Parallel of Yogananda with the LoO

Hi All,

not sure if I am posting in the right category but I think so… lol

So I was re-reading last night a book on collected talks by Paramahansa Yogananda and there was that interesting little passage which somehow connects with Ra’ s Infinite Intelligence.

" Before creation existed there was Cosmic Consciousness : Spirit or God, the Absolute, ever-existing, ever-conscious, ever-new Bliss beyond form and manifestation. When creation came into being, Cosmic Consciousness ‘descended’ into the physical universe where it manifested as Christ Consciousness ( The Hindu scripttures refer to Christ Consciousness as Kutastha Chaitanya, universal consciousness or onimpresent intelligence ) the omnipresent pure reflection of God’s intelligent and consciousness inherent and hidden within all creation. When the Christ Consciousness descends into the physical body of man it becomes soul, or super-consciousness : the ever-existing , ever-conscious, ever-new bliss of God individualized by encasement in the body. When the soul becomes identified with the body, it manifests as ego, mortal consciousness. Yoga teaches that the soul must climb back up the ladder of consciousness to Spirit "

I thought this was illustrating so well what Ra said in the first session,
" We hope to offer you a somewhat different slant upon the information which is always and ever the same ."

I liked seeing the ’ climb back the ladder’ that Ra describes so well as the cleansing/ballancing of the first three then consecutive chakras…


Yoga (connection) is one in its essence everywhere, even the Kaaba in its symbolism reflects the Indian nadis, as well as the Jewish Tree, as well as the temples of Egypt…Only I came across a situation that it is difficult for a person who does not understand the universalism of yoga to explain this universalism) A person usually does not perceive the explanation)


True, Vasilisa. The thing is that, in the West, yoga is more perceived as a specific physical exercise when of course, as you say, yoga is the practice of union on a spiritual, mental and physical level.


This is especially difficult to explain)


I agree it seems difficult to explain, when the view is that the physical body is essential , which it is for incarnating :wink: and yet the idea being that the body is only borrowed, yet totally united to the spiritual, lol, it’s a paradox : why should we incarnate if we have to re-ascend consciously again… lol


The information has a large volume, and I will not specify the exact session now, but if my memory does not change, Ra talks about the possibility of changes in the physical body, he talks about working with a candle. Such changes are impossible without a physical carrier. In the texts of Jewish scholars (Zohar), the concept of a composite soul (Nefesh, Ruach, Neshama, Yechida, Haya) is voiced The idea is also voiced there that the higher parts of the soul of an earthly person are separated and inaccessible. I compare this kind of separation with the veil of unconsciousness that Ra spoke about, and perhaps, in the Jewish tradition, such a veil is called a Paroket. Ra also explained the need for a veil. Thanks to the veil, separation occurs and the polarities are indicated. Therefore, the goal, according to Ra, is not to ascend, but to consciously work in the polarity that has developed due to the choice. And in my opinion, an organization like the Church can help keep the choice in a positive polarity.


Exactly… We need the veil… Pre-veil, no one was really working hard on one’s evolution, :wink: the veil makes us work, lol, sometimes in a terribly uncomfortable, or dangerous way. Such it is… And yet all so beautiful at the same time.


But how can something infinite and perfect and One … “evolve”… what does that even mean?

We need to evolve so we create the veil of separation. Why do we need to evolve?

Just can’t help asking the question :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m a huge fan of Yogananda as well and I find that his discussions of Hinduism correspond very well to the LOO. Very well.


Yeah, it seems evolution means finding new ever more creative ways to separate. :slight_smile:

But maybe this is done so that we can then find new ever more creative ways to unite once again.


Do we plan this for fun, when we are in time/space ? lol

Or simply as a soul newly created we need to put into it all possible pieces of the puzzle ? just like a tree ? lol

Yossarian, I am so happy you love Yogananda as well… his kindness moves me to no end, and his thoughts on Hinduism, yes, feel so close to Ra…


I have been thinking of Yogananda and his teachings lately. Specifically, his book The Divine Romance

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True. Westerners attempting to emulate eastern thought are interpreting the knowledge through western mind as is true in trying to adopt the beliefs of any culture.

I was sitting in front of a notable Guru from India and the thought occurred to me, “Wow, I would like to learn how to understand what we were chanting rather than the merely repeating the mantras without knowing the Sanskrit language.” So I approached an Indian elder who sat next to the Guru during the darshan and enquirer, “What is the best approach to learning Sanskrit so that I understand what I am chanting?” He replied, “I don’t know Sanskrit, I just memorized the words (sounds)! “ That burst my bubble!

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HoneyBee this is so funny. I have the same feeling as you do about any chanting a mantra except for two of these.
I once met a young psychic who was also a musician. He had learnt Sanskrit, I was in awe of course and asked him why. He said he loved music from India so he decided to learn it thinking it would sound perhaps like music…
He was an exceptional channeler but very, very hilarious too. : he used to say that my spiritual guides were making fun of him telling he was redundant, :smiley:

in Yogananda’s book The Autobiography of a Yogi, there is an interesting chapter, chapter 43, titled The Resurrection of Sri Yukteswar, who was Yoganandya’s guru.
In it Yogananda covers what Yukteswar describes as the plane where he is now in a somewhat similar ways Ra describes densities or as Michael Newton describes in Journey of the Souls.

So Yuktsewart describes this,
" AS prophets are sent to Earth to help men work their physical karma, , so have I been directed by God to serve on an astral plane as savior. It is called *Hiranyaloka *or “Illumined Astral Planet”. There I am thus aiding advanced being to rid themselves of s=astral karma and thus attain liberation from astral rebirths. " " No one can enter Hiranyaloka unless he has passed on Earth beyond the state of sabiklapa samadhi into the higher state of *nirbiklalpa samadhi *

" The astral universe, made of various subtle vibrations of light and color, is hundred time larger Thant he material cosmos. The entire physical creation hands like a little solid basket under the huge luminous balloon of the astral sphere. "

" The recently physically disembodied being arrives in an astral family through invitation, drawn by similar mental and spiritual tendencies."

" Friends of other lives easily recognize one another in the astral world, rejoicing at the immortality of friendship, they realize the indestructibility of love, often doubted at the time of sad, delusive parting s of earthly life."

“The intuition of astral beings pierces through the veil and observes human activities on Earth, but man cannot view the astral world unless his sixth sense is somewhat developed. Thousands of earth-dwellers have momentarily glimpsed an astral being or astral world.”

" The advanced beings on Hirayaloka remain mostly awake in ecstasy during the long astral day and night, helping to work out intricate problems of cosmic government and the redemption of prodigal sons, Earth-bound souls."

So much for any of you guys who thought you will just frolic up there,

" inhabitants in all parts of the astral worlds are still subjects to mental agonies. The sensitive minds of higher beings on planets like Hiranyaloka feel keen pain if mistakes are made in conductor perception of truth. These advanced beings endeavor to attune their every act and thought with the perfection of the spiritual law."

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so sorry to add to workload but I am just adding a few of that chapter 43 as it is just lovely… no need to read, lol :smile:

" Communications among the astral inhabitant is held entirely through telepathy and television; there is none of the confusion and misunderstanding of the written and spoken word which Earth-dwellers must endure. ’

" Man depends upon solids, liquids, gases, and energy for sustenance; astral beings sustain themselves printcipally by cosmic light."

Yogananda asks about food.

" Luminous ray-like vegetables abound in the astral soils,’ he answered/. “t The astral beings consume vegetables, and drink a nectar flowing from glorious fountains of light and from astral brooks and rivers. Just as invisible images of persons can be dug out of the ether and made visible by television apparatus, later being dismissed again into space, so the God-created, unseen astral blue-prints of vegetables and plants floating into the ether are precipitated on an astral planet but he will of its inhabitants.”

" dwellers on the heavenly planets like Hiranyaloka are almost freed from any necessities of eating, still higher is the unconditioned existence of almost comletelylibeated souls in the causal world, wh o eat bathing save the manna of bliss."

"the soon of life in the astral world is much longer than on Earth. A normal advanced astral being 's average life iperiod is from five hundred to thousand years, measured in acciorandce with earthly standards of time. "

Follows differences between the astral life and the higher causal life.

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What a fascinating read, flofrog

It really does paint the astral beautifully. Really nice food for the imagination of those like me who haven’t had any conscious astral experiences. I have imagined an occasional frolic, if I’m honest. :smile: Although it makes sense that there is much work to be done further up the path.

I woke up one morning last week with the words “nectar of the gods” loud in my mind. Like a bell that had just rung. And I’ve had several synchronicities since with “nectar” including this text you shared (love it when that happens!)

I can envision the nector as light flowing from the astral fountains and rivers to sustain. A metaphysical mirror of us being the light and being nourshed by the light, like how our bodies in 3D are so much water and the water sustains us.

Thanks for sharing!

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I am so glad you like it Melissa … thank you for writing back.

I just love what is said about the astral planets.

The feeling of unlimited spaces is so wonderful…
I have a feeling that many earthlings are feeling less and less the necessity to eat regularly and much, so it’s very freeing , lol


I searched for “Romance” and found this thread
that hints to Divine Romance via Paramahansa
Yogananda, which I haven’t read but seems to
likely relate to the idea of Romantic Attraction
shared alchemically today. It may be some
potentiator byproduct that lures experiences of
say sexual energy transfers - which may be a
means to accelerate evolution by helping out
in some mutually beneficial way. Holding
a curiosity of attraction may reveal repulsion
and vice versus, as if a seeking curiosity may
be like a tantric secret where going straight
through desire may be a shortcut to bringing
peace to the desire. Divine Romance then
might entail some form of astral courting that
enables things like spiritual sexual energy
transfers over distance, communing with say
a person’s Dakini or Daka emanation. These
experiences can be immensely beautiful, true
to a mystery Romantic Attraction can lure.

Soup. a collection of talks or essays Parnahansa gave has been published under the title Divine Romance but in fact it is not about a romantic or sexual romance but rather because Paramahansa named his love for creator as a Diivine Romance, awakening the divine nature of each one of us and how this love for humanity, nature, and all things created transforms us…
The trilogy published as Divine Romance is really a sum of beautiful texts encompassing all kinds of subjects about life and relationship with Creator…

You might like it a lot !!

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