Message From Jesus

Indeed. Hence why one should always use discernment in absolutely any and all source of information.

Then why use the word “hate”?

You don’t have to force square pegs into round holes, Patrick. If it doesn’t fit, it doesn’t fit.

Just playing Devil’s advocate. :wink:

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Not to mention the fact that such a statement is a complete violation of free will (and sounding threatening). Someone who took such care with free will, could never have uttered such words.

That statement in Luke 14 makes him sound like a cult leader. As I said much earlier in this thread, if someone says that today, you will be looking for the nearest exit.

In my opinion, such things results from people misunderstanding what Jesus actually said at the time. Plus mouth to ear accounts and then translations…

Distortions squared.


Something I was actually thinking of today, is that there are a number of questions in this thread which I’d like to be asked of Quo, Latwii, Hatonn and friends.

Would it be considered by the crew if I compiled a few?

Absolutely! :slight_smile: I’ve seen some feathers flying online just around the various translations of the Tao Te Ching - the most translated book in the world after the bible…

Thank God Ra spoke English! :partying_face: Not my mother tongue, but close enough…

I myself am ready to scatter feathers around the translation of psalms))
And after reading the texts from the Nag Hammadi Library, even more cultural questions arise…

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Just one single incident in the gospels, when Jesus told his disciples “beware the yeast of the Pharisees”, and it was his sense of humour, and they thought he meant it literally…the misunderstandings started at the get-go, as the words left his mouth…

Lol! Get some questions ready, I’ll ask L/L for a favour. :cowboy_hat_face:

I hope anyone can appreciate the humour here. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


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Would that be around the other deception of the Catholic church? Playing down the importance of Mary Magdalene and turning her into a prostitute?

Because God forbid we can’t have a female at the center of a new world religion…the scandal! :upside_down_face:

I used to be in ‘apologetics club’, so to speak, ‘defending’ of what Jesus allegedly said.
But not any more, even if Jesus actually speak the things that I do not resonate with,
I will then say to him… “Yo… bro Jesus… cool down… relax… this is just a game that we all play”.

And thus I wouldn’t shooting accusations to any group for fabrication either… there might be possibility that Jesus actually did said all those things…

Oh Luke 14 is nothing, compared to this:
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)

My life is surrounded by ‘apologetics club’ members. :slight_smile:

The realisation in the end for me, was that these words of Jesus apply to anyone and everyone:

I am very comfortable today that many words which were put in the Master’s mouth, were never his, that an enlightened being who graduated to fourth density positive, could never have uttered such words.

As Alan Watts says, the gospel was strangled at birth, which brings us full circle to my very first post in this thread.

Even he tried to bridge the gap between East and West, but you can only do that if you don’t try to force square pegs into round holes. What doesn’t fit, doesn’t fit.

D.T. Suzuki also tried to bridge the gap between East and West in his book Mysticism, Christian and Buddhist: The Eastern and Western Way…and eventually it simply became a treatise comparing the experience Meister Eckhart had with the experience of Zen masters.

Meister Eckhart was excommunicated by the Catholic church after his enlightenment, because he stopped forcing square pegs into round holes.

Eckhart seems to be excommed during this era:

Specifically by this person:

Interesting highlight about John XXII

Upon his election, John gave 35,000 florins, of the 70,000 left to him by Clement V, to the cardinals that had voted for him.

A classic example of "money politics… " :slight_smile:
And “crave over money”.

While in the “Jesus prayer”:
“Give us today our daily bread
(Matthew 6:11)

Why “daily”? Why not “Yearly”? or “50 years supply of bread”?
Quo referred to that specific line, when he answered the question regarding “concern over money”.

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Indeed… the Catholic church never got this memo: