Is Awakening Like This? Or what is this?

Loved this thanks for sharing. I do the same. Quo often mentions being a ‘secret agent of love’ and that’s how I try to be every day. Where and how can I secretly share love today without others even knowing I’m doing it? It becomes a game and I love playing it :slight_smile:


A new way I also look at suffering now is as if we are all rough cut spiritual diamonds.

Every moment of suffering is like we are being chipped away at. Some chunks that break off are big and some are smaller. Some of the hits are harder and some not so bad. We also have the moments of joy along the way when we are being polished and cared for with love. But whether we are being polished or chipped away at, either way, we are becoming closer to the perfected, crystalline diamond beings of light we truly are.

I can see the love even in the moments of despair… and it’s beautiful.

All is well, all is beautiful, all is one.