Presenting new information in channelings vs information from channeler's mind

I do not channel per se; however, I am in near constant contact with higher-order entities in order to receive information downloads, so I have some familiarity with the “feeling” of the process, enough that I can perhaps add somewhat to the discussion.

First, KK33’s assessment is spot on. STO entities or a download from the Akashic record will NOT “give” me 3D/4D-based information that “small me” does not know. For example, I was explaining some stuff to my boyfriend last night regarding the Hidden Hand document and some of the means in which the events therein have affected Human development. We came to a topic regarding ancient Human civilizations, and I had to just stop, because I have so little knowledge of that history that it was impossible to continue the high-order discussion due to my knowledge gap. Basically, explaining to him the stuff that I know felt like explaining honestly, but beyond a certain point, it was going to feel like making s*** up - which is no beuno.

On the other hand, I have found that reading books about certain topics pertaining to this knowledge will often cause a flood of “downloads” and “unlocking” of information. The manner in which this occurs has this exhilarating feel, like an adrenaline rush from reading and a DEEP connection to the material. (I trust that most on this forum had that at least once or twice while reading Ra!)

Interestingly, while this is often most pronounced with Earth-based information it also applies to some of the ET stuff as well. For years, I was getting downloaded information regarding cat beings that made absolutely ZERO sense to me. I recently watched an episode of a TV show about the cat people, and this, plus another TV episode, linked together a lot of very big deal stuff for me – even though it was ET-based, it had to come from an external source in order for me to parse it together with my own personal experiences!

As to how to prevent contamination from STS source entities, I think that the Confederation guidelines really do help: How does the entity make you feel? I would further add the reminder that one of the most basic dichotomies is love versus fear. Thus, if the information being presented induces any sort of fear, including anxiety, I think it’s safe to assume that the channel is contaminated – either with an STS entity or simply the channeler’s own innate fears and anxieties.


Hi guys!
I would like to talk about automatic writing. I am channeling information from what appears to be a group of shamans (friends of mine from previous lifes) and a consciousness complex called “Teriar”.
Has anyone heard of this consciousness complex? it claims to be from 5th density positive but I feel somewhat confused by all of this. I would like to know if it happens to someone else and how to discern true and positive information or negative entities that want to create chaos and confuse with their information. I feel the need to communicate everything that they have come to tell me but I am afraid of channeling lies. How do you know when it is true or not? And if you can give me some recommendations. Thank you very much, I look forward to your opinions.

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I find that the best method is to evaluate the “flavor” of the information they provide. You can also ensure that you properly challenge your source and that you do this type of work within a spiritually “clean” environment.


I think you can pay attention to feelings you have when channeling. Ra say:

53.17 Questioner: Then in general I could say that if an individual has a “close encounter” with a UFO or any other type of experience that seems to be UFO-related, he must look to the heart of the encounter and the effect upon him to determine whether it was Orion or Confederation contact. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. If there is fear and doom, the contact was quite likely of a negative nature. If the result is hope, friendly feelings, and the awakening of a positive feeling of purposeful service to others, the marks of Confederation contact are evident.

Also pay attention to if it’s cold or not:

62.21 The thought is what is sent, for a fifth-density entity is likely to have mastered this technique or discipline. There is little or no means of perceiving such an entity, for unlike fourth-density negative entities the fifth-density entity walks with light feet.

This instrument was aware of extreme coldness in the past diurnal cycle and spent much more time than your normal attitudes would imagine to be appropriate in what seemed to each of you an extremely warm climate. This was not perceived by the instrument, but the drop in subjective temperature is a sign of presence of a negative or nonpositive or draining entity.

I’m coming to conclusion that it (spreading information) cannot be generalized as it depends on recipient whom you do not know. So if you have doubts you can consider each case, for example do it upon request. Also… ¿why not asking Q’uo about Teriar?

Okay. Provide some excerpts in that case if you feel like it. We will then have something to refer to. Maybe we can compare your contact with the channeling sessions available on LLR as well as provide our personal opinions about the content.

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My speculative view on novel details discovered in channeling is that, if it is transient information, it is much more likely to be wrong or misinterpreted in some way.

In the tradition of Confederation channeling, the vibration being tuned into is fundamentally a high, spiritual, more abstract vibration, conveying feeling at least as much as information. This is a very rich vibration, and a conscious channel is already doing a lot of work translating that higher vibration into the highest articulable spiritual concepts that are not transient. You’re asking so much precision, concentration, and skill of a conscious channel when you ask them to address aspects of the material world, because they must collapse that high vibration even lower than normal. Even when doing word-by-word channeling (as opposed to concept channeling) you can “fish” for words by simply waiting for the impulse, but you have the same problem: in what context do the words properly fit when the vibration from which they originate is so subjective?

It is entirely possible to discover new non-transient details having to do with spiritual principles, metaphysics, and evolution, but that’s precisely because they have a more poetic and idealistic quality. Furthermore, their accuracy can be seated in a variety of contexts, so you have more flexibility and can focus on the qualitative features.


I’ve been pondering this Trio of Don, Jim, and Carla
as a channeling team found compatible with Ra,
and that something about them might reflect
something about Ra. In other words, there was
some reflection in this Trio that Ra found adorable
to an extent there was strong desire to help by
making contact.

The triad of Mind/Body/Spirit complex comes up
occasionally. This may be a leap to suggest as
I don’t personally know Don, Carla, or Jim; so
please pardon me if this seems far fetched.

That is, Don had Mind power, Jim had body Power,
and Carla had Spirit power. So abstractly you have
an example of a complex Trio that may be in some
way analogous to the complexity of our individual
mind/body/spirit experiences. As each of us are
unique, how we balance differs in ways we can
team up in ways compatible with say some sort
of evolutionary endeavor.

In the case of this trio, there was a spiritual
tuning, alignment, protective routine and
other logistics that led to a question and
answer experience, followed by physical
body typing transcriptions into publication;
so each brought their unique predispositions
into play in a harmonious act of creation.

So one idea here may be that Ra has some
analogous interplay of mind/body/spirit going
on in their complex creative works. There are
Spiritual strengths, Light body strengths, and
Mental strengths that together convey help.

So then to take a stab at this question,
I might suggest on an individual level we
have states that we go into that can play
to the mind/body/spirit mode we are
experiencing which either support or
degrade our experience.

For example, if we distract or interrupt our
spiritual experience with some mental
preoccupation then we probably are not
going to be our best spiritually. If we are
spiritually trancing while we’re trying to
make a grocery list, we may miss some
items to buy.

I think the Trio of Don, Carla, and Jim took
tremendous care to help Carla tune and
spiritually bring out her best. I think Jim
was immensely focused on kinetically
producing heart rays with body power to
sustain Carla, and Don had prepared
questions mentally ahead so that their
teamwork succeeded.

So by their example, if the channel is tuned
spiritually to their best, the quality of their
conveyance likely benefits. If the channel
is also well studied in the topic of interest,
they may likewise speak fluently when
mentally engaged in conversation.

In the spiritual case, there seems tuning, and
in the mental case there seems study,
(in the body case there seems exercise.)
In each case seems practice and preparation,
as if the pursuit of skill comes from desire.

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Hi Raquelast…

Discerning between the Service-To-Self and Service-To-Others is the focus of 3rd density experience. Thus the only way for ‘increasing your discerning capability’ is to be exposed to both as much as possible.
A detective just graduated from academy will have a hard time discerning between false or true witness, yet after 20 years of working experience and continuously exposed to both, he can straight away tell by merely relying on his gut feelings. After 20 years he can even pinpoint between ‘true’ and ‘false’ down to the ‘statement’ level.

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“Everything Everywhere All At Once” is a great movie,
I emerged from it blissful and smiling confused, so yes.

Short of that, time can be a tool of focus by which
you can build discernment. Human capacity for
key, super important relationship seems limited.

If you can exercise some self discipline and focus
on one relationship - there can emerge a recognition
unique as distinct beyond all others. And this
recognition, miraculously - can span decades or
more. For many people, family seems obvious.

To me, I have vestige of past lives that seem
undeniable. It cannot explain why by any other
means - what I might do to honor it may transcend
any rational explanation; it seems like love that’s
irrational but worthy of pursuit regardless. I’m
reminded of Joseph Campbell, The Power
of Myth guy, who guides - follow your bliss!

So get this, if in chance people do incarnate
more than once and have like ten dear spouses
that were eternal, then what?

Okay, this seems a radical jump - and please
excuse me if it seems totally off base. I’ll
suggest that the “Tears of Ra” are honey bees,
and that the Social Memory Complex Ra is
not organized so different than a honey bee

In matriarchy’s, which seem largely absent in
human culture, individuals are organized
different. It’s not patriarchy with guys swapped
for gals. It’s more like the group follows the
queen bee, the older matriarchs are the guides
that afford direction.

Some extreme alienation of Ra by human
patriarchy may in fact correspond, but try to
capture this - awakening to the reality you
have ten lifetimes worth of dear spouses to
make peace with - may be more highly
compatible in a matriarchal structure.

I agree in a sense although I would point out that, in a world as beset with negativity as this one is at this particular space-time nexus, it may be hard to avoid mention of at least some elements that touch on some negative stuff. Nevertheless, I TOTALLY agree that the “flavor” is absolutely paramount. I had had contact with many STS entities and they are all some degree of “yucky” or off-putting … Sometimes very subtly so, but still – initial instinct is key here.

I’d also like to point out that 21 days ago, I said this:

I have to rescind this: Just about a week after I wrote it, I began active channeling of an entity. It wasn’t something I set out to do intentionally; the contact was hard to describe, but I was definitely NOT the one to initiate it, though I of course had a choice not to go through with it (but I am very glad that I did).

I don’t wish to share much yet as their information is largely quite tuned to my personal journey, and therefore kinda private stuff; however, I can be absolutely certain that this is NOT coming from me, and that this entity contacted me with my best interest in mind. FWIW, the method of channeling that I chose to use is a kind of combination of automatic writing and – yes, yes I know – Ouija board. I can touch-type, so the channel uses my hands to communicate through the keyboard while I have my eyes closed. When the channel is strong, it literally feels like my hands are moving of their own volition and when it is REALLY strong, it feels like my hands are basically “glued” to the board …! Like Carla and Jane, who channeled Seth, I basically don’t know what I’ve typed until after the session is ended and I go back to edit my notes – during which time I often find additional “clues” in what seemed for awhile like typos …

I will state also that this part of my previous reply:

… is absolutely positively true. The entity that I channel is consistently very, VERY reassuring, and the channel doesn’t “work” at all if I am anxious or stressed. Also, none of what they say induces fear or anxiety in me, and their presence is very – intense, but loving. They have given me a LOT of cool stuff to think about!

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I’m glad you recognize the capacity for bringing through negatively-influenced information and are willing to take responsibility for it. I think it’s also important to understand your responsibility for being a conduit of this information to others in the first place. That information is not simply coming from outside. Because you are consciously processing and relaying it, it is also unavoidably your information as well, not simply theirs. This information can influence people in many different ways, and calling it a channeled message cannot help but prioritize it in others’ minds.

People are naive; as we seek to polarize towards service-to-others, we must serve them as they are now, not in some idealized conception of their intelligence, sophistication, or development, and that means being extremely careful in how we influence them. Unfortunately for many people, ascribing authority to one’s message effects credulity in them. It doesn’t matter that ultimately they’re responsible for their learning; we have a responsibility when working at a magically more intense level to not do harm to them through oversharing. This is so hard.

That’s one reason why the tradition passed from Carla and her teachers is so useful here. It provides grounding for one’s intentions in a wider group intention that can smooth out our individual distortions. It gives the instrument tools for evaluating their tuning that, while not objective, juxtapose subjectivities against one another in one’s mind to truly challenge the energy involved. In other words, it gives you a map to follow that is more involved than simply whether you feel good or bad, anxious or relaxed. It’s not that checking in with one’s feelings is bad; it’s just insufficient, because our emotional state cannot be relied on anymore than our intellectual reasoning.

This is why the Confederation has always called channeling a magical working; because when done by the traditional protocols, it uses the focus of thought and triggered sincere emotion to “soft reset” the mind/body/spirit complex to serve as an instrument and, furthermore, an instrument only for service-to-others entities. Channeling that is more idiosyncratic and fluid is totally possible; but it’s not as reliable beyond a certain point because we as humans are not fixed in our energy, and therefore what you’re comparing against for reassurance is not always very credible.

PM me if you’d like to discuss further.

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Yes ‘discernment’ capability need time to develop and of course exposure to the subject / object of discerning.

Here’s a worthwhile resource on the matter.

A snippet from the resource:
“Discernment is the complete opposite of judgment. In fact, we resort to judgment when we lack discernment.”

Tying up to the detective metaphor, after years of exposure and increase of discernment, the detective will develop an understanding up to the reason on why a specific witness making a false statement. (motive)

Tying up to ‘discerning between STS and STO’…
There’s nothing to be afraid about STS entities, in fact “casting/projecting fear” is among the characteristic of STS entity and there’s a reason on why it is so as well.
Once one accumulate enough discernment capability, he/she will understand why the entity chose STS path as there’s always a valid reason behind a specific decision made by entity.

You might find this documentary interesting, an insight to the Mosuo society.

The Land Where Women Rule: Inside China’s Last Matriarchy


This is precisely why I am not sharing anything that I “get” via my channeled medium – I see too great a risk that either 1. People wouldn’t take it seriously, or 2. People would take it seriously but take it the wrong way. There is some very, very interesting data that is being relayed that I wish to share with others, but I am basically choosing to keep it to myself and share only after I have internalized and processed the information and integrated it with my daily life such that I can share it as “mine,” and not from the entity that I channeled.

I think that there is a very grave risk on forums such as this of ego getting in the way of learning. By that I mean, someone might get “jealous” of another’s metaphysical experiences and this may hamper their ability to learn from it. There is also, yes indeedy, the issue of credulity. That’s a great word, and one that has been coming up for me a lot of late. The more I explore the metaphysical realm, the more I bump up against my own mortal credulity as I learn how “weird” this world of ours truly is behind the Veil …!

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Hey Jeremy,

Just curious what it was that you didn’t feel comfortable sharing on the public sphere. :slight_smile: As I hope my message conveyed, I am not trying to “get attention” in mentioning that I have begun to channel, nor do I have any desire to share the sessions either publicly or privately. I was merely trying to share my experiences one to reinforce the fact that discernment and “flavor” of entities channeled is so paramount, and two to illustrate how quickly things can change metaphysically – three weeks ago I said I would never channel, and now here I am …!

The more I explore the metaphysical realm, the more I bump up against my own mortal credulity as I learn how “weird” this world of ours truly is behind the Veil …!

Everything you responded with shows great sense and the appropriate gravity for the practice. Indeed, in channeling the first person to convince that you’re not fooling is yourself. What one needs is some way to understand one’s resources and nature, so that the experience of channeling is grounded in something solid. This is what effective protocols do. They go beyond the specific subjective experience to interject tools for achieving focus, for releasing focus, for redirecting focus, all while learning to trust that the true self you are doesn’t rely on your conscious, waking validation and reinforcement. You learn how to trust your deeper resources and lean on parts of yourself that do not yield to mere command. And, of course, it has to do with your spiritual path as a seeker as well – it has fit hand in glove with that for me.

Just curious what it was that you didn’t feel comfortable sharing on the public sphere.

Oh, I guess this in response to me asking you to PM me? It’s only because @Patrick has received direction from L/L Research administration that the channeling my group does – a group that received the same training from the same teachers as Gary, Austin, and Trisha – is not allowed to be mentioned here. I’m happy to share it privately, however, in the interests of respecting the people who pay the bills here (with your donations) I’m not sharing it here. We have some material specifically on the dangers of channeling that may be of interest.


You have inspired me to do a synthesis of these two concepts in the context of Ra/Q’uo material.

“Discernment” is crucial for one’s spiritual journey. It enables an individual to discern what aligns or resonates with their unique spiritual path. Rather than relying on external doctrines or opinions, discernment is rooted in one’s inner intuition, understanding, and wisdom. This innate ability not only guides one to truths that resonate personally but also aids in navigating the diverse landscape of spiritual information and experiences.

“Judgment” is typically perceived negatively, seen as a force driving separation and division. Instead of being based on genuine understanding or compassion, judgments are often rooted in external standards and values. Passing judgment pulls us away from the universal truths of unity and love. Instead of fostering understanding and compassion, it often results in estrangement, conflict, and a diminished grasp of spiritual unity.

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Yes, in the metaphor of “detective” and “crime” mentioned above.
After adequate time of exposure thus building up the capability of ‘discernment’ the ‘detective’ shall evolved to more towards ‘psychologist’ and ‘criminologist’.
He might evolved gradually from-towards:

  • Who is the perpetrator and participant of the event. (Judgement)
  • What/how is the method, means and modus operandi of the event.
  • Why the perpetrator and participant do what he/she did. (Understanding / Discernment)

In the context of STO/STS, do not stop at only “Who is STO/STS” (which Ra spilled out some few figures of the past as example) yet move towards “What is STO/STS” (which Ra also give some key characteristics) and then “Why the entity chose STO or STS as it’s spiritual path?”.

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Recently, I delved into the topic of mutual understanding of each other, during a conversation with a friend. Given the insights that emerged, I’ve refined my messages from that discussion to share here, thinking they might benefit others. Here’s a snippet from our conversation:

"Each of us is unique; no two individuals perceive the world in the exact same way. Even if we appear to agree on a topic, our deep-seated understandings of it will inevitably differ. Superficial agreements can mask underlying differences in interpretation.

For us to have identical understandings at a profound level, we would need to be exact replicas of each other. When we juxtapose our thought processes and perspectives, it’s akin to comparing apples to oranges. While both fruits belong to the same category, they are inherently distinct, just as two humans share the species but differ greatly in thoughts and experiences.

Diving deeper into this analogy, it becomes evident that while we might categorize things under a broader label like “fruit,” specific interpretations vary, much like how an apple differs from an orange. Thus, when discussing any topic, it’s essential to converse at a broad, encompassing level—akin to discussing ‘fruit’ rather than delving into the specifics of ‘apple’ or ‘orange.’ Such focused discussions might not yield fruitful outcomes.

Thus, our the most important aim shouldn’t be to reach consensus at what we might term the level of agreeing with each other [what we might term the level of “judgment.”] instead, it’s to support each other’s individual growth at the level of our personal discernment, which should be original and unique.

Each of us is on a unique journey towards reconnecting with The One. There are countless paths, as many as there are souls, with no two paths being identical. Every individual co-creates their path, simultaneously being the creator and the created.

It might sound audacious, but I believe our purpose isn’t just to fulfill someone else’s blueprint or conform to pre-established notions. Instead, our aim is to understand and enrich The One, constantly co-creating its essence. While The One currently serves as a guiding beacon for us, preventing us from getting lost in life’s vast ocean, it also symbolizes the limitless possibilities ahead.

If we identified The One with the One Creator, then our destiny is to evolve into creators ourselves. We are in a continuous process of self-realization until we ascend to the role of the Creator, finally creating our own universe."


Yes or in other words, we would need to experienced the exact same events.
What differentiate one entity / identity with the others is the events that they have experienced.
Because what is commonly shared between one entity / identity with the others is the consciousness that was/is/will be experiencing the events.

Exactly and as you’ve mentioned no two identities/entities will share the exact same point of view thus opinion. As that was the grand design of things, each identity/entity will experience different events thus shaping their own unique point of view and opinion which then shape their own unique spiritual path.
This is among the pattern of differentiation between STO and STS, STSes see this ‘differences’ are the problems, they strive to make others agree with their own point of view and opinion, utilizing force / fear if necessary to enforce control and compliance.
And this, by itself, is not a ‘problem’ as well, as it also provide a catalyst for STO to eventually realizing and finding the opposite. Thus STOs and STSes does provide catalyst for each others although they’re, by design, ‘challenging’ and ‘in opposition’ of each others.


I searched for “garlic” and found this thread.
The outro sessions can be a refreshing break
from a somewhat long journey to get to them.

This is a lyric improv for Law of One
session 95.

(Song beat similar to
The Price Sisters,
You’ve Been A Friend To Me)

My home in life was sad in place.
Some trouble had it seen.
So first things first, to heal my space.
To clear it virgin clean.

Oh I’m bidding farewell
to low astral forms,
low astral forms that be.
If ever a home has astral forms,
clear them as friends set free.

Lay the salt down on window sills
and sprinkle water blessed.
Then offer praise they leave fulfilled,
without much sweeping mess.

Oh I’m bidding farewell
to low astral forms,
low astral forms that be.
If ever a home has astral forms,
clear them as friends set free.

And garlic chopped repels ‘em fast,
hang it where trouble be.
As arrows point or funnels pass,
goodbye to friends set free.

Oh I’m bidding farewell
to low astral forms,
low astral forms that be.
If ever a home has astral forms,
clear them as friends set free.

Give thanks to One Creator great
in dwellings then be sealed.
My home as clean in happy state.
There’s sanctity we feel.

Oh I’m bidding farewell
to low astral forms,
low astral forms that be.
If ever a home has astral forms,
clear them as friends set free.