I also want to send this message out to everyone:
In the Ra Material, there is much talk about positive polarity and negative polarity. All in all, the “requirements” for each of these paths are pretty vague, reduced to number ratios. Not to mention, since we can’t rely on our minds to make sound judgement of their own accord, one can never really, truly, know which way they’ve “polarized”. This leads people on a wild goose chase with themselves, which can end tragically. The ones who aren’t chasing after themselves are self-assured in their knowing that they are “positively” or “negatively polarized”. I digress…
Imagine that Heaven and Hell are real. Just imagine that they exist (as opposites.) Imagine that you have a choice between going to one or the other when you die. For the purpose of this analogy, Heaven is “positive polarization” and Hell is “negative polarization”.
Now, I think most people here (from my experiences) would want to go to Heaven over Hell. So let’s pretend you, the person reading, want to get to Heaven. But you don’t know how exactly.
What if I told you that I can tell you definitively how to get to Heaven (to “positively polarize”)? Without any doubt, zero, none. 100% assurance that you will be going to Heaven.
That’s more than “Ra” can say eh? (ha ha)
Here is what you have to do (you don’t even need to pick up a Bible for this): You simply need to believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and that God raised him from the dead.
Oh? Are you waiting for me to explain more? There must be more to it right?
Wrong! ALL you need to do is believe that ONE thing, believe it fully, and you will be guaranteed entry into Heaven.
With that being said, there is a popular false doctrine out there that to get to Heaven (to get saved) you need to be sinless, that you need to be a “good person”, that is to say, that you need to do a certain amount of “good work” to be guaranteed a place in Heaven. This is NOT TRUE. Once you believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and that God raised him from the dead, you are AUTOMATICALLY and PERMANENTLY sealed, signed, and delivered. You cannot lose it. It is a GIFT.
I say it again: you need only do ONE thing to get to Heaven, and that is to believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins, and that God raised him from the dead. Simply BELIEVE this and you will have your guaranteed “positive polarization.” You will be saved.
You do NOT need to be a sinless person to get to Heaven, that is NOT what the gospels teach. That is WHY Jesus died on the cross, he did it for YOUR sins. Why would you need to be sinless to get to Heaven if Jesus already died FOR your sins? The answer is: you don’t need to be sinless to get to Heaven. That doesn’t make any sense.
There are A LOT of false gospels being preached out there, in a lot of different churches filled with people of different dominations. The one I am telling you all here is the TRUE gospel. A lot of Christians would disagree with me. However, this is what the Bible says, plain as day, all you need to do is believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and that God raised him from the dead, and you will be saved. It doesn’t need to be complicated! (which is how it’s most often presented).
For the record, the truth of the gospel came to me when I hadn’t even read the Bible. It was only after that information was “relayed” to me (one night alone, in my bed) did I read the Bible and flesh out my understanding. The truth of the gospel is ALIVE, you don’t even need to read the Bible to understand. The word of God is written on our hearts.
In case it wasn’t clear: the ONLY thing you need to do to be GUARANTEED entry into Heaven, is BELIEVE that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins, and that God raised him from the dead…
…Once you believe this, you will be saved. And no, you can’t become “unsaved” once you’re saved. It is a “one and done” type of deal. It can’t be lost by sheer virtue of the fact that this particular belief is the TRUTH. Once you believe something that is the Truth, it cannot be disproven to you simply because it is it’s own proof, it’s the Truth. Trust me, since I started to believe that Christ died for my sins and God resurrected him, I’ve tried to talk myself out of the belief (goes to show you how deep in sin I am), but I just can’t. Because it’s the plain, God’s honest Truth!
If you have any doubts or want to read further, I recommend reading the Bible. Don’t take my word for it!
Take care yall