Looking for Brittany Lynn's Adam Material

I hope someone can help, I read once some of the Adam Material and found it very enlightening and bookmarked it to read later. Sadly the page disappeared. I have since walked a path that informs and prepares my other selves for unavoidable interaction with and a healthy relating to our negatively polarizing brothers and sisters (a bit deeper than just “love all”). I’ve found it very hard to study the workings, philosophy and thinking of those of the negative path and whatever little I can recall from the Adam Material suggests that it would be of immense help. I must add that I am aware of the warnings it comes with, I am suitably equipped to deal with it and I have my protection. I am well-prepared to use the material responsibly.

I suspect JustLikeYou, josephdartez or ispeakforadam may have the material, I am not sure if any of them are still here.

Thanks for any help!

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I don’t know anything about that material. However, since you’re here, it might be worth looking into Q’uo. Q’uo provides many examples of how to deal with negativity on an individual level and in relation to negative types.

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This is where I figured out what you were talking about Am I alone in my view of the dark? and this is a snapshot of what is left SESSION 11; 03-08-12 « lightoftheshadow and SESSION 11; 03-08-12 « lightoftheshadow

The links within the snapshots do not work but the PDF link does.

I read the session and got the impression of a lack of clarity and absence of deeper insights. Then I remembered a fragment from the session (link at the very top):

ADAM: (…) We remind you that we speak from a negative bias, and a negative perspective.

Actually, it makes sense. Among other things, the negative pathway loses the intelligent energy that flows from the center of the red ray upward. Due to various suppressions and its use at lower levels, it ultimately has less energy if it reaches the center of the indigo ray. The insight into the reality of such consciousness is more distorted and devoid of deeper understanding and feeling of beauty.

This excerpt was interesting to me:

ADAM: The number of what you would call “negative wanderers” on this planet at this time is, shall we say, very much smaller in percentage as compared to what you would call “positive wanderers”. This is for various reasons, one being that as the positive vibrations on this planet grow in light of the planetary shift of energies, it becomes harder for those of a negative orientation to, shall we say, maintain themselves within the incarnation.

Bolding mine. It’s interesting to hear confirmation from a source on the opposite side of the polarity about what those of STO are saying. Additionally, I’ll admit that reading this session has further solidified my belief that the path of positive polarity is best for me.

Thanks for posting this. Although I am uncertain if this not a violation the rules of this forum, considering its purpose. It is for those who seek to develop in the direction of positive polarization and it is not a place to promote STS.

However, I believe that, as evidenced by my own experience, it can actually strengthen one’s commitment to the positive path. By such a broadening of the awareness of these two paths.

From my point of view I am helping the one asking where to find this information. I also do not follow the way of STS. I read the snippet of information before giving what I found. I see some helpful information within it but that is only from Ra’s point of view.

I joined the original Bringth4th forum in the 2020s before it was shut down. The Adam Material is from 2012 or earlier depending when it was channeled. You may find that Patrick that is co-owner of this website is in the Bring4th.org conversation going by the same name. Under his blue picture icon it says “YAY - Yet Another You.”

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Sure. Sharing without expecting anything in return is definitely in line with the concept of Service to Others. Sometimes the requests we receive are unusual, and it’s not always clear whether fulfilling them is appropriate. This may become clear later or remain a mystery.

Although I wouldn’t have anticipated it, I benefited in ways I didn’t expect. I had some intriguing thoughts after reading the channeling with Adam, even not necessarily directly related to this content. And it happened thanks to your sharing.

Thank you for the comments. I also find the Adam Material very helpful for the positive path. If it makes any difference at all, I had already found Session 11 on the WBM a couple weeks ago. But that’s about it.

Brittany was a member on the old Bring4th forum. (She made several comments in the Am I Alone thread, as well as tons of others, she was a very active member for years.) That’s correct, the entire Adam Material was channeled by someone who had already been familiar (Biased? At least on the subconscious level, but where does channeling come from, really?) with the Ra Material. Hence the similarities.

So while it is claimed that Adam is a negative entity, and sure enough, the statements do indeed reflect this standpoint, it is just another slant on the Ra Material, just from a slightly different perspective. It might as well have been given by a later-6th-density version of Adam (where they’ve had their polarity harmonized) where there would be no more negative slant than positive.

Makes you wonder what the Ra Material would look like had it originated from the late-6th-density Ra. Indeed, how “will” they experience the harmonization of polarities, exactly? (Since they never actually walked much of the positive path, apart from likely [or obviously] dabbling with it in early 3rd density.) How does that work? Anyone know? It just seems that switching from negative to positive somehow doubles the amount (and therefore “value”) of your experiences, giving the Creator a more “juicy” dollop of self-knowledge.

Anyway, thanks for the attempt to help, and I’m glad others also find the material useful. So as you see, I would maintain (at the risk of being attacked by Brittany for it in utter disagreement) that the AM is an extension of the RM.

I hope someone will be able to put aside those inhibiting memories of any hospitalization claims (that seem to have done more damage than the sessions themselves, if those ever did any to anyone at all) and provide the rest of the sessions. I am sure many will find them as helpful as we have. This is my request for service. Thank you.