs my consciousness is my Higher Self from a higher density. For nearly six years, I have literally felt like a puppet being moved by strings above me, by a being that I know is me :sweat_smile: from a higher density, who moves and directs me. Whenever I observe this, I understand the reason for the action or movement. When I resist and struggle, the pain intensifies. Sometimes, the pain is involuntary, and no matter what I do, it doesn’t stop until it is fully released. Pain often forms a veil over consciousness, and to lift this veil, we must endure the pain that follows the intense love that will descend upon us.

For me, there has been a long journey filled with dense experiences that have brought me to this surrender and trust. And to be honest, I live in the joy of existence most of the time, thank God.

Is it all about puppetry and operant conditioning or are you going through an overarching learning process? Is there a creative element in your seeking? Do you seek at all?

Just curious.

The level of the 4th energy center (heart) and above are most certainly veiled. Even when we learn to operate in these ares, we are largely working in the dark. In fact, awareness at the level of the lower 3 energy centers is largely subconscious as well…but you know all this. To be clear, I am not trying to speak specifically to why you feel or don’t feel anything, I’m just describing one element of the layout of the the field of experience.

Good question.

The way I choose to understand this builds on what I typed above, namely, as creatures of 3D, we are primarily aware of the field of play as engaged with by our first three energy centers (survival, personal relations and social relations), and much or most of these engagements are subconscious. Therefore, STAGE ONE of the answer to your question involves becoming more consciously aware of everyday subconscious experience so that we are less apt to confuse our fears, needs and so forth on that level with interaction with spirit.

STAGE TWO, as I’m calling it here for my personal convenience, involves becoming more aware of, not just the personal subconscious, but also of an overlap–or what I like to call crossover point–between the personality level self (3D oriented) and the spirit oriented self. Think of a hospital visiting area where restricted patients and those on the outside may converge to visit and discuss their work together. In this zone (heart awareness), one has assistance from higher parts of self and, if interested, can perceive things with more clarity.

So, while living, not in the visiting room, but in ordinary 3D outer circumstances, one may be more or less in sync with this perspective. When Confederation speakers talk of becoming “transparent to eternity,” this is something like what they are discussing. One sees the world through the 3D lens, and at the same time, sees it through the lens of the heart and maybe other lenses as well. Likewise, one acts, not only with the standard issue 3D equipment, but with the deeper, more rarefied and wondrous resources of the heart.

STAGE ZERO. So, how do you arrive at this state, you might be wondering?

Just continue the seeking you are doing. You are following your own desires for higher or fuller being, and that work will bear fruit. Just remember to prune away the dead wood when necessary. Refine the process when that seems appropriate. Check your bearing now and again to see if you are traveling efficiently towards what you most dearly wish to embody in this incarnation. This approach will surely lead you to your heart of hearts over some period of “what you call time.”

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At the beginning of my search, I went through a period of intense passion. I was searching and thinking a lot to free myself from the religious programming I grew up with. This started about twelve years ago, and my passion increased even more around eight years ago. After that, I began to be overwhelmed by immense feelings of reverence and gratitude.

I reached many conclusions on my own and understood a lot. In 2016, I began to free myself from the psychological programming I had been subjected to. At the same time, the seven Hermetic principles became a pivotal point on my path. I felt that I knew them and knew how to apply them, and I started to implement them in my life by delving deeper into them and understanding them more.

I tried many types of meditation, and the most beneficial for me was silence—just sitting in silence alone and among people, observing without speaking. I applied anything I heard and tried everything as if I was in a state of searching for something specific, waiting to find it. In 2017, the path completely consumed me. I did many exercises and applied many things. Despite all this, my mind continued to work constantly, searching, connecting, assembling, and analyzing everything I heard and knew. Over time, my mind began to function more abstractly.

I accepted many ideas, no matter how strange they were to me and my community at that time. I allowed my emotions to flow, accepted myself, and applied everything taught now in the Law of One on my own. I learned how to delve into the depths of myself, discover, understand, love, and accept myself. My passion was always directed towards the Creator because, after breaking my religious conditioning and starting to research the Quran and all religions, I discovered and understood a lot. My love for the Creator grew immensely, and my constant request was, “Let me know You. I want to be close to You. I want nothing but You.”

In mid-2017, I had a spiritual experience that was the strongest at that stage. I was a person passionately searching on the spiritual path who went to sleep and woke up with a completely different awareness and understanding of many things. I began to understand esoteric matters on my own without searching, thinking, or trying to analyze. From that time, inspirations and flows started. By the end of that year, I began to become more aware of the journey of being moved like a puppet most of the time.

Even though I was told when I woke up that day with verses from the Quran:

لَا تُحَرِّكْ بِهِ لِسَانَكَ لِتَعْجَلَ بِهِ
إِنَّ عَلَيْنَا جَمْعَهُ وَقُرْآنَهُ
فَإِذَا قَرَأْنَاهُ فَاتَّبِعْ قُرْآنَهُ
ثُمَّ إِنَّ عَلَيْنَا بَيَانَهُ

I didn’t understand then why I was asked to do that :face_with_hand_over_mouth:. I was just happy with the new understanding that came to me, the inspirations, and the great states of love that overwhelmed me strongly. I was happy with the transformation that started to manifest for me. I didn’t know then that I had become completely in their hands :joy::joy: and there was no escape after that.

This is how my journey began. :heart::heart:

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لَا تُحَرِّكْ بِهِ لِسَانَكَ لِتَعْجَلَ بِهِ
‏"Do not move your tongue with it to hasten with it."

إِنَّ عَلَيْنَا جَمْعَهُ وَقُرْآنَهُ
‏"Indeed, upon Us is its collection and its recitation."

فَإِذَا قَرَأْنَاهُ فَاتَّبِعْ قُرْآنه

‏So when We have recited it , then follow its recitation."

ثُمَّ إِنَّ عَلَيْنَا بَيَانَهُ
‏"Then upon Us is its clarification [to you]."

‏These verses are from Surah Al-Qiyamah (75:16-19).

It is very important in my opinion when using the word “love” in a confederation philosophy context to recognize that love for them is not merely a feeling. It is a cosmic force of creation and destruction.


I think much of humanity makes rules for
experiencing love. Like a recipe, if this then that
and voila, they feel loved. And I think much of
humanity depends on others to experience love.
I’m not sure the status quo ideas about love are
necessarily efficient or effective.

In my experience, some types of meditation seem
like a direct shortcut, simply create love through
disciplined spiritual practice. Then enjoy service
dumbed down as simply helping, free of any purity
or conditional hangups, detached from outcome.


Thank you everyone for your comments and discourse! :cherry_blossom:

You don’t always need to feel love to serve others genuinely. Just doing the right thing matters, even if the emotions aren’t there.


It’s fine if you don’t always feel warm and fuzzy while helping others. Sometimes, just doing the right thing is enough. If you want to change how you feel, try small, mindful practices or think about past positive moments.