I do not channel per se; however, I am in near constant contact with higher-order entities in order to receive information downloads, so I have some familiarity with the “feeling” of the process, enough that I can perhaps add somewhat to the discussion.
First, KK33’s assessment is spot on. STO entities or a download from the Akashic record will NOT “give” me 3D/4D-based information that “small me” does not know. For example, I was explaining some stuff to my boyfriend last night regarding the Hidden Hand document and some of the means in which the events therein have affected Human development. We came to a topic regarding ancient Human civilizations, and I had to just stop, because I have so little knowledge of that history that it was impossible to continue the high-order discussion due to my knowledge gap. Basically, explaining to him the stuff that I know felt like explaining honestly, but beyond a certain point, it was going to feel like making s*** up - which is no beuno.
On the other hand, I have found that reading books about certain topics pertaining to this knowledge will often cause a flood of “downloads” and “unlocking” of information. The manner in which this occurs has this exhilarating feel, like an adrenaline rush from reading and a DEEP connection to the material. (I trust that most on this forum had that at least once or twice while reading Ra!)
Interestingly, while this is often most pronounced with Earth-based information it also applies to some of the ET stuff as well. For years, I was getting downloaded information regarding cat beings that made absolutely ZERO sense to me. I recently watched an episode of a TV show about the cat people, and this, plus another TV episode, linked together a lot of very big deal stuff for me – even though it was ET-based, it had to come from an external source in order for me to parse it together with my own personal experiences!
As to how to prevent contamination from STS source entities, I think that the Confederation guidelines really do help: How does the entity make you feel? I would further add the reminder that one of the most basic dichotomies is love versus fear. Thus, if the information being presented induces any sort of fear, including anxiety, I think it’s safe to assume that the channel is contaminated – either with an STS entity or simply the channeler’s own innate fears and anxieties.