Message From Jesus

And it’s not as if Jesus let the cat out of the bag outright, he played the same games zen masters played:


See what I did there? I just made sure that Jesus isn’t left out of the conversation!..wonderful zen master as he was…or IS… mind you…wherever his current adventures have taken him.

Hopefully he causes as much trouble where he is now, as he did on planet Earth…I expect nothing less of him. :partying_face:

Exactly. And many people are discussing now that for example Japan, Israel or South Korea are of “Western” mind but are situated in the East (not saying that Israel is on the same longitude as Ukraine is :slightly_smiling_face:).

Exactly also. I was checking Alaskan Malamute yesterday and paid attention to the standard FCI N 243/09.06.1999/GB describing “top-quality dogs”. It describes it with so much captious attention to parameters as ¨Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum¨ so it reminds me nazis measuring everything in live creature. The desire to count and digitize everything is manic. And now China is copypasting it.

And on that lofty note :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’ll just share another zen story!

“Abrahamic Religion” or as I labelled it “Influenced by Judaism”, that’s where I see the common pattern. Thus it also includes some region outside of “West” or “Western Europe”, such as today’s Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ukraine, Russia.

Because I found the “mentality/way of thinking” of those who were labeled by the church as “Pagan” such as “The Druids in British Island” are much similar to their “Easterner” counterpart. (Buddhism, Hinduism, Chinese/Japanese/Korean Folk Religion)

Maybe it’s due to this verse: (Exodus 20)

I am YHVH thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.
Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of likeness, of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; Thou shalt not bow down unto them, nor serve them; for I YHVH thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me;

And it all came down to:
God is within everything (Pagan) vs God is outside of us and high up there in sky (the so called “west”)

When Chinese heard about “Story of Jesus” they will generally think that it’s the “Westerner version” of Guanyin, their figure of “Compassion and Mercy”. In principal they will not mind much of having “Jesus statue” inside their temple, along with Guanyin, Guanyu and Buddha. But only if the Christian doesn’t mind.
The opposite reaction is expected if Christian found a church with statue of Guanyin, Guanyu, Buddha along with Jesus inside. Oh I should be more specific, Catholics and Orthodox church, as many other church forbid “any graven image” such as statue in the first place due to the passage above.

It’s then came down to:
“Intelligence within the brain/mind only” vs “Intelligence within everything”.
I also struggled when I first heard the mentioning of “intelligent infinity” / “infinite intelligence” in Ra material.



Well yes, that and the rest of that unfortunate piece of literature we call the “Old Testament”.

That is by the way how Alan Watts starts his Out of Your Mind lecture series. How it came to be that Westerners have a monarchical view of the universe. Look at the language…“king of kings”…“lord of lords”…“sitting upon a throne”.

You should really give it a listen, he does this topic more justice than I can ever hope to do.

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Here’s a short little snippet from that lecture:

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So the way it worked for me back in the day, was Alan Watts cleared my windscreen, I could finally see clearly. That’s what he called zen…he called it “spiritual ophthalmology”.

All the religious baggage I was carrying from childhood was just gone after I lent him my ear.

Exodus 20 was among the ‘earliest trigger’ for me.
When “God”, which supposed to be the ‘only God’ said “thou shall have no other Gods” it implies that; actually there are other God(s), yet among those many Gods you should only consider one of it as “my God”.
It’s like “the only girl in the universe” said that “you shall have no other girl but me”, it implies that actually there are many other girls.
It then followed up with question “What is this word “God” refer to”?
Thus my journey started…


Ah yes, and it doesn’t get any better from Exodus onwards…the guy in the sky just gets angrier and angrier…

There’s this website a colleague showed me once -

It points out all the misogyny, rape, violence, incest, polygamy, contradictions, idiocy, etc.

Thinking of the bible, a funny article popped up in my feed recently, because apparently there are some book bannings happening in the US…

Utah primary schools ban Bible for ‘vulgarity and violence’

Now there’s a mom with a sense of humour!

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When banning it did they do such things as putting hand on the Bible etc.?

Maybe they put their hand on the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

I just thought it was such a stroke of genius when I read it, as a response to the idiocy of book bannings.

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There was a time when I was thinking of developing a game titled “Angry Gods” as a pun to the success of Angry Birds.
Anger, is an expression of frustration, mostly due to the situation out of control, and it’s correlated with insecurity and fear. But hey what does one expect from an entity that has explicitly labeled himself as “jealous God”.
It reminds me of John Lennon’s “Jealous Guy”, the tune just instantly played out in my mind while I type this text.

Oooh I love John Lennon, his song “Imagine” has always been such a Law Of One song to me. And you know it’s probably only in the West that we have to write lyrics such as “and no religion, too”…I doubt they share our aversion to religion in the East.

As for zen, all the zen stories I shared here are from my little book The Gateless Gate, so I was wondering if Alan Watts ever explored the meaning of these stories, and he did!

Here you go: (if that will interest you)


Lennon did explained the inspiration behind the song, in his words:

“The concept of positive prayer … If you can imagine a world at peace, with no denominations of religion—not without religion but without this my God-is-bigger-than-your-God thing—then it can be true . the World Church called me once and asked, “Can we use the lyrics to ‘Imagine’ and just change it to ‘Imagine one religion’?” That showed [me] they didn’t understand it at all. It would defeat the whole purpose of the song, the whole idea.”

Thus the root cause is actually fanaticism, part of the lyrics was inspired by Yoko Ono’s poem. This line of thinking of “my religion/god is the only true religion/god” is only predominant in “Judaism influenced religion” (labeled as “West”), partly due to the Exodus verse that has been quoted above. While for Yoko, born and raised as Japanese, she must be baffled upon encountering such line of thinking.

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Do you know what I think is among the most remarkable teachings of Jesus, these words “do not resist evil”.

I took me a long, long time to “see” his meaning. Just like Buddha inviting Mara to tea, or Carla saying “invite the snarling wolf into your bosom.”

Was it Carla who said that? I think so.

Think of how many things you automatically resist, daily, from the inconsequential (a headache or pain in the body…or bad weather)…to more consequential things… things that threaten your livelihood or existence…or safety…or reputation…or peace of mind…or a hostile person… or anything you’ll place in the “evil” bucket, like stuff in the news… When you start noticing it in yourself (how often you automatically resist in your mind), it’s quite an eye opener.


I believe “do not resist evil” is mostly wrongly understood concept. I will not comment it by myself but will put an example of Orion vs Confederation so everyone can make conclusion if there is resistance or not:

25.5 Questioner: You spoke of an Orion Confederation and a battle being fought between the Confederation and the Orion Confederation. Is it possible to convey any concept of how this battle is fought?

Ra: I am Ra. Picture, if you will, your mind. Picture it then in total unity with all other minds of your society. You are then single-minded and that which is a weak electrical charge in your physical illusion is now an enormously powerful machine whereby thoughts may be projected as things.

In this endeavor the Orion group charges or attacks the Confederation arms with light. The result, a stand-off, as you would call it, both energies being somewhat depleted by this and needing to regroup; the negative depleted through failure to manipulate, the positive depleted through failure to accept that which is given.

25.6 Questioner: Could you amplify the meaning of what you said by “failure to accept that which is given?”

Ra: I am Ra. At the level of time/space at which this takes place in the form of what you may call thought-war, the most accepting and loving energy would be to so love those who wished to manipulate that those entities were surrounded, engulfed, and transformed by positive energies.

This, however, being a battle of equals, the Confederation is aware that it cannot, on equal footing, allow itself to be manipulated in order to remain purely positive, for then though pure it would not be of any consequence, having been placed by the so-called powers of darkness under the heel, as you may say.

It is thus that those who deal with this thought-war must be defensive rather than accepting in order to preserve their usefulness in service to others. Thusly, they cannot accept fully what the Orion Confederation wishes to give, that being enslavement. Thusly, some polarity is lost due to this friction and both sides, if you will, must then regroup.

It has not been fruitful for either side. The only consequence which has been helpful is a balancing of the energies available to this planet so that these energies have less necessity to be balanced in this space/time, thus lessening the chances of planetary annihilation.

I take it more as “do not fought evil”, because “fighting” by itself came from anger, fear and hatred, the characteristic of STS path. Basically do not fight fire with fire.

I remember watching a movie, I forgot the title, basically the storyline goes something like this.
An honest family man found his son murdered by a member of street gang as part of the gang’s initiation ritual, yet the murderer walked free due to lack of evidence.
He then decided to take revenge by his own hand, he chased and stabbed the perpetrator. Upon hearing one of their member was stabbed to death, the leader of the street gang decided to take his revenge, to make the long story short, the once family man decided that the only way to end this feud and keep the remaining member of his family safe is to take out and murder the entire gang inside their lair. Which he did…
Near the end of the movie, there’s a scene where the ‘protagonist’ with gun stick to the gang leader’s head asking him if there’s any last word before he pulled the trigger.
The gang leader’s last word was “Congratulations, look at you, you’re one of us now!”

So what, in your personal opinion, would be the correct way to understand this concept? (assuming the translation reached us intact)

I have some thoughts/ideas on this, but it has been a loooooong day and I just got to sit down finally for the first time…but I’m letting this percolate in my noggin for now…

I will just say for now, do you think we should look at a 4D scenario and apply it to 3D? As an anology, it would be like 1st graders being compared to PHD physicists. Isn’t 3D graduation requirement opening of the heart (lacking wisdom), and 4D are learning wisdom lessons (balancing love & wisdom), in order to graduate to 5D?

I wouldn’t attribute any emotion (positive or negative) as characteristic of either path. It’s the use of the emotion which then plays into polarisation.

Jesus was highly positively polarised, and he was very angry when he turned over the tables in the temple.

He was also filled with fear in the garden of Gethsemane.