All the following came a meditation I had concerning the purpose and structure of existence itself. I focused on being behind the body and mind etc and just being the witness or observer. I became aware that I was also witnessing my spirit and my higher self and that I must be behind both of those aspects too. Moving further back led to the realization that I was observing the Logos of our sun, our Galaxy and the Universe itself, beyond that was an awareness of being an individualized aspect of the One Infinite Creator. So how about the purpose and structure of existence ?
Next question was “WHY” what’s it is all for ?.
The key to this was the concept of MYSTERY. The creator to create the experiences it desired had to bring into being unknowns otherwise there would be no game of advancement, wonder, challenge and progression if everything was known. So the element of mystery was created which then created various unknowns. Using focused intention it projected itself into lesser smaller holographic aspects of itself into the Logos, sub logos etc with ever increasing levels of mystery. When we get to our sub sub logos existence in 3rd density we have an abundance of mystery and unknowns. Our Logos created our densities manifesting as much mystery, unknowns, challenges, wonder, tribulations etc by creating the veil between the conscious and unconscious as well as all the mysteries of nature, the mind, the body and the cosmos. Thus there is the statement from Ra that really resonated with me “It all starts and ends in Mystery”. As soon as one mystery is solved another layer of mystery is apparent, evidenced by the statements like “The discovery of ----- led to even more questions to be answered.” And on and on it goes from density to density. Ra for example has far more understanding of life and the universe than us but even they say the 7th and 8th densities and beyond are a mystery to them. Without mystery and unknowns there is no reach for more understanding and no sense of awe, wonder, intrigue, amazement and evolution itself.
For example on a very trivial level if you are doing a crossword puzzle with strong interest as long as there are words left to solve there is a game, mystery, challenge etc. As soon as the whole crossword is completed there is a brief moment of achievement and satisfaction but straight after no further interest or challenge. A new puzzle needs to be found to keep life alive and interesting. The same goes for achieving any goal in life or solving any mystery or puzzle. The unknowns become knowns but with the structure of existence there are always further unknowns ad infinitum. This is a basic sub strata of the multiverse and probably will forever be that way with the possible exception of periods of late 7th density existence before again moving into a new 8 density cycle.
In addition the introduction of random particles or random catalysts adds even more to the mysteries of life. eg why did they get caught in that tsunami, why was I born between 2 world wars, why was a person at that exact time and place, why did they win the lottery etc etc
That is my current understanding, I welcome any comments or observations on the subject of Mystery
I think mystery too, is key, at least in 3D …
Ra did clear up that the veil was there for the purpose of seeking growth.
He was in fact quite charming as onto the subject of love between two entities , before the veil attraction was so evifdent and clear and whatever fusion was immediate and demanded no effort.
Once the veil there, then love stories became convoluted, experiencing fear, exaltation, doubt and so on, lol. But oh so pleasing to torture oneself as a little earthliing…
It seems to me that what you are pointing to is the First Distortion…
…Free Will.
When I was reading your post, I thought, “How can one see behind one’s higher self when one is actually part of the higher self?” Kinda mysterious.
And the best part is… the mystery persists even in the higher densities. Abeit this is to a far less intense degree given the lack of veiling and the improved collective consensus of Unity amongst the dwellers of those higher vibrations. But nonetheless, even Ra and the Confederation of Planets had limits to Their Knowledge of the Infinite One.
There is much to look forward towards.
To clarify, before I started the meditation I set a strong intention to just be the observer behind whatever image came up and not get immersed in any details. This resulted in the experience I outlined in my post. My understanding with regard to the higher self is that in our octave the higher self is in 6th density and only a part of the total being.
I agree !
Yes I have the same viewpoint. One of the other sources I find very insightful is the Kybalion, have you read that Flo ?
I haven’t !
Would you care to ad a little bit ?
This quote covers the basics really well. I find a lot aspects mirror the law of one data
The Kybalion (full title: ***The Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece
Seven Hermetic principles
Part of a series on
Hermes Trismegistus
Hermetic writings
Historical figures
Modern offshoots
- As above, so below
- Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica
- Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
- Hermetic Qabalah
- Rosicrucianism
- The Kybalion
- Hermetism and other religions
- v
- t
- e
A central concept in the book is that there are “seven Hermetic principles, upon which the entire Hermetic philosophy is based”.[4] These are, as literally quoted from the book:
1. The principle of mentalism
“The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental.”[5]
2. The principle of correspondence
"As above, so below; as below, so above.” […] This principle embodies the truth that there is always a correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the various planes of being and life.[6]
3. The principle of vibration
“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”[7]
4. The principle of polarity
“Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”[8]
5. The principle of rhythm
“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”[9]
6. The principle of cause and effect
“Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law.”[10]
7. The principle of gender
“Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes.”[11]
Thats interesting. Where can I see it on the 14th ?
There will be Spotify and Youtube links, and a ‘Google Docs’ link with lyrics that can be found in this open gallery
it will also be added in the Goin’ idle - a return to meditation thread, with a Youtube window and lyrics.
Yes without “NOT knowing” there will be no discovery.
Because it ain’t much fun for a programmer to play his own game or for a movie director to watch his own movie. Need to forget that I’m the programmer to fully experience the game, need to forget that I’m the director to fully experience the movie.
It thus become also the answer of Why is there much mystery in a game? Why is there much mystery in a movie? Shortened, existence is similar to a game and//or a movie, which are your own making. And thus everyone and everything inside the game / movie is none other than your own self.
“Thus play I in one person many people, And none contented:
With nothing shall be pleased, till he be eased with being nothing.”"
– Shakespeare
The above is just yet another way of stating the law of one.
“You are every thing, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light, light/love. You are. This is the Law of One.”