I’m becoming doubting if my understanding was correct. Thinking of orientation I was sure it was like part of 100%. For example, if it’s 40% negative so it’s 60% positive. Ra were using word “mixed” a number of times, but it looks it’s related to generalization of many entities, but not of one entity. I would like to ask you several questions:
- Do you think that polarizations are part of 100%, so it’s not like it can be 60% positive and 20% negative?
- What is this “100%”? Can it be increased? Is this somewhat important?
- Is it a correct way of thinking that instead of increasing positive polarization it can be interpreted as decreasing negative polarization?
- Can positive polarization be increased just by adding some positive value? I mean if current polarization is 50/50 and you add some more positive value to the whole so it will be lets say 53/47?
- If this somewhat is increasing, can it only be increased by positive value? Or only negative value can be added to this whole? Or both?
Thank you.
65.13 Questioner: How common in the universe is a mixed harvest for a planet of both positively and negatively oriented mind/body/spirit complexes?
Ra: I am Ra. Among planetary harvests which yield an harvest of mind/body/spirit complexes approximately 10% are negative; approximately 60% are positive; and approximately 30% are mixed with nearly all harvest being positive. In the event of mixed harvest it is almost unknown for the majority of the harvest to be negative. When a planet moves strongly towards the negative there is almost no opportunity for harvestable positive polarization.
11.23 Questioner: Is this how we learned of nuclear energy? Was it mixed, both positive and negative orientation?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. The entities responsible for the gathering of the scientists were of a mixed orientation. The scientists were overwhelmingly positive in their orientation. The scientists who followed their work were of mixed orientation including one extremely negative entity, as you would term it.
I think this is also important:
69.11 Questioner: Can you tell me of the situation that the Wanderer finds itself in and why the path back cannot be the simple moving back into the same value of positive time/space?
Ra: I am Ra. The path back revolves, firstly, about the higher self’s reluctance to enter negative space/time. This may be a significant part of the length of that path. Secondly, when a positively oriented entity incarnates in a thoroughly negative environment it must needs learn/teach the lessons of the love of self thus becoming one with its other-selves.
When this has been accomplished the entity may then choose to release the potential difference and change polarities.
However, the process of learning the accumulated lessons of love of self may be quite lengthy. Also the entity, in learning these lessons, may lose much positive orientation during the process and the choice of reversing polarities may be delayed until the mid-sixth density. All of this is, in your way of measurement, time-consuming although the end result is well.