Is Awakening Like This? Or what is this?

I have been “seeking”, searching, and finding since about 1995…more notably since 2012. I’ve wandered around trying to find my “purpose”, attempting to become enlightened, done all manner of spiritual practices, research spirituality in general, shadow work till my face turns blue…meditating regularly…yoga…blah, blah, blah.

The past year has been extreme. Many emotions. So much looking into the mirror, facing the darkness, the ego, integrating things, letting go of things.

And during the last few weeks, especially since I started posting on this forum again, I am finding myself in the DEEP unknown.

It feels like arriving back in childhood again where I am asking some of the most basic questions that I feel like I “should” have known decades ago, but somehow either lost the answer to or I never really knew in the first place.

I feel like I know NOTHING anymore.

I used to have a sense that I had some kind of grasp on spiritual matters, I understood what people were talking about…I at least vaguely had a sense of where I was headed, spiritually speaking. I thought I knew what was coming next…

You know, STEP ONE: realize you’ve been sleeping. STEP TWO: start waking up to small things about the world you live in. STEP THREE: start waking up to your own programming and the ego’s tactics…STEP WHATEVER: become enlightened, fully conscious, fully awake, whatever. Obviously, there are no steps, but I’m sure you get my drift.

I feel like I’m back at Step One. Again.

As if the last 3 or so decades I was only in partial “awakeness”, even though it might be called super awake to most of the world (and no, I’m not talking about the politically correct “wokeness”).

But now…now I look back at the last nearly 30 years, seeing something that I’m not even quite sure I know what I’m seeing. Have I been deluding myself this entire time, thinking that I knew something that I actually didn’t know?

Does anyone even know what I’m talking about?

This strange unknown that I am in right now feels very uncomfortable…sometimes I have the thought that something is asking me if I really need to “seek” anymore. Do you know what I mean? And that is scary! because if I am not seeking, WHAT am I doing?! If I do not have a goal to reach or something to accomplish, what am I doing?!

Giving up seeking feels like everything I’ve done in the last 30 years has been for nothing. Like I was just an actor playing on a stage with dim lights…

Now the lights have been turned up and I realize there is no one on the stage. I have been watching a figment of my imagination as it danced around wearing different costumes after each scene change.

Spiritual terms have kind of lost their meaning…especially since everyone has a different perspective on what these terms mean. Reaching enlightenment, or having a kundalini experience, or becoming fully conscious, or ascension…all of these things are words that I feel like i used to understand, somehow grasp…and now I don’t.

My mind seems more clear…I think…but also empty.

I know absolutely nothing.


What is this? It is quite disconcerting. I was hoping that maybe someone has been through something similar on this awakening journey…or whatever this is and could help me put my mind at ease.


Two words: Overthinking & Faith.

The first I think you know pretty well.

The second is the inner feeling of the Creator’s presence in a circumstance where you outwardly feel a million miles away from that. Faith is the excavated knowing that what you’re experiencing is exactly what your spirit hoped you would experience in this incarnation. It’s, more or less, perfect. Just experience it. It will pass. Other things will occur.

Why squeeze your self into your head right now? (Don’t you find that unnecessarily painful?) Why not allow your being to enjoy the expansion. Go for a walk or something. Stop squeezing yourself into a juvenile preconception of what you suppose you should be and just breathe in and out what is.

Why not?

[You continue to ask good questions, btw.]


I feel it. It started happening in my 30s. It saved my life. Before then, there was only a critical voice inside my head.

The thing is, and speaking for myself here, those who had a critical parent in childhood develop no way to sooth themselves. Instead, we continue the self-condemnation and there is no off switch.

What I discovered was the ability to “let go and let God” (at least some of the time :slight_smile: ).

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This may or may not work for you, but some time when you’re in the mood, you might ask that voice what it really needs. What drives it to be incessant and invasive and so unhappy?

You might find that it is desperately seeking love. If you’re able to do such things, you might be able to then hand it off to and angel who can bring it to a place where it can be loved and find love.

If that doesn’t work out, simply offering it you own most sincere love might have a beneficial effect.

Who knows? The price is right.


Thank you but I’ve got that covered. I was giving what worked for me. And indeed you are correct.

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What’s an “angel”? What’s an archon? Are they one and the same? Those beings might have rather mechanistic values and not understand what love really is in the same way that wanderers do, having the balls to actually be here in 3d.

I’d rather take the second option of offering love on my own terms. Real love…it doesn’t ask a price. That goes both ways. That’s expected of us here in 3d, but also, when “higher” beings expect us to pay a price for love, they aren’t really giving us love, and in such situations, they should be called out and held accountable. For their disciplinarianism. For their authoritarianism. For their abject FAILURE to love.

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I have had several awakening [or at least awakening like] experiences: the whole connection to the infinite divine, totally dissolution of ego, and the experience of a love so intense that human words simply fail to convey even the smallest fraction of the experience. I’ve had several such experiences using psilocybin in the past but this last one was during a lengthy meditation. And it was indescribable orders of magnitude more intense than any of my psilocybin experiences, which themselves were orders of magnitude more intense than normal sober waking reality. I was basically tripping balls for an entire week after the peak experience; I was effectively in a manic state that thankfully I had the resources to deal with; if this experience happened to me 20 years ago I would have likely ended up institutionalized.
When it finally ended and I was back to feeling fully “normal” my first real thought was, ok so now what. Sure I’m god, you’re god, we’re all god. Now what? I probably spent the next 6 months in deep study, reading and listening to as much spiritual stuff as I could, which while interesting and extremely educational still didn’t do squat to help answer “now what”.
I’ve finally started to come up with some idea of “now what” for myself. I don’t pretend that my answer is or even should be applicable for anyone else. While we can share ideas and concepts with each other I think ultimately it’s up to us to find our own unique answer to “now what”. All I’ll say is service to others has been without a doubt the best avenue towards finding my “now what”. Best of luck and love to you all.

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Thank you for sharing your experiences.

As far as I recall, I have not had any mystical experiences that have brought me face to face with the reality of LOVE as you describe. I have had unprompted “moments” where my realization of Oneness turned into a feeling of deep love for myself and everything and everyone…but they have been fleeting.

In general, my internal life has been fairly devoid of the feelings of Love and Joy…which bothers me. I know it is within…I know that I am the I AM…I know I am not separate from the Love and Joy that is a natural state when all the veils are removed…but the feeling of it, the experiencing of it is not there for me on a regular basis.

And actually, I have a feeling of “blankness” or “blah-ness” most of the time. I’m not happy, but I’m not depressed either. I’m just alive. I’m just here. Nothing drives me…except this obsession with finding something, seeking something…truth, reality, consciousness, wisdom…all of it.

I don’t like the way I feel and I KNOW that its not the pure state.

I want out of it.

Everyone who talks about experiencing love and joy, I feel very envious of. I want to live in that. I want to give that.

There are many ways that I serve others, and while I do feel some kind of satisfaction here, I don’t feel it’s pure. Pure love, that is. It’s clouded (as I mentioned in a previous topic) by a bit of ego. And I think it is this way because I haven’t REALLY, TRULY accessed this state of Love and knowing of myself, abiding in that love. Living it in an experiential way.

I have no idea how to even access this feeling, or knowing of love as it has only happened to me by accident in brief moments.

The past few years for me have been much of what you have stated in this thread. For me it’s a constant WTF NOW! The feelings of numbness, indifference, disinterest, and lack of desire is weird for me. And I feel them often. Like you, I am a seeker. I can spend days, weeks on end going down wormholes that end in rabbit holes. Hours are minutes, days are hours. The amount of information I have sought, found and digested…I can’t begin to quantify. Am I happier? No. I have talked to psychiatrists and they easily recommend/diagnose me with depression but I am not depressed. I’m a seeker of the wisdom of truth. That truth weighs heavily sometimes and sometimes it’s too much to discern. There’s so much energy behind what we find, in books, ancient texts, etc. that we don’t take into mindful consideration of tidal waves of energy that come with all that we find, study, and practic. we just move on to the next, and the next, and all of a sudden we’re in this riptide of feelings, emotions, and mental chaos. When it eventually subsides we’re left feeling stranded on a deserted island. We’re so burned out we can’t muster the thought of summoning source, prayer, and meditation…ha! I have fried myself so many times and so hard that even willing the menial focus required to meditate feels like trying to climb Everest.

In regards to doing. I used to be ambitious. I had a very successful business, on paper and in the physical (in terms of owning lots of things) one could easily see I was playing and winning the modern western game of life. Then it was gone. In a blink of an eye. Now, several years later, I have nothing to show. no pretty valuables, no financial wealth, no exciting stories of how I did this to get to that. I only have years of seeking. Years of slamming into things, fumbling around, knocking things over and breaking them while exploring the darkness that is this human condition, trying to find this ever evading consciousness. The god in us all, that glimmering light, that sudden warmth, tender, joy that came from a single thought…what was that thought so I can feel it again, shi-ooot I can’t remember. Frick…It’s gone. We look for it in books, texts, summon in meditations, chants, and prayers, but it’s elusive and difficult to replicate. Yes I have had mystical experiences, mostly in meditation, sometimes spontaneously while in thought, but never have I reached enlightenment, I don’t think and I also don’t think that’s the goal anymore. I think it’s about going into and operating in the physical day to day mundane and often cruel world. Stepping into the game and walking in your own highest truth you can in the moment.
You go to dinner with friends and everyone has a story to tell. Everyone is going through something. Kids, spouses, work, politics, injustices, problems, are always the topics for a lot of us. yet you say very little or barely touch on anything about yourself. No one truly knows what you’ve been up to, it’s a secret between you and spirit/god/conciousness. Let’s be honest, They couldn’t understand because there are no words. You will only come out sounding like you’ve started or joined a religion/cult. Dinner is over, and everyone is several drinks in including yourself. Unknowingly to you, the conversation has changed and you’re the one talking. You’ve offered someone a different perspective. A slightly more positive way of seeing a problem that could potentially create a better outcome for everyone involved. One rooted in the truth and wisdom you acquired through the path of seeking. but you gave it in an objective non spiritual manner. others chime in, and you maintain rooted in that truth. You give more, and more, in bite sized words of wisdom. Sometimes feeling like you’re teetering on the edge of unmasking your self but you don’t. you read between their faces and their tones but yours is steady, firm, and joyful, but delivered in the highest and best way for all. The night ends. You’re slightly intoxicated as is everyone else but you’re content, you feel light and like your cup is fuller than when you arrived. Some thank you for giving them a new perspective. Others hug you so tight, they say nice things but it’s gibberish because you feel it in their soul. The gratitude. You connected with them, barely friends mostly strangers. it makes you wanna tear up. You go home and you feel it. You just did some magic. Something kind, honest, and fulfilling. You spread the love and the light of your truest self in that moment and that is not nothing. It’s everything. To me, it’s a new found purpose. A game with spirit. It’s the “this is WTF I do now” or whenever it feels appropriate to do. It’s not becoming a guru that ascends into the clouds or takes the stage, or the one who gives the ultimate course in ascending to higher realms, or manifesting their dream this or that, or the one that starts a non profit to ______” it’s just about sharing your truth. In ways “digestible to each individual or people” all without giving yourself up as a spiritual seeker. We (the seekers) are not anything more, special, better than anyone place or thing on this planet. We are attuned to take in certain information more efficiently than most (with the knowing that anyone can seek and find god/spirit) yet our ship either arrived here with the needed antennae or we have slowly built up or own masts overtime, I believe we are the transponders, decoders, translators, synthesizers of that information and automatically cast this LL frequency out in our own normal state. but when we decide to use our intent, to outwardly focus and project this information, it becomes something higher than us.

This is just my current understanding, in the best way I know how to say it. I am sure this process, and understanding, and I, will change over time. But right now, it’s a truth that has helped me personally deal with what feels like I don’t do enough, Feelings of apathy, sadness, loneliness or feeling Like I need to and or can change the world if only I had_____. really, I know I am more than I can physically see, do or say always and forever.

Lastly, REST. Take time off or take walks in nature. A full nights rest and a walk in the trees is something so unbelievably underrated. Especially when trying to digest spiritual knowledge. I can be totally gutted, defeated, and confused, then get a good nights rest (which let’s be honest to a lot of seekers that in-itself is its own topic of contention) wake up feeling renewed then force myself to drive/walk to the nearest park where I can just sit with the trees, and the rocks and birds and just listen to that wonderful symphony of that is god masquerading as nature, that is all I need to recharge my batteries.
I probably don’t have to say it but know that if you’ve read this far, since you began reading this, an ultra hyper bright beam of love light and joy has been focused on you and all, because I said so…I love you. L & L my friend(s).


Thank you for teach/learn. I have never had such an experience. You are correct that each entity is a unique “snowflake” and has their own path.
Love and Light

The Confederation voices use the term in two ways that I’ve noticed. The first is in a general category of “angelic presences,” and they consider themselves in this category of spirit helpers on “the other side” who delight in assisting seekers in their journey–as best they can, given the constraints of the situation. Q’uo and others, for example, often say that if you call them in to your meditation, they will gladly lend their presence to assist in the activity.

The second is a specific class of beings in line with nature spirits whose path of evolution does not necessarily involve incarnation. They also wait patiently for humans to turn their attention to things of the spirit and happily assist as they are able.

The resources are there for us, but making use of them requires some development of will and of faith. Otherwise, they may seem out of reach.

Daniels…I read through your post and KNOW you know. This feels good, to know that someone knows that they don’t know but something is happening…

Absolute WTF?! Constant.
Super weird for me too. I never used to feel this way. It has increased exponentially in the last few years to a point, which you mentioned, where I know that if I went to the clinic, I would be diagnosed with depression as well. But I’m not. Most of the time I have zero interest in “doing” anything at all…when I used to be “ON IT” all the time. Getting my to-do list done, going towards my business goals, my creative goals…I was super into routine and schedules and having everything in order. All of that has collapsed.

Many days, after I have taken care of “life” or when I am done working, all I can do is sit and stare into space, not feeling a single thing. I am at peace inside for sure, but it’s strange peace. It’s like, if a mob ran into my house, grabbed all my stuff, took all my money and shot me, it would all be fine. Not happy fine, just fine. Like a shrug fine.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Infinite yes.
I get so overwhelmed by my hunger for wisdom and truth and understanding. I’ve tried to stop. MANY times. With such resolve I swear I might sweat blood like Jesus did…but days or weeks later, I’m at it again…even though I didn’t intend to and don’t realize what has happened until I’m fried AGAIN, as you put it.

Well put.
I am ALWAYS feeling like there is something I am forgetting…I NEED to remember it. It’s such a frustrating desire to have and nothing satisfies it. Sometimes I am in that state between sleep and wake and I REMEMBER!!! It’s more of a knowing and a feeling rather than some actual information that I’ve gained. I get so excited about the remembrance that the energy of my excitement wakes me up and I can feel my mind struggling to retain what I remembered and by the time I’ve fully woken up, it’s gone. Every time this happens I let out an internal wail of dread into the abyss. It’s so rough.

I have difficulty explaining to my own journal what is going on, what I am doing, what I am feeling let alone trying to explain it to anyone. Even my spiritually-minded friends, will kind of pat me on the back or give me a hug or say some kind words, but essentially shrug it off with their eyes glazed over because I just can’t say what I want to say…nothing comes out sounding right. All the words and sentences cannot begin to describe anything.

Yes and more yes.
For me, the mental/emotional issues arise when I am done “serving” in a particular way and I am feeling that wonderful sense of purpose in what I am doing, thinking that this is what I will always do. This thing that I just did today to serve someone, I found purpose in this and now I will make a “plan” to do this more because I know how to…it turns into kind of a “business plan” even though it’s not about business, it feels that way in my mind. I start trying to figure out ways to do more of this thing I am doing so I can squeeze out more of this “purpose juice” that I like so much so I can feel it again and again…

And if I continue down this goal-oriented way of serving, it loses its joy, its love, its true service and I’m left feeling empty.

I think I have begun to realize that I am not meant for a “plan” or specific purpose in the way most people see it. Like, I’m not going to do just one or two things for the rest of my life and be “successful” in the eyes of the world. It appears to me as if my gifts are best expressed, the most well received when they are spontaneous, unplanned, go-with-the-flow type of deal. Which is so outside of my comfort zone. So outside of what I thought I would be doing.

I try here sooo hard! Rest is heavily associated with guilt for me…especially when my to-do list is sitting there…Especially when I have just stumbled onto something else to study or look into!

Also, even if I do get a full night’s sleep (I get ready for bed around 9:00 every time, usually asleep by 10, wake at 6:00 on school/work days) It’s never enough. I don’t think I have ever woken up from sleep feeling well-rested. Not in my whole life. I am perpetually tired, I am exhausted easily, and get overwhelmed easily by external stimuli.

Sometimes i wonder if it’s my mind sucking my energy…because it never stops…or childhood illness…bodily distortions…I don’t know. I am scared to test out how many days/nights it would take to really feel like I’ve recovered or rested.

Thanks, and same to you!

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Meditate… Serve… Love.

If you are unhappy or overthinking any aspects of your life, you are not doing one or all of these things anywhere near enough.

I can’t say much more than others have said so eloquently but yes, I am feeling a deep sense of unknowing at the moment as well. I think im somewhere between your Step 3 and Step Whatever, still seeing ego patterns surface and observing, trying not to react, or at least to judge after the reaction.

At this time im really coming to grips with the fact that i have no true grasp of historical truth. I went down this hole recently about Antarctica and operation high jump, etc. I think the large majority of people on earth have absolutely no clue about what has gone on down there. There are so many questions that come up afterwards also. We live in a carefully curated bubble, a Truman show indeed. Definitely not what the history books say.

Ra helped dispell quite a few myths, but even after hearing Ra’s version of history that just becomes another potential. Other channeled beings seem to have similar takes but the true nature of reality seems to lack complete consistency. There’s a fellow traveller called Kab from the “Family of Taygeta” on Twitter/X that seems to say that Pleiadians are telling his people that there is a shift coming and that we’re all going to be in 5d soon (assuming we’re all harvestable), which goes against the notion of 4D progression (unless Wanderer is from 5d and chooses to go back directly?). I personally think harvest to 4D makes sense logically, but there is a competing narrative now. I don’t know anything for sure.

The only thing I really know is the silence. This is the only constant from all of my spiritual practice. The silence. It is possible to silence the mind and just BE. And that has made my life better in many ways. This is the only thing that I think I could teach someone from personal knowledge. No enlightenment strategies, Astral projection, nothing fancy, just try and silence the mind. Once you do that you can understand the mind and it’s patterns. Then you can use this very keen tool with free will and intention and who knows where it leads :).

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What an interesting thread, while I am sorry this is so uncomfortable…

I know that one time things became really uncomfortable, so much so that I felt I had lotst whatever sense I had before ( which was not thet much). One mooring I decided to go out and have a cup of coffee somewhere, just for myself, with gratitude towards an unknown for that small reprieve.

So I just did that. I just sat in the sun with a paper cup of coffee, and just started to express gratitude. Then I felt, really felt gratitude for jsut that cup of coffee and sun. Such a mundane thing. But it was the beginning of recovery.

I don 't know if this will help.


I liked that.

Here I was feeling upset about something, and you reminded me to be grateful. Thank you.

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Wow I’m going through the same thing. You are not alone. I’m a seeker and I’m getting disenchanted for some reason. Maybe I need to take a break because I am going through some trauma. I’m young and I just buried my last family member. I’m lost and I’m empty. I used to get that euphoric feeling when I would have residence to a particular spiritual modality that I was involved in. I lost the urge

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I lost mine a few years back. I know it is brutal. I also have a profound sense of alienation, as I realise that the culture I grew up in has also died.

I found I was reaching out for things, and the other world found me.

I need it to be real in the sense that I need something worthwhile to believe in. But at the same time, I know that “need” does not make truth. The shocking thing for me more recently is the realisation that it is actually real – if that makes any sense.

Best wishes


Yes, yes, yes! This was beautiful and so resonant. Thank you

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Thank you flofrog.
It was a good reminder to stay in that space of gratitude…that seems to calm things down no matter what is going on.

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