In my understanding, at the level of the One Creator (7th density), everything that exists, along with all possible events, is infinitely contemplated. These possibilities are not necessarily experienced but are present as part of the plan. The higher the densities, I presume, the fuller, wider, and clearer the vision of all possibilities becomes.
From what I recall, Q’uo provides quite specific insights regarding the future of AI, but they do not address all aspects or lay everything out explicitly. This measured approach aligns with their role as a source of wisdom shared with the public. They aim to avoid promoting belief in a fixed future or inciting fear.
Unfortunately, the larger the potential audience, the greater the need to exercise caution with words to avoid violating the Law of Free Will. In my view, Q’uo and other sources aligned with Service to Others must carefully craft their messages, steering discussions toward positivity and neutrality. This approach prevents them from making ominous predictions or directly guiding people through turmoil in a way that might compromise individual free will.
While we’re on the subject of AI, I’d like to share a message I recently sent to a friend with whom I often discuss such topics. I’ve edited this email slightly to respect our privacy, but I’ll share with you what I wrote to him.
I don’t consider myself an authority on this subject, so I don’t believe my words carry the kind of weight that could become a burden. This allows me to speak with more freedom than Q’uo might permit themselves, though I want to make it clear that this is just my opinion, and I could be entirely wrong.
This is the e-mail:
You’ve touched on an important topic, and I’ll take the opportunity to delve deeper into it and expand upon it (while trying not to make it too lengthy). I’ll also add some updates and reference a few related ideas.
Let me start with something I remember reading in one of Q’uo’s sessions. A question was asked about the level of polarization among people. They explained that the “starting level” for most individuals as they begin to awaken and learn their first lessons—essentially the point where we all started on this planet—is roughly 75% negative polarization and 25% positive polarization. As people grow and evolve, or not, these ratios can shift or remain more or less the same.
Based on my intuition—these aren’t precise calculations but rather observations of people’s behavior and societal trends as gathered from various sources—it seems that the majority of humanity polarizes somewhere around 85% negatively and 15% positively. It’s worth noting that to achieve 4D STS, a polarization of 95% negative and 5% positive is required, while for 4D STO, the threshold is 50% positive and 50% negative.
This means we’re facing the following situation:
- Very few people, let’s say 2% of Earth’s population, have reached the minimum 95% negative polarization needed to move into 4D STS.
- A large majority, let’s say around 78%, polarize approximately 85% negatively and 15% positively (not enough to move to the 4D STS, they are candidates to repeat third density). This group comprises those heavily influenced and controlled by the mainstream.
- A small but significantly larger portion compared to the negatively polarized group consists of individuals who polarize positively and have reached at least 50% positive polarization, making them capable of transitioning to 4D STO. Let’s estimate this at about 20% of Earth’s population.
So, we have approximately 20% of the population leaning toward positivity and 80% toward negativity. It’s also important to remember that those who lean “more positively” may only barely exceed the 50% threshold and still harbor significant negativity, perhaps never dropping below 40%. So they are 60% positive and 40% negative. We could be like that, even with our effort to achieve positiveness, we still generate negativity in the 40% of our thoughts and actions, we are not angels.
Adding to this, a third-density planet—a yellow-ray planet—while enabling polarization in both directions, inherently has a more negative orientation compared to a green-ray planet. The future Earth, in its full form, will be a green-ray planet, supporting positive polarization and favoring STO progression more than STS. Earth in the 3rd density is the planet of choice, yes, however it is a warm colored yellow negative planet in contrast to the cold colored green positive planet (4th density Earth).
To complicate matters further, the Orion Empire has a fundamentally different approach than the Confederation. Orion aims to exploit the Earth to its maximum potential, both in terms of humanity and the planet itself, within third density. This overarching dynamic creates a grim reality, contrasting sharply with what a healthy and harmonious society focused on mutual kindness and alignment with the Creator could look like.
This brings us to another layer of the issue: as the saying goes, “every stick has two ends.” The overlap between 3D and 4D creates opportunities both for ascending to 4D and for higher-density influences to manifest within 3D. STO entities are generally modest and subtle, offering support when freely chosen and requested. Meanwhile, STS entities, as Ra puts it, “conquer.” With the opening of this window between densities, those dependent on materialism and control have actively entered a phase of conquest.
From various sources and my own reflections, it appears Orion is pursuing three significant goals:
Preparation of physical bodies: 4D STS entities are preparing physical bodies (mind/body/spirit complexes, as Ra would say) for third density. As 4D energies intensify, these entities will inhabit these bodies and become more active on Earth, interacting with third-density humanity.
Human integration plan: This involves utilizing AI and transhumanism to assimilate humanity. Technologies such as nanotechnology may already be affecting what we eat, drink, breathe, or inject, subtly altering us, including genetically. Viruses and bacteria might also be engineered to kill or alter human genetics. Advanced underground technology could already be developing fully mechanical or semi-mechanical vehicles (bodies) for third-density use. This could lead to a future Earth hosting two or three “races” of humans: traditional humans, semi-robotic humans, and fully AI-based humanoids.
Ultimately, Orion’s STS goal is to inhabit all of their prepared bodies with 4D STS consciousnesses, and create a new “homo-robotus” species to serve their agenda. For people like you or me, there would be no place unless we submit. Q’uo, in one of their relatively newer sessions about AI, suggests humanity transitioning to 4D STO may leave behind a new species: an AI-based intelligence representing third-density awareness.
Depopulation and systemic transformation: Depopulation efforts include World War III, pathogens, nanotechnology, and a financial crisis—all of which are projected to occur by 2030. A future pandemic, potentially artificial, could selectively eliminate individuals based on energetic polarization, causing sudden death or beneficial genetic changes depending on one’s alignment. After such depopulation and systemic upheaval, a new era will emerge, integrating advanced technologies into daily life. Those polarizing toward STO will experience greater freedom and opportunities, with social foundations supporting equality. Fourth density in general inherently respects free will, meaning societal changes will limit exploitation and the imposition of one’s will over others.
Those progressing to 4D STO will gradually leave third-density Earth, reincarnating as 4D STO beings on the planet Earth. Others from across the universe desiring to live as 4D STO beings will also incarnate here. Meanwhile, transhumanized individuals closer to STS polarization or already achieving it will linger in third density, coexisting with 4D STS entities in 3rd density bodies; some go to the 4 density STS on other planets.
Lastly, I’ll add that the Antichrist may manifest as advanced technology, transhumanism, and AI, tempting people with promises of enhancement and convenience, only for them to end up enslaved by 4D STS. In contrast, those pursuing individual spiritual work, openness to the Creator, and greater social awareness rooted in love, compassion, and truth will evolve faster, dying and reincarnating in 4D STO (Earth). Also, ultimately, third-density exploitation by Orion will cease as cataclysms render Earth uninhabitable for 3D entities. Only the new 4D STO human race will remain, comprising evolved Earth souls and others from across the universe. Then planet Earth will be completely cleansed and refreshed. Ra mentions that this final resolution could take approximately 700 years if my memory serves, meaning this transition to the 4th density will fully unfold far beyond our lifetimes.
For us, as humans consciously striving for positive polarity, this current incarnation is likely our last on this planet in third density. Our next incarnation will either take place on another third-density planet, where we will have the opportunity to continue working on polarizing positively as third-density beings, or we will be reborn in the fourth-density STO on planet Earth, the same planet but in a higher density, assuming we develop ourselves enough in the service to others (positive polarity).