I’m just trying to learn or understand more deeply and hear other POV’s in regards to the idea of:
“Offering or giving unconditional love/offering service to others without any expectation of receiving anything in return”
I’m trying to further analyze this mainly through the lense of being a mother, but also being a wife/husband or other type life partner. As a mother/parent we often get on an autopilot to do what needs to be taken care of in life when the children are younger.
Also, how do we apply and merge this not having an expectation after all of our giving, giving, and more giving with or to an understanding of what healthy relationships are? I understand each of us has a unique gage measuring the crap we will put up with in life from others.
For me in my mom world, I had just always assumed eventually my kids would follow my examples. However as our kids grow and become teenagers and beyond, this is not always the case. Specifically in my life, my 17 year old son for example- I check with him every day at least once to see how he’s doing and how he’s feeling having a good day etc. I do this because I care about how he’s doing and feeling and because I love him. But in his 17 years of life, he has never came to me and asked if I had a good day or how I’m doing. I never doubt his love for me. Nor am I saying I feel like he doesn’t care or anything However, me asking him how he’s feeling is asked without an expectation in return. I’m not asking him about his day or whatever because I want or expected him to ask me about mine. I just feel like as an adult it’s probably a good idea to learn ideas on how to have healthy relationships. And this is typically seen as something one partner would have as an expectation for of the other or typically seen as something someone asked a person they love- To show interest in loved one’s day or overall feeling of the day.
How should a parent teach our children what they should do in a “healthy relationship” or should not do…. What does a parent do when they themselves are very much oriented towards serving others, but give birth to a child whom may not be oriented towards serving others- but oriented towards serving them selves? Are we supposed to try show them how it’s better for everyone to serve others? Or do we just love and support the ways of their mind? And not inform them of other possibilities?
How can we as adults have healthy functioning relationships without having an expectation of the other person in the relationship?
For me, at age 42 I realized that it may be part of my pre-incarnational planning for me to experience or further understand this concept of giving without the expectation of anything in return- possibly in the most extreme circumstances or cases of people who are seemingly unable to give love to others due to their own distortions and maybe even mental health status. I’ve have very wonderful meaningful relationships with people who others see as “psychopaths or crazy” and I concluded long ago- do crazy people not deserve love too? Of course we all get to the point where we see how any person is going to do things that another doesn’t “like” and to have a life partner means finding someone who does things that you can tolerate or deal with. Just like “one man’s trash is another’s treasure, one psychopath is another’s soul mate lol. And also, I think we all are crazy in our own way.
Thank you all for reading my topic and I appreciate anything offered.
Hello wonderful people- thank you for taking the time to read my words and even offer nice words of advice back. However, in reading the first comments it has occurred to me that I must edit the post to convey 2 things- First and most importantly, I love being a mom and love the crap outta my kids. They are all perfectly wonderful and amazing people. I love everything about them and they truly are overall wonderful little people. I cherish all moments that I’ve been literally gifted as their mother. Because being a mothering unit is one of the most amazing gifts life offers in my opinion. I have extremely good relationships with all three of my kids and am very involved in their lives and entire existence. This even extends to their close friends who usually also call me mom. I talk to my kids about everything and anything! I’m even lucky enough they are even comfortable talking to me about loosing their virginity and having sex. They got this way because I’m also not the typical parent because given them an abundance of love compassion and understanding and even more patience. I have always had open flowing communication from them and to them. I take the time to give them proper guidance through love and understanding and I have allowed my kids to have the freedom to make whatever their choices will be. And they have always known that I solidly love them regardless. Because it is unconditional love. I am always going to remain the loving compassionate mom regardless of what they may decide. This includes everything from drug experimentation, to wanting to be able to go out in the middle of the night to go see their friends who have to lie and sneak out, to other things like continuing to go to high school and compete it or not. It actually makes me sad to think of a parent who may look at their own children and see the product of how their kids ‘turned out’ and look at them as hitting the jackpot if their kids are seen as a being love patience and honesty but not a win if the kid turns to drugs or crime. (side note just to consider- their are MANY really awesome beings who are full of love, patience, and honesty but also choose to use drugs or commit crimes) I have fully supported and loved each of my kids as the perfect being they are. I am definitely not that parent trying to make or force their kids be something the kid is not. I thought I had clearly communicated but It was not my intention to seem that I am unhappy of sorts with how my kids have turned out. Or anything like that. be clear I’m not looking for advice The post is just things that i have been contemplating for a while and thought id try a post. I absolutely DO NOT ever feel like I’ve done anything wrong or regret anything. I don’t give in to worry. I love every day I get with my kids. I’m not ever overwhelmed by being a mom. And I never even grapple with any negative or shameful or fearful feelings in any way.
In truth I don’t really follow any advice Of others anyway.
Secondly- I did not create this post to get ‘advice’. These are just some things that I contemplate often because I feel like it can be confusing for many people to understand. Just was looking for points of view on how to help others and kids learn and understand. But more to see what people think about these things in general. Or maybe what one person may do if it was them experiencing it or maybe others have contemplated something similar. Thank you!