Session 50.6. Rightness of enslavement

Thinking about this session lately:

Questioner: Could you give an example of negative polarization sharing love of self? It would seem to me that that would deplete negative polarization. Could you expand on that concept?

Ra: I am Ra. We may not use examples of known beings due to the infringement this would cause. Thus we must be general.

The negatively oriented being will be one who feels that it has found power that gives meaning to its existence precisely as the positive polarization does feel. This negative entity will strive to offer these understandings to other-selves, most usually by the process of forming the elite, the disciples, and teaching the need and rightness of the enslavement of other-selves for their own good. These other-selves are conceived to be dependent upon the self and in need of the guidance and the wisdom of the self.

One of the things that seems interesting to me is that these explanations of how the different polarities behave is subject to the complexities of the world we live in.

One thing I have noticed about some people is that they assume others are incapable. There is no obvious link to wanting to ‘enslave’ others they just assume people are not capable. Perhaps they are hiding the need to control the other person “for their benefit”.

“One thing I have noticed about some people is that they assume others are incapable” it is a reality that some are more capable than others. I think “power that gives meaning” is essential. Meaning in life to have power. You don’t have to dwell on that others are incapable and create your life around it.

It seems the meaning of “slavery” used here is different from commonly used meaning. I think commonly used meaning is that a person is a property, here it is used in very broad sense as unequal relationship.


This is unfortunately a pattern that is omnipresent in our societies.

Even just the concept of “earning a living” falls in that category when we peel the layers enough to see it.

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Oe fo the very rare things that Freud said , which had some sanity was that ;

" There are two things that make men happy, love and work, and in the end , only work is the real answer as you can do it by yourself."



Yeah, on top of making psychotherapy that tells kids they wanted to be Rayed. He might have said some useful stuff.

Seriously though, that was my thought. The Law of One seemed to have a positive conception of work, in general, even saying in session 15.7 that some people are destined to become workers. Everyone has to “do” something to contribute to society and money and work is how society has decided to express that.

It’s also the case, it seems to me, that if you have been considered as kind of inferior by others. It is always some form of “work” that allows a person to gain status. Being given money by the government or someone else in some fashion probably isn’t going to do that.

When I highlighted this Law of One quote I was talking about personal relationships really where a finer delineation of polarities is sometimes necessary.

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Strange, I am literally trying to update an “ISO policy” document to make it slightly less tyrannical. These are things which are spoiling life for anyone in a job.

The one thing that absolutely stands out is how they are worded such that all rights and agency is that of the company, while all responsibility is that of the individual.

Responsibility without agency is slavery!


There is plenty, PLENTY that corporations are doing that is service to self in my view. But that doesn’t mean the concept of work and such is non positive I don’t think. In the same way that there are plenty of really abusive families out there, but that doesn’t mean that the concept of the family is non positive.

Technically not what the thread is about, as in it was really focused specifically on this Law of One quote. It would be easy for someone to make a thread specifically about that if that would be productive.

If we are to believe in the paradigm laid out in the Law of One that the world is a lot bigger than it is currently presented. If that is assumed true then at some point, there will be some sort of central shift in reality and I have often wondered how the petti middle managers at some of these places that have a GOD complex, will fair with when something outside their world view invades it. Something that they can’t control.

I think there are some false beliefs in this topic posted.

  1. Work. You have to earn a living anyway, because resources have to be created and not necessarily all, but quite substantial amount of people of the society will have to work to produce resources for a society to survive. Now, if you are incapable mentally or physically, then it is understandable that you will be taken care, but if you are capable and you want to be taken care of that feels like parasitism kind of and injustice in my mind.

  2. Money. Money itself is not bad, kind a technical thing for exchange to happen. What is bad is private property which can be amassed to such extent that private property creates another private property and luxury, when others who are starving and in poverty or homeless are not helped but despised and isolated, or those of low income are encouraged to strive to achieve the status that those of luxury have.

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In my opinion, people would still work even without the concept of earning a living. It’s just that the chosen work would be exponentially more likely to be fulfilling for the worker.

In any case, we are going in that direction. Once everything is automated, our choice of activity will see much expansion.

I can’t see a fourth density social memory complex still having a need for the concept of money.

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I think there is two aspects of work. The “need” and the “like”.

I doubt that is practically possible for everyone do type of work (if you want to have the same level of economy and technology in society) which is more fulfilling, in a sense because you like the work, because of the structure of economy and manner of technology. For example, a farmer, not everyone might like farming, but if you need to eat, you will farm. Thus, some people will work for monetary reward.

The “like” is only possible if technology increases production to such level, that less people can not do the “need”. While it is easier, I imagine it is still can be used for “enslavement”, because your survival will depend on those who control the machinery to produce food and other valuables and they might unplug you from the machinery if you don’t stand in line.

Everything might not be automated.

Work is not necessarily the same as activity. Activity is broader.

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This is a reason why I strongly support the concept of self-sufficient community nodes. À la Daemon/Freedom style where they called these holons.

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It is only possible, if the controlling group/regime lets you be free in their territory. I meant that under the machinery, which, say would be controlled by a nation-wide government, not a business corporation. Say, under a techno-totalitarian government, like Nazi or Soviet, or Chinese. They could let you be free only if it is useful to them or it would be a waste of effort to catch you one by one. Your freedom basically rest on your power to resists or your usefulness for the controlling group/regime.

I keep wondering from time to time why in the Ra material it is said that Confederation’s numbers are 10 to 1 to Orion and yet power 1 to 1, if I remember correctly. :sweat_smile:


By the way, if you haven’t read those books, I highly recommend them. How it was done in those books would not be my prefered way to get to that end result, but it certainly worked to free humanity in that story. :slight_smile:


Thanks for your input. There are certainly strong feelings about work and money around the world.

For me work in our life journey can connect to our bestowed gifts. If we are endowed with certain gifts, we develop them, share them— we bring great service to others. This can be our inner work.

Money can be our outer work, where what we earn is used to care for imagined physical self/family, while also distributing the energy of appreciation to others sharing their gifts. We lose sight of this with corporate patronage, but at a micro level…local community businesses we create a cooperative healthy exchange.

I feel where and how we offer our work and money feeds a system or paradigm.


About work and enslavement, there is in fact a lovey quote offered by Quan, a few days ago, in the thread on Q’uo,
here it is

Observe those who have found abundance. Some may be wealthy and some quite poor, but what they have is an awareness of the excellence not only of life, but of the very life which is being lived by them. This is most often earned rather than given to them, especially among your people who are perturbed with great earnestness by their consciousness of lack. There are those whose happiness lies in children, those whose peace lies in love, others who find satisfaction in learning, still others, those who have the gift of being who they are. It takes a certain level of comfort to achieve the consciousness of abundance for most. It is difficult while starving to death to rejoice in the plenty all about one, yet there be spirits who have done so and gone to their graves singing in praise and thanksgiving for all the blessings which abounded in the creation of the Father

One of th many lovely quotes Quan gives from the session of December 20 1986


Man, I can’t get behind using a fiction book as a serious point of discussion about economic systems. In the fiction world you can create whatever reality you want.

I agree with this. If anyone has inherent “rights” for something like healthcare, then this is a justification for others to be enslaved to that right. If someone has a right to have something or free another must be enslaved to give that thing for free, at least in the current society.

Of course, with people that have unavoidable health issues society wants to find a way, and I don’t know what that way is. But there are a lot of people that want free healthcare when the health issue is not unavoidable. I.e. abortion. This is why all the women fancied Luigi after he shot the insurance guy. Here is the guy to intimidate others into giving them free healthcare.

The Law of One is very clear that the concept and use of money has created issues and created more service to self behaviour in the humans here. This was referenced in relation to their previous behaviour of giving the pyramids to humans who then misused it due to these subconscious issues.

So they are clear money is not good. But, I personally cannot get there. Like, money is a real everyday reality and I can’t imagine a world without it. It feels to pie in the sky to put that forward as a serious proposition - and to make deductions on moral philosophy based on that. So I have to work within the framework of money.

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