Hello everyone. I wanted to put my thoughts together in this one post. It’s been 4 years since I’ve been searching for the truth and today I want to share with you what I’ve come to after all this time.
4 years ago I knew absolutely nothing, I was a quite normal teenager who liked computer science and also played some computer games. On YouTube I liked to watch mystical videos from time to time, for example I watched the video “Top 10 scary things caught on camera”. I know how stupid that sounds, because usually there were all sorts of fakes, but I wanted to believe in the paranormal. It scared me and I was afraid to see a ghost for example, I was even afraid of the dark, and at night I didn’t want to go anywhere, I was even afraid to walk around the house, and that’s how I lived until I came across cicada 3301. It was a video on YouTube, and I was only drawn to it because I learned that the mystery was still unsolved. I thought it was interesting and that I could help in some way, so I read a lot of information on reddit, I searched, I tried to solve it, but I didn’t get anywhere. But one summer day, while looking for information on cicada, I came across a strange post on messenger. The message said that our whole world is a game and it’s time to wake up. Something like that. Then there were some links to insider revelations. I read all this with a very strong disbelief in all of this, it seemed like nonsense to me at the time, and I was a rather conservative person, so I didn’t want to break my view of the world. I couldn’t really call myself a believer at that time and I almost didn’t think about God at all. One of these insiders seemed to me more convincing than all the others; it was a Hidden Hand from the above top secret forum, and it was from him that I learnt about the Ra materials. I hadn’t yet begun to read them, but even then my picture of the world began to collapse rapidly. After a year, due to long breaks, I slowly began to read the Ra materials, and then, to my surprise, I began to find similarities with other materials. And in this search, with rather long intervals, I spent my time studying and reading a lot. Now I have a certain vision of the situation, and I think after you read my post you will be able to see the difference for yourself - how much the person has changed from an ordinary person who was like everyone else, to the person who is now writing this post.
So here I’m going to talk about how I see our world, and also share my vision of how we got to where we are, and what we can do about it. It has always been difficult for me to understand different things, different concepts/ideas, and I always have to look for simplifications so that some subject can be talked about clearly and simply. I apply the same approach to this text of mine.
So what was before the beginning of everything you can imagine? I will express myself using very simple images that I have made up.
Just imagine a huge, huge field, for example, an image of a wheat field appears in my mind. And now imagine that you cannot see where this wheat field ends. It’s very huge. Now imagine that this field is being washed by rain from time to time, the rainfall is quite heavy and the soil is well saturated with moisture.
Now imagine that in this wheat field there’s a small empty jug neatly standing, in other words, a container for water. And when it rains from the sky, this jug is filled with water.
Now imagine that there are many such small empty jugs nearby, and they stand very close to each other. Now imagine there are so many of them that you can’t see where they end.
Now imagine that all these jugs have greatly increased in size and can now hold a lot of rainwater. And imagine that the rain never stops, the downpour is constant, and right now at this moment these jugs that you see in front of you are filling with water.
In this example I’ve tried to explain how I see God. And now I will explain in more detail. The jugs are each individual consciousness that resides within ‘God’. The point is that the rain that falls from the sky is actually ‘interactions’ between different individual consciousnesses. Simply put, the jugs are filled with water, and the more the jug is filled, the more it is individualised, i.e. simply put, we have formed our individuality through interactions with other consciousnesses. I have just used this metaphor of rain to show that all consciousnesses are becoming individualised at the same time, so simply put, if there are 30 people in a room, then all those 30 people are interacting with each other and each interaction of one person with another affects all 30 people at once.
The point is that God isn’t a separate entity. It’s all these 30 people interacting with each other and learning from those interactions. And now imagine that there are not 30 of those people, but 100. And now imagine that there are 100,000 of them. And now imagine that there are infinitely many of them. And the size of the room is infinitely large. So in simple terms, in this room you see 30 people, but you notice a door, you open that door and there is already a room for 50 people, and so on, and all these infinite rooms with doors are interconnected.
Why am I saying all this? Because I’m giving the answer to why we are the way we are. Imagine that you are one of those 30 people. That means that there are now 29 people in front of you. Imagine that your jug is now empty, there is no water in it. And you spontaneously observe, notice, feel the presence of other people. I repeat, this is spontaneous because you don’t have this awareness yet, your jug is empty. And when it is empty, it turns out that there is such a feature in the universe that consciousness, which is very undeveloped, acts spontaneously. Remember this point, it is important for the following narrative. That is, I repeat, when your jug is empty and you have no self-identification, that is, all you have is your empty jug, then you act spontaneously and cannot control it. So the point is that much of your core/heart was created by chance. Much, not 100%, but 99%, but it gets more interesting.
These 29 people are influencing you, and your jug is gradually filling up, and now there is water in your jug, you have an identification, you are becoming more aware. And what does that mean? It means that you have desires. You are starting to want something. Why did I say that these 29 people haven’t shaped you 100%? In simple terms, why are you still unique, even if only by a small percentage?
The point is that you started with an empty jug. And the point is that jugs aren’t alike. And since we have an infinite number of spaces, as in my example above, we will correspondingly have jugs that aren’t yet filled. So, in simple terms, right now there are jugs that aren’t yet filled with water, that is to say, consciousnesses that haven’t yet developed to the point of having their own desires. Why is it so important to have your own desire? I’ll tell you further.
So, for me, God is the sum of these endless jugs, whether empty or filled, and you must understand that the important thing is there are infinitely many empty jugs, and there are also infinitely many filled jugs. Why am I saying this? The point is that before “existence” was created, before materiality was created, there was no time. Literally. And therefore some of you will probably want to find the very first jug that somehow filled with water, began to have personality and desires, and supposedly influenced everything that came after it. But this is a false attempt. You will never find such a jug because we are in timelessness, there is no time here, just as there are no spatial boundaries, so there will always be a jug that has been filled by another jug. The point is that it is an endless interaction. And it is inevitable. The beginning simply does not exist and cannot be found because we speak in terms of infinity. Your jug is filled and you have become an individualised consciousness. The important question is not “why am I full?” but "what do I do next?
So what? I will now tell you what began to happen when an infinite number of jugs began to fill with water. As you have already understood, an infinite number of individual consciousnesses appeared and continued to appear because there were still an infinite number of empty jugs. The point is that when there is no time, all events and actions occur simultaneously, that is, infinitely quickly, but if we were there at that moment, among the jugs and before the creation of the universes, we would, on the contrary, feel that “time” was dragging on indefinitely or as if time had stood still completely. This is an interesting paradox. It gets more interesting.
Let’s talk about this from the point of view of an outside observer. Since there is no time, everything happens infinitely quickly and simultaneously. So the only way to talk about ongoing events is in terms of “stages” or “levels”, as in a game. The first level consists of jugs filled with water and, as I have said, if we were there, it would seem to us that everything has been dragging on and forming for a very long time. Let us now imagine that countless “hours” have passed and that during this time more and more jugs have been filled with water, i.e. more and more consciousnesses have become individual. Again, “hours passed” is a convention for ease of understanding.
Each of these consciousnesses had its own desires, its own dreams, so to speak, or to be more precise, the size of the jug is unlimited, i.e. it can potentially hold an infinite amount of water. What does this mean? It means that the individual consciousness is constantly and endlessly filled. You may think that you are procrastinating or relaxing, but in fact you are filling your jar with a unique experience. And remember I said that you must remember spontaneity? Here it comes again. You can procrastinate, do whatever you want, but your jug will always be filled. You scratch your hand, and as absurd as it may sound, even this spontaneity gives you a unique experience. And all the other jugs are engaged in the same spontaneity. Do you remember how I defined the word ‘God’? It is the sum of infinite jugs, empty or full. That is, in simple terms, if we put them all together, liquids and jars, we get a single One Infinite Creator. Now, all the jugs are involved in this spontaneity, so the conclusion is simple: God is all about spontaneity. God was always involved in new dreams, new desires.
What does this mean? For me, God is not just the sum of all these innumerable jugs, the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts, and therefore, although God is essentially made up of me and you who are reading this text, he still has a power greater than any consciousness, stronger even than the consciousnesses united in a finite group. And God has a mind, so essentially we all contribute to that mind, we shape it, we change its desires, even if only by an infinitesimal percentage, but we change it, and that divine mind, which is essentially the sum of infinite jugs, begins to fulfill the desires of the individual jugs, that is, the mind fulfills the desires of the consciousnesses.
This field of grain on which the jugs stand can be called the ‘inner’ universe, which existed before the creation of the material worlds. The jugs had many desires, and these desires became more and more numerous. Again, remember that in this inner universe there was no time, so in describing events we can only speak of stages or levels. And then the second level began to approach. Level 2.
The mind began to look for ways to fulfill all the desires of the jugs. The point is that the inner universe has this unique feature, so I am now talking about the first stage, the first level, which is filling the jugs with water. The point is that this inner universe has a kind of unconscious, infinite desire for progress, that is to say, in simple terms, empty jugs want to be filled with water, and there are an infinite number of such jugs, and the mind has been looking for a way to ensure that all the jugs asking for experience can have the experience they want.
What does the phrase “consciousness asks God” mean? Simply put, it means that 1 jug asked hundreds of thousands of jugs how to fill their jug. And from here a new level begins. Level 2. When the mind finds a way to fill all those thirsty endless jugs. And at this 2nd level there is a connection between “nothing (inner universe)” and “infinite possibilities”. Thereby creating an infinite number of great explosions which give rise to an infinite number of material worlds. This is the 2nd level. Please note that I said “an infinite number”, which means that since they are infinite, they must be happening right now, because infinity in this case extends not only to space but also to time. Why is that so? Because at the 2nd level both time and space appeared. And infinity affects them both equally.
So the 2nd level appeared, or rather “began to happen”, due to the fact that an infinite number of individualised consciousnesses were drawn to progress and to experience their individuality, and the word “experience” means “to create in accordance with divine uniqueness”, and all this desire for progress, it all happened spontaneously. The word “spontaneous” means that you have no control and cannot stop something. Again, I emphasize, this is an important fact. Spontaneously. What does it mean?
It means that level 2 was inevitable.
Universes would inevitably begin to be created. This is the very secret of why the universes appeared, why individualised consciousness appeared. Because spontaneity. Because progress is inevitable. Because the jugs would have been filled anyway. And this suggests that the nature of our infinite creator has pre-determined what the future will be like. Simply put, it was pre-determined that level 2 would be created. And I think the point is not only in the spontaneity and inevitability of progress, but also in infinity of our creator. The whole mystery has been on the surface all along. And we come to the conclusion that even infinity is limited by something. In this case, limited by the fact that the fate of the endless jugs was ‘predetermined’, ‘known in advance’. That is, simply put, materiality was created.
And now, as you read, universes are still being created. And what to do about it? But should I do something about it? Where are we in all of this? Your progress is important, although, as I have said before, progress is inevitable and will happen anyway, the only difference is the speed of learning. Progress is inevitable also because, as many of you know, our universe was created mentally, thought is higher than matter and thought rules over matter. And this in turn means that you have never really left this inner universe and even now we are all connected to it and this connection is like a mental one. Therefore your experience is inevitably accumulated and transmitted to the inner universe. Every thing is connected.
And the point is that it is not so important for God to know more about himself, but rather to make sure that every consciousness, even the smallest, can fulfill its desires and needs. That is why we have, for example, such things as a chair, a bed, a pillow. At first it seems absurd, but then you realise that no one is forcing or coercing consciousness, you can understand that there is now furniture around you that has chosen to be furniture in this universe. It is clear that in this case the furniture is consciousness, which is very undeveloped and its jug is almost empty, but this does not negate the fact of freedom, which permeates all creation at a fundamental level. In fact even our body is made up of these smallest undeveloped parts of consciousness, which in material form take the form of an atom, and by working together, by joining together, the atoms form the body, so that another, more evolved form of consciousness can manage it for its own benefit. Again, all this is based on the fact that the atoms themselves want it. In fact they literally have a desire to create your body. It sounds a bit creepy, but again the emphasis is on freedom, and also, I think, on gratitude to everything that helps you.
And what do you do with this information when you just know that this is who you are, that you have your own desires, that you were born on this planet, that you have chosen certain circumstances of life?
In my opinion, find something what intrigues you, what makes you feel alive. If it is an exploration of the world, then explore the world, fill yourself with knowledge. For example, Seth in Seth’s material said that the only activity worth engaging in is the search and study of truth. However, in my opinion, truth in one form or another will affect everyone without exception, sooner or later. So the best thing to do is to go where the heart wants to beat. And there is nothing special about choosing your own path that is not directly related to the search for truth. Seth has an interesting line in his material that explains my words.
Session 798, March 21, 1977
The answers to the origins of the universe and of the species lie, I’m afraid, in realms that you have largely ignored – precisely in those domains that you have considered least scientific, and in those that it appeared would yield the least practical results.
Your methods will simply bring you pat, manufactured results and answers. They will satisfy neither the intellect nor the soul. Since your universe springs from an inner one, and since that inner one pervades each nook and cranny of your own existence you must look where you have not before – into the reality of your own minds and emotions. You must look to the natural universe that you know. You must look with your intuitions and creative instincts at the creatures about you, seeing them not as other species with certain habits, not as inferior properties of the earth, to be dissected, but as living examples of the nature of the universe, in constant being and transformation.
The child, laughing with joy and awe at the sight of the first violet understands far more in the deepest terms than a botanist who has long since forgotten the experience of perceiving one violet, though he has at his mental fingertips the names and classification of all the world’s flowers. Information is not necessarily knowledge or comprehension.
Here’s the thing. We may all think we’re on the “right” path because we search and study a lot with our intuition, but I really think that information doesn’t always mean understanding, and I don’t think it’s the goal to go as far as possible into evolution. And since everything in the universe, and not only in it, changes, our interests can be replaced by others, and there is nothing so terrible about that. Today we liked chocolate ice-cream, tomorrow we will like caramel ice-cream. You just have to feel life, enjoy it. And yet, after so much time in my search, I keep coming to the conclusion for myself that I like positivity in this world, I like other people helping other people, I like kindness. No matter how much I search, I see no freedom or meaning in evil, although I understand perfectly that it is sometimes difficult to get rid of hatred and resentment, and often hatred becomes a motivating force to take revenge, and to do so until you realise that you come from an infinite world, and what you are doing is like running into a wall.
In the end, perhaps even goodness is a hidden game of self-interest, and perhaps it is inevitable that we will always want support and love. We came from a place where this support was very important, and it is very interesting to me that God, or rather All-That-Is, found that this was the only true way for us all to progress at great speed, because the whole secret was to unite and help consciousnesses with other consciousnesses. So the secret of the recipe is that love helps to evolve at great speed. After all, love in its essence is this unification. Perhaps a negative entity would call love simply “profitable cooperation”, but i think both views, positive and negative, have value here. One way or another, divine love does exist, and in essence it is simply the love of infinite consciousnesses who naturally decided to help each other, figured out how to create universes so that there were different areas with different characteristics to express all their unique desires.
This is very surprising to me, because after so much time I have no desire to stop searching. Perhaps one day I will want to talk to you again about my thoughts. That’s all for now. I am happy to be doing all this on this forum and I feel that my efforts may be useful to someone. Thanks to everyone who has read everything from beginning to end