А new world in this world

Hello. I’m writing this text in Russian first and then translating it with the help of ChatGPT. I’m very glad I found this forum; now I feel less alone in my understanding of the world.

My story begins in my youth. At some point, probably around the age of 12, the world around me started to seem very wrong. It felt as if people invented ways of living that were actually harmful to them. They live by these rules and willingly harm themselves. Probably until I reached adulthood, I lived in constant indignation, wondering why everything is the way it is, as it seemed destructive, harmful, and foolish. I didn’t understand why I felt that way. Those around me didn’t understand me either.

Later, I began to become more accepting and started searching for an understanding of how this world works. I sought, and I found. Closer to the age of 24, I read the Law of One. I eagerly devoured volume after volume and reread it again and again. For over 10 years, I’ve been returning to this knowledge. From the very start, I realized that these teachings are very difficult for others to understand. I don’t know a single person in my circle, to whom I recommended this book, who could grasp what it describes. But for me, the text of this book was accessible. My spiritual quest ended, and I felt peace.

I have experienced a lot over these years, and my life can’t be called highly spiritual, despite having kept this knowledge within me. I have gone through many lessons, and they have led me now to humility, acceptance, love, compassion, and empathy—not only in theory but also in practice.

Ever since my youth, when I was outraged and dissatisfied with this earthly world, I strongly wished to create an alternative world. Back then I didn’t know what it would be like, but I felt as if I had left my home to come to this world in order to recreate my home here.

As I progressed on my spiritual path, matured, and embraced a greater sense of oneness with the world, my indignation at its “wrongness” completely faded. Yet, the desire to create a world on Earth with different vibrations became my mission, the meaning of my life.

Everything I do now, I do so that I may physically bring together people who live in harmony with the understanding of unity and spiritual growth, to create a strong example for the rest of the world. I’m still at the beginning of this journey, and I’m very happy and grateful that I’ve now found this forum.

I have many thoughts and plans on how to create a part of another world in this world. I am working on what it could be. Without money, government, laws and other institutions. Simple and harmonious. I see this possibility only in creating an artificial island to have no affiliation with any government and no influence from them. This idea seems utopian, and perhaps it will be beyond my lifetime, but I believe that the creation of such a world will be very useful for the Earth, will be an example in what direction mankind can move. I don’t know exactly what this world should be like, I am looking for support, wisdom and knowledge from people who feel the world as well and are further along in their spiritual growth than I am. I would welcome feedback on this

Perhaps it’s not really on the topic of the wanderer. But on the other hand, I feel like a wanderer, a stranger from another world, and I really want to create my old home here.


Thank you so much for sharing your view on starting off with an island. I believe i had somewhat similar experience and the inner urge to bring a system in system where people are no longer required to waste their lives on basic amenities for survival like food and electricity.

In the Ra Material, it is mentioned that Nikola Tesla came on earth for this very reason. To provide infinite energy for free(somehow using earth’s ionic sphere) so that people for the first time can put a stop to these muladhara pursuits for survival.

I suggest you to first develop intense state of awareness, through deep concentration. The type of concentration where even the very act of breathing feels like a baggage/distraction. Once you are down this path the life force within you will reveal you, your gifts/talents which you were born with.

For instance for me, I can at times enter a state of mind where I see things that are out of this world, concepts and images that I am pretty sure none has seen before. The very aura of those images are brand new, untouched by any awareness before.

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I call the light to flow on through,
My patient versatile old soul,
And bring encouragement to you,
And there assist you in your goal.

Eat vegetables is all I say,
For I am in my simple self,
So start now with basic display,
Of red vibration vibrant health.

The law of One within your tone,
Does resonate through time and space,
We teach each other to the bone,
And Learn to within love embrace.

I bring the service that you seek,
And serve the law of which you speak.

Number #1. 31 Dec. 2024.
(new numbering system started 25 dec 2024)
Dedicated to Light. 2024.



Very beautiful description indeed!

Somehow what you wrote is what I was feeling especially about the Muladhara.
I am very curious to know what inspiration lead you to write this beautiful poem.

I had put out this request like 2-3 days ago to higher self/confederation or any benevolent entity to help me balance the muladhara/red ray energy centre.
And what you mentioned is just what I needed to implement.

Thanks a lot dear.
And many blessings in the love and light of one infinite creator.
(Creator does work in mysterious ways)

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In a word: love.

In two words: I’m growing.

In 3rd density, I’m physical being, just like you with many ponderings, and wondering why. Choosing only recently, to honour the body desires for health and vitality.
I am about to start making sauerkraut and eat a lot of it. Also, celery. Made a fresh juice of carrot, celery and apple today, it was excellent.
Therefore, the conditions are privately met, for expression of same, outwardly to others. I will not deny the coincidence is mysterious, for I felt drawn to the forum, and happened upon an unread new thread, this one, and the solar realm poetry just flowed out mysteriously. The choice of some words was understood. The choice of using certain other words was not consciously understood at the time.

I would be delighted to celebrate with you. Pick a vegetable for close affinity. Closer to the red colours for natural evolution to sing it for thee. [edit: But let us not here displace the original topic. I will see you for that, in your welcome topic.]

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Хороший момент, мой космический друг, твоя мечта и видение определенно сбудутся на этой планете, и многие странники здесь, чтобы достичь этой цели. Но, как говорится, “всегда холоднее всего перед рассветом.” Или, как сказал Ра, “дракон” устроит еще одну последнюю истерику. Это еще предстоит, и это нанесет хаос в ближайшем будущем, но это будет очищающий огонь, который поможет этой планете наконец-то исцелиться и достичь своего полного потенциала.

Еще одно замечание: логос этого творения учится терпению… Это общая тема… Можно наблюдать поспешность его творения, внедрение завесы, чтобы “ускорить” “обращение к создателю.”

В некотором смысле… все это страдание, все ошибки и “уроки” можно увидеть через историю этой солнечной системы и расхождение двух путей. Короче говоря… чем больше ты страдаешь, тем больше ты “ищешь” создателя… Будь это страдание из-за духовной застрянутости в “школе” плотностей или из-за сложного воплощения… Все это направлено на “воссоединение” или “обращение” к бесконечному создателю.

Это работает… Но в следующем “творении” … Это будет великим уроком для бесконечного создателя, чтобы научиться терпению к себе и своему творению. Адонаи.

Мой друг, у меня есть к тебе вопрос… Как человек, который понимает Закон Одного, можешь ли ты поделиться своими наблюдениями о русском народе? В Законе Одного говорится, что “граждане” Марса были “перемещены” сюда нашими старшими братьями (Конфедерацией) и теперь воплощаются как арабы или люди на Ближнем Востоке. Их черта — “воинственность”… Карма и уроки, которые они не усвоили на своей родной планете, Марсе…

А что ты думаешь о русском народе? Я задаю этот вопрос, потому что ты (до воплощения) выбрал свое тело именно в этом регионе. Мне любопытно, какие у тебя наблюдения с точки зрения “странника” в славянском теле. Чему ты научился от этих душ, мой брат?

Hi, brother!:slight_smile: Happy you are here! Where are you from? I know Russian too!

Some parts of your path seem so familiar to me. Yeah, the sense of wrongness disappears over time or, in my case, decreases:)

Yet, I don’t share the vision that we should abandon laws, institutions, and leading entities. The appearance of these is the natural process of evolution of Earth and consciousness in the 3’d density. Although governments, institutions, financial systems, etc. are far from the positive orientation, we should improve them, clense, not to cut the tree because of the ill branches metaphorically speaking:). I would assume that institutions, countries, their laws are the basics for the further social memory complex of the planet.

Speaking of the utopian island where everyone is enlightened:) I think anyone around here dreamed of such place. BUT! This idea holds something egalitarian, in my opinion. I think, we shouldn’t stay away from ‘bad’ people but be around and hold our light/presence if we feel like we can. If you are strong, you are needed as a role model and you have responsibility for where you apply your power. No matter you are a wanderer, positively polarized Earth’s soul, or a soul aspiring for positive graduation, you would like to help others instead of running on a private island where you will feel the convenience and pleasure of hightened society. At the same time, I get you – it’s extremely difficult at times, but we are here for fun not for rest. Do you feel me, brother?:slight_smile:

We can discuss this topic, if you’d like to. Thanks for being here!

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Thank you for this recommendation on developing the state of mindfulness. I keep encountering this more and more around me. The development of intuition, deep meditation practices. This is exactly what I intend to intensively develop in the coming years. Your text is another confirmation that I am on the right path.

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I’m glad my words were helpful to you. When I read your reply, I intuitively received a message: the awareness you are seeking can be achieved in a single day—it all depends on the intensity of your desire for the truth (enlightenment). In Hinduism, it is said that unless you approach this pursuit with a deep sense of urgency, what may be near could remain distant.

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