False dichotomy of the positive/negative paths

In reading the Ra materials, I am struck that a basic question has not been asked. Ra seems to divide people into two camps, those who serve the self and those who serve others. This seems extremely simplistic to me, and antithetical to the harmonization of both extremes that occurs in the All. Adopting one of these extreme polarities is also antithetical to its own proscribed aims. For example, lets take a person who Ra would characterize as a negative path, service to self type. Most people like being admired and loved. It is a wonderful pleasure to feel that from others. Most people like having families and friends who love and are loyal to them. You cant be admired and loved for long however, if you are purely selfish and do nothing to benefit others. You will not have lovers, allies, friends, or family who are loyal to you, and you will not have people who will help you seek and achieve the power and joy you want, unless you are loyal to them and provide them value in kind. The most successful rulers are at least somewhat good ones as far as their subjects are concerned, because they have fewer enemies and more allies. Tyrants usually dont last, and it does not achieve the goal of serving oneself if you put yourself in a position where you will be exterminated and your bloodline erased because you have acted in ways deemed horrible by others. Out of pure self interest, it often benefits one to do good to others.

If your primary concern is serving others, you also have far more capability to do good for others if you first obtain power, which requires a strong ego. You also cannot love and serve everyone equally and still do right by your own family. You should care about your child’s success, and not the success of your child’s bully. Your financial resources should be used to advance your own kids, and not poor strangers in some other land. If you do not make this distinction, you are damaging your child, and being disloyal to that “other,” and are not serving them at all. The same in any relationship. To serve others in the most intense, passionate, loyal, and beneficial way, they have to be prioritized other the rest of humanity. A powerless, lukewarm peasant who only wants to serve others, but has no power because he has no self-ambition, doesnt do any good for anyone. A man with a love of power and his own ego can often do immense good if his self love and ego is connected to a moral bearing. The service to others ethic as elucidated in the law of one is often expressed by fanatical Christians, in the way they forgive and love their enemies. We have all heard stories of the Christian who forgives the man who raped and murdered their child and visits them in prison. Some would consider this a self sacrificing, saintly act, and a recognition of the All even in the rapist/murderer. I would consider it a gross act of betrayal and disservice to the dead kid and your other children, who you have failed miserably. The All created the world to differentiate and ultimately experience pleasure. This means doing for oneself and those closest to one first, and perhaps doing good for the greater whole secondarily. Both aims require strength and power to achieve. And loving that strength and power does not make one purely selfish. Likewise being self debasing and weak, with a lukewarm love for everyone, with no preference to those close to you, with a complete disregard for power, doesnt serve anyone else at all. The whole thing is very twisted and simplistic.

Truly successful people, who achieve the most both for themselves and/or others, usually have a balance of the two polarities. They have a lust for power, wealth, and recognition, and yet they achieve it through moral aims, and when possible, extend the work they do on behalf of themselves and their families to the greater whole, but not at the expense of their own. This path achieves the greatest service to self, and the greatest service to others, and for many is the most fulfilling. To say that such a person trying to achieve that balance is not sufficiently “polarized” to advance spiritually, doesnt seem correct. It seems to me to be little more than a repackaging of the Christian dichotomy between the self debasing slave morality of the Christian, juxtaposed with the entirely selfish evil bearing of the satanic elite. Real morality exists, and is a way to serve oneself and others and the same time. For a man on a more balanced spiritual path, there is both a time to heal and a time to kill. It depends on context. Serving oneself and serving others do not have to be polarized opposites, and it seems to me that usually both aims are realized best when harmonized.


Yes, this is a quite logical conclusion when viewed from through the portals of consciousness we inherit from our plant and animal antecedents. For those who are sensible to these impulses and also the view of the world seen from the heart center, the self-centered perspective begins to drop away. Whereas it may for a time feel rewarding to re-enforce one’s sense of self by compounding it with pleasure and other basic means of gratification, one may eventually find that the expansiveness of the heart offers a far more satisfying experience of self. As all areas of self are accepted and forgiven, the bounds of self expand so that one sees all others as self and one’s personal limitations begin to open up to the expanse of Divinity.

So, there you have The Choice, self-satisfaction versus spiritual openness and being.


So to inspire you I will give you some examples and tips on how you can see the difference between service to others and service to self. Perhaps you will find something in this for yourself and it will motivate you to do further research and consideration. I point out, for clarity, that I am treating service to others (STO)/service to self (STS) in the context of spiritual teachings, not in the ordinary understanding.

The division between STO and STS is rooted in the Creator’s choice as to whether to undertake expansion of the Self through the expression of Light or to absorb and contain it. STO, from our perspecitve, at the fundaments is about receiving Light from the Creator and sharing it with Others. Obtaining and sharing the Light expands the Creator’s Consciousness and allows us to realize the most basic purpose, which is for the Creator to know Himself, which He realizes through us.

Those beings including humans who aspire to STO desire the expansion of the Creator by receiving and dispersing the Creator’s light. STS desires to stop this progression by absorbing this Light and assigning all creation to themselves, pandering to internal hierarchies where these highest STS entities submiss others to themselves and disposing of the Light at their discretion ignoring the Creator.

This state of affairs puts pressure on those who wish to serve the Creator, who discover the entire spectrum of virtues and values building the individual self to a new level when the expression of Light is withhelding by STS, and this in turn allows the Creator to refine itself and learn about itself having as its own all those collective individual experiences that we are.

STO is about service in balance with others. One serves oneself and others at the same time, trying to assume the position of Creator. In other words, one serves everyone else and oneself, in a sense from the outside, that is, one serves oneself as if one were serving someone else. When one is STS, then one serves only oneself (one’s ego), or one serves someone who is higher in the STS hierarchy.

STO is a Service to Allness/Creator. STS is Service to Nothingness.

If I may make a suggestion, it’s a good idea for you to start assimilating Q’uo channeling after you finish Ra. There are a decent number of interesting passages in the Q’uo channelings where the two types of Services (STO/STS) are contrasted and discussed.

Starving your own family in order to feed others might not be wise nor compassionate. But in my opinion, that does not mean one should hoard ressources at the expense of all others except your family.

If you share some resources with poor strangers in some other land, then in a sense they also become a part of your family.


I don’t blame you for being confused. I don’t think there are very good explanations of what polarity truly is out there.

The thoughts of an entity, its feelings or emotions, and least of all its behavior are the signposts for the teaching/learning of self by self. (The Law of One Session 42)

This remark was made in regard to a seeker assessing her own blockages. If this is the guidance from Ra on how one should evaluate one’s own energy system, how much less accurate would it be for us to try to determine something as deep as polarity in another person based on behavior?

I would argue very, very strenuously that polarity is not even close to indicated sufficiently by specific behaviors. Yes, we can give examples of behavior, but they lack the crucial context of the overall vibratory complex of an individual, so atomic examples of behavior can be extremely misleading without being couched in the right framing. We might be able to say a given behavior is STS or STO, but that’s a very shallow statement and lacks the context that makes it truly polarized. It says nothing of the underlying confusions, tensions, biases, etc. in the actor. It is, in other words, reductive beyond much usefulness except in constrained thought experiments.

I don’t think you can judge another’s polarity at all. You can barely judge your own accurately. Your premise for criticizing the centrality of polarity in spiritual evolution, therefore, is confused. Polarity is not something we can just summarize and define. It’s a deep capacity of the mind/body/spirit complex to channel energy in specific ways. It is not about results of that channeling in the illusion; it’s about the intentions, and that is utterly inscrutable to all of us who aren’t telepathic.

People often treat STS and STO as if they were horoscopes or Meyers/Briggs types. There’s a real lack of education about polarity that results in a very shallow, manichean view of the concept. If one uses examples to illustrate polarity, then the fruits of those examples need to be re-grounded back in the true energetic and philosophical nature of the concept. Otherwise it’s too easy to collapse it into synonyms for good and evil, and we’ve replaced an X with a Y instead of truly providing explication.


I don’t think it’s a false dichotomy, or even a real dichotomy, I’ll explain. It is part of the plan of the Logos that third density be a choice. It is most important to note that most of this planet’s 3rd density mind-body-spirit complexes have not chosen either the service-to-self or service-to-other path, but are in that vast “sea of indifference.”
I am coming to see that each of us on the positive path should not seek to be more than 51% service-to-others. Consider that the negative path unifies with the positive path in the sixth density. Ra gave a great deal of insight into the value of both paths, indicating having a lack of appreciation for the negative path. That is very interesting to contemplate. Both self and other self are the creator, it is only a matter of practicality that at 3rd density we be just slightly more service-to-others than service to self. I wonder if at some point, the balance is more like 50/50, I’m not sure, but speculating. As we are all part of one infinite intelligence. Blessings to all here.


Another one possible perspective that, I think, can be taken is to look at STO and STS, in the context of Truth/False.

One can see that saying analogously to “False dichotomy of the positive/negative paths.” Is like saying “False dichotomy of the truth/lie division.” Is the division between true and false wrong or false?

Well no, the fact that it is trivial in its definition of the division by which we qualify information (a simple division into truth or false), does not mean that it is wrong or false.

If we read a book, we can distinguish in it what we consider true and what we consider false. Sometimes it is easy to confirm some true information, sometimes it is very difficult. Still other times we identify something as true, and then we go back to it and find that it is nonetheless false, or conversely, the false turns out to be true.

And so is the STO/STS division. That it is simplified as a general principle, so applying and discovering that is complex, as is discovering whether the information contained, for example, is true or false. The only difference is that the Truth/False division is about our attitude toward information, and the STO/STS division is about our attitude toward another consciousness, another person, another entity.

Just what else can be added to how this division is understood. Well I generally personally move on a spectrum between the two extremes. One definition of what STO/STS is, is as I wrote in a previous post in this thread. Namely, STO is an attitude that expresses that we convey the love and light of the Creator to others through ourselves; we are a portal for the expression of the Creator’s consciousness and will (STS, on the other hand, is the negation or reversal of this). This is a very deep idea that I have been developing since I became aware of it in some way. This approach has profound spiritual implications.

At the other end of the spectrum is the other extreme, which I see similarly to how I see the Truth/False division:

If the Truth/False system can take only Truth or only False as its value. So too, the STO/STS system can take only Give or only Get as its value. In a simple way, it can also be expressed as Radiant or Magnetic. However, Give/Get is even simpler.

How do I execute on my individuality Give, in this Give/Get system? Recently, my friend asked me to go shopping with him because his car was under repair. I had a choice whether to Give (STO) or Get (STS). The choice of Get would be to find an excuse to say “no” to him and do something with the available time/energy that would pursue only my interests. The choice of Give would be to accompany him on this shopping trip, be nice, share some new news, ignore his desire to return the favor, such as paying for gas finds an excuse that we are friends and it’s just camaraderie. I chose Give in this case.

And that’s how I see the choice between STO and STS in my life. From the simple choices of choosing to Give instead of to Get. To a deep search for the Creator within myself and expressing His will, light and love through myself, giving up what would be a denial of His will or stopping the love/light.

This is shifting the focus a bit, but in a good way, it seems to me.

We can learn a lot about polarity simply by trying to learn. The polarity of a car battery is measured across the terminals and it gives you a sense of whether or not it might have the oomph to turn the engine over and start the car.

Spiritual polarity determines how true to heart are one’s prayers, truly one offers love.

The spiritual polarity may be understood to be in direct proportion to the strength of the field of consciousness, that is the I AM of you. The more polarized and sacrificial the life, the stronger the field of consciousness, the greater the spiritual gravity, and the more appropriate and seemly appropriate rest shall be considered.

Q’uo, March 24, 1991

It’s true that one can never be 100% sure about the level to which self or another has dedicated their life to Divinity, but I would say that many times you can get decent sense of the strength of a person’s field of consciousness, of the quality of their spiritual gravity ( if you are sensitive to such things) and to what degree they sacrifice their personal pursuits in general for the pursuit which has most meaning for them.

It’s not just about intentions in a simple, at this moment sense, it’s about a dedicated lifestyle.

To stop at – supposedly – 51% is silly. If you have the stamina to go that far, your satisfaction will surely increase as you go further in strengthening your field of consciousness.

There may be some notion of density
related to polarization, as if in some
greater reality that eludes our perception
we’re an octave of densities, and
maybe sub octaves of densities also.
By intelligent design, some of these
densities feature polarization which is
like an analog voltage continuum. For
example zero polarity is possible which
is basically flunking the density for
dissolution into more primitive density.
The polarity thresholds to graduate
a density may vary by polarization type
and density. I think this is like a noise
level that enables facilitators to best
discern some destiny achieved and
appropriately route onward which
may or may not occur depending on
one’s life choices and activities.
If any of this seems important, it
seems possible to seek and study.
What do you want to happen?

As far as polarity goes, Ra divides people into 3 camps, not 2. Positive, Negative, and Neutral. The closest analogy we have for activation of the heart is electrical charge. It might seem simplistic, but all spectrums have exactly 2 ends and a midpoint.

It’s not about gaming the cosmic point system. It’s about how you see the creation about you. Do you constantly find the need to change and control things or do you more often love and accept things exactly as they are? Somewhere in between? To which end to you tend?

Remember that graduating “service to self” is by no means, “going to hell”. It is as much a cause for celebration for the individual as is graduating “service to others”. Also remember that polarizing positively means that 51% of your thoughts/words/deeds are in service to another self. Not 100%. 51%. Just over half. This is why the positive path is the path of harmony.

“You should care about your child’s success, and not the success of your child’s bully.”
Why not? I’d imagine that if your child’s bully experienced more love, he might just stop being your child’s bully.

A peasant who gives his last dollar to a stranger has a much more positively charged heart than a billionaire who tells his tax guy to donate millions to a charity. Imagine what it would take for you to give your only dollar to a stranger? I’m also not saying that a billionaire can’t be a positively charged individual.

None of this is related to personal achievements or success. It’s about the electrical charge of your being. Does serving others warm your heart? Or do you only serve when you know it will benefit you personally?


Simple and wise words, my friend.

I would just add, so generally to the whole discussion, especially considering those who are skeptical of the STO/STS dichotomy and/or Positive/Negative dichotomy.

Let’s look at it this way: If there is contact, or some experiences like clinical death, or in other situations, like channeling, where there is contact with those of higher Densities. It is these beings who behave and manifest their character in a style: “Oh, I don’t know who I am myself, today I am an evil being and I tempt people to be harsh to others, and tomorrow I have a day of kindness and I will share love and light with those in need.” Have you seen or heard anything like that? I haven’t.

Were and are these beings ever “insipid”? No, never. They clearly have a tendency toward who we might consider angels, for example, or they clearly have a tendency toward who we might consider demons. They are never “bland.” If anything, for example, dead people seem “bland” or some ghosts and mundane spirits. It may happen that a negative entity from higher Density takes the form of a positive entity, but it is something different. This only emphasizes its demonic and calculating nature.

So if they present a higher level of development to which we aspire, and clearly they polarize positively or negatively, how is the dichotomy of the positive/negative divide supposed to be false? It is not false at all, on the contrary. The dichotomy of positive/negative and/or STO/STS, is the absolute basis for rising higher in spiritual development.

People live as they do, bypassing the essence of polarity through lack of knowledge and lack of deeper and fuller involvement in personal development, they live in a well of neutralization. Around neutralization people create social norms, ways of being, ways of behaving, ways of spending time, and this creates one big social Matrix that has its hypnotic influence, where people, seeing other people, conform to the way of being that others represent. And those who deviate toward STO or STS are sometimes seen as weird, eccentric, “abnormal.”

Unfortunately for those who live in the well of neutralization, if they want authentic development, they need to wake up and start with their way of life already reflecting angelic or demonic nature to some extent, here and now in the third density, depending on their choice of positive or negative polarity.

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In a local area gathering, I proposed that we collect information where service to self (STS) is noted as a valued attribute. This idea came to me when Ra explained that 4th density negative would have a healthy planet and body. (I’m paraphrasing from memory).
Ra’s response surprised me because I would say the STS polarity are causing most harm to our planet. (Of course, this is a guess that allows for a broad sweeping generalization).

I think the 3rd density is about establishing equilibrium amidst the differing forces. A target of 51-49% for the polarity of my choosing, lends to balance. Moreover, I might need to have a 49% tendency to STS, in order to not get lost and miss the impending harvest.

Consider the concept of being balanced. I would not use the phrase, “to stop at” in regards to polarity, not in my way of thinking about it. I would suggest to ponder the idea that to diminish service-to-self below 49% is to become out-of-balance. I have witnessed people allowing themselves to be a ‘door mat.’ And trampled upon, simply because their polarity was so out-of-balance. Given that self deserves love, respect, and boundaries, as much as other selves do, it is unwise to become overly polarized toward other selves. I suggest- The finding of balance between love and wisdom, as is done in 6th density, can be begun at any point in the evolution of the mind/body/spirit complex, beginning in the third density.
I would not equate “dedication to divinity” with service-to-others polarity, or with the strength of the field of consciousness. These are three separate topics. There are inter-relations between the topics, but I suggest considering that they are not congruent. Hope that clarifies my input on this thread a bit for you.

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I agree that a highly STS polarized group are responsible for most harm to humanity and the planet. These consider themselves “elite” and above the masses.
Many authors I have encountered have written that a negative path extraterrestrial presence (mainly below ground) is guiding this elite. This seems to correspond with the information Ra gave us. The STS polarity at this level, relies on deception.
I did a deep dive into climate science 9 years ago. After countless hours of research and analyzing data and peer-reviewed papers, I came to the conclusion (with certitude) that CO2 is not “the knob” of global temperature, that it’s about the sun and orbital cycles etc… I realized that this whole climate crisis narrative was an attempt by these “elite” to enslave humanity of its own free will.
STS elite rely on deception to enslave others. On the other hand, being 49% STS in polarity is compatible with impeccability. It is compatible with some sacrifice of the self for the benefit of others, but not to the extent that self is diminished as less than other selves.

When Confederation voices speak of balance, they are not discussing balancing selfishness verses selflessness, they are talking about the extent to which a person is driven by unconscious emotional subroutines involving shame, anger, fear and so forth, things which drain off one’s spiritual energies. The balancing involves becoming more conscious of one’s reaction to things so that one can grow out of being reflexively hateful or angry, etc. and learn to choose to be loving more of the time.

As far as balancing being open with being a door mat, this would be a good example of how a person might explore inwardly to identify the specific emotions which may come up in the door mat scenario (perhaps unworthiness, shame, fear). After identifying them, one can then learn to love them and grow from what they have to teach and so become more whole as one learns to love self more fully. I’ve never seen in Confederation teachings a single instance of a recommendation to adopt selfishness as a way of balancing naivete or anything else. The way of the positive path involves acceptance and love, not self centeredness.

Yes, the negative path does mirror this phenomenon in its own way. The association I see here is that the positive path is dedicated to the free flow of the power of Divinity where self becomes the agent of Self, whereas those of the negative persuasion would have it flow under the guidance and control the personality self. And with increased ability to do this – one way or another – does come a reification of one’s field of consciousness. That is, the clarification and increased coherence of conscious awareness conduces to greater ability to use the flow of power and thus shape one’s internal and external experience of Self and self.

That’s my view of it.

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I think there’s Egyptian renditions
of Thoth symbolized as an Ibis who
weighs the souls of the dead.

The weight may not be in percentage
pounds, kilograms, or stones.
The weight may be STO on one side
and STS on the other to find some
balance point. I agree there’s some
middle muddle that seems imbalanced
and it may be to get around measurement
noise when the STS starts factoring.
A take-away may be that STS agenda
can cause polarity noise unless it is
extreme and obvious.

If it tips slightly more STO than STS
that’s a go. If it tips obviously STS
that’s a go. If it is an imbalanced
muddle in between, that’s a no-go.

I think this same Thoth character is
attributed to Doreal’s Emerald Tablets,
which may in part be a document
related to harvest and the movement
from wherever else to here as related.

A useful quote here from Raw that might help (along with a few sentences and some exercises that all help me every time I re-read them) I think it’s always important to share as we never know who else our own thoughts are meant for.

" …It is not the object or the purpose of spiritual seeking to ascertain understanding or to become an entity who knows the answers. Rather, spiritual seeking is a process which deepens one’s appreciation of the continuing and overwhelming mystery of the one infinite Creator. It is a process which deepens one’s ability to enjoy, not merely tolerate, the many paradoxes one finds within spiritual seeking. "

  • You are every thing, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light, light/love. You are one.
  • You are not part of a material universe. You are part of a thought. You are dancing in a ballroom in which there is no material. You are dancing thoughts.
  • To learn is the same as to teach unless you are not teaching what you are learning, in which case you have done you/they little or no good. To teach/learn is the Law of One in one of its most elementary distortions.
  • Meditate upon the complete unity of yourself and all that you see. Do this not once, and not simply in present circumstances, but at all times, and especially in difficult circumstances. For insofar as you love and feel at one with those things which are difficult for you, to that extent will those circumstances be alleviated. This is not due to any laws within our physical illusion, but is due to the Law of Love, for that body which is of spirit, which is interpenetrated with the physical body, is higher than your physical body, and those changes which you make by love upon your spiritual body will, of necessity, reflect themselves within the physical illusion. Even if the universe for those around you remains disharmonious and difficult, if your mind is stayed upon the unity of the Creator, your own universe will become harmonious, and this is not by your doing but by the simple love of the Creator.

Exercise One. This is the most nearly centered and usable within your illusion complex. The moment contains love. That is the lesson/goal of this illusion or density. The exercise is to consciously seek that love in awareness and understanding distortions. The first attempt is the cornerstone. Upon this choosing rests the remainder of the life-experience of an entity. The second seeking of love within the moment begins the addition. The third seeking powers the second, the fourth powering or doubling the third. As with the previous type of empowerment, there will be some loss of power due to flaws within the seeking in the distortion of insincerity. However, the conscious statement of self to self of the desire to seek love is so central an act of will that, as before, the loss of power due to this friction is inconsequential.

Exercise Two. The universe is one being. When a mind/body/spirit complex views another mind/body/spirit complex, see the Creator. This is an helpful exercise.

Exercise Three. Gaze within a mirror. See the Creator.

Exercise Four. Gaze at the creation which lies about the mind/body/spirit complex of each entity. See the Creator.

The foundation or prerequisite of these exercises is a predilection towards what may be called meditation, contemplation, or prayer. With this attitude, these exercises can be processed. Without it, the data will not sink down into the roots of the tree of mind, thus enabling and ennobling the body and touching the spirit.

Know yourself, love yourself, become the creator.

When you try to understand the unity of everything you better understand that helping and loving others, is just the same as helping and loving yourself.
The universe will give you back what you give because you are the universe.
Your existence is a reflection of your higher consciousness.
A vibratory simulation as described by many ancient religions and new age scientists.
A ‘game’ designed by yourself in which to better know yourself.

Jesus did not say treat others as you wish to be treated because he thought it would be nice. He said it because he knew that how you treat other selves is exactly how you are treating yourself.

Unselfish love is the key.

For love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy or boast… I’m sure many Christian’s will know the rest of that sermon.

Know thyself and love/forgive thyself and it will suddenly become much easier to know, love and forgive others also. Many of us have lost our connection to that original thought but if we all simply try to remember, as we go about our daily activities, that we are all a small part of that eternal consciousness, we will find it easier to feel the love in our hearts in every moment. We are all one. When you look at others you must see them as part of the creator and love them as so. But when you look in the mirror you must see yourself as the creator also and love yourself just the same.

We are eternal thoughts… learning, growing, evolving and gaining more light, love and wisdom along the way.

Have faith, never fear or judge and surrender to the truth that all is unity and we will all go on forever. Together. As one.

Thanks for reading. I’m sending much love and light your way🙏


Doreal’s Emerald Tablet Key to Wisdom,
seems immensely beautiful. You might
find a Choice in Paradox, a very special
Law, a balance of Love, an Enneagram
to archetype cross reference, and more.
I consider Ra might be a reference to
the Lords of Seven. The symbol Seven
as representing a scythe associated to
harvest, bringing formless to form and
vice versus. What is the Key? It may
relate to embracing a desire to seek,
and by the experience of seeking, some
possibility of evolving to a perspective
where wisdom becomes divinely

I would agree that the confederation material addresses balance in the ways you mention. However, I would suggest further consideration that balance very much applies to STO/STS – This is the balance of polarity.
Consider the “how” in 6th density as the 2 paths merge. A mind/body/spirit complex (or a social memory complex) may be dedicated to divinity through the negative path. As self is no less the creator than other selves. Consider 18.13 where in Ra states:
“All serve the One Creator. There is nothing else to serve, for the Creator is all that there is. It is impossible not to serve the Creator. There are simply various distortions of this service.”
Ra mentioned in 89.26 the following statement.
“Our harvest was overwhelmingly positive and our appreciation of those which were negative was relatively uninformed.”
In my opinion there is great depth in this admission of Ra’s under-appreciation, depth that will explain how balance includes, not just the energy centers, the personality, etc. - but also includes polarity.
I am in general agreement with your comment that

To expound on this, I would consider power. How is power used similarly in both paths.
I would suggest that “dedication to divinity” is more about the use of the power of will. This may be done on either the STS or STO path. Dedication is the ability to use the will.
I am highly critical of the STS path, seeing how it is the root of disharmony on our planet. Yet, I must consider that it deserves “appreciation.”
I believe that understanding/encompassing the STS path/polarity is key to advancing to 7th density.

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I won’t suppose I can learn much about 7D while living in 3D, but I believe some general principles apply. For example, Ra indicates that we no longer need (meaning: can learn from) third density catalyst when we turn to each catalytic experience with an open hearted welcome, asking how we can help. Experiencing the psychology and experiencing the horrors of the negative path are included in this, but not necessarily while living in 3D. We’ve not reached the concluding end of the road until we have done this, perhaps only internally or perhaps by acting it out, and then loved it and accepted it to the point where we fully include it within our self. When Confederation beings speak about “becoming the Creator,” this is one of the things they are referring to. One aspect of becoming the Creator is becoming entirely harmonious with all there is. Or at least, that’s what they say.