Light and Love from NDE research

One of the highlights of this interview/podcast is that, according to the doctor/lead researcher the most commonly used words by people with NDE’s (near death experience) are love and light. I find that to be extremely unlikely to be a coincidence and I thought it would be worth sharing as I believe it to be highly supportive to the general themes of the RA material and the law of one.



Hooking up channellers to EEG and monitoring devices.

Something I recommended in the past for those of L/L circle to do.

It is interesting for it to be brought up in the video.

I am sincerely curious how the scientific/medical field will evaluate and make sure of the authenticity of channellers in the future.

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I don’t know that EEG can verify channeling per se. It can certainly verify if the person changes their brain activity while channeling but that itself isn’t proof of channeling just that they have changed their brain state. Plus to add to the complexity of it all there are multiple types of channels. People that trance channel/ have no conscious experience of the channeling for example are probably going to show a different type of EEG than those who stay conscious during the channeling. My personal take is that heart rate coherence is likely a better measurement of what kind of source the channeled information is coming from. Even that though isn’t going to be 100%. Someone who finds channeling highly draining and stressful probably will show low coherence during the channeling so ultimately it’s up to us to use our personal discretion to evaluate the content of any channeled messages.

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Here’s one video that does explicitly link one type of trance channeling to a gamma dominated EEG pattern. But gamma activity itself isn’t necessarily proof that anything more than an altered brain state is occurring. However gamma activation is generally only observed in people that are experiencing a higher level of consciousness or a more spiritually rich experience.

Thanks for the reply!

The authenticity I was talking about is more along the line of if the channeller is “making stuff up.”

As in there is no one on the other side of the phone. Whether if the channeller is doing it on purpose or not is not something I was going towards either.

So I just wanted to clarify that.

Also, any data is data and at least its a “start.”

I agree that the heart does play a role, but from examining Don’s approach and how the OG 3 set up Carla’s bed and hair. (Also Ra correcting/adjusting Carla’s position) for channeling. It indicate to me that the head region or the brain has a huge part to play in “receiving” channeled materials.

I also agree with you that pragmatic and/or scientific approach should be all encompassing.

Thanks for the video, I will watch it
Much light