How Does RA Experience Joy?

This is coming off the heels of a post I made a few days ago…

I am wondering if there has been any info given about RA living in a state of joy or love and if they “FEEL” that on some level…

Some back story that has caused me to explore - I don’t feel Joy/Love all that often while I serve or in general life. I certainly feel more “up” more often than I ever used to and hardly ever go down below the feeling of neutrality…but neutrality seems empty or lifeless in many ways and doesn’t feel “right”, if that makes sense.

So, this has led me to wonder if higher-level beings, like RA, experience feelings of joy, love, bliss, and enjoyment more often than we do as humans. And if this is the result of removing more veils as one becomes more consciously evolved.


I imagine it as an uplifting and inspiring feeling resulting from harmony and unity with the entire universe and with oneself, as they so often talk about.

I envision it as being perfectly connected to the Creator, with a satisfying sense that you’re doing the right thing and are in the right place. You belong to everything, and it’s so perfect.

Internally, you feel complete integration with yourself—a tremendous amount of confidence and grounding—and you’re overcome by an ecstasy that blurs, dissolves, and eliminates all external negativity.

It’s something I personally have glimpsed during successful meditation and occasionally during everyday activities.


You can never truly understand unless you’ve been there. The joy there is different and intense, without the presence of extreme opposites.

Here, when we feel joy, we are joyful simply because we feel joy :sweat_smile:. This is due to the heaviness of the veil and the weak flow of love and great emotions from the realm of oneness, as well as the weight of negative emotions (the opposite that comes from collective consciousness).

We rejoice if we experience any emotional state from higher dimensions and can hardly believe what we feel. We cling to it and use it as a means to seek more.

For them there, this state is almost their constant condition, and they can function within it. The consciousness is different, my friend. Here, when we experience strong emotions, we are literally paralyzed :joy:.

The states there cannot be described or explained here. If you don’t remember or live them, you will never know.

The joy is heavy yet light at the same time. The love is intense and very thick but also incredibly transparent and delicate. The gratitude and reverence there make your heart and soul begin to glorify the Creator and His greatness, praising Him and wishing to stay there forever.

Holy, holy is the Lord of the angels and the spirit.


Here’s one take on this question. Sixth density creatures may find joy in the very being of those whom they love.

From 32.9…
The sixth-density, whose means of propagation you may liken to what you call fusion, is likely to refrain, to a great extent, from the bisexual reproductive programming of the bodily complex and instead seek out those with whom the sexual energy transfer is of the complete fusion nature insofar as this is possible in manifestation in third density.

32.10 Questioner: Can you expand a little bit on what you mean by “complete fusion nature?”

Ra: I am Ra. The entire creation is of the One Creator. Thus the division of sexual activity into simply that of the bodily complex is an artificial division, all things thusly being seen as sexual equally, the mind, the body, and the spirit; all of which are part of the polarity of the entity. Thus sexual fusion may be seen with or without what you may call sexual intercourse to be the complete melding of the mind, the body, and the spirit in what feels to be a constant orgasm, shall we say, of joy and delight each in the other’s beingness.


A good excerpt.

To summarize:
The highest possible emotional and spiritual state is the feeling of unity, integration, and harmony, which culminates in the experience of orgasm. It is important to note that the bodily orgasm experienced during physical sexual activity is imperfect, with diluted energies. The orgasm in question here is the one that results from experiencing the energy stream of pure and undistorted love flowing through the spirit. And the orgasmic experience arising from a second-density physical body can be seen as a substitute for that.


To add to your point, my brother, there are emotions of all kinds that are truly difficult to describe or express. Spiritual ecstasy is somewhat similar to physical sexual ecstasy, yet it is also different.

When spiritual ecstasies occur, you recall the physical ones to somewhat understand and define them, but at the same time, you realize they are strange and not the same.

However, there is no comparison in feeling so far, and spiritual ecstasy can deepen and appear on its own sometimes, and also through sexual ecstasy if a person is in a state of intense love throughout the entire experience.

The difference between spiritual ecstasy and physical ecstasy experienced during sex is like the difference between a being living separately in the third density and a divine being in the sixth or seventh density.

It is a vast difference that is difficult to explain and express.

Language doesn’t always help us convey the concept; it sometimes falls short. When I witness a higher state and try to talk about it and explain it, I circle around it, use examples, but I know inherently that the examples are very simple and don’t do it justice.


Thanks. I see it similarly.


Also just to add NO REGRETS, NO FEAR just :heart:LOVE & LIGHT​:heart:


I searched for “integrity” and found “orgasm” here
which may relate somehow to the cultivation of
integrity as a character trait; orgasm as a sort of
creative culmination of some beautiful desire
where bonding feelings stimulated by the release
of oxytocin, the love hormone, promote wellbeing.

I think of Ra as intellectually humble; two billion
years old or so, and learned so much and yet so
much more to learn; as if the known knowledge
in the universe is subordinate to the unknowns.
And possibly our creative endeavors manifest
the unknown in ways easy to learn. Like an
Aha moment found within infinite reflections!
Ra may be a humble messenger, yet also a
seeker finding joy in discovery! Discoveries
might mend fragments of unknowingness,
so a joy in growing greater integrity!


I understand it like this: for example, on a spiritual level, such as the level of the green ray center, orgasm is like an explosion of unconditional love passing through the spirit. And orgasm at the level of the orange ray (physical body) is an explosion of the same love, only more distorted and diluted love/light. However, it is the same orgasm and the same love, only at a different level of density. At the green ray level, it is a completely spiritual experience. At the orange ray level, it will be i.a. the release of oxytocin, the love hormone, promote well-being.

Ra is wonderful! And knowledge is Infinite. Learning is joy. And the cycle of leaving and returning to the One is also Infinite.


I believe that pleasure/joy comes out of novelty. And novelty by definition is contradictory to constant pleasure/joy, unless there is infinite novelty supply, which the universe surely has the ability to provide. But we may have a wrong picture of heaven where constant passive pleasure is infused into us without the necessaity of us doing anything to earn it. My belief is that only altruistic pleasure and active pleasure is to be enjoyed, meaning that we have to be altruistic(i.e. be in others) to earn the joy.
The above is what I gathered from James Hinton’s Selections from Manuscripts:

Is there this link : that in novelty the thought is concentrated out of ourselves ; while in continued or repeated pleasure it comes to be on ourselves — the object losing its attraction ? and so the giving up fulfils the condition of a permanent pleasure : it keeps the thought out of ourselves.

On the other hand, if we could be in constant pleasure, we will lose the incentive to evolve or the incentive to care about any other things. But this point is debatable. If we have desire for more intense pleasure, we may still have the incentive to continue to evolve. But this may very well become a negative path. Negative path is a path of pursuing more intense pleasure while positive path is a path of bearing more sufferings for others. Because in our suffering God’s work is done through us and this world exists for suffering. In the phenomenonal world(in contrast with the spiritual world), something that is favourable to ones’ self is by necessity unfavourable to others, i.e. our pleasure is based on others’ sufferings.


From what I’ve gathered, higher-level beings like RA are often described as existing in states of love, joy, and bliss. They’re said to experience these feelings more consistently because they’ve removed many of the veils or limitations we face.


I found this deeply resonating with my view too, K.K.33, so thank you, for putting it so eloquently :

“I understand it like this: for example, on a spiritual level, such as the level of the green ray center, orgasm is like an explosion of unconditional love passing through the spirit. And orgasm at the level of the orange ray (physical body) is an explosion of the same love, only more distorted and diluted love/light. However, it is the same orgasm and the same love, only at a different level of density. At the green ray level, it is a completely spiritual experience. At the orange ray level, it will be i.a. the release of oxytocin, the love hormone, promote well-being.”

And as you also say here too,

'Ra is wonderful! And knowledge is Infinite. Learning is joy. And the cycle of leaving and returning to the One is also Infinite."

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yes, I think what you say shows the ti you stop trying to grab more pleasure the state of love for others gives you bliss or intense pleasure when you are not even looking for it… lol