Requiem for Kain

Agreed. Our departed friend did have a strong vortex about him which could have become bumptious in short order, I would guess.

This would make an interesting thread…

Overall comment: Yes, the policy would need to be given careful thought, but why should the need to be deliberate become a deal breaker? It’s good catalyst, after all.

To me it comes down to a person’s (mine, in this case) style of seeking truth. I respect fellow serious seekers and try to learn from them when I can. At the same time, I take care not to be swept away in the currents of their own flow. Perhaps engineering such safeguards is too much to ask of this particular nexus point (meaning: this website)?

Here’s a" Qu’opinion" about why it is important to learn from the dark side, in this case, perhaps your own dark side or whatever it is you wish to call “Shadow.”

This shadow side, then, if it can be recognized and utilized in a useful way in, number one, having its existence mentioned, experienced, realized to the seeker by the seeker, then that power which it has to confuse, that power which it has to distort, that power which it has to cause difficulty in the spiritual seeking may be utilized in a positive sense so that that power accelerates one’s knowledge of oneself and sees those facets of one’s being that have accumulated through the years of living the life of the seeker; and previous to become a conscious seeker, utilized in a fashion which gives more knowledge to the conscious seeker of truth of those portions of itself which may now be mined as a kind of gold or jewel that can magnify the journey of the seeker.

This utilization of the shadow side, then, is a reunification of the totality of the beingness of the seeker of truth. Each seeker of truth, then, can do this. This is part of your spiritual path. This is what you have come to do: to unify all the portions of the One Creator that exist within you and without you, within your own beingness as you move forward in your spiritual journey of seeking. Thus, this is a great boon to the spiritual seeker of truth for it is that which begins more and more fully to put together the puzzle pieces, shall we say, of one’s being, of one’s journey, of the very essence of the One Infinite Creator, that exists in all entities and all things at all times.

Well only you are taking my statement out of context. After all, you know perfectly well that I wrote that the teams that face each other at a certain level are one close-knit pack of friends, and only during the match do they face each other. If you know that you are ultimately one group, then playing this match, how will you play? Will you foul to knock out or will you play fair?

This is what I meant by the analogy I quoted, to express in it that originally and ultimately we are one. If you know this, how will you compete? Will you fight wars? You compete in such a way that you defend yourself and want to score points, in such a way that you know and remember that ultimately you are one and the same group of friends. When you play a match with your buddies, you don’t want to kill them in the match, and you want to prove yourself, in a certain way.

It’s not a perfect metaphor, but I think if you looked at it with openness, you wouldn’t narrow it down like you do and understand what I want to convey.

P.S. As for the wars, they come from the fact that STS groups are competing with each other. It’s not STO vs STS, it’s STS vs STS, because STO only fights with love, not guns etc.

And I should add that competing violence vs love is something different than competing violence vs violence. Both situations divide people, however in other way and it is desirable that people competing and divide when some of them disconnect from others to live life in love and fight only with love.

I’ve spent many years reading and researching about various religions, spiritual teachings and occult philosophies. I have read the entire LOO channeling many times over as well as most of the Quo changelings. Brian Scott reads a lot of the sessions on his channel and they’re great to have playing as you’re working, walking etc. I spent so long seeking answers, wanting to know how things wok, why they work, what’s the meaning of it all. Why are we here and where are we going…?

What I do now is just meditate. 2-3 times a day for 30-60 mins a time and that’s it. With meditation comes a knowing. A wisdom gained not through books or anything outside oneself, but a knowing that comes from inside. A level of faith that all is well and all will be well. I’ve stopped reading and researching as much and I am so much happier. I love my life, I love my family, I love the different faces I meet each day and the one I see when I look in the mirror. I still get waves of other emotions from time to time, sadness, anger etc. But they leave me as quick as they came and I thank them for teaching me and reminding me it’s my choice to choose love. I have to consciously choose it with my free will. This is the philosophers stone. Your will. It’s the greatest tool you have.

Anyway I guess what I’m trying to add is that we are all varying lenses of the same creator. All experience is good because without it there would be nothing. Through both STS & STO the creator knows himself more and more. Choose a direction with your will and follow that path. Learn about the other path if you want to or… don’t. It matters not. This density is for the making of the choice. Not for the understanding. Once you’ve made the choice you’ve already completed this density and it’s only a matter of time until harvest.

Give love and be loved. Whether it’s love to yourself or love to others, the point is about the ‘feeling’. You are a vibratory energetic entity playing a game of finiteness in order to grow and learn. But to move up the scale you only need to resonate with the correct higher vibration… which is achieved through love, peace and eventually… detachment. The more you doubt yourselves or others, the more you question whether things should be this way or that way the lower you will bring your vibratory state. All paradoxes must be reconciled.

All is well… All is love.

I speak here for myself only.

I didn’t misunderstand your metaphor, rather, I didn’t engage with it because I don’t feel myself to be contending against an opposing team. That’s just not how my universe hangs together. I wonder if you can understand that?

I see us all as being seekers of truth. I see those of the dark persuasion as being in parallel, such as Vaishnavites and Shaivites, as I mentioned above. Or, maybe to update this a bit, like heterosexuals and same-sexuals.

People choose a path that feels right for them, based upon their dispositions and their outlook. Why should I contend with those who choose differently? Why should you frame the setup of this forum in contentious terms? Why can’t genuine seekers simply try to learn from one another whenever that is possible? And why are you squabbling with me because I don’t identify with your metaphor, your outlook? Where is the love in this?

My interest is in overall fairness and balance. That means accepting you and accepting others with conditions of affiliation. After all, all of this is self.

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How can you reconcile a paradox without doubting it first?

Is not refinement of being the essence of spiritual growth? How can this happen absent questioning the things which don’t feel right? Your statement confuses me. It doesn’t feel quite right, um… Am I wrong to doubt it? Am I lowering my vibratory state in doing so? I don’t feel that.

There is no right or wrong path. All paths exist in an infinite universe. The one you’re experiencing is the one you chose. All other experiences are still occurring and will filter back to source just as yours. All is well.

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I am not arguing with you :slight_smile: Where did you get this idea from? Maybe it’s how we write to each other without emotion and just read the words, we don’t see the other person, it seems to us that person is harsh, or something like that. Only it’s not true :slight_smile:

I can understand you wanting integration and fullness in your search and exploring and confronting different concepts and ideas, only the point here is that if you don’t do it the STO way, but instead go down the STS path, you can get quite the opposite effect.

You desire light and love in one form or another, you desire to explore the multitude of paths that lead to the Creator. Just see :wink: The point here is that STS does not want to go to the Creator.

Their goal is not to discover the Creator fully, their goal is to utilize available resources, recognize things as they would like them to be, not as they are, and control the environment to give them what they want. At higher levels, they use themselves as self-appointed gods who are entitled to everything.

STS does not make itself the full path, in the full sense. STS is a service to “nothing.” It detaches consciousness from the larger whole. Someone who walks in the direction of STS more and more wants to get as high as possible into everything and dominate and arrange everything and everyone under themselves. For STS there is no sense of Oneness.

For you it has, from what I understand, just as love has. I can agree on the importance of being open and loving others for their differing views, integrating that and recognizing how others are moving toward the Creator on the STO path, sometimes in TOTALLY different ways though nevertheless in the same direction.

However, if you choose STS, it’s like: “Let’s do something to spoil these fools of their “pursuit of the Creator.” Haha, it’ll be fun!” STS is supposed to stop the reconnection to the Creator, it’s supposed to show him the middle finger. And STS strives for knowledge, neglecting love altogether to do it effectively what it does, or else it will easily be sidelined and deactivated.

STS, of course, is part of the overall intent of Creation, as this desire toward the Creator is met with resistance (created by STS) to stop and confuse this desire to reconnect with Creator manifested by those of STO. This allows for a more intensified development toward the Creator, as there is always an added burden on this movement, and then the consciousnesses that pursue this Creator learn more if they are under this burden.

As such, however, STS contributes nothing. Directly it will not contribute anything to a better understanding of reality and development, STS is unconstructive from the point of view of returning to the Creator, as far as its direct contribution is concerned. it only indirectly influences by posing a challenge for those of STO.

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Oh, maybe from this…

I understand that you see no value in the STS path and approach. My view is that much is there to be learned because “they” are “us” in a broad sense and my task here is self-knowledge, and this includes all of self. So, that’s how it is. No big deal.

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I’m not saying that we shouldn’t learn what STS is, because even in the last post I gave some insight into what STS is for me, so I also get to know it from a certain angle. However, I still believe that our reality is constructed in such a way as to somehow accentuate this difference in polarizations, even though they ultimately serve One.

From what I see, you are a sensitive person and curious about everything, and of course I support that in you. Do things your way, just be careful that you don’t just unnecessarily dig into some things that you don’t need in your life. And which are illusory and are simply intended to support what is right in one way or another. Of no great importance in itself.

The system of this forum suggests that we switch to private messages. :slight_smile: If you feel like contacting me, write, even if we disagree, we will practice thinking and writing a bit, maybe someone will find some gaps in their theses. And if not, see you on the forum. Bye :blush:

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